The causes of the formation of sand in the kidney and treatment at home

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Sand in the kidneys is in itself a manifestation of urolithiasis in the early stages. Sand - the primary form of future stones. How does he get into the kidneys?

Kidneys are one of the blood-filtering organs. If the chemical composition of the blood is disturbed, some salts fall into it, eventually it is eliminated and falls into the kidneys. Sand has the property to accumulate, lead to inflammatory processes, to form in stones.

Article content:
  • Causes of sand formation
  • Characteristic symptoms of
  • General recommendations
  • How to treat folk remedies?
  • What is not recommended?
  • Prevention measures

Causes of sand formation

There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of sand:

  • improper power supply .Eating large amounts of salt will violate the water-salt balance. This can lead to disastrous consequences. The same can be said about the use of harmful food with chemistry. The fact is that after ingestion, food is digested and disintegrated during this process. But some chemical components do not disintegrate and simply poison the body from the inside, lead to serious disturbances;
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  • metabolic disorder .This is possible because of genetic indicators, as well as due to changes in the hormonal background;
  • thyroid disease .If it does not work well, the hormonal background changes dramatically, and the organs simply do not have time to work;
  • is a deficiency or an excess of calcium can lead to the appearance of sand in the kidneys. You should be careful with these drugs. Doctors say that many are not too serious about taking calcium-based drugs and are trying to strengthen the bones with pills at their discretion;
  • alcohol abuse .Any alcohol, one way or another, poisons the body and leads to a concentration of toxins. The fact that the components of alcohol break up into particles, but alcohol is not capable of this, so it harms the body.

As you can see, the etiology of sand in the kidneys can be varied. The main thing is to identify the problem in time and contact the urologist for help. What symptoms can indicate kidney disorders?

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Characteristic symptoms of

The body is so arranged that it indicates that something is wrong and gives alarm signals. Well-being will always let you know about kidney problems. A few common symptoms:

  • pain. There may be pain when you urinate. This is due to the fact that sand irritates the mucous membrane during passage of the urinary tract during urination. A back can also hurt in the kidney area. Usually, sand accumulates in only one kidney, but pain can be given in the groin, lower back. There may be burning;
  • dark urine color is always a cause for concern. Whatever the individual organism was, but still the urine of a healthy person is fairly light and almost transparent. The presence of cloudy precipitation, pieces of blood and incomprehensible mucus is also an excuse to immediately consult a doctor;
  • in some cases, in the presence of sand in the kidneys, there is an rise in temperature .But, as a rule, it is insignificant, up to 37,5-37,7.

General recommendations

First of all, you should consult a urologist if there are any symptoms of the presence of sand in the kidneys or other complaints. The doctor should prescribe a checkup. This is an analysis of urine, as well as ultrasound. Further, doctors will act on the basis of the results of these studies.

The treating physician prescribes medical treatment to immediately prevent the formation of salts in the stones - this is important. Otherwise, the matter can reach operative intervention.

It should be discussed immediately with a doctor diet, which should be adhered to. In case of problems with the kidneys, a diet is necessary. Loading kidneys with heavy food will lead to aggravation of problems.

How to treat folk remedies?

It will not be superfluous to support drug treatment with folk remedies, in order to increase the body's defenses and fight the problem more actively.

  • Carrots. Carrot seeds help to clean the kidneys in a short period of time. It should be 4-5 tablespoons of seeds pour a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 6-7 hours and take 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.
  • Parsley. The roots and leaves of parsley should be taken in equal amounts and chopped. Pour boiling water and let it brew. Drink infusion of 200 ml before meals. You can drink in small sips.
  • Rosehip. Rosehip roots have amazing properties and help even when fighting with stones. They must be finely chopped. Then 10 tablespoons pour a liter of water and boil for 20 minutes. Leave to infuse for several hours, and then drain. Drink the broth 100 ml 3 times a day. The course lasts 10 days.
  • Birch juice. In spring, birch sap is the best healer for the kidneys. It perfectly cleanses, acts lightly, as a diuretic. It improves the body as a whole. You need to drink it as much as possible, preferably half an hour before a meal.
  • Vegetable juices. It will be useful every day to drink vegetable juices from beets, carrots, cucumbers. In equal parts, mix the juice of these fruits and drink one drink.

What is not recommended?

If the kidneys have sand, do not recommend eating fried and fatty. You can not drink alcohol. Do not overheat the kidneys during the inflammatory process. This means to exclude lying on a hot stove or warming up with a warmer. Individual points, which can not be done, should be listed by the attending physician.

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Prevention measures

To avoid the appearance of sand in the kidneys, it is worth more walking, eating properly, leading a healthy lifestyle. These simple recommendations will help to improve the body as a whole, and then the kidneys will be safe.

It is desirable to cleanse every spring and summer period with birch sap and other vitamin freshes.

See a video on how to remove sand from the kidneys with folk remedies: