Heart defects congenital and acquired: symptoms and treatment

Heart disease is congenital ( in newborns) and acquired by in a child or adult. What is this cardiac defect?

The fact is that any organ of our body is created for rational work in the system to which it is intended. And the heart belongs to the circulatory system. It is the engine of blood. Filling and contracting, the heart "pushes" the blood further - into large and small vessels.

If the normal structure of the heart, its large vessels is disturbed before the birth of a child, or after its birth in children and adults as a complication of the disease, then they speak of heart disease.

Heart disease is a deviation from the norm that interferes with the full flow of blood, the gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is disturbed.


Congenital and acquired heart defects

In the ICD 10, the code is assigned to congenital heart defects - Q20-Q26.For acquired heart defects - I34-I37, I0.5-I08, Q22-Q23.

Congenital heart diseases: symptoms and treatment

Congenital heart defects most often develop due to anomalies in the structure of the vessels that fit to the heart, or when the heart walls are irregularly formed during embryonic development.

All congenital defects of heart can be divided into two main groups:

  1. Malformations accompanied by insufficiency in the small circulation.
  2. Malformations accompanied by blood overflow of the small circle of blood circulation.

Heart defects are the most common birth defects.

The most common developmental anomalies are:

  1. pulmonary artery stenosis;
  2. atrial septal defect;
  3. defect of interventricular septum;
  4. open the bottles of the duct;
  5. triad and tetrad tetralogy and some others.

Let us dwell on the most common of them.

Pulmonary artery stenosis

Stenosis of the pulmonary artery mouth leads to insufficient intake of blood into the lungs, as a result of which gas exchange in them is severely disrupted and this causes all clinical manifestations of the disease.

Skin covers for patients with pulmonary artery stenosis are usually cyanotic, especially nail finger phalanges, which in time become "drumsticks."

With physical activity this blueness increases.

Patients constantly complain of severe shortness of breath, their heart is enlarged at the expense of the right ventricle, the heart beat is strengthened.

The course and prognosis for this disease have always been severe. Patients lagged behind in growth, mental and physical development, easily contracted infectious diseases( especially tuberculosis).

Treatment only operative. In the operation, the fused valve flaps are dissected, allowing further free passage of blood through the mouth of the pulmonary artery.

Atrial septal defect

In this pathology, the aperture between the atria does not close. Part of the blood enters it from the right atrium to the left, bypassing the pulmonary circulation. If the defect is very large, then the blueness of the skin can be observed, since part of the blood that does not pass through a small circle is not saturated with oxygen.

If the defect of the atrial septum is combined with a congenital narrowing of the mitral orifice( which occurs quite often), then the patients have an increase in the heart, pale skin, gradually grows a "heart hump."

Treatment only operative.

Defect of the interventricular septum

This defect is usually located at the bottom of the ventricles. Since the pressure in the left ventricle is much greater than in the right ventricle, during the contraction of the heart( systole) part of the blood from the left ventricle passes into the right, which leads to its constant overflow and hypertrophy( increase).

With time, the left ventricle also increases. As a result, the whole heart( more to the right) increases greatly, acquiring a spherical shape.

The course of the disease is usually benign.

Treatment - operative.

Open Botalla Flow

In the prenatal period, the fetal blood from the pulmonary artery is not directed to the lungs( since they do not function), and to the aorta through the ducts the duct. Normally, after the birth of the child, the ducts overgrow and the blood begins to enter the lungs. If this does not happen and the bottlenecks remain open, a defect is formed in which the communication between the pulmonary artery and the aorta is maintained. The pulmonary artery in such cases receives blood from both the right ventricle( the natural path) and through the ducts of the duct, which is abnormal. As a result, the pressure in the pulmonary artery rises, and the right atrial muscle increases. After a while, the left ventricle also increases, since it receives more blood from the small circle than it should be.

The defect of the botulinum duct for a long time does not make itself felt and is detected only in the older childhood. He is not accompanied by heart failure, but for normal development of the child, surgical treatment is indicated.

Acquired heart defects are very many, but the most common of these is mitral malformation, or mitral valve insufficiency, on which we will stop.

Acquired heart diseases: symptoms and treatment

The most common cause of mitral malformation is rheumatic heart disease, but often the disease occurs after myocarditis, sepsis, or is the result of atherosclerosis( which can occur in old age).

Mitral defect of the heart

The insufficiency of the bivalve( mitral) valve in its development has two stages - compensation and decompensation.

During the period compensation the heart copes with its work due to compensatory( reserve) mechanisms and therefore patients have no special complaints.

The period of decompensation( when the heart stops coping with its work) begins with a change in heart rate. The pulse begins to increase, the patient develops shortness of breath first with physical exertion, and then at rest. Arterial pressure can be increased( especially the lower one - venous).Over time, there are pains in the region of the heart, dyspnea intensifies and disturbs the patient already at rest. Sometimes it reaches such an extent that the patient can only sleep while sitting. As a result of increasing stagnation in the lungs, the patient begins coughing, wheezing in the lungs, and the liver is enlarged.

The defect of the mitral valve usually develops and proceeds benignly and later leads to a blood circulation disorder. In this issue, the degree of valvular failure is of great importance - the more it is greater, the faster decompensation develops. It should be remembered that decompensation develops more often after repeated rheumatic attacks. It contributes to the emergence of stressful situations and physical activity.

Prevention of the disease consists in preventing rheumatism and endocarditis, as well as in eliminating foci of infection in the body( oral cavity, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.).To prevent decompensation in case of mitral valve insufficiency, it is also necessary to apply cautious physical therapy for patients, avoid physical and nervous overloads.

Aortic heart disease

The aortic valve regulates blood flow and prevents the return of its current from the ventricle after contraction. The aortic valve closes the aortic entry in the direction of the cardiac ventricle. This kind of vice can be both congenital and acquired.

The valve consists of: a fibrous ring;three leaflets;sinuses of the aorta( sinuses) located behind the valves. The principle of the valve is that in the initial state the valves open the blood path, pressing against the edges of the aorta. Because of the difference in pressure in the aorta and in the ventricle, the blood goes to the aorta. When the blood goes through a hole in the sinuses, the valves leave into the center. The pressure in the ventricle decreases. The valves join and close the passage into the ventricle.

Aortic heart disease is of such types: stenosis of the aortic valve( narrow aortic estuary), aortic insufficiency( defect of incomplete aortic opening overlap), combined form( combination of the first and second defect).

These heart defects sometimes appear in newborns immediately or develop later. Aortic stenosis is found in 10% of older people. Heart in patients increases in size, fainting is frequent. In young children( up to 10 years), the disease may not appear. But, as the child grows up, the symptoms of aortic stenosis become more pronounced. With the progression of the disease, symptoms are added: a night cough;dizziness;shortness of breath after exercise;heaviness and pain in the chest;edema;a breakdown and fatigue.

When examining the patient there is paleness, tachycardia, noises when listening to the heart and increasing it in size. In order to clarify the diagnosis, a comprehensive examination is carried out.

Recommendations for the treatment of aortic heart defects.

Patients with the first and second degree of severity of aortic insufficiency are advised to reduce physical activity and get rid of bad habits. Special medications and drugs are not prescribed, it is necessary to undergo ultrasound and ECG in a timely manner. The third and fourth degrees of the disease suggest the appointment of a doctor vasodilators, diuretics, beta-blockers and calcium antagonists.

Surgical treatment - surgery, with congenital insufficiency, do after thirty years.

Heart defects: heart surgery

Operation: aortic valve replacement with allograft

Operation: mitral valve prosthetics

Video transmission of Labyrinth IIIB operation, mitral valve prosthesis [15.12.2015].

The patient is 73 years old.


  1. Chronic rheumatic heart disease, inactive phase. Acquired heart disease. Combined heart disease. Critical stenosis of the mitral valve( peak gradient 24 mm.rt.) with insufficiency up to 3 degrees.
  2. Stenosis of the aortic valve( peak gradient 37.5 mm Hg.).Insufficiency of the tricuspid valve of the third degree. Severe pulmonary hypertension( pressure on the LA 60 mmHg)
  3. Heart rhythm disturbances. Long-term persistent form of atrial fibrillation, tachysystole.
  4. Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries
  5. IHD.Stenocardia of tension II f.k.
  6. Hypertensive disease of 3rd degree, 3 stages, risk of MTR 4
  7. CHF 2A FC III

Surgeon:A.N.Bakulev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences L.A.Bokeria

Treatment of heart defects: general recommendations

How to treat heart defects in official medicine

With congenital defects the main method of treatment is surgical.

With acquired defects, is usually not treated in a compensated period. Recently, operational methods have been developed aimed at restoring the valvular apparatus: an artificial one made of plastic materials is inserted into the place of the affected valve.

In the decompensation stage, the treatment consists of the use of digitalis preparations, diuretics and all medications recommended for chronic heart failure( see above).

Physical culture plays an important role in the prevention of decompensation. Dosed physical exercises, breathing gymnastics exercise therapy normalize metabolism, improve the nutrition of the heart muscle, reduce the subjective manifestations of the disease.

Treatment of heart defects with folk remedies at home

For heart defects, traditional medicines can only be used as supporting and auxiliary drugs.

Lily of the Valley .With heart defects, drink lily-of-the-valley drops, which are prepared as follows: in a jar with a narrow neck fill the fresh flowers of the lily-of-the-valley and pour almost up to the top with 96% alcohol. Insist 14 days, then filter and drink 15-20 drops 3-4 times a day.

You can also use infusion of lily of the valley flowers .1 tablespoon of flowers, pour 300 ml of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Strain and take 2 tablespoons every two hours.

A good effect on patients with heart defects is provided by Litterwort-lily-of-the-valley drops of .For their preparation, mix 100 g of infusion or decoction of herb Leonurus with 40 drops of lily-of-the-valley tincture. Take 30 drops 3-4 times a day.

In rheumatic vaginas, the drug is used as cardiovascular , which contains icteric juice, valerian root tincture, hawthorn, camphor, sodium chloride and chlorobutanol hydrate. Cardiovascular take 20-25 drops three to four times a day.

100 g dry leaves rosemary pour 2 liters of dry red wine, insist one month in a dark cool place( periodically shaken).Strain, squeeze out the remainder. Take 50 ml three to four times a day for heart defects and heart failure. The course of treatment is 1.5 months. During the year, it is advisable to conduct 4 courses of treatment.

For vices accompanied by dyspnea , mix the gruel from the fresh leaves of the nettle with honey in a 1: 1 ratio. Insist in a dark place for 14 days, stirring occasionally, then warm the mixture in a boiling water bath to a liquid state, strain through a multi-layer gauze, squeeze the remainder. Keep in the fridge. Infusion of honey should be licked during the day 4-5 times.

Slurry garlic mix with honey in equal parts and insist in a sealed container in a dark place for 7 days, stirring occasionally. Take 3 times a day on a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals with coronary heart disease, obliterating endarteritis, varicose veins, heart defects and with weakness of the heart muscle.

Mix hermium leaves of motherwort and vodka in a 1: 1 ratio. Take 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day for half an hour before meals with heart defects, myocarditis, angina pectoris and heart weakness.

Prepare composition : 10 g of fresh, leafless parsley stalks , pour 1 liter dry red or white natural wine, add 2 tablespoons vinegar wine and boil on low heat for 10 minutes. Add to the mixture 300 g honey and boil for another 4-5 minutes. Hot bottled, clogged, cool and store in the refrigerator. Take with all diseases of the heart as a common restorative for 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

100 g dry ground herb St. John's wort pour 2 liters of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes in a closed bowl. Insist 1 hour, strain, add 200 g honey and stir well. Pour into bottles and store in a refrigerator in a sealed state. Take one third of the glass three times a day for half an hour before meals with a weakened cardiac activity.

When heart disease is very useful potato diet : during the day the patient is given up to 1 kg of boiled unsalted potatoes in 5-6 receptions. To taste, you can add yoghurt into the potatoes.

Motherwort .Water infusion( 15 grams of dry herbs for 200 ml of boiling water, pour boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain).Drink a tablespoon 4-5 times a day with honey.

Alcohol tincture motherwort( drugstore) drink 30 drops 3-4 times a day for heart defects and weakness of the heart muscle.

With heart weakness prepare the collection .

  1. grass of the mountaineer bird - 15,
  2. grass horsetail field - 10,
  3. hawthorn flowers - 25.

One tablespoon mixture pour 300 ml of boiling water and insist for one hour. Strain. Drink during the day in 5-6 receptions.

Infusion of loving .40 g dried roots lovage medicinal boil 6-7 minutes in 1 liter of water. Insist 3 hours in a warm place, strain. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day with edema of cardiac origin and to strengthen the heart muscle.

In case of a strong attack of heart beat, lie down on your stomach, placing an ice-warmer or a cold compress under your heart.

For heart defects and with a weak heart, the peppermint is very useful.1 teaspoon of dried leaves( or powder from leaves), pour 300 ml of boiling water, cover and let it brew for an hour. Strain. Take 1 glass three times a day on an empty stomach. Treat for months, without any interruption.

Beet juice , mixed with honey in a ratio of 2: 1 is very useful to take with vices and to maintain the working capacity of the diseased heart.

Pure grape juice is also very useful in all cardiovascular diseases, especially in the elderly. Drink juice in the morning and evening for an hour before meals as follows:

3 days - 50 ml in the morning and evening 5 days - 100 ml in the morning and in the evening,

5 days - 150 ml in the morning and in the evening,

5 days - 200ml in the morning and in the evening,

5 days - 250 ml in the morning and in the evening.

Juice grass coriander recommended to drink with a weak heart, hypertension and diseases of the digestive system. Drink 50 ml twice a day.

Grass ruddies , tops with valerian flowers and hawthorn leaves in equal parts brew as tea. Drink a long time.

It is very useful for the "cores" to breathe the smell of lilac, hawthorn, poplar and eucalyptus.

In the pot, pour spoons of blood-red 10 and five tablespoons of hips. Pour 2 l of boiling water. Soak in a warm place for an 24 hour. Then squeeze the berries, the composition strain. Take 50 g 2-3 daily before meals.

This recipe is used in folk medicine for the treatment of heart disease for several centuries and is well-deservedly popular: take 1 liter honey, squeeze 10 lemons ( or pass through a meat grinder), brush 10 garlic heads ( HEAD, NOT LIMITED) and bite the garlic in a meat grinder. Mix together and leave for a week in a closed jar. Take 2 teaspoons 1 time per day. It is two, and slowly, one by one, slowly. Do not miss the days. Medicines should last for three months.

One of the best folk recipes from swelling: wash and cut 800 g parsley, put in a pan, pour fresh non-pasteurized milk and put in not too hot oven. It should be given milk to be drowned, but not to boil, until half of the original quantity remains. Strain and give the patient a 1 dessert spoonful of decoction every two hours. It helps even when ordinary diuretics are powerless.

Remedy for rapid heartbeat( tachycardia): pour 300 grams of water into the pan, bring to a boil, pour 4-5 g of green grass of spring ( adonis ), boil for no more than three minutes. Then cover and put in heat for 30 minutes. Strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day. Normal heartbeat is restored a few days after the start of the medication.

Means for shortness of breath with advanced heart defects: 40 g of dried roots lovage boil 10 minutes, insist in a warm place for 1 hour. Water for 40 grams - 1 liter. Drink 100 g 3-4 times a day. Calendula officinalis .Infusion is used in violation of the heart rhythm. Two teaspoons of flowers brew two cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 50 g 3-4 times a day.

Cornflower blue .Flower infusion is used for heart attacks. 1-2 teaspoons brewed a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for 15 minutes before eating.

Ancient folk remedies for dropsy:

  1. 150 g of finely ground of elderberry root , pour 500 g of water. Boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool, strain. Take 50 g 3 times a day;
  2. watercress should be eaten twice a day;
  3. hemp chaff has long been considered an excellent remedy for edema and dropsy. Brewed and drunk like tea, but you need to drink it all the time. Beetroot soup( red) - water extract infusion for heart diseases.

    If several times a day chewing lemon rind, then improves the heart's work.

    Congenital heart disease in children

    Congenital heart disease: symptoms, causes and methods of treatment

    Acquired heart diseases: echocardiographic diagnosis

    Echocardiographic diagnosis of acquired heart defects - 2000 video film, 17min

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    Aortic insufficiency

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    Stenosis of the tricuspid valve

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    Insufficiency of the three-leaf valve

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    Source: Allega G.N. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.