Why there are bags under the eyes and how to get rid of them

Almost every person has ever encountered bags under his eyes. They are often called "swollen eyes". This unpleasant phenomenon significantly worsens the appearance that is so important to all people regardless of gender and age. At the first unpleasant displays, the person tries to struggle with the given pathology. However, it is initially important to determine why bags under the eyes, causes and treatment appear, helping to quickly restore the appearance.

  • Anatomical features of the eye
  • The causes of the appearance of bags under the eyes
  • The harmless root causes of the appearance of morning swelling
  • The root causes of edema in women
  • Why the eyes and bags under the eyes ache - pathological disorders in the body
  • Bags under the eyes - causes and treatment in children
  • Proper skin care from bags under the eyes
  • Treatment with folk remedies
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Anatomical features of the eye

Initially, in order to understand why sacks and bruises can develop under the eyes, it is necessary to understand the structure of the visual apparatus. The eyeball is separated from the orbit by a small fatty layer. It has a damping effect, which protects against damage. From the skin of the eyelids, this important organ is separated by the eye septum, its task is to keep the tissue directly in its place, in the orbit.

The main cause of edema formation is gravitational action. It directs blood circulation, so that excess fluid rises to the upper body and accumulates under the eyes. As a rule, an unpleasant violation appears sutra, but it quickly passes. Some people can not say goodbye for a long time with unpleasant symptoms.

Important!If a person notices on the face there are regular and prolonged swelling and bags under the eyes, then it is worth to visit the doctor. This pathology can be one of the clinical manifestations of a serious ailment that requires urgent medication.

The causes of the appearance of bags under the eyes

"Swollen eyes" is a common problem that appears in men and women. However, there are many reasons for the development of this unpleasant phenomenon. Some of them can be harmless, while others, on the contrary, talk about serious violations in human health.

The harmless root causes of the appearance of morning swelling

Puffiness can appear, not necessarily, due to serious violations in humans. This pathology develops as a reaction of the body to certain external and internal stimuli. They do not pose a serious health hazard, but they worsen the appearance. The main reasons for such unpleasant manifestations are:

  • bags under the eyes in the morning, the cause of this pathology - a large amount of fluids drunk at night. In this case, the kidneys can not cope with its excess, and the drunk begins to be evenly distributed across all tissues;
  • the use of alcoholic beverages;
  • insufficient daily intake of water (per day a person should drink 2-2.5 liters of clean water);
  • after a strong crying, against a background of a nervous breakdown;
  • sleepless nights and crushed sleep;
  • overstrain of the muscles of the eyes during daily work (driving cars, staying at the computer and others);
  • poor-quality contact lenses;
  • smoking and cigarette smoke;
  • senile changes;
  • sleep on a very low cushion or completely without it, disrupts normal blood flow;
  • trauma, formed in the face area.

All of the above reasons are innocuous enough. Most of them just get rid of. However, you need to change your habits, which will require a lot of emotional power.

The root causes of edema in women

Unfortunately, with bags under the eyes women are more likely to encounter than men. Such a violation is explained by the fact that beautiful ladies always try to keep youth and improve the appearance. This goal is good, but sometimes it can provoke "swollen eyes". As a rule, unpleasant formations on the face appear for several reasons:

  • application of decorative cosmetics. Particular danger is borne by substandard products! However, in any case, if the makeup is not washed off in time or left for the night, the bags will appear unambiguously;
  • improper application of creams on the face. They are all half composed of water, and excessive use of them, simply fills the cells with liquid, which leads to swelling. Often the cream may simply not be suitable and cause such unpleasant symptoms;
  • rejuvenating injections based on botox, stimulate blood flow, which causes swelling. However, do not worry, all the unpleasant symptoms will disappear as soon as the body adapts;
  • at the end of critical days, the body begins to accumulate fluid due to increased work of estrogen;
  • when pregnancy is late.

Get rid of bags under the eyes of a woman can independently. To do this, you just need to choose more expensive cosmetics and cream. It is important to properly use these skin care products.

Why the eyes and bags under the eyes ache - pathological disorders in the body

If a person observes bags under the eyes for a long period of time that do not pass, then this may be one of the symptoms of the disease. At unpleasant displays it is important to address for the reference to the doctor.

  1. Allergy. The main allergens can be the environment, food or cosmetics. To get rid of puffiness, you just need to identify and eliminate the cause of its formation. As a rule, the ailment is always accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms, such as itching, redness of the eyes, lacrimation, nasal congestion and sneezing.

In some cases, to eliminate unpleasant symptoms enough to take an antihistamine drug (Eden, Tsetrin, Suprastin). If the disease does not pass, then you need to see a doctor.

  1. Diseases of the eyeball. These pathologies often include malignant neoplasms, blepharitis, ptosis, eyelid eversion. The patient always complains, that bags under the eyes ache.

Puffiness appears against the backdrop of an inflammatory process that causes nasal problems or dental problems. Infection can be located directly in the eye. It provokes such ailments as conjunctivitis, an inflammatory process in the lacrimal gland, bulb of the eyelash or facial nerve;

  1. Herniated disc in the cervical region. This disease requires medical treatment.
  2. Diseases of the kidneys and liver disrupt the circulation of fluid in the body, which causes swelling. The disease is accompanied by soreness and requires immediate treatment.
  3. Pathologies in the cardiovascular system cause puffiness throughout the body, bags under the eyes are no exception. The main sign of the disorder is the pallor of the skin and puffiness under the eyes.

Bags under the eyes - causes and treatment in children

The appearance of puffiness on the face can not always talk about the disease. Unpleasant signs can develop in a perfectly healthy child. The main causes are: excessive fluid intake, prolonged crying, wrong position of the body during sleep. In this case, the swelling goes on by itself.

However, the children's body is no different from an adult and the bags under the eyes may indicate different pathological disorders in the body. With a pediatrician it is worth consulting in the following cases:

  • sudden formation of puffiness, which for a long time does not pass and is accompanied by additional symptoms;
  • bags under the eyes and headaches appear;
  • the fontanel increases, and the child shows anxiety and crying.

Proper skin care from bags under the eyes

In today's modern world, there are many different ways to quickly and effectively remove bags under the eyes. There are many interesting ways to pay attention to.

  1. Cosmetic procedures. Modern cosmetology offers a lot of new procedures that help to eliminate the problems that have arisen, and for a long time to retain a positive effect. As a rule, I recommend such events:
  • mesotherapy;
  • cryolifting.
  1. Qualitative face creams. Today, showcases are full of a variety of cosmetics for skin care. Specialists offer natural and chemical creams that improve the epidermis and eliminate bags under the eyes. The main rule - to choose the right cream.
  2. The correct diet. Balanced nutrition and the necessary fluid intake will help maintain the body in excellent shape and permanently rid of puffiness.

Treatment with folk remedies

There are many "grandmother" methods that quickly remove bags from the face and restore skin health. All recipes are simple enough, and you can treat at home. The main methods of therapy include:

  • contrasting lotions. For the procedure, you can use ordinary boiled water or herbal decoctions, based on chamomile, sage, lime or string. The broth or water is divided into two parts, one of them is strongly cooled. Compress with hot and cold water alternate, applying to the eyes, for 10 minutes;
  • mask based on parsley. The greens are ground into a gruel and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream, everything is mixed well. The mixture is gently applied to the face and the area around the eyes. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse off with cold water;
  • lotions with soda. For the preparation of a drug mixture, ¼ hour is required. Spoon the soda into 100 ml of cold boiled water. The solution is thoroughly impregnated with cotton wool discs and applied to the eyelids for 10 minutes;
  • gruel from fresh vegetables. To make a mask you need cabbage, potatoes, parsley. Everything is thoroughly crushed and placed in gauze pouches. They must be put on the eyelids for 10-15 minutes.

Bags under the eyes - a fairly common phenomenon that occurs in many people. An unpleasant symptom can be eliminated by yourself. However, if the puffiness does not go away and is accompanied by additional symptoms, you should consult a doctor. Be healthy!

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