Regulations on the protection of workers' labor: sample 2017-2018, organization of work on HSE

Regulations on labor protection for employees must be approved in each organization, institution or enterprise without fail. The organization of work in the field of labor protection allows the employer to plan and implement safe working conditions for employees.

Here you can read and download 2 variants of exemplary samples of the Regulations on labor protection for 2017 and 2018 for free.


Regulations on labor protection: what is needed?

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According to paragraph 22 of part 2 of Art.212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in each company must be drawn up and approved rules for labor protection. These rules should be agreed with the trade union committee in accordance with art.372 of the LC RF.

Among such rules is a local regulatory act - the position on labor protection( or the provision on the organization of work in the field of labor protection).This document indicates a list of activities that the employer must implement in order to ensure safe and comfortable working conditions for its employees.

The position reflects such types of activities as:

  1. organizational;
  2. legal;
  3. technical;
  4. social;
  5. rehabilitative;
  6. preventive.

The Regulations on Occupational Safety and Health prescribe:

  1. duties of the Director for Occupational Safety and Health at the enterprise;
  2. is the responsible employee for the provision of OT at the enterprise, its duties and working procedures;
  3. the order of planning and carrying out of measures in the framework of the provision of PA;
  4. rights of employees in the field of OT;
  5. the procedure for monitoring the implementation of the standards for HSE and compliance with safety rules;
  6. is responsible for the failure to fulfill the duties and regulatory requirements for the provision of PA in the enterprise;
  7. the procedure for approving the composition of the commission for the assessment of working conditions;
  8. the procedure for the formation of the budget for RT, the items of planned expenditures and the sources for their financing.

Here you can find information about the organization of a health and safety service, information about the training of employees. Although some provisions and instructions are usually developed for more detailed disclosure of the above issues.

The employer can specify in the Regulations and further - annually implement any measures that improve the working conditions of employees. But it should be borne in mind that the expenses for reducing taxable profits can be attributed only to those mentioned in the Model list of measures to improve the conditions and safety of work and reduce the profit tax, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development from 01.03.2012 No. 181n.

Occupational health and safety regulations: approval procedure

The development of the Regulation on the organization of work in the field of labor protection in an organization or enterprise can be entrusted to a competent specialist, for example, a labor safety engineer, or may be developed collectively.

Collective preparation of this local normative act helps to avoid possible claims from several supervisory bodies at once, because then:

  1. staff responsible for maintaining personnel records will be able to clearly define the rights and responsibilities of the employer and employees;
  2. lawyers will determine the responsibility for failure to comply with the conditions prescribed in the Regulations, as well as how to better monitor their implementation;
  3. HSE specialists will be able to provide for all the nuances that labor inspectors pay attention to when conducting an enterprise audit;
  4. the accountant will determine whether all of the specified activities in the Regulations can be attributed to the expenses of the enterprise or they will be covered by the net profit of the company.

In any institution, there can be organized its own procedure for drafting the Regulation on labor protection. The approval of this document can be carried out in various ways:

  1. A separate order is issued for approval of the Regulations;
  2. The position is approved by putting the stamp "Approve" in the upper right part of the document, under which the signature( with the decryption) of the manager and the date is put.

Regulations on labor protection approved by the head( director) of the enterprise( organization).

When approved in the Regulations, the date of the beginning of the action of the local normative act may be indicated. However, the document usually comes into force immediately from the date of its approval.

All employees of the organization should be familiarized with the said Regulations. To fix this fact, a separate list can be formed in which everyone familiar with the content of the document puts his signature and date.

In the process of the company's activities, there may be a need to introduce new measures for labor protection. The situation does not need to be re-developed. A separate order can be issued on the conduct of new activities, which, in addition to the list of activities and the rationale for their implementation, indicates that they are being introduced in addition to the existing Labor Protection Regulation.

Occupational Health and Safety Regulations: Typical, its structure

The typical local occupational safety and health act at the enterprise, as a rule, has the following structure:

  • General provisions, which summarize the document, explain the aims and objectives of the company in the enterprise.
  • Obligations of the employer, employees responsible for the protection of labor of persons, the OT service( if it is established);workers' rights - this section details the duties / rights of each of the participants in these legal relationships, lists all the responsible persons.
  • Measures to ensure normal and safe working conditions and the procedure for their financing - here it is necessary to list in details, by items, all the activities that are supposed to be carried out at the enterprise within the framework of the OT.
  • Responsibility for non-compliance with the terms and conditions for the provision of OT at the enterprise - this section should list the possible sanctions that will be imposed on the perpetrator of violation of the standards for OT.
  • Procedure for investigating accidents at the workplace.
  • Applications are additions to the Regulation, in which the actions to assist in the event of an accident at work, the composition of an emergency medical device, instructions for working with equipment and more can be described in detail.

Occupational health and safety regulations: a standard list of activities of

In all enterprises, a number of activities are carried out annually to protect and improve working conditions, to reduce occupational risks.

A typical list of such work-related activities is contained in Order No. 181n:

  1. special evaluation of the level of occupational and working conditions;
  2. improvement of working conditions, including after their special assessment;
  3. automation of production and technological processes;
  4. installation( including acquisition costs) of alarm in case of equipment failure, emergencies;
  5. protection of process equipment elements from damage caused by flying particles / objects when exposed to driving parts;
  6. modernization of protective equipment against harmful effects;
  7. painting equipment or hazardous elements in bright signal colors;
  8. automation of control over the level of harmful substances in the air or other hazards at work;
  9. introduction of devices for protection against electric shock;
  10. installation of fuses and signal devices to ensure safe operation of equipment;
  11. automation of operations, which are associated with the transportation and storage of tanks with hazardous liquids used in production;
  12. automation of transportation and storage of raw materials, industrial waste;
  13. automation of cleaning services for premises, neutralization of hazardous industrial waste, cleaning of air ducts, windows, lamps, lanterns, etc.;
  14. modernization of technical equipment used to reduce the percentage of harmful contaminants in the air, reduce vibration, noise, emissions;
  15. reconstruction and laying of new ventilation and heating systems in working rooms;
  16. adjustment of lighting in accordance with current safety standards;
  17. arrangement of places for personnel rest, reconstruction of cabins;
  18. providing automated supply of drinking water in workrooms;
  19. providing employees with protective clothing and personal protective equipment( these are those employees who work in hazardous conditions or are exposed to harmful effects during work);
  20. ensuring the storage and care of protective equipment;
  21. providing employees with simulators, visual materials, necessary for the work of literature, the purchase of stands, computerization of cabinets;
  22. ensuring the provision of briefing / training, checking the knowledge of the employees on HSE;
  23. training of employees, so that they were able to provide the first medical assistance in the production to the affected employees;
  24. training of employees related to the operation of hazardous facilities;
  25. periodic / mandatory physical examinations;
  26. equipment for offices / sanitary posts for medical care;
  27. arrangement of tunnels, transitions, sidewalks on the territory of the enterprise to ensure the safety of movement;
  28. implementation of activities to control production;
  29. replicating the instructions for the OT;
  30. rearrangement of promotional equipment, reorganization of jobs to create safe working conditions;
  31. arrangement of training polygons;
  32. development of physical education in the work collective.

What else is included in the regulation on the organization of work on labor protection?

Regulations on the organization of work on labor protection must include, in addition to general provisions, also a list of the main directions of work on labor protection, as well as the procedure for sharing responsibilities between employees to ensure safety at work.

In this case, it is necessary to indicate the person responsible for the execution of the activity, as well as the involved participants in the field of occupational safety in the directions opposite each of the names of the safety-related work.

For example, the manager is responsible for the overall management of all technical processes, as well as for the state of labor protection in the enterprise. The director is also responsible for conducting the investigation in the event of accidents;controls compliance with legislative and labor protection regulations;provides insurance of employees against occupational diseases, temporary incapacity for work, etc.

In addition, this provision specifies the person responsible for ensuring labor protection in the enterprise. The procedure for creating a department( service) for labor protection is prescribed, the algorithm for the instruction on the basics of labor protection.

In this local act, it is necessary to prescribe how and by whom the analysis of the labor conditions is carried out. It is necessary to describe how measures will be implemented to improve working conditions.

Sample of regulations on OSH at the enterprise: where to download?

It is difficult to name a sample of the Regulation on labor protection, because in each enterprise / production there are special working conditions and, accordingly, different approaches are used to ensure the safety of workers.

At the same time, the standard clause will help to understand the structure of this normative local document, which means there should not be any difficulties with the development of an individual Statement.

When compiling this document, it is necessary to adhere to the conditions listed in GOST 12.0.230-2007, to use a standard list of labor protection measures.

Here you can download a sample of the Occupational Safety Regulations( 2017-2018), created on the basis of this document.

You can also download another sample sample of the Regulations on the organization of work in the field of labor protection in the institution.

At each enterprise, the employer is obliged to ensure the creation of safe working conditions for its employees. To this end, he must plan and annually implement a number of activities that improve the working conditions of employees. He should also determine the level of responsibility and the range of persons who will ensure the introduction of practices for the implementation of labor standards.

All these tasks can be combined into a local document - a position on labor protection, which will take into account everything necessary to ensure safe and comfortable working conditions for employees. When developing such a document, the enterprise can use the samples proposed above.

Video: Model provision on OSH management system

Video channel "Institute for Labor Safety".

The first part of the

Webinar, discussion of complex issues of the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection No. 438n of August 18, 2016

The second part of

With the entry into force of Order No. 438n of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of August 19, 2016 "On Approval of the Model Provision on the Occupational Safety Management System(Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 13, 2016 No. 44037), the problem of goals and forms of implementing OSH has reached a practical level of implementation that somehow boils down to increasing the employer's responsibility for not meeting the requirements contained in the newregulatory legal act( NRA).

Due to the fact that this document was put into effect in the form of NRA, in no case should it be treated as a "collection of recommendations".All requirements of the Model Provisions on OSH are mandatory for full implementation in the organization. Failure to comply with each of the requirements threatens the application of sanctions by the State Labor Inspectorate. And to understand these requirements( to understand) is very, very difficult. Not to mention trying to implement them in your organization.

ANO "IBT" invites you to a free webinar "Model Regulations on the Occupational Safety Management System" where during 2 hours you will be presented with an analysis of this situation from the point of view of the state OSH management system, the foundations of organizational management and taking into account the interests of the enterprise.

How to prepare a package of documents on labor protection for one day

Labor Protection with Daniel Vorobyov - expert of labor law Daniil Vorobyov for entrepreneurs. Text decoding of the video.

Hello, this is the program "Labor Protection with Daniel Vorobyov", and today our theme is "How to prepare a package of documents on labor protection for 1 day."

If you are the head of an enterprise, an individual entrepreneur, a labor protection specialist or just a person who has been assigned to conduct occupational safety at the enterprise, then all that I will tell you later will interest you very much.

All whom I listed due to various circumstances - are responsible for labor protection in my company, and therefore are required to develop and properly maintain documentation on labor protection. And it is very difficult, while extensive, sometimes confusing and abounds in obscure terms.

It also happens that way. On the nose, there was an urgent inspection of the GIT, but nothing is from the documents. A check tomorrow. What to do?

Option 1 - "Call a friend."Urgently looking for someone who can do quickly or someone who has something and can share. As a rule, it is possible, and we find, but too late, or too expensive, or too unreliable and it is not clear what documents you are getting, in general, in 99 cases out of 100 - past.

Option 2 - "The Internet to help us."Having rolled up our sleeves, we dive into its bowels, to profile forums, we shovel a bunch of information, opinions, options and other things. As a rule, at the end of Internet surfing there is some information and even material for preparation, but at the same time in the head of the porridge it is completely unclear how and in what sequence all this should be done. Again it turns out by.

Option 3. "Package of documents on labor protection for one day."

To do this, go to the site, select the section "Ready-made packages" for labor protection and find the right one for the industry. These packages of documents are specially designed for small and medium-sized enterprises with the possibility of self-implementation through detailed step-by-step instructions. They have everything you need to set up work safety. As a result, in a short period of time you will be able to prepare and be calm for the protection of labor, including when checking. Nerves - saved, finances and time saved.

This is an excellent result.

And for those who do not have the opportunity to do it themselves and have a great time, there is also a Turnkey option on the site. In this case, a full package of labor protection documents is being prepared specifically for your company, you only need to sign.

Here it is, the wand-zashchalochka - use it!
