Board of Supervisors 2017

Currently, according to new requirements from the federal and regional legislation, as well as the fundamental legal documents, including the statutes on the activities of social services organizations (institutions), the establishment and regular workBoard of Trustees, the formation of its composition, the provision of reports on its work is a prerequisite.


How to create a board of trustees?

It is created in the organization very simply - on the basis of the order for the main activityon approval of the Board of Trustees of the institution. The name of the order is similar to the previous sentence, in the points of the order, state:

  1. Establish a board of trustees of the institution.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Approve the provision on the Board of Trustees.
  4. Approve the composition of the Board of Trustees.

An approximate provision on the trusteeship council of the organization

The position specifies in detail:

  • general conditions and principles of its activities,
  • goals, tasks, functions, documents, powers, rights and duties of members of the institutions that are members of the Board of Trustees,
  • how the chairman of the council and his deputy are elected,
  • a secretary is appointed.

Remember that members of the Board of Trustees do not include employees of the organization!

The activity of the Board of Trustees is based on the holding of meetings, removal of resolutions or decisions at the end of the meeting. It is also necessary to draw up a work plan for the year.

The Regulation on the activities of the Board of Trustees must contain the following mandatory sections:

  1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation determines the status and the order of the activity of the Board of Trustees (hereinafter referred to as the "Council") of the state treasury social services institution "Name Center of Social Services of the Population" (hereinafter referred to as the "Institution"). The position is approved by the director of the Institution.

1.2. The Council is a collegial advisory body formed with the aim of activating the work and rendering assistance to the Institution.

1.3. The Council in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, laws and other legal acts of the Volgograd region.

1.4. The Council carries out its work on the principles of collegiality and equality.

1.5. The creation of councils in state social service organizations is mandatory.

  1. The main tasks of the Council

2.1. The main tasks of the Council are:

2.1.1. Participation in the main directions of development of the Institution;

2.1.2. participation in socially significant activities of the Institution, including massive;

2.1.3. creation of favorable conditions in the Institution for servicing all categories of recipients of social services;

2.1.4. participation in setting up for the turn of recipients of social services for their enrollment to home-based services in the Institution, removal of recipients of social services from social services at home, in cases of violation of the norms and rules of the institution, the terms of contracts, including - the resolution of conflict situations between the recipient of social services and this Institution;

2.1.5. assistance in strengthening the material and technical support of the Institution, attracting extra-budgetary funds for its development;

2.1.6. assistance in increasing the information openness of the Institution;

2.1.7. assistance in solving other issues related to improving the effectiveness of the activities of the Institution.

  1. Rights of the Council

3.1. The Council has the right:

3.1.1. request and receive, in accordance with the established procedure, from officials of public authorities documents and materials related to the activities of this Institution;

3.1.2. Request information from the administration of the Institution on the implementation of decisions taken by the Council;

3.1.3. request information on the activities of the Institution;

3.1.4. To request reports on the quality of the provision of social services to the public;

3.1.5. participate in a meeting of working groups to study the evaluation of the activities of the Institution for the improvement of social services for recipients of social services Institutions;

3.1.6. to submit to the administration of the Institution proposals on the issues of improving the activity of the Institution;

3.1.7. if possible, to visit the recipients of social services, in order to verify the most qualitative and complete provision of social services;

3.1.8. to apply to various state, public and other interested organizations with a proposal to provide material and financial assistance to this Establishment;

3.1.9. to consider at their meetings information provided by the Institution on the funds received by the Council and on their use;

3.1.10. participate in the organization and holding of round tables, conferences, seminars and other events on issues within the competence of the Council;

3.1.11. To exercise other rights that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

  1. Organization of the Council

4.1. The Council is created for the whole period of the activity of the Institution.

4.2. The personal composition of the Council is determined and approved by the Director of this Institution.

4.3. Members of the Council are selected from representatives of state authorities, local self-government bodies, public organizations that carry out their activities in the field of social services, scientists, educators and cultural workers, entrepreneurs. Members of the Council can not be employees of the Institution.

4.4. The Council consists of the Chairman of the Council, the First Deputy Chairman of the Council, the Second Deputy Chairman of the Council, members of the Council, including the Secretary of the Council.

4.5. The specific number of members of the Council is determined by the Institution, but there can not be less than five persons.

4.6. The Council carries out its activities on a voluntary basis. Members of the Council take part in the meetings in person.

4.7. In its activities, the Council interacts with the Director of the Institution. The Council does not have the right to interfere in the activities of the Institution.

4.8. The Council's decision is of a recommendatory nature.

4.9. The Council draws up an annual report on its work and places it on the official website of the Institution in the Internet information telecommunications network (if available). The report on the work of the Council must comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of personal data, as well as on the protection of state, commercial, banking, tax or other legally protected secrets and other confidential information.

4.10. The members of the Council elect the Chairman of this Council, his first deputy and the second deputy, and appoint the Secretary of the Council by an open vote, with each member having one vote. Transfer of the right to vote to another person is not allowed.

4.11. The Council has the right at any time to re-elect its chairman.

4.12. Powers of the Chairman of the Council:

- determines the place and time of the meeting;

- preside at meetings of the Council;

- approves the work plan of the Council and the agenda of its next meeting;

- gives instructions to the members of the Council;

- signs the minutes of the Council meetings.

4.13. The first deputy chairman of the Council in the absence of the chairman of the Council performs his functions. The second deputy chairman of the Council, in the absence of the chairman of the Council and the first deputy chairman of the Council, acts as the chairman of the Council.

4.14. Organizational and technical support for the activities of the Council is exercised by the Director of this Institution.

4.15. Meetings of the Council are held at least once a quarter.

4.16. The meeting is considered eligible if more than half of the members of the Council attended it.

4.17. Decisions of the Council are made by open vote by a majority of votes of the members of the Council present at the meeting and drawn up in a protocol. In case of equality of votes "for" and "against", the vote of the chairman of the Council is decisive.

4.18. The procedure for the participation of meetings of other persons is determined by the Council independently.

4.19. In the meetings of the Council, with a consultative vote, the director of the Institution participates, and in his absence the person replacing the director of the Institution.

4.20. Other rights and duties of the members of the Council, the procedure for holding a meeting of the Council and the formulation of decisions taken at meetings of the Council, as well as other issues related to the adoption of decisions by the Council are determined by the Director of the Institution.

Sample protocol of the meeting (meeting)

The minutes of the meeting are kept by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, it specifies the date, venue, meeting number, chairman, secretary, present members of the Board of Trustees, other persons present, agenda.

The course of the meeting is detailed in detail. Whom they listened to, who spoke, which they decided. At the end of the minutes, the decisions of the meeting of the council are taken separately, the protocol is signed by the chairman of the council and the secretary. Look in the example.

A sample protocol of the meeting of the Board of Trustees can be downloaded here: protokol-zasedaniya-popechitelskogo-soveta-2017

Work plan for the year

Established at the end of the year, agreed with the chairman of the board of trustees and approved by the director of the organization. It is an enumeration of the main events planned in the institution, dates and venue, as well as responsible executors.

A sample work plan for 2016 can be downloaded here: plan-raboty-popechitelskogo-soveta-na-2017

Annual (semi-annual) report on the activities of the Board of Trustees

It is a simple listing of council meetings: date, venue, meeting number (quantitative). The decisions (resolutions) adopted at the meetings are detailed in detail, as well as the execution of the decisions taken by the addressed employees and the management of the organization.