Learn about early pregnancy without tests in simple ways

When menstruation is delayed, a happy pregnancy is visited by a woman. Many female representatives do not want to go straight to the gynecologist. Women are interested in how to find out a pregnancy without a test, in the early stages, at home?

  • Diagnosis of an interesting position of a woman
  • In the early stages
  • Determination of pregnancy basal temperature
  • Use of folk methods
  • Iodine
  • Soda
  • Pulse
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Diagnosis of an interesting position of a woman

Pregnancy can not be asymptomatic. Signs that appear in the early stages of pregnancy, help a woman to suggest an interesting situation. Signs of upcoming maternity can manifest before the onset of pregnancy.

Practically from the beginning of pregnancy the hormonal background of the female organism changes, which is revealed in the change in taste preferences and hormonal background. Also, you can learn about pregnancy by increasing the sensitivity of a woman's breast and swelling. Some female representatives in the early pregnancy have pigmented spots. They disappear after the birth of a child.

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Women can learn about their interesting situation for toxicosis. It manifests itself already in the early stages. In this position, women can have a body temperature of up to 37.3 degrees. Such temperature can not be eliminated with the help of medicines. During this period, the female representative, changes the sense of smell: it is difficult for her to tolerate certain smells (spirits, dishes). A feeling of heaviness may appear in the lumbar region. This indicates the expansion of the uterus. In the period of early pregnancy, almost all women have drowsiness.

In the early stages

In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman becomes touchy, whiny, irritable, sensitive. Such signs resemble the manifestation of menstrual syndrome. If the menstrual period does not occur, then this indicates pregnancy. At the bottom of the abdomen at the initial stage may appear pains cutting or pricking nature. If there is no pain in this place, this indicates a normal pregnancy. Otherwise, it will be best to see a specialist.

With a sharp increase or decrease in the desire for sexual relations, one can also judge about pregnancy. The condition is explained by the presence of changes in the hormonal background of the woman in the position. In the initial period of pregnancy, women get mucous from the woman's vagina, which are odorless and colorless.

Attention!Another color or structure of excretions indicates problems with women's health. You need to see a gynecologist.

At the onset of pregnancy, urge to urinate increases in women. They are absolutely painless. This is because the muscles-sphincters are affected by hormones. If pain and discomfort occur during desires, this indicates the appearance of cystitis or other diseases of the urogenital system of a woman.

In early pregnancy can increase body weight. Many women claim that they did not change their diet and lifestyle, but they began to gain weight. This is the main sign of pregnancy. Identify these signs of pregnancy is very real, but they do not manifest in all women. In this case, more rational measures need to be taken.

Important!Read in our article how to find out the sex of the child at home.

Determination of pregnancy basal temperature

Basal temperature is one of the main indicators by which you can determine an interesting situation. The method has advantages due to availability. To measure the basal temperature and determine the presence of the fetus according to its indices, you must use a thermometer, a pen and a sheet of paper. The temperature is determined in the same place.

You can measure the temperature in the vagina or in the rectum. The procedure should be done in the morning, immediately after awakening. The temperature is determined throughout the cycle. When using a digital thermometer, it is held in the vagina or rectum for 4 minutes, and during the application of the mercury thermometer - for 5 minutes.

Important!For the same cycle, the same thermometer is used for measurements.

Exact conclusions about the presence of the fetus can be done only after three months of baseline temperature measurements.

Use of folk methods

To determine the presence of the fetus, the female representative does not need to buy tests: you can use the ordinary first-aid kit. To determine pregnancy at home without a test, you can use:

  • urine;
  • soda;
  • sleep.


Urine is often used to determine the presence of the fetus. After a morning urination, it is collected in a container and a few drops of iodine are dripped. If the droplet remains in its original state, then the woman has a fruit. Also, a white sheet of paper is wetted with urine and a drop of iodine drips onto it. The lilac color of iodine on paper indicates a positive result, and purple indicates a lack of fruit. Urine watered bushes of plants. In the people it is believed that a woman's pregnancy can be determined by whether the blooming bush will dissolve.


In a glass with urine drop a teaspoon of soda. The hiss of soda speaks of the woman's pregnancy, and the precipitation of it - a negative result. During pregnancy, the urine of a woman has an increased acidity, which explains the entry into contact with her soda.

Important!The method is not 100% effective: increased urine acidity can be in the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system or in vegetarians.


In ancient times, the presence of the fetus was determined by the pulse. A female spokeswoman lies on her back and gropes for a place 7-8 centimeters below her navel. The presence of pulsation indicates the presence of the fetus. You can also learn about this in a dream. Pregnant women often dream of fish.

Pregnancy can be diagnosed at home under various signs. A 100% result can only be given by an obstetrician-gynecologist. When menstruation is delayed, it is best to contact this specialist.