Treatment of bronchitis with mustard plasters

Inflammation of the respiratory tract leads to bronchitis and sputum congestion in the bronchi. Their passage is disturbed by edema, coughing occurs, breathing becomes difficult. To liquefy mucus is recommended to use the warming of the chest. Gorchiki in bronchitis are a known remedy.

  • Types and symptoms of bronchitis
  • Is it possible to put mustard plasters in bronchitis
  • How to put mustard plasters
  • Treatment with mustard plaits for bronchitis in children
  • Contraindications
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Mustard powder is obtained by grinding the seeds with blue or black mustard. If it is mixed with flour, water, apply a slurry on the fabric, it turns out a warming bandage. The mustard is produced in two forms: a leaf with a layer of mustard powder and sachets. To enhance the therapeutic effect, the following ingredients are added to the powder: fir oil, eucalyptus, hot pepper.

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Types and symptoms of bronchitis

The disease is caused by an infection. It develops when viruses and bacteria enter the respiratory system. There are 2 main types of bronchitis - acute and chronic, also distinguish the obstructive variant:

  1. In acute form, the main symptom is cough, often accompanied by pain behind the sternum. The disease is caused by viruses, lasts from 1 to 2 weeks, passes without consequences. Upon recovery, the affected bronchial cells are completely restored.
  2. In chronic illness, the patient is coughing, weakness, fever, sleep disturbance. This variant is more common in adults, develops with improper treatment, frequent colds, and smoking.
  3. In obstructive bronchitis, which occurs in young children, there is a narrowing of the bronchi. There is a respiratory failure, the severity of which depends on the degree of inflammation and bronchospasm.

Is it possible to put mustard plasters in bronchitis

Some doctors recommend using mustard for acute bronchitis. They have a local heating effect, while the risk of side effects is low.


  • compresses increase blood circulation, dilating blood vessels;
  • when warming up facilitate the excretion of phlegm;
  • act as a distracting, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Important! Gorchichniki with cough and bronchitis will not harm, if you follow the technique and rules of procedure.

How to put mustard plasters

To ensure that the procedure is effective, you need to check the expiration date and the quality of the package. It is very important to know where to put mustards to adults and children, how not to do harm. It is necessary to observe the following sequence of actions:

  1. Put the mustard leaf in warm water for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Then put on your back along the spine or on your chest. When coughing, they put both on the back and chest. Compress pressed, cover with a dry towel. Above the patient cover with a blanket.
  3. Hold the compress is recommended for about 10-20 minutes.
  4. In order not to burn the skin, remove the powder residue with a damp cloth.
  5. To continue the warming action, leave the patient under the blanket.

Attention! Do not put mustard plasters on the heart and breast area.

Treatment with mustard plaits for bronchitis in children

In acute illness, the bronchial mucosa becomes inflamed. Since the children's immune system is not fully developed, bronchitis occurs immediately after the ingress of viruses or bacteria. At the initial stage, the disease is similar to a cold.

Children's bronchitis is divided into two forms - catarrhal (simple) and obstructive (tapering). Timely treatment of a simple form with mustard plasters helps to release bronchi from sputum, distracts from unpleasant sensations, reduces cough. Parents doubt whether it is possible to put mustard seeds for young children.

Advices for pediatricians:

  1. Mustards can be put to children, starting with the infant. For these procedures, there are special, softer in composition children's mustard plasters.
  2. The places of compresses on the body alternate.
  3. Children from 1 to 3 years old mustard put with extreme caution or replace them with mustard wraps.

Remember! The procedures are repeated 4-5 days, but not more often than once a day.

Acute bronchitis

A characteristic symptom is cough, high fever and wheezing when breathing. With early treatment, including warming with mustard plasters, the child completely recovers. When coughing and bronchitis should be aware of the areas on which children are inadmissible to apply compresses - a region of the heart, spine, kidneys, bony protuberances and birthmarks. If the rules are observed, the therapy will be successful, without negative consequences:

  1. Warm mustards are put on the sternum through a layer of gauze. Hold for about 3 minutes.
  2. Children under 2 years instead of compresses make a mustard wrap: a piece of cloth is dipped in a mustard solution, squeezed and applied to the chest or back.
  3. Children over 7 years old mustard soaked in vegetable or olive oil.
  4. It is recommended to put mustard plaster before bedtime.
  5. After a compress the skin of the child is wiped with a fat cream.

Obstructive bronchitis

During the first three years of life, children often suffer from respiratory diseases. At this age, the lumen of the bronchi is narrowed. The formation of sputum further disturbs the patency of the respiratory tract. Exhalation becomes more complicated, becomes hoarse and wheezing. Soon, symptoms of respiratory failure and shortness of breath appear.

Obstruction is fraught with suffocation, it is dangerous for the life of the child. Any procedures that warm the chest and increase sputum production, only worsen the condition of the child. The smaller the child, the more important the process of treatment. A prerequisite is the alleviation of the symptoms of the disease.

Attention! The use of mustard plasters in obstructive bronchitis is strictly prohibited! The warming and sharp smell of mustard powder can provoke a child's bronchospasm and suffocation.

This form of the disease is successfully treated under the supervision of doctors. With age, obstructive bronchitis is less common.


Mustard plasters are prohibited at elevated body temperature (above 37.2 degrees), as they lead to overheating.

It is not recommended to use compresses for such diseases:

  • pulmonary edema;
  • high blood pressure;
  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • internal bleeding;
  • purulent infection;
  • during pregnancy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • the presence of wounds and scratches on the skin;
  • eczema and dermatitis.

Without full recovery, the symptoms return. When treating you need to comply with bed rest, eat right and drink a lot, ventilate the room. An important role is played by breathing exercises and vibrating massage.