Symptoms, basic methods of treatment and prevention of thromboembolism( thrombosis) of the pulmonary artery

Pulmonary arterial thrombosis( thromboembolism) is a disease that arises from the fact that a blood clot is formed in the artery channel that is directed towards the lungs and the blood ceases to flow to the destination.

As this blood clot can act as blood clots, and fat deposits on the walls of the artery, which are most often formed in the lower limbs, and eventually get stuck on the way to the lungs.


  • 1 Causes and Risk Factors
  • 2 Disease Clinic: Species and Signs
  • 3 Complications and Consequences
  • 4 Diagnosis
  • 5 Treatment Methods
    • 5.1 Medications
    • 5.2 Operation
  • 6 When should I see a doctor?
  • 7 Emergency First Aid
  • 8 Prevention

Causes and Risk Factors

As already mentioned, the underlying is caused by a thrombus( embol), which becomes an obstacle in the circulatory system .Since embolus can have a different nature, the factors contributing to its occurrence can be very different from malnutrition to the presence of an infectious disease of the blood vessels.

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As a result, the lung is not supplied with the required amount of blood, after which the oxygen starvation of occurs, the pressure drop and the organism experiences a shock state.

List of main causes:

  • previously performed operations with complications;
  • sedentary lifestyle with concomitant bed rest;
  • ( advanced) stroke or infarction;
  • obesity;
  • fractures in the region of the hip joints or tibia;
  • is an oncological and autoimmune disease that causes an increased clotting of blood.

Clinic of the disease: types and signs

Thromboembolism occurs quite rapidly and develops with different dynamics. Depending on the blockage area and the size of the thrombus that has arisen, , various symptoms can be observed:

  • without cause rapid breathing;
  • pain in the thoracic region;
  • edema of the upper body;
  • bloating of veins on the neck;
  • hemoptysis;
  • rapid heart rate.
Upper body swelling occurs with extensive damage to the blood flow and in some cases is accompanied by hemoptysis, because under the influence of pressure inside the circulatory system there may be ruptures.

In medical practice, thromboembolism is divided into three main subtypes, depending on the area of ​​pulmonary vascular lesions:

  • massive - 50% and higher;
  • submissive - 30% -50%;
  • non-significant - 30% or less.

Complications and consequences

Thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery and its branches is one of the diseases that requires immediate intervention by physicians. It is that the first two hours after the onset play the decisive role of , and the faster the clinical help is provided, the less chance of a fatal outcome.

The thrombus can also come off and pass through the entire circulatory system, and eventually block other bloodstreams, which can lead to even greater problems, such as complete cardiac arrest, respiratory depression and others. As soon as the first symptoms manifest, call emergency medical services urgently, since it is from time to time that your life or the life of your loved ones will depend.


It is difficult to predict the exact time of onset of the disease , but with a constant observation it is possible to determine predisposition. This is done directly by the attending physician.

If any circulatory disturbances are found in the chest region of the , additional procedures and analyzes of may be prescribed:

  1. ECG( electrocardiogram) - deviations in the vascular system are determined. Unfortunately, the method is not accurate and with its help one can only assume the presence of a thrombus in the pulmonary artery.
  2. Perfusion scintigraphy is a more advanced and modern method. A special contrast is introduced into the human body, which spreads through the circulatory system. Further, with the help of special equipment, pictures are taken and in places where this substance does not enter, there are problems with blood supply. Although the method is more advanced, but in connection with the presence of various pathologies in the patient's body, the result can be false positive.
  3. Combined method - includes simultaneous ventilation and lung scintigraphy. Here, in addition to veins, contrast is also introduced into the lungs. The patient inhales the substance that fills the alveoli, and in the places of the thrombus the contrast will not spread.
  4. Pulmonary arteriography is the most dangerous method, since contrast is not injected into the vein, but directly into the artery. It allows you to determine the exact location of a blood clot as accurately as possible, but is not recommended for people with a weak heart.
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Treatment methods

Treatment of thrombosis( thromboembolism) of the pulmonary artery and the elimination of its symptoms, as well as most other diseases, can be carried out both with medications and with the help of surgical intervention in the body.


Medication includes the use of analgesics, as well as drugs that reduce the blood clotting rate of .Heparin or its analogs are prescribed, which prevents the appearance of new blood clots, as well as an increase in old ones. Taking medications can last up to a week or until the planned tests show the normalization of blood coagulation.

Depending on the situation, may be treated with anticoagulants .This type of drug is used in cases where the embolism has arisen as a result of a previous operation.

Duration of treatment, depending on the rate of elimination of the disease, can vary from 2 to 6 months. The dose of medications taken is calculated based on individual patient parameters.


Surgery for pulmonary thrombosis is required only when the patient is on the verge of death .First, thrombolytics are introduced, which dissolve the blood clot formed, and if the medication does not help, the surgeon starts to work. Unfortunately, this type of medication can not be used on people who have undergone surgery in the next week and a half.

Also, surgical intervention may be required in those cases, when the disease again makes itself felt .In this case, a special filter is installed in the large vein that goes in the direction from the leg to the heart, preventing the passage of the formed clots.

Sometimes, to save a person's life, it is impossible to do without direct interference in the body. In this case, the thrombus is removed from the artery, and the blood flow is restored.

In order to prevent the formation of embolus during the postoperative period, the same heparin or dextran may be prescribed, but both drugs can lead to bleeding, so they are assigned only to those categories of patients who are at risk. In fractures in the hip joint area, phenylin is prescribed, and the time and method of application depend on the complexity of the course of the disease.

When should I see a doctor?

Timely appeal to doctors will help to stop or prevent embolism of the pulmonary artery. Depending on the complexity of the manifestation, you can visit the angio-surgeon, a thoracic surgeon or the resuscitator .

The latter is sent already during the direct development, since it is he who will fight for the maintenance of life. Angio-surgeons practice on the vascular system, and thoracic - on diseases of the chest.

Emergency first aid

Urgent emergency care is required if:

  • is observed in expectorant sputum;
  • sharply increased body temperature;
  • increased breathing;
  • you are in a precognitive state, the head is spinning and convulsions arise.

Read more about the disease from this video:

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On the surgical treatment of deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities, read in the detailed material - perhaps useful.

Prophylaxis of

Prophylactic actions are primarily aimed at preventing thrombus formation. If there is an increased clotting of the blood, warfarin or its analogs is prescribed. Throughout the life of the drug, the patient undergoes periodic examinations, which determine the success of treatment.

To reduce the chance of a thrombus, you can follow simple rules:

  • more move;
  • balance your diet by yourself or with the help of a nutritionist;
  • with a sedentary lifestyle, at least once an hour, do a warm-up;
  • pass medical examination at least once a year( preferably once every six months);
With periodic chest pains and other symptoms of pulmonary thromboembolism, which were described above - do not hesitate to seek help and treatment. On how quickly measures will be taken to eliminate the clogging of the pulmonary artery, your life will depend.

The best way to prevent any disease is timely diagnosis and elimination of all factors contributing to its occurrence.

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