Folk recipes from the common cold for children

Treatment of a cold in children with folk remedies

With a cold, which manifests itself as a runny nose or stuffy nose, folk medicine will always come to the aid of the patient. Especially often the common cold is treated with folk remedies in children, since with proper use of this method is the most safe and effective. The advantage of this therapy is that it is not addictive. It is also important that the use of folk remedies in children with a cold usually has no contraindications and does not cause adverse reactions, and is characterized by low cost.

How is treatment carried out?

Runny nose can have many causes of onset, one of which is weakened childhood immunity. That is why therapy must necessarily consist of actions aimed at strengthening the immunity of the baby. Seeing that the general condition of the child has worsened, he needs to give a lot of warm drinks - tea with honey and lemon, infusion of medicinal herbs, such as:

  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • thyme;
  • calendula;
  • St. John's wort;
  • echinacea.
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In addition, what should be used from the common cold for children are folk remedies intended for digging into the nose. It is still important to provide conditions favorable for the recovery of the mucous membrane.To do this, it is necessary to maintain the optimum level of humidity in the room, and there should be no high temperature - no more than 22 degrees.In the winter season, you can increase the humidity in the house if you hang wet towels on the batteries or put a container of water.

In order to benefit, it is important to first determine the cause of increased secretions or nasal congestion. Among the basic folk methods of treatment of the common cold in children is the application of drops in the nose, inhalation, warming of the paranasal sinuses, massage of the nose, hot foot baths.The choice of how to eliminate the common cold should be carried out depending on the cause and severity of the disease, as well as on the age of the child and the individual characteristics of his organism.


If the child immediately begins to do inhalations immediately after the onset of cold symptoms, he will recover much faster. The high therapeutic effect of the procedure is achieved due to the fact that the microparticles of the medication act on the inflammatory focus - the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, without getting into the blood. Thus, using other folk remedies for a child's nose, intended for inhalation, other organs do not suffer, since the medicine does not affect them.

Most often at home for inhalations used decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus, pine needles, lime-colored, juniper. You can choose several ingredients for cooking the broth, mix the grass, take a spoonful of mixture, pour a glass of boiling water. The more herbs are used, the higher the healing effect. Many parents use such a folk remedy for a cold in children after 2 years, like honey. It should be diluted with water and breathe in pairs of this curative product. A good effect and alkaline mineral water.

Runny nose in newborns

Unfortunately, the common cold occurs very often in newborn babies, since after birth their body is still weak and is especially susceptible to the penetration of viruses and infections. Colds are dangerous for a baby that the nasal congestion of his sleep, appetite worsens, often begins to lose weight rapidly.

The most dangerous is that shortness of breath causes increased intracranial pressure and irritation of the meninges. For this reason, the baby should be helped after finding the first signs of a cold.

The treatment of common cold in children of this age will be the safest if you use proven methods. The main task in rhinitis is not to let slimy mucus thicken and dry out in her nasal passages; for this, usually apply:

  • saline solution;
  • balm "The Golden Star
  • warming the sinuses of the nose with salt, boiled egg;
  • menthol, sea-buckthorn, fir oil.

These folk remedies for the common cold for children treating the disease make it safe and productive. To remove thick mucus from the nose, you can use the Kalanchoe juice, because the plant is endowed with sneezing action. During this period it is useful to decompose chopped onions and garlic around the house, so that the baby breathes their phytoncides, which have a harmful effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

For very young children, whose mucous nasal is tender, you can use the following medicine: in a water bath, heat 50 g of olive oil, add a clove of chopped garlic. Before adding garlic, the oil should boil for half an hour, after that the prepared medicine needs to be insisted for 24 hours. If there is a runny or stuffy nose, the nostrils should be lubricated three times a day with garlic butter. This folk remedy for the treatment of the common cold in children can also be used as a prophylaxis for the development of colds. If you lubricate the nasal mucosa during the epidemic of respiratory-viral infections, you can protect the child from the disease.

Folk recipes

Due to the presence of many ways to treat colds, it is not so difficult to learn how to cure a cold in a child by popular methods. Parents often use such methods:
  1. Beet-honey drops are effective from rhinitis, but the method can be applied only if there is no allergy to honey. It should be 1/3 h. l. honey in a spoonful of water, mix with a spoonful of beet juice. To drip a spout to a crumb every 2 hours for 5 drops. Beetroot and carrot freshly squeezed juice can also be mixed.
  2. Tampons of raw beet. From beets, cut thin strips and insert the baby in the nose for 20 minutes.
  3. It will help with a severe runny nose in children treatment of folk remedy, prepared on the basis of aloe and honey juice. These components are mixed in the same proportions, and the baby's nose is dripping for the night. Usually a cold passes the next day.
  4. Mix beetroot juice with sea-buckthorn oil in equal amounts, drip 4 drops three times a day.
  5. Fir and eucalyptus oil - good folk remedies for the common cold in children, they have a powerful bacterial effect, their mixture soothes mucous, reduces the amount of mucus.
  6. A tablespoon of carrot juice mixed with a spoonful of vegetable oil, boil on a water bath. In the mixture add 1-3 drops of garlic, drip 4 times a day. The medicine is prepared every day, as its components lose their medicinal properties.
It is useful to drink infusion with viburnum and lime blossom, mix, take 2 tablespoons of the mixture, pour two cups of boiling water, insist half an hour. To drink tea hot before a dream in quantity of 1-2 glasses. Get rid of rhinitis and other signs of cold will also help tea from elderberry, which is mixed with lime color, cook it in such a way, as well as infusion of viburnum. Many people who trust folk medicine, when asking how to cure a cold at home, recommend rubbing the baby's feet with balsam "Golden Star". You need to do this at night, wearing warm socks and putting him to sleep.

Very useful in the runny nose warming of the paranasal sinuses, because such procedures reduce the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx. The duration of therapy should be 10 minutes, 3 sessions per day. Such heating can be used for heating:

  • salt;
  • millet cereals;
  • boiled egg;
  • sand.
They need to be heated, wrapped in cloth and attached to the nozzle, it is important that the warmth was pleasant for the baby, and did not cause uncomfortable sensations. Reduce the amount of mucus secreted or eliminate nasal congestion with warming compresses on the chest. Usually for this, boiled potatoes are used, from which a cake is made and applied to the breast.

If you soar your legs with mustard, the sick child's well-being improves significantly. Mustard powder can also be covered in socks and go to bed so that in the morning the baby will feel much better. If parents know in advance how to cure a cold to the child with folk remedies, they will be able to conduct effective therapy in the early stages of the disease.

Symptoms and folk remedies for children from the common cold

Folk remedies for children from the common cold effectively cope with a common problem. Rhinitis or rhinitis is an inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa.The disease is unpleasant, since the child can not breathe normally with the nose, the sensitivity to smells disappears.

Rhinitis is one of the first signs of a cold or allergic disease. It affects both adults and children. If a child runs from the nose, treatment measures must be taken. Not all parents want to use medicines, many trust traditional medicine. To properly start treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause, which provoked a runny nose.

The causes of rhinitis in children

Among the root causes of childhood rhinitis, infectious and non-infectious rhinitis is noted.

That is, the cause of malaise in the first case can be getting on the mucous membrane of the nose of bacteria and viruses that provoke rhinitis.

In the second case, it is an alien body that has fallen into the nasal passage.

Children often play with different things and can simply shove the ball into the nose, and the back reaction to this process starts to flow from the nose.

Possible injuries of the nasal cavity, from which there is a runny nose.

Symptoms of rhinitis in children

The characteristic signs of a cold in a baby are:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • flow of mucous nasal cavity;
  • decreased charisma;
  • itching;
  • sneezing;
  • separation from the nose of different consistencies;
  • headache.

Runny nose in a child, types of disease

Rhinitis is of different types, depending on the root causes of the disease. What gives such a symptom may be of different nature:
  • infectious;
  • allergic.

Depending on the underlying cause, the first or second species is diagnosed. If an allergic rhinitis, then this is an independent symptom, but an infectious symptom shows a cold disease. A neglected disease of one and the other kind leads to a number of other symptoms.

Infectious rhinitis is provoked by different bacteria, viruses and fungi. Runny nose is accompanied by such diseases as scarlet fever, flu, cold and others. At first the child has unpleasant sensations in the nose, burning or dryness, then light mucus. A few days later, the mucus turns from liquid into thick, and then the child is recovering.

If the baby does not become lighter, there is a danger that a simple rhinitis will pass into a more complex form - sinusitis or otitis. It is better not to allow this, but immediately take measures in the treatment. If the cold croaks the baby, it causes a lot of problems for the baby and mom. The fact is that when feeding the baby breathes with the nose, but when the mucous membranes are inflamed, the baby can refuse to eat and be capricious. This problem must be solved immediately, rhinitis for the baby is a serious health problem.

Allergic rhinitis provokes different allergens. This is a kind of response to the action of the stimulus. The allergic rhinitis has its individual symptoms:
  • shortness of breath through the nose;
  • The transparent liquid flows constantly;
  • Rhinitis is accompanied by a constant sneeze.

Most often this condition is observed in the spring period, as the flowering of plants begins, and they are strong allergens. Dust and various smells can also provoke malaise.

How can you cure a cold in children with folk remedies?

Recipes of traditional medicine are excellent in treating the disease and help the child feel better after several procedures. You can treat common cold with folk remedies in several ways:

  • instillation;
  • heating;
  • washing;
  • inhalation.
If rhinitis is a consequence of a cold, then it must be armed with antibacterial agents. Not only remove the symptom, but also cure a cold.

An effective folk remedy for the youngest is the use of natural juice from carrots and beets. The prepared juice is diluted in equal proportion with water and dig into each nostril two drops. The product is well perceived by children, because it has a pleasant smell and color.

Onion and garlic juice copes with the infectious manifestation of the disease, as these vegetables are natural antiseptics. It is necessary to take one of the vegetables and squeeze out the juice from it, then dilute in equal quantities with water. Bury your nose twice a day. Although there is an unpleasant feeling, but it is worthwhile to suffer.

Aloe juice has anti-inflammatory properties, and honey further strengthens this effect. In equal proportions, mix the juice of aloe and honey and then bury this mixture in the nose at night. Instead of aloe, another home plant, the Kalanchoe, is also suitable. From the young seedlings, there will not be much use, it is necessary to take a plant of three years' age.

To warm up the nose use roasted table salt, which is folded into a tissue pouch. The main thing is that the contents are not too hot, otherwise you can just burn the child. If there is a slightest suspicion of maxillary sinusitis, this procedure should be abandoned.

Instead of salt use hard-boiled eggs and ordinary cooked porridge. This procedure is done even the smallest patients. Each child can be persuaded to make a heating spout.

Washing of the nasal sinuses is not a pleasant procedure, but it has no equal in effectiveness. You can do the washing in two ways. We raise a little salt in a glass of warm water. Then take a teaspoon with a solution and draw the liquid of one nostril, repeat to the second. There will be a slight tingling.

Another method is to draw in a lot of fluid until it comes out through the throat. Thus, the solution clears the entire sinus. Repeat the procedure on another nostril. If you do this twice a day, the rhinitis will pass very quickly. Do not overdo it, a large amount of salt can burn the mucous!

The main thing is not to let the disease go into a chronic form. You can not leave a runny nose without treatment, because a child can suffer this illness all his life. In the worst case, other cold symptoms are connected to the common cold.

Inhalation - this method of treatment excels at the first signs of the disease. The fact is that when a child breathes in medical evaporation, they directly affect the mucous membrane and reduce inflammation. For inhalation, decoctions with chamomile, eucalyptus, linden, oak bark are best.

To prepare the infusion, you need to take a tablespoon of the selected herbs and pour a glass of boiling water. Breathing with such evaporation for several minutes, you can alternate breathing with your nose and mouth. Such a folk remedy as inhalation has been practiced for a long time and differs in its effectiveness.

It is necessary to remember and prevent rhinitis. First of all, this constant cleaning of the nose from pollution. For children, usually use sea salt for washing or the same instillation. An excellent medicine such as oxolin ointment will help prevent colds in cold weather. This remedy is absolutely harmless and effective.

Prevention of rhinitis in children

With a cold in a child, folk remedies are very helpful, but better than treatment is prevention! Any disease can be prevented if you strengthen your immunity. A healthy diet and the right routine of the day is what your baby needs. Daily walks in the fresh air will help to temper the baby and cope with infections. You can not keep your child at home, because in the future he will not be able to fight with different microbes. The body should get used to changing the season, thus, develop immunity.

If there is a risk of getting sick with an epidemic of the virus, it is necessary to take preventive precautions.

A child who suffers from an allergy should undergo a checkup to find out the cause of the rhinitis and the allergic factor. Regular wet cleaning indoors will help to prevent allergy to dust and dirt.


Be healthy!

Than to treat a rhinitis at children of 2 years: national means and traditional medicine

The occurrence of a common cold in children is a common phenomenon, so parents often do not worry much about this and do not take any measures to treat it. In fact, snot is often a symptom of a more serious illness. And in view of the special anatomical structure of the child's nose, it is necessary to identify the causes of the common cold, otherwise complications may occur later. Therefore, parents must know how to help their child and how to treat snot in the home.

Causes of a cold

We'll figure it out for a start with the causes of a cold. If the infants (babies) snot - a common problem due to narrow nasal passages, then the children older (about 2 years) stuffy nose - the first symptom of colds, allergies or neglected chronic rhinitis. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Acute (infectious) cold

If a rhinitis occurs, you should not panic, but it is best to be ready and maximally relieve the child of stuffiness and swelling of the nose. Usually, when talking about the common cold in a child, we mean infectious or acute rhinitis that occurs due to the virus getting into the body or active bacterial growth.

How is it manifested? Physicians distinguish several stages of the disease:

  • The first stage - "dry is manifested by severe dryness and mucus edema, which causes nasal congestion.
  • The second stage is "catarrhal when due to the swelling of the tissue the blood flow increases, which leads to the release of mucus of nasal glands. At this stage, the defeat of other organs is possible, so the sick child will complain of severe nasal congestion, decreased sense of smell, wheezing in the throat, stuffiness of the ears, lacrimation, etc.
  • The third period is characterized by recession of edema, relief of breathing and the ability to recognize odors. The consistency of the nasal passages at this moment changes color and becomes thicker.

If a baby has all these symptoms, parents need to buy a child for the child from a cold (from 2 years the child can be given vasoconstrictive drops in the nose) or resort to treatment with folk ways.

Chronic rhinitis

Another, more serious cause - adenoids - the proliferation of nasopharyngeal tonsils, which is often found in children from 2 years of age with frequent colds and otitis. Chronic form of rhinitis also occurs due to incorrect or untimely treatment. If the child regularly gets cold, does not breathe through his nose during sleep, complains of pain in the head, loss or distortion of gustatory sensations for more than a week is a neglected form of rhinitis. In this case, it is necessary to urgently appeal to LOR, because only he can diagnose this disease (a runny nose).


It can appear at any age. Allergy is the third popular cause of rhinitis. Most often the reaction appears on the dust, wool and saliva of the animal, bed linen material, pillows and blankets, flowering and pollen, poplar fluff, some types of products.

Sharp meals and spices can also cause snot in the baby. In general, anything that irritates the nasal mucosa can lead to a runny nose. Even passive smoking. Therefore, before treating the snot in a child, it is worth to determine whether he has any allergies. If the guesswork is confirmed - immediately eliminate the pathogen.

To rare causes of rhinitis is the wrong anatomical structure of the septum of the nose and tumors of various etymologies.

In any case, if you can not independently determine the cause of rhinitis or you do not know what to treat a cold in children 2 years old, be sure to contact an otolaryngologist. Otherwise, the consequences can be more than serious: starting from headaches and problems with inflammation middle ear and ending with a chronic runny nose, oxygen starvation of the brain or mastoiditis. To prevent this, let us understand how to quickly cure a runny nose to a child, 2 years old, who has already turned.


So, if you have determined that your child has acute rhinitis, and not chronic or allergic, then you can try to fix the situation with improvised means. It is better to begin in the early stages of the disease, until the ailment gives permanent relapses. A district pediatrician will tell you how to treat a runny nose in a child (folk remedies), 2 years - the age when one can safely resort to alternative medicine. Parents should do such manipulations:

  • Make the baby a pair of foot baths with mustard. Let him drink a large amount of liquid: tea with honey, raspberry jam lime blossom or lemon. Bury in each nostril three drops of Kalanchoe.
  • Do inhalations in the cold: children (2 years) can be allowed to breathe hot steam from the decoction of herbs. For this purpose, you can brew mint, eucalyptus, sage. The liquid is diluted with essential oils: 2 drops of the drug fall on a liter of water. The child should breathe the steam for 15 minutes, covering himself with a towel. Regularly ventilate the room.

And, most importantly, carry out thorough hygiene of the nasal cavity of the baby - clean it of mucus. Teach the youngster to blow out snot from each nostril in turn (by no means at the same time, because blood vessels can burst).

Treatment of colds medically

Folk recipes from the common cold are not the only solution, especially with a serious mucosal edema. However, you should not abuse abnormal drugs, especially without consulting a doctor. Before using medicines, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the child's spout from the mucus with a cotton swab and vaseline oil (rotational movements). Do this carefully so as not to damage the fragile, not fully formed vessels of the baby. Only after this procedure you can drip your nose.

So, what can you use without consulting a specialist? First, alleviate the general condition of the child. Lowering the temperature can be a febrifugal child "Ibuprofen" or "Paracetamol." Secondly, clean the nasal sinuses and facilitate breathing at the first signs of nasal congestion. For this purpose, you can use drops from the common cold for children 2 years old on the basis of sea water "Aquamaris" or regular saline solution that is sold in any pharmacy.

If the rhinitis lasts several days, to facilitate breathing and reduce the dilated and inflamed nasal capillaries, vasoconstrictive drops will help. For example, "Galazolin" or "Nazivin". Most often they drip in the midst of the disease. You can not use these funds for more than 10 days, because the reverse process will go. And more - be sure to specify in the pharmacy the age at which the medicine is intended - 2 years in our case.

Treatment of a cold in Komarovsky

His technique is very effective. What does the famous doctor Komarovsky recommend? Runny nose in the baby, he offers to treat in the following ways:

  1. Clean the spout with a cotton swab. It is them, not the pear with saline solution, since this can cause inflammation of the middle ear.
  2. Use sea drops and saline solution: two drops in each nostril to soften the crusts.
  3. Thoroughly ventilate the room where the child is, be sure to drink plenty of it with water.

Remember the main rule, which often says Komarovsky: a runny nose - the fight of immunity with infection, but you can not sit idly by. If the baby's spout clogs, it will start to breathe through the mouth, and, therefore, first the mucus of the throat, and then the bronchi will dry up. All this can provoke the development of bronchus or pneumonia. Therefore, always keep moist fresh air in the room, moisten the nasal sinuses with saline, oil and special drops.

If the common cold is allergic, then neither fresh air nor the above medicines will help. In this case, to eliminate the attack, you can drip "Naphthyzin".

When to call a doctor

As for childhood diseases, then, of course, a doctor's visit is mandatory, if folk recipes from the cold did not help and you decided to resort to the help of medications. The second point - if the snot in the child does not pass within 10-14 days. In this case, without applying effective treatment, you risk transferring a common catarrhal rhinitis into a chronic disease with severe consequences for the baby.

Prevention of rhinitis

How to treat a runny nose in children 2 years old, we figured out, but how not to prevent its occurrence? Prophylaxis means:

  • Regular ventilation and cleaning of the premises so that the microbes do not multiply;
  • proper healthy eating of the child;
  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • hardening;
  • in the period of epidemics of ARVI - lubrication of the wings of the nose with antiviral drugs;
  • timely immunization.

It is important to protect the baby from food allergens - chocolate, nuts, honey, which may also manifest allergic rhinitis.

How to relieve an attack of rhinitis

First of all, it is necessary to maintain the correct microclimate in the room where the ill child is. Humidity should be not less than 50%, and it is better more, as, according to the doctor's opinion Komarovsky, dry air will lead to the drying of mucus, and, therefore, will provoke a decrease resistance of the body. This can be achieved by special air humidifiers. The temperature in the room should not be more than 18-20 degrees.

Before treating a runny nose in children 2 years of age with medication or folk remedies, it is necessary to carefully and correctly clean the nasal sinuses to the baby. Blow out the snot in turn: first with one, then with the other nostril. If the child still does not know how to do this, you can remove the mucus aspirator. Do manipulation carefully so as not to damage the tissue and not carry the infection. Handkerchiefs are better to use disposable, with their repeated use it is possible to bring the infection repeatedly.

Prohibited actions

An experienced pediatrician will tell you how to treat a runny nose in children 2 years can not. Remember, in no case do the following manipulations:

  • do not drip breast milk into the nose - this leads to the multiplication of bacteria;
  • You can not put garlic, onion, soap in your nose - this leads to overdrying or burns mucous;
  • Do not bury antibiotics in the nasopharynx;
  • do not abuse vasoconstrictor.

All these actions lead to serious and dangerous consequences.

Instead of concluding

These methods will help you safely get rid of rhinitis or prevent its appearance. Some of them are time-tested, while others are still in doubt. Therefore, remember: any treatment is individual, and what will cure one child, in the case of another will be ineffective.

For example, regular airing the room will benefit absolutely everything, but drops in the nose can both cure and cause allergies. And wrong therapy can provoke the development of all sorts of complications. Therefore, when choosing a method of treatment, always consult a doctor.

Folk remedies for children from the common cold. Treatment of a cold in children at home with folk remedies

With the arrival of colds, children are increasingly experiencing discomfort from rhinitis and constantly moist nose. As you know, if you do not treat a cold, then it goes through a week, and if you treat, you can forget about it 7 days later. But still, this statement is not entirely correct. If adults still can not pay attention to a runny nose, then the little guys (and especially the babies) suffer from his symptoms. However, the inconvenience that rhinitis brings is easily overcome by using folk remedies for children from the common cold.

Causes of rhinitis

Most common cause of cold is the general hypothermia of the body. A high risk of sickness exists when there is a sudden change in temperature. This is typical for the autumn-winter period. Rhinitis also occurs with colds caused by viruses. If the common cold appears too often, you can talk about reduced immunity and a weakened body. Rhinitis, if you do not pay attention to it, can provoke quite serious complications, such as inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, otitis, sinusitis. This disease is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Symptoms of the disease

First of all, the baby has difficulty breathing, as the nasal passages are affected. In addition, children complain of dryness, burning in the nose. Stuffy nose, frequent sneezing also indicate the onset of rhinitis. Often there is a headache. In a couple of days you can see the discharge from the nose. At first they are rather liquid, transparent, resemble vodichku. But after a day or two, the discharge becomes yellow or green, has a specific odor. Against the background of all this, the body temperature can rise. The child does not smell, taste buds also become less susceptible.

Types of rhinitis in children

Most common cold is classified as follows:

  • infectious;
  • allergic;
  • atrophic;
  • vasomotor.

If rhinitis is caused by bacteria and viruses, then there is abundant secretions of mucus, followed by a change in color and consistency. Coryza, provoked by an allergen, is characterized by frequent sneezing and secretion of a clear liquid. Vasomotor rhinitis is possible in people who have just recovered from a cold. In this case, mucus is released when the temperature drops. Atrophic type is a consequence of frequent intake of drops from the common cold. Vessels from regular constriction cease to perform their protective function. The nose feels dry and burning.

The forms of the disease

Like many other diseases, the common cold can occur in both acute and chronic forms. An acute course is known to everyone, since it is in this form that rhinitis accompanies all colds. Sometimes even there is a stuffy ears, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. If acute rhinitis is observed often enough, then a chronic rhinitis occurs. In this case, the discharge is of a permanent nature, the nasal mucosa can atrophy. Poorly helped by both folk methods and special drugs. Chronic rhinitis is dangerous because a partial or total loss of smell is possible. Therefore, it is very important to cure this seemingly minor ailment in time, using simple folk remedies for children from the common cold.

Rhinitis in babies

Any disease in newborns occurs with some peculiarities. First of all, a runny nose in babies leads to the closure of already narrow nasal passages. This greatly complicates the feeding, during which the child has the opportunity to breathe only with a spout. As a result, it becomes capricious and restless, the sleep regime is disrupted. Particular care must be taken when the child is asleep, as cases of suffocation are not uncommon. Rhinitis in infants can cause a number of complications, including weight loss (as it is difficult for him to apply normally to the chest). If the baby begins to breathe through the mouth, then the infection spreads to the respiratory tract. In this case, even pneumonia may occur. With prolonged runny nose, small ulcers inside the nose may appear. That is why it is very important to help the child in time. At first, it is best to use folk remedies for children from the common cold. They do not have as many unwanted components as traditional medicines. In addition, they are all quite affordable and have a small price. And yet it is important to take into account that folk remedies for children up to a year from the common cold require at least careful selection, as well as medical preparations.

Treatment of the smallest

In order to save the child from unpleasant symptoms, it is important to take into account his age and the extent to which unconventional means can be dangerous. One of the methods for fighting the common cold is the treatment of the decoction of Kalanchoe. This tool has a fairly gentle effect on the delicate mucous in young children. You can also use freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice, previously diluted it with half boiled chilled water. Drip into each nostril about 2 drops to 3 times a day. Such folk remedies (for children 1 year) from the common cold, like beet juice or carrots, are also quite effective. But they should be diluted in half. For babies is also a good recipe: on a water bath about 50 grams of olive oil is heated. It should boil for 30 minutes. Then finely chop some garlic into it and let it brew for a day. The resulting mixture lubricates the nasal passages when the first signs of the disease occur. Folk remedies for the common cold in children include and recipes based on aloe and honey. The juice of this plant is also diluted with water or liquid honey and buried in the nose. You can also use dry heat, which is applied to the bridge of the nose. To do this, you can heat flax seeds, salt, put them in a bag of cloth. Such products keep the heat well. Another use is a boiled chicken egg. But in this case it is important to consider that it is impossible to perform such manipulations if there is a suspicion of maxillary sinusitis. Treatment of a runny nose with folk remedies in children up to a year is quite effective, if you start it at the first signs of the disease. And you can supplement it by spreading in the room cut onions and garlic, which will emit special essential oils. They are known to have antimicrobial properties.

Washing with salted water

One of the most effective ways to combat rhinitis - washing the nose with salt water or saline. Due to this, the secretions become liquid, the viruses are washed away from the mucous membrane. Prepare such a solution is simple: a glass of boiled water should take 1 teaspoon of salt. It is better if it is sea. Nasal passages need to be irrigated with such water. Of course, it is not so easy for babies to do this, so they can be washed with a cotton swab dipped in a solution. Like other folk remedies for the common cold in children, washing will help ease the baby's condition and resume breathing. In addition, this method can be used for prevention in the period of epidemics or if someone is sick from home. It is necessary to ensure that the salt is completely dissolved, and the small crystals do not injure the tender mucous membrane. Often, to wash the nose and use a decoction of chamomile.

Folk remedies for children 2 years old from the common cold

Older children can be inhaled. For this use chamomile, sage, bark of oak, leaves of black currant. The mixture of herbs is steamed in a water bath. Then the child is given a breath with his nose and mouth. The secret of inhalation is simple - the therapeutic particles fall directly onto the inflamed organ, and not into the bloodstream. Here the main danger is high temperature. The steam should be warm, but in no case burning. If there is no temperature, folk remedies for children 2 years from the cold include and steaming legs. For this, 1 or 2 tablespoons of dry mustard are added to the pellet with hot water. The duration of this procedure is 10 minutes. It is better to spend it before bedtime. The legs should be wiped dry, put on socks. By the way, they can also put mustard. Such folk remedies for children from cough and rhinitis, like raspberry tea, fruits of viburnum, infusion of verbena leaves, a decoction of pine buds, are excellent in fighting against respiratory diseases. Beetroot juice with honey as drops is suitable for children over 3 years old.

Prevention of colds

In order that rhinitis is not a frequent visitor in the house and no folk remedies for children from the rhinitis are needed, it is important not to forget about the methods of prevention. First of all, it is worth remembering the humidity in the room, often ventilating the rooms. During the heating season, dry air often causes diseases. Therefore, wet cleaning every day will be relevant. Do not overheat the child, you do not need to wrap it up. Walking in the fresh air is mandatory, despite what the weather is outside the window. Very good strengthens immunity hardening. For babies, sessions of general strengthening massage will be useful. It is not superfluous to wash your nose with saline solution, and when staying in crowded places you can use oxolin ointment.

Treatment of a runny nose at home with folk remedies in children is quite effective and painless. Among all the abundance of methods you can choose exactly the one that will suit the child, taking into account his age and condition.

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