Complex of respiratory exercises with bronchial asthma and suffocation

Bronchial asthma is accompanied by attacks of suffocation. The disease poses a serious threat to human health, so you can not do without medication. An excellent addition to the main therapy can be special exercises. Respiratory gymnastics with bronchial asthma is suitable for children and adults.

  • Respiratory gymnastics technique
  • Technique Strelnikova
  • By the method of K. P. Buteyko
  • Advantages of holding gymnastics
  • Contraindications
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Respiratory gymnastics technique

Regardless of the type of gymnastics, general rules are required. Ignoring the technique of execution will not be of use, moreover, it can aggravate the patient's condition, causing another attack of suffocation. Therapeutic exercises with bronchial asthma require compliance with such recommendations:

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  1. Right breathing. Inhalation-exhalation can be carried out by mouth, nose, depending on the exercise performed. Before the beginning of the classes you need to not only remember how the gymnastics is performed, but also how you need to breathe. Proper breathing is the key to efficiency.
  2. Regularity. One-time training will not bring the desired result, even temporary relief may not be. Respiratory charging is performed every day, it needs at least an hour.
  3. A complex approach. In addition to the medication prescribed by the doctor, one should lead a healthy lifestyle, give up harmful habits, and maintain a diet. Then breathing exercises will be more effective.

Observance of the technique of performing the exercises will achieve the following results:

  • develops the respiratory musculature;
  • the work of the cardiovascular system is normalized;
  • cleaned and relaxed bronchi;
  • disappear painful sensations in the chest, discomfort when breathing.

Interesting! Many doctors were developing their own methods of respiratory gymnastics for patients with bronchial asthma. However, the most effective and common are two of them - Strelnikova, Buteyko.

Technique Strelnikova

Performance of gymnastics by the technique of Strelnikova is popular in bronchial asthma. To obtain an effect, it is important to observe the following rules:

  1. Breath - the main part of breathing during training. Energetic, powerful exhalation is impossible without proper inspiration. It is necessary to try to breathe in air as much as possible.
  2. Exhalations are a passive part of breathing. Strelnikova does not recommend a load on the lungs when removing air from the body. Exhalation is done in random order.
  3. Rhythm. Exercises are carried out in a certain rhythm - at the expense of.
  4. Each of them is executed 4 times.
  5. Gymnastics is repeated twice a day.

Interesting! Strelnikova - teacher of vocals, so the rules of performing gymnastics by her technique resemble musical exercises by rhythm and score.

The main exercises are:

  1. "Fists." We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands down. We breathe in sharply, squeeze our fingers. Then gently unclench them, making a slow, quiet exhalation.
  2. «Pogonchiki». The position of the body and legs remains the same. Hands on the belt, fingers clenched into fists. We do a sharp inhalation of the nose, we lower our hands, as if throwing off the load from the shoulders. Especially strongly we strain brachial muscles. We make a slow exhalation, returning our hands back.

Some exercises are performed intensively, resembling dance movements. For example:

  1. "Rotation of the head." To perform, you can become straight, sit down, lie down. A short, sharp breath accompanies the turn of the head in each direction. The exhalation is calm. For comfort, you can perform such exercises under rhythmic music.
  2. "Dance". We make one step forward with each foot. Sharply put your hands in front of you, leaving them at eye level, take a sharp breath. We get to the starting position, exhale quietly.

Advice! These are just some of the exercises proposed by Strelnikova. Before the beginning of respiratory gymnastics it is necessary to consult the attending physician, asking him to help choose the appropriate options.

By the method of K. P. Buteyko

Buteyko's method helps to get rid of attacks of suffocation, to minimize relapse of the disease. The following principles are based on gymnastic exercises:

  • the depth of inspiration decreases;
  • The pause between exhalation and the next inhalation increases.

In total, the breath should last 2-3 seconds, exhalation and the subsequent pause - for 3-4 seconds.

Important! The first time in a patient who began to perform gymnastics according to the proposed method, there may be a shortage of air, a phobia of suffocation, painful sensations. In an asthmatic, these phenomena cause fear, but it is important to continue doing the exercises, overcoming yourself.

The Buteyko method implies preparation before performing exercises. It is held simply, lasts 10-15 minutes:

  • sit on a chair, keep your back straight, your hands on your knees;
  • relax, close your eyes;
  • breathe quietly, breathe out smoothly with your nose.

The result of training should be a feeling of severe shortage of air. The therapeutic complex Buteyko consists of a number of exercises, the main ones are:

  1. Interval breath. The main rule of the exercise is the exact observance of the time interval (inhalation 2-3 seconds, exhalation 3-4, pause 3-4). Exercise allows you to strengthen the upper section of the lungs, used to sputum.
  2. Long breath - 7 seconds breath, as much exhalation, pause 5 seconds. Exercise strengthens the upper section of the lungs, thorax, diaphragm.
  3. Massage. Hold the breath for as long as possible, we perform massage of the reflexogenic sections of the nose.
  4. Deep long breathing. The maximum possible pull in the stomach, perform the second exercise.
  5. Ventilation. For a minute, do the deepest inhalations and exhalations. After holding your breath as possible.

Important! For the result to be effective, one should not be distracted, talk, take breaks. It is also important concentration, emotional state, the opportunity to relax.

Advantages of holding gymnastics

Everyone can find a suitable technique, taking into account the peculiarities of his organism, the degree of the disease. Perform gymnastics can be at home, dispensing with improvised means. Doctors advise to apply and other exercises - puffing balls is the most popular.

The implementation of a certain technique becomes the optimal option for the treatment of bronchial asthma in adults and children. All that is required of a person is accurate adherence to recommendations.

Breathing exercises seem to teach a person to breathe again, now he will do it right. Oxygen, which enters the lungs on inhalation, penetrates into all internal organs, vessels, cells. Bronchias widen, sputum goes outside, asthma symptoms subsided, suffocation attacks are observed less and less.

An important advantage of gymnastics is that a person begins to control breathing. Drugs mediate the causes and consequences of asthma. But only exercises ensure proper breathing.

Advice! In pharmacies, you can buy breathing simulators that teach people to breathe properly, but they are not available to everyone because of the high price.


Postpone the implementation of respiratory gymnastics for bronchial asthma is necessary in the following cases:

  • the appearance of an attack of suffocation;
  • lack of suitable premises (which can be ventilated, creating favorable conditions for training);
  • fast walking, jogging before gymnastics;
  • transferred bronchitis, other colds;
  • deterioration of the general condition, exacerbation of various chronic diseases.

Breathing exercises are available to everyone. The initial stage of bronchial asthma usually does not require the use of strong drugs, exercise is the best method of treatment. If the disease progresses, then gymnastics can be supplemented by medication. It is required only to choose a technique, to study the technique of execution and begin to breathe properly.

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