Inflammation of the lymph nodes on the neck: a photo, why the lymph nodes are enlarged and inflamed on the child's neck, what to do and how to treat cervical lymphadenitis

Physicians, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck are called cervical lymphadenitis. As a rule, the inflammatory process in the area of ​​nodes of the lymphatic system, regional or general increase and swelling of the lymph nodes, the appearance in them of soreness with palpation, is not an independent pathology. Lymphadenitis is a consequence of serious diseases that sometimes occur gradually.

Even if you have an acute respiratory disease or ARVI and you or your child has swollen your neck, occiput or elsewhere, contact a doctor immediately, take a doctor's examination, take tests, because there is no guarantee that after the symptoms of the underlying disease subsided, everything automaticallywill bounce back.

The presence of lymph node inflammation is an indicator of the progression of the infectious process. The immune system does not cope with bacteria and viruses, and the nodes of the lymphatic system increase as a measure of possible compensation of the body's protective resources. This situation can not be left without control, because the infection will spread further, and if it gets into the brain? What will happen then?

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Today we consider:

  • the causes of the inflammatory process in the nodes of the lymphatic system in a child and an adult;
  • characteristic symptoms of pathology;
  • to which doctor to handle and features of diagnosis of cervical lymphadenitis;
  • principles and means of possible treatment.

Separately, we answer the question what can not be done with this inflammatory phenomenon.


Cervical lymph nodes: causes of inflammation

The main cause of development of cervical lymphadenitis is pathogenic microorganisms. Most likely, the causative agents of the disease are staphylococci, streptococci, releasing toxins, which are entered into the lymph nodes with blood, lymph, or a contact route.

The most primary focus of infection with lymphadenitis can be localized to tissues affected by purulent process( wounds, boils).Likewise, the nodes of the lymphatic system can become inflamed against the background of erysipelas, osteomyelitis, thrombophlebitis, caries.

Children suffer from cervical lymphadenitis most often: usually the disease develops after an exacerbation of ENT diseases( otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis), due to the progression of eczema, atopic dermatitis, scarlet fever, parotitis, diphtheria. This is nonspecific inflammation.

Specific lymphadenitis develops due to syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes on the neck: symptoms of the inflammatory process

The main signs of cervical lymphadenitis are:

  1. high body temperature;
  2. tenderness of lymph nodes in palpation;
  3. headache, decreased appetite, weakness and other signs of intoxication;
  4. fuzzy outlines of lymph nodes and neck;
  5. appearance of infiltrate;
  6. swelling of the tissues.

In acute nonspecific lymphadenitis, the lymph nodes are painful, dense to the touch, characterized by intoxication, which occurs due to the release of toxins by infectious pathogens.

If no measures are taken at this stage, purulent tissue melting occurs and the patient's health worsens. Pus can break out, often extremely painful infiltrate is formed, while the body temperature increases, there are signs of tachycardia and severe intoxication.

In childhood, cervical lymphadenitis in most cases occurs with severe fever, weakness, tearfulness. Parents should be vigilant - lymphadenitis in children can be complicated by sepsis.

Other common complications of cervical lymph node inflammation:

  1. fistula and infiltrates;
  2. thrombophlebitis;
  3. mediastinitis;
  4. breaks pus into the surrounding tissue with the formation of internal fistulas.

If the inflammation is chronic, there is a gradual replacement of lymphoid connective tissue, often pathological growth leads to a violation of the outflow of lymph, the appearance of noticeable edema or the formation of characteristic elephantiasis.

Specific lymphadenitis most often develops against the background of gonorrhea, syphilis and other similar infections. But the cervical lymph nodes are inflamed along the chain, and the onset of lymphadenitis of such etiology is taken from the inguinal lymph nodes. With tuberculosis, inflammation is usually one-sided.


If the lymph nodes are inflamed, what kind of doctor should they contact?

Diseases of lymph nodes are in the competence of an ENT specialist( otolaryngologist).The doctor organizes the examination, examines the condition of the oral cavity and nose to get information about the tissues located next to the focus of inflammation.

The ENT doctor has an innovative technique that allows obtaining a maximum of patient data in a short period of time and choosing an effective treatment regimen.

Diagnosis of cervical lymphadenitis

With inflammation of lymph nodes located on the neck, a comprehensive examination is performed. The doctor's task is to find the root cause of the violation in order to begin to struggle with it. The accuracy of the diagnosis depends on the correctness of the choice of medical tactics and the selection of medications.

During the examination, the doctor must take into account the history, complaints, clinical manifestations, the results of diagnostic and laboratory procedures. The following tests can be prescribed:

  1. puncture biopsy of an inflamed lymph node;
  2. UZDG lymphatic vessels;
  3. radiopaque lymphography;
  4. MRI, CT;
  5. lymphoscintigraphy;
  6. radiography of the lungs.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes on the neck: treatment

Tactics of cervical lymphadenitis treatment are chosen taking into account the age, the patient's condition, the results of the examination and the type of infectious agent that provoked the appearance of the inflammatory process.

It is important to follow medical recommendations and seek medical help in a timely manner, as enlarging the lymph nodes is always a warning sign that should alert you and force you to contact an ENT specialist.

Most often inflamed lymph nodes in the neck are treated in conservative ways( if there is no risk of infection and malignant tissue).The patient is shown adherence to bed rest. You can not walk for a long time, not to be in the wind or in extreme heat, go in for sports, actively walk around the rooms. Recommended antibiotics, selected in view of the sensitivity of the infectious agent, mental and physical rest.

Stresses, stresses, non-observance of diet and daily regimen - all can aggravate the situation of the patient and provoke the appearance of complications. From the diet should be excluded the following dishes and drinks:

  1. seasonings, spices;
  2. spicy food;
  3. marinades, sauces;
  4. is a fatty, fried food;
  5. alcohol, carbonated drinks;
  6. is a tough, dry food.

A patient with cervical lymphadenitis needs a high-calorie diet, but food should be as gentle as possible with a throat. No witticisms, pickled dishes, drinks containing alcohol. Refuse from smoking and loud singing. You need to spare your throat, as additional inflammation can aggravate the situation. Drinks should be necessarily warm and desirable - enriched with vitamins.

The patient shows mucous porridges and soups, warm herbal decoctions, mashed vegetables and fruits( preferably in a boiled form).Meat dishes can be fish, cutlets, steamed, puree from poultry meat or veal.

If lymphadenitis develops against a background of viral infections, it is necessary to strengthen immunity with the help of multivitamin and immunostimulating agents.

With purulent forms of lymphadenitis, the formed foci are opened, drained, necessarily prescribed enhanced antibacterial therapy. Such patients usually treat in a hospital, under the supervision of qualified specialists.

In some cases, physicians prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures that help to remove puffiness, reduce the severity of pain, eliminate seals and infiltrates. But to apply physiotherapy with inflammation of the lymph nodes should be done with extreme caution. Similar medical procedures should be prescribed only by an experienced doctor and after examination of the patient. Self-medication is not permissible!

Separate question: What can not be done with an increase in cervical lymph nodes?

Attempts to cure cervical lymphadenitis independently, using traditional medicine recipes, can end badly. With painful and enlarged lymph nodes joke is unacceptable!

If you notice a tightness, there is pain, in any case do not warm the seat of the neck! When heated, infectious agents begin to spread faster with the flow of lymph and blood to neighboring organs, and can even reach the brain.

In addition, thermal exposure increases the risk of metastasizing malignant tumors, and the increase in lymph nodes sometimes indicates the growth in them of cancer cells that were abandoned from the primary focus.

If you do not seek help on time, an acute inflammatory process can go on to a chronic stage, which is accompanied by generalization of the process, scarring of lymphoid tissues and their replacement by connecting elements unable to perform basic protective functions.

Prevention of inflammation of the lymph nodes of the neck is the timely treatment of any infectious diseases, strengthening of immunity and early application for qualified medical care.

Source: edition of the publication of the site http: // vospalenie-limfouzlov-na-shee