Types of cough

What types and types of cough are

Everyone at least once in his life coughed - someone because of a cold, and someone without any obvious reasons. When such a reflex action arises against the background of ARVI, then it can be recognized quite easily. But if the disease takes a completely different character, then it is difficult to determine independently which kind of jerky, forced forced exhalation is present.

Today, experts distinguish several varieties of cough:

  • Dry (unproductive) - as a rule, it accompanies a cold or SARS. However, this kind of cough can also testify about developing bronchitis, tracheitis. A distinctive feature of this reflex action is the absence of excreted sputum. To treat this type of disease, doctors prescribe drugs that can fight infections locally and envelop the mucous membrane of the larynx.
  • Wet (productive) - this type of cough is characterized by sputum discharge during reflex action. Often this indicates the presence of pneumonia or bronchitis. For the treatment of this type of disease, expectorants and mucolytic drugs are prescribed whose action is aimed at facilitating sputum discharge.
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  • Cough alcoholic is one of the manifestations of the consequences of alcoholism. In the airways and lungs, tissue damage occurs, which leads to the development of respiratory failure due to the formation of bronchial obstruction.
  • Barking - a dry, agonizing, jerky, forced, sonorous exhalation without sputum is evidence of swelling in the mucous membrane of the larynx. Often this kind of cough is accompanied by vomiting, dizziness. The sound produced during the reflex action is very coarse and loud.
  • Asthmatic - as a rule, this symptom worries people suffering from bronchial asthma. Its manifestation is most pronounced in the morning or after considerable physical exertion. For this type of cough, a characteristic (dry) (non-productive) reflex act accompanied by a feeling of shortness of breath is a characteristic feature.
  • Smoker - occurs in almost 90% of people who abuse tobacco smoking for more than 2 years. This symptom is accompanied by a copious discharge of viscous sputum, most often in the form of clots. Typically, this type of coughing bothers in the morning.
  • A deep and sonorous voluntary or involuntary reflex act may indicate the development of enough serious diseases: acute bronchitis (secretion of sputum is mucous), tracheitis (almost complete absence phlegm).
  • Bronchial - this type of cough is recurrent. This type of symptom develops against the background of the inflammatory process in the airways. During the reflex action, luminous rales can be heard.

On our site there are many useful articles that will help you understand the types of cough, possible complications. In addition, you will learn the most effective both traditional and popular ways of treating these ailments.


The main types of cough

For various diseases (whooping cough, asthma, allergy, tuberculosis) are characterized by certain types of cough.The reflex in question is regulated by the corresponding center located in the human brain.With the help of various parameters, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Basic information about cough

This reflex occurs when the receptors of the respiratory system are stimulated and as a result of activation of the corresponding center of the brain. The causes of irritation are associated with the presence of a foreign body in the bronchi, sputum, water, the development of the inflammatory process. Before finding out what a cough can be, one should take into account that every day a small amount of sputum, which is derived from the respiratory system in the form of a physiological coughing up.

Different types of cough in children and adults are manifested as the main symptom of such diseases as:

  • ARVI;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • cancer;
  • heart failure.

According to the degree of sputum discharge, doctors allocate a productive and unproductive cough. In the first case, there are symptoms such as:

  • sputum;
  • reduction of edema in the airways;
  • recovery of mucus.

With an unproductive dry cough, there is no sputum. A similar condition is observed with pronounced inflammation of the respiratory tract. In this case, the symptom in question is of an exhausting and paroxysmal nature. According to the duration of the doctor, the following types of cough are distinguished:

  • chronic - manifested during 2 months;
  • acute - manifested with the development of an infectious disease and lasts up to 14 days.

Classification of types of cough

With the development of chronic inflammation a relapsing cough appears. By the nature of this reflex, doctors determine the localization of the inflammatory process and determine the cause of its development. If the vocal cuff is inflamed, then the patient has a barking cough. When he appears, it is recommended that the child urgently seek medical help. Otherwise, there will be swelling of the larynx and suffocation.

Tuberculosis and heart failure are characterized by a silent cough. For the diagnosis of whooping cough, pediatricians take into account the nature of the manifestation of reflex protection of the respiratory system. It must be disruptive and paroxysmal.

With asthma, there is a wheezing cough. If such a phenomenon is observed in children, then this symptom indicates the development of bronchiolitis or acute obstructive bronchitis. If after a breath there is a cough, then the patient is inflamed pleura. To determine the exact cause of this symptom, doctors use special tools and laboratory tests.

Diseases that are accompanied by a cough

Physicians identify several diseases that can disturb both children and adults. When the flu appears dry cough. After 2-3 days, it becomes wet, there is purulent sputum.

When tracheitis appears viral or bacterial cough. It arises spontaneously or by inhaling smoke and cold air. For acute bronchitis characterized by a sonorous and moist cough with watery and mucous sputum. If the bronchitis proceeds in a chronic form, then the reflex protection of the respiratory system is of a deaf nature.

When diagnosing pneumonia, cough appears from the first days of the development of the disease. Initially, it is dry and abundant. Then it becomes strong and painful. With bronchial asthma, there is a small amount of sputum and a seasonal reflex cough.

For pharyngitis is characterized by dry reflex protection of the respiratory tract. With a pleurisy dry cough with severe pain. At the first stage of tuberculosis development, it is wet or dry and painful. Then in the sputum, blood appears. At night the symptom intensifies.

Cough in children can be caused by measles or whooping cough. At the first disease the considered symptom appears in the first days of the disease. For whooping cough is characterized by a convulsive cough with sonorous and deep sighs. Considered species in adults can be triggered by taking certain drugs or developing a professional ailment.

Treatment of cough

Therapists' recommendations

If cough is caused by ARVI, then the patient is given home treatment. The patient should consume a lot of fluids. Such therapy will accelerate the degeneration of dry cough into moist reflex protection of the respiratory tract.

If the cough is paroxysmal, then the doctor appoints the patient appropriate drugs (Codeine, Glaucin). If the cough becomes wet, then mucolytics ("Bromgexin "Ambroxol") are appointed.

To eliminate infectious cough, the doctor takes into account the characteristics of the patient's body. Asthma is treated with complex therapy. Tuberculosis is treated in a specialized institution according to a pre-prepared scheme. To get rid of cough at home, apply compresses, do rubbing and inhalation. The air in the room should be clean and fresh.

Before treating a child's cough, the pediatrician takes into account:

  • the speed of occurrence and duration of the reflex;
  • the complexion of the child;
  • general state;
  • character of breathing.

If the reflex symptom appeared abruptly, the child's face turned blue, he lost consciousness, then it is necessary to immediately seek help from a doctor. Otherwise, it must be turned upside down and shaken gently. If the child's condition has not changed, then he is tipped forward with his face. Then it is recommended to press sharply on the area of ​​the xiphoid process at the bottom of the thorax. When doing this exercise, an adult should stand behind the baby, hugging him with two hands, folded into the lock. Such a state is observed in the presence of a foreign body in the respiratory tract.

In the presence of a hoarse voice, barking cough and cyanosis of the lips it is recommended to urgently call a doctor at home. Prior to his arrival, parents should ventilate the room and moisten the air. The child should be warmly dressed.

Folk remedies

Cough can be treated at home with the help of traditional medicine recipes:

  1. In an equal proportion take the root of the althaea, oregano and mother-and-stepmother. On 2 tablespoons of collection will need 500 ml of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 90 minutes. It is recommended to take the medicine 6 times a day.
  2. Thermopsis is ground and dried. On 1 spoonful of the mixture will need 500 ml of boiling water. The drug is infused for 30 minutes. The composition is recommended to be taken 4 times a day.
  3. In an equal amount take the grass liquorice, mint transverse, aloe and elecampane. For 1 part of the collection will need 5 parts of water. Herbs are poured with boiling water and insist 40 minutes. The resulting syrup is taken 6 times a day before meals.
  4. Add a spoonful of fresh goat fat to a glass of milk.

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Do not self-medicate and take folk remedies without consulting a doctor.

Cough is a protective reaction that is necessary for the successful recovery of the body. If this symptom is manifested with allergy or as a result of a reaction, then the doctor prescribes antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs. To prevent the development of acute respiratory infections, it is necessary to monitor the purity and humidity of the air.


Cough in adults: types, causes of seizures

Cough without a cause in adults can not appear. This reflex action occurs against a background of various ailments. A forced act is a very important symptom, which has many varieties. It can start suddenly and resemble an attack. There are other types of cough in adults, for example, its sound can be barking, wheezing, hoarse. Very important is the color and consistency of the mucus, whether it exists at all. Analyzing these and other visible signs, the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis. It is possible to find out exactly which ailment caused the appearance of a reflex action in a person, only after receiving the results of a biochemical analysis of blood, sputum and urine.

Types of cough in adults

The doctors have developed a clear structure for the questionnaire of a sick person, so that a specialist can collect an accurate history of the disease within a few minutes. In the survey, a significant role is assigned to what sounds are heard when coughing in an adult, to the sensations that he experiences with a reflex act. Similarly, a specialist is necessarily interested in the duration of involuntary action, whether there are concomitant visible manifestations, such as a runny nose, dyspnea. When exactly forced exhalation occurs, for example, an adult cough is present only during the day, after sleeping, in the mornings or at night. The fact that different manifestations of the reflex act can signal the development of ailments of the cardiovascular system, lung damage, the development of asthma. Therefore, in diagnostics, even the smallest detail plays an important role.

Barking cough in adults

The cause of the reflex act, in this case, is a severe swelling of the larynx. Because of this, the lumen in it is significantly narrowed. This kind of involuntary action is also called tracheal. In an adult human laryngeal edema can be triggered by various causes, among the most common factors need to be distinguished:

  • Effects of allergens. In this case, a sudden attack is recorded, which can result in diarrhea (in old age), vomiting.
  • Streptococcal infection. As a rule, in this case the organism should be strongly weakened by any general chronic disease, for example, diabetes, cachexia, etc.
  • Viral infections. It can be influenza, ARVI, ARI, etc.

Barking reflex act is very dangerous, because in severe cases it can result in loss of consciousness due to sensation of suffocation. A person with this condition can not completely produce a coughing process. Inhalation is not complete, and exhalation is accompanied by a strong suffocating cough. As a rule, the voice at this moment is quiet and hoarse.

Cough in adults with allergies

A suffocating reflex act, which has a paroxysmal character, is typical for the manifestation of an allergic or infectious-allergic reaction to stimuli. This involuntary action occurs in people with asthma. A feature of coughing in adults with allergies is that it can have a different character. The duration of the reflex action can also be different. Most often, a cough in an adult is accompanied by snot, suffocation, redness of the eyelids, edema of the larynx. The debilitating reflex act, passing with whistles and wheezing, can speak about the development of bronchitis. It is worth noting that in some cases, such a reaction with an allergy may not end immediately after the removal of the allergen, but last for weeks and even months.

Cough in adults after pneumonia and ARVI

There are following reasons for the onset of a reflex act in pneumonia: viruses, bacteria, ornithosis, fungi, intracellular bacteria, parasites, etc. The difficulty in diagnosing this disease lies in the fact that only the complete biochemical analysis of sputum and X-rays, which is done without fail, gives an accurate result. It is necessary to conduct a survey, since each type of pneumonia is treated only by a certain group of antibiotics.

Often doctors fix the situation when, after completing the full course of treatment, a person continues involuntary acts for several weeks. A deaf cough is quite normal, which is triggered by the use of mucolytoks in the process of treatment. In the event that the reflex action is suffocating, it is necessary to ask for help from a doctor, as, most likely, it is a relapse of pneumonia or ARVI. The reasons for the fact that a new stage in the development of the disease began, there may be several. First, failure to comply with the prescription of the doctor, that is, the refusal to take medication or bed rest. Secondly, the wrong definition of the cause of pneumonia, and, consequently, the appointment of the wrong group of antibiotics.

Causeless cough in adults

As a rule, the reason for the appearance of an incomprehensible reflex act, the beginning of which has no real explanation (no temperature, all tests are normal), is a nervous shock or overexcitation. Most often, such a cough in adults is recorded before any important events. If the causeless involuntary action is debilitating and lasts for several months, then the source of trouble is a depressive state, a depressing feeling of guilt for anything.


Types of cough and disease features

Cough is a symptom of many diseases and a natural reaction of the body, the main purpose of which is cleaning of the bronchi and lungs. There are the following types of cough and features of the disease:

1. dry cough;

2. cough with phlegm;

3. cough morning and night.

Types of cough and disease features

Kashtkm can be different in nature. For example - a dry cough, in which the sputum is not released and wet, under which it is vice versa, there are, in different amounts and different qualities.

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At occurrence of morning, evening and night cough in its intensity, it is divided into weak and strong. Periodicity and manifestation - frequent, persistent, recurrent, convulsive, painful and painless. By its "sound" can be barking, coarse, without sound, coughing.

Types of cough

Types of cough are and those:

1. dry kind of cough that does not bring relief to a person, often happens in patients who have any pathology of the bronchi. It can be with tuberculosis, lung cancer, pneumonia, etc.;

2. Cough with phlegm also occurs with bronchitis and pneumonia, when a lot of pus and mucus accumulate, when a parasitic cyst breaks through;

3. The morning appearance of cough is observed mainly in chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract, especially in those who smoke smokers, people who have bronchiectasis, lung abscess, tuberculosis. During the night, sputum accumulates and in the morning it is difficult to cough;

4. Evening cough can also occur with bronchitis and pneumonia. Such a cough disturbs a sick person throughout the day, and by evening it becomes stronger;

5. the night view of coughing can be at diseases of a bronchial asthma, a chronic bronchitis, at pathological processes in area of ​​the increased receptor sensitivity;

6. persistent cough - with chronic diseases of the bronchi, trachea, pharynx and larynx;

7. Periodic appearance of coughing occurs in smokers, especially in the morning hours, in patients with pneumonia or bronchial asthma, with ARD disease, with pulmonary emphysema.


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