Dry cough or wet how to spot

How can you tell a dry cough from wet in a child?

Each attentive mother who cares about the health of her baby should know how to distinguish dry cough from wet in a child. Cough reflex is a protective reaction that occurs in the body due to irritation of cough receptors. Such a process is very important for removing unnecessary contents from the respiratory tract, such as dust, smoke and other irritants. When untimely treatment of such a process, it can be prolonged for a long time due to the fact that the mucus will become denser and withdraw it will be more difficult.

The problem of child cough

This painful process can occur in a child regardless of the time of year.Sharp changes in air temperature can cause a decrease in the body's natural defense, which can lead to a cold with all its symptoms and consequences. The immune system of children is vulnerable to external factors, because it is not yet fully formed.

If the sputum stagnates in the bronchial tree, the inflammatory process begins to develop. Over time, its complications can become bronchitis or pneumonia. This phenomenon can occur not only because of the common cold. This is a natural defense of the body from external stimuli. Cough is dry and wet. These species differ in that, with a dry cough, the inflammatory process of the mucous larynx and pharynx occurs, while the wet one is characterized by an abundance of mucus in the bronchi. The treatment of dry cough is to use soothing and anti-spasmodics, and the wet form is treated with expectorants. It is very important to be able to distinguish these two species for successful treatment of the disease.

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Features of dry cough

Cigarette smoke is the cause of dry coughDry, or unproductive, cough is one of the first symptoms of many viral or infectious diseases (eg, bronchitis or pharyngitis). It can be nasal, but sputum is not separated. This is because during the cold, inflammation develops in the throat and larynx, excessive amounts of mucus are produced and all the time there is a desire to clear your throat. The cough reflex is not accompanied by the release of mucus, it is strong, harsh, painful. Dry cough appears due to colds and infectious diseases of the respiratory system.

When a cold starts, the child feels a choking sensation in the throat and a kind of cough appears. After some time (3 - 4 days) the dryness decreases, the cough becomes wet, as the body develops phlegm. Then there is a slowing down of the mucus and coughing again can become dry. The reasons for the development of such a process are:

  1. Influenza: during it appears a dry and hoarse cough, gradually turning into wet.
  2. Cigarette smoke.
  3. Dry air in the room.
  4. Harsh chemical irritants, for example, paint with a strong aroma, various solutions.
  5. Periodic dry cough during the day can signal such infectious diseases as laryngitis (dry and barking), whooping cough (with spasms and whistles) or measles.
  6. Allergic reactions.
  7. Tracheitis.
  8. Pharyngitis.
  9. Pleurisy.
Scheme of pharyngitisDangerous is the kind of cough caused by a disease in which there is edema of the trachea and larynx (false croup).

Depending on the type of reason for such a reflex, it can appear in the daytime or only at night, have a barking or bothersome character, while mucus is not separated. Such a process can be paroxysmal, debilitating the children's body and, in the end, does not bring a result in the form of sputum discharge.

With a dry cough, there is a strong desire to cough, but doctors strongly recommend not to do this, do not strain strongly vocal cords and small vessels, since the consequence may be hoarseness or loss of voice.

Parents should know that with a dry cough the child has an inflammatory process or irritation of the respiratory system, so you can not let the disease run its course, hoping that everything will pass by itself.

Treat dry cough

Ignoring the treatment of such a disease is fraught with the transition to a chronic stage. Pharmacy chains offer us a wide range of different cough remedies. It must be remembered that it is important for a child to see a doctor before starting treatment. All medicines are divided into synthetic (in the composition of which there are chemicals) and natural (they contain vegetable raw materials).

Libexin in the treatment of child coughAccording to the principle of action, drugs are divided into anti-spasmic (antitussive, which relieve spasm and calm cough) and expectorants (contribute to the dilution of sputum and the excretion of it from the respiratory system). Preparations based on plant raw materials act more gently on the body, have a small percentage of side effects. Therefore, when choosing medicines for your child, focus on precisely such means.

Unproductive cough is treated with antitussive drugs, and manifestations of moist cough are used by expectorants. Antitussive drugs have a calming effect on the mucous membranes of the pharynx and larynx, eliminate spasms in the bronchi. These drugs include:

  1. Libexin.
  2. Stoptussin.
  3. Tusuprex.
  4. Herbion syrup of plantain.

If the manifestations are very strong, it is possible to use drugs that inhibit the reflex, but they are used for a short time and only when a symptom appears. They are of central and peripheral action, aimed at suppressing the cough reflex (Ethylmorphine, Codeine, Glaucin).

Features of wet cough

Consultation of a doctor in the treatment of coughWet cough (productive) appears a few days after dry. Its difference is sound. Usually at the child it sounds sonorous and deeply, sometimes even gurgling. This type of reflex is accompanied by excessive sputum discharge, it is sometimes difficult to cough. The volume of the cough increases, and after the mucus goes off, it decreases. If the inflammation passes in a mild form, the color of the sputum is clear, and with prolonged forms of bronchial inflammation, the color of the sputum changes, there may be impurities of pus.

Withdrawal of wet content allows to clear bronchi and lungs from mucus, which is an excellent medium for the development of pathogenic flora. This kind of cough appears as a result of viral infections, a common cold, allergic manifestations, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs. Due to the fact that the secretions have a viscous consistency, they need to be provoked to move away in order to prevent the bacteria from multiplying in them.

If the mucus becomes turbid, it can signal the onset of the inflammatory process. The brown color of the discharge indicates an allergic reaction, the green color indicates sinusitis and other infectious diseases of the respiratory apparatus. Excessive sputum discharge indicates tracheitis or bronchitis. If the wet cough changes dry, this indicates a process of recovery of the child, so the task of the previous stage of treatment was to transfer the dry cough into a wet form.

Treatment for wet cough

Honey for cough in childrenMucolytics are prescribed for better sputum discharge. They help reduce the viscosity of mucus and help it to be quickly removed from the respiratory system. The intake of such drugs can be combined with the use of a large amount of liquid (drink teas, compotes, fruit drinks).

Preparations based on chemistry better cope with the mucus and the decrease in its viscosity. To help with the reflex help means on a plant basis ("Pektolvan Ivy", "Herbion Primrose"). When treating wet cough, a generous warm drink, milk, radish juice, honey (if the child is not allergic) is recommended.

A particularly important mate's assistant in the treatment of cough is the nebulizer. Inhalation can be done with the help of special means or usual saline solution.

When treating both dry and wet cough, it is very important to understand the differences between them and the characteristics of each species.

It is necessary strictly to follow the prescriptions of the doctor, to select the drugs according to the age of the child and his features (a tendency to allergies).

http://www.youtube.com/watc? =GaAV1W1jjWA

Differences of different types of coughing from each other and ways of treating them are commented by Dr. Komarovsky (video).


What cough worse than wet or dry



It is necessary to be treated at the doctor, but (for the inquiry)
Both dry and wet cough is a protective reaction of the body, cleansing the respiratory tract. How to get rid of a cough, not everyone knows. First of all, you need to determine what kind of cough - wet or dry. With a dry cough, sputum is not excreted, whereas a wet cough is necessarily accompanied by its excretion. The treatment of a wet cough completely completely different from the treatment of dry cough. Dry k. Is the cause of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (trachea, pharynx, larynx)
for treatment are applied
expectorants: Licorice root, Mucaltin, Leaves of plantain, thyme, coltsfoot, Solutan, Pertusin, Broncholithin are used for bronchitis and colds
mucolytic drugs: Bromhexine, Carbocysteine, ATSTS, Ambrosol and are prescribed for pneumonia, bronchitis
Combined preparations: Doctor IOM, Kodelak Fito are appointed for colds, ARVI and ARI


Both are good!



Irina Rastunina

Dry is worse and it should be done as soon as possible wet,

Plotnikova Alevtina

dry. Wet is when everything is already cleared.



Alain Dobriniec

better without it


In general, it's better not to get sick :)

Alexander N

Dry is worse.

Anastasia Snegireva

dry, for good reason does the expectorant doctor prescribe

Alexander Kurt

gg, and he and that... And when you buy tablets from a cough in the Pharmacy, always say what cough, And then the pharmacist Mukaltin will give you, with a wet cough, and one night, choke on your own phlegm ...

Butterflies in my stomach

any niche good

Shiltsova Galina

Dry, he will turn the whole soul.


wet is well rehearsed dry.


At me now dry-is tired already to cough some days, I do not know than and to treat.



House Siding

cough he is a cough ...

How to understand what your cough is dry or wet?? just in the pharmacy today asked and I do not know ...


Olga Robul

With a dry cough, as if "gnawing" in his throat, he is frequent, nasal, such impression that he is in the throat... A moist cough is less frequent, but it can be characterized by bubbling in the bronchi and sputum may be released with it. In the beginning usually a cough dry, then wet

Inna Timokhina

then see a doctor


Dry without sputum (no expectoration)


Well, when dry, usually "pershit" in the throat, like a dry cookie swallowed.. . and wet - it seems to be "gurgling" ...


There are nine types of cough. Dry cough is usually superficial with no excretion of sputum, it can still be called "barking". Wet when separation of sputum occurs.

Causes and types of cough without colds

, a cold without a cough and a cold

Coughing is a symptom that arises involuntarily and is caused by the fact that there is an irritant on the mucosa of the respiratory tract. Anything can provoke him, for example a foreign object in the throat or serious diseases.

How to treat a runny nose and cough with teething, you can find in the article.

Wet cough is the result of a large accumulation of sputum in the bronchi, lungs and trachea. As a rule, its development occurs after attacks of dry cough. If the cause of a wet cough is not determined in time, then eventually it will go into a chronic form.



An allergic reaction can occur on the flowering of the plant, on the dust, the animal's coat. In addition, a large accumulation of allergens is found in bed linens and carpets.The response of the body to such irritation takes the form of a dry cough and runny nose without temperature.

Allergy Cause Cough


Such a symptom can arise after a person has suffered an infectious or viral inflammatory process of the airways. This cough is characterized by a tickling in the throat, a tickling sensation. The duration of it can reach up to 3 weeks.


Cough in an adult

Dry cough may occur due to allergies or serious diseases such as tuberculosis and whooping cough. Only knowledge of the main causes of the symptom will allow to diagnose in time and go to treatment.

What to do when a child has a dry wheezing cough, you can find out by reading this article.

Whooping cough

With such a disease, it is barking and paroxysmal. At the initial stage of the disease in the patient there is a slight rise in temperature, general malaise and dry cough.Over time, the patient's condition worsens, it is simply strangled by a dry cough that the wave covers mainly at night.To treat this disease is necessary only in the condition of the hospital and under the supervision of the attending physician. Otherwise, you can not avoid serious consequences. Compared to children, in adults this ailment is not so severe and does not cause a violation of normal breathing.

From the article it becomes clear whether there can be a cough in the thyroid gland or not.

dry cough without cold symptoms

What are the signs of an asthmatic cough, you can find out by reading this article.

Laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis

Dry cough in these diseases serves as a complication of a viral infection. The inflammatory process moves to the lower parts and affects the bronchi, the larynx and the trachea. This case is characterized by the presence of a prolonged cough, which eventually intensifies and causes painful sensations in the chest and throat. Accepts a paroxysmal character at night or throughout the day.

Bronchitis as causative agent of cough

This article details what to do, quit smoking tortured.


Allergic reaction is a very common reason for the formation of dry cough in adults. It arises as a result of getting on the respiratory tract of a certain stimulus.Disturbs such a symptom in the morning, it can increase under specific conditions, for example, the use of citrus, cleaning with household chemicals.When the allergen has left the body, the dry cough leaves the patient. If contact with the stimulus becomes permanent, the risk of constriction of the airways and the formation of a constant cough increases. In addition, the allergy can develop into such severe diseases as obstructive bronchitis or bronchial asthma.

Allergic Causative Agent

A child has a wet cough in 1 year, that this article will help to understand.

Presence of foreign matter in the respiratory tract

This reason is also considered very popular and dangerous. When a foreign body accidentally enters the respiratory tract, it is paroxysmal, painful, and it is very difficult for the patient to breathe. In this situation it is necessary to urgently seek help by calling an ambulance.

stuck in the airways and causes coughing

The article details the use of cough during pregnancy.

Wet cough in children

When a cough is present for a long time and intensifies at night, this is a clear symptom of a dangerous pathology. To provoke wet in children can the following reasons:

  1. Tuberculosis, which is characterized by frequent coughing and the allocation of large amounts of sputum.
  2. Allergy to dust, plants, animals, medicines. At first, the child is disturbed by a dry cough, and then he becomes wet. Very often such a symptom indicates the development of bronchial asthma. The baby becomes very hard to breathe, he has problems with the respiratory system.allergy and dust as a cough pathogen in a child
  3. Pertussis provokes a prolonged effect, the temperature does not rise. The situation aggravates at night. In addition to a wet cough, the child is affected by the nervous system.
  4. Worms- a frequent problem in children, during which there is a wet cough. When the worms are inside the respiratory organs, the bronchi and lungs are strongly irritated. The result of this process is an abundant sputum discharge.Worms in a child cause a cough
  5. Psychological reasons. Wet may occur in the case when the baby has undergone a lot of stress, experiences. At night, the cough calms down, but when the baby is in the activity stage, then the symptomatology begins to be activated. To cure a cough, you need the help of a psychologist or a neurologist.the child was stressed and had a cough
  6. Poor air humidity in the room. To prevent this from happening, carefully and regularly ventilate the room in which the baby is.poor humidity in the room and there is a cough in the child
  7. The presence of a foreign body in the respiratory tract. Little babies are very inquisitive, and they all need to taste. They drag everything they see into their mouths. Small elements in the swallowing period get stuck in the respiratory organs. It can only be removed after removing a foreign body.
  8. Dysfunction of the digestive system. When the baby has problems with the stomach, gall bladder, food falls into the respiratory tract. As a result, he is tormented by a wet cough.

What are the causes of coughing in an adult at night, you can find out by reading this article.

The video tells about the causes of a cough without a cold:

What to do when a baby has a wet cough without fever, is indicated in the article.

Dry cough in children

Dry cough suggests absence of sputum discharge. Such a symptom is always painful. Often parents find a dry cough at night. Determine immediately the exact cause of the cough is impossible, because everything happens without signs of a cold, but it is from her and will depend on his treatment. There are symptoms of various pathologies, the most common are the following:

  1. Certain stimuli, available in the environment: dry air, tobacco smoke, smells of chemicals.tobacco smoke causes coughing in a child
  2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is characterized by the throwing of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus. The result of the process is vomiting and coughing.
  3. Pertussis, measles, allergies, pleurisy.
  4. Physiological factors. In infants during the year, the airways are cleared of accumulated mucus, dust. As a result, they have a cough that manifests itself in episodes in the morning. In addition to coughing, the baby does not have any other signs of a pathological process.

The article details how to get rid of a child's dry cough.

cough in infants due to the physiological cause of the tobacco smoke causes a cough in the child

Coughing is a very dangerous symptom that indicates a certain pathology in the body. In order for the treatment to be carried out with maximum success, it is necessary to determine the cause of the formation of such a symptom. After all, all therapeutic measures will be aimed at eliminating the fundamental factor.


Residual cough in the child

Why does the child have a residual cough?

Residual cough in the childResidual cough is observed in the child after the transferred bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs and tracheitis. It is observed after all the symptoms have gone away, the temperature has normalized, all the main signs of the transferred disease have passed. In this case, the child periodically coughs without spitting out phlegm. Such manifestations are called residual cough.

Appear residual cough can up to two weeks. In this case, the child's immunity becomes decisive. In the event that the SARS is observed in the child for the sixth time in a year, the residual cough can be observed for up to three weeks.

Causes residual cough causing infectious disease. There is a lesion of the mucosal virus of the bronchi and trachea, and it does not recover too quickly. For its full restoration must take a certain time. This is what makes up the period of observation of the residual cough.

Residual cough after bronchitis in a child

Residual cough after bronchitis gives the child a lot of trouble and requires appropriate treatment. Despite the fact that there is no immediate danger of coughing after bronchitis, there are two circumstances that make him take it seriously.

First of all, it is often confused with the symptoms of bronchitis itself or its complications. In this case, the duration of the cough and the nature of its course are important. After bronchitis, it makes sense to periodically show the child to the doctor. In the event that the child coughs for more than three weeks, with a cough dry, occurs with attacks, the probability of whooping cough should be excluded.

The duration of cough after bronchitis indicates that there are malfunctions in the immune system. The pathogenic microbes that cause disease are well deposited on the irritated bronchi of a child. He could again pick up the infection if it is present in his team, whether it's a kindergarten group or a class. It is better to keep the child at home until the cough is completely eliminated from him.

Residual cough in a child after ARVI

Cough can be a residual phenomenon after an ARVI, transferred by the child. It is observed because there is a violation of the normal functioning of the respiratory system of the child and sputum is formed in its bronchi as mucus. It is the presence of residual cough after ARI is a guarantee of protection of bronchi and trachea from sputum.

Residual cough after respiratory infection can be both dry and with phlegm. Thus the allocated sputum is thick and viscous, with impurities of mucus.

Cough in a child can manifest in different ways. Coughing can be both inconspicuous, and pass into a strong, persistent cough. In the latter case, the child may have a fever and feel worse. Residual cough after acute respiratory viral infection is most often manifested in preschool children.

Residual cough in a child after tracheitis

The main symptoms of tracheitis in a child are fatigue, weakness, fever. With their external absence, the child may have a cough, which is one of the residual symptoms of the disease. Almost every second case is similar. Residual cough in a child after tracheitis is manifested due to weakened immunity or individual characteristics of the child's body. Getting on the mucous membranes of the trachea and bronchi, the virus begins to multiply actively. Residual cough does not need any additional treatment, however time for recovery is necessary.

How long does the residual cough in a child last?

Residual cough after the transferred diseases in the child is among the normal phenomena. Approximately in half of the reported cases, it lasts up to a month and longer. Everything depends on the state of the child's organism and the disease that he suffered. If it is observed after bronchitis, special attention should be paid to the nature of the discharge during coughing. They should be light, the body temperature should not grow and in general, the cough itself should tend to decrease.

Children in preschool age themselves can not monitor the frequency of sputum and spit it normally. In addition, they need more time to restore the bronchial mucosa. If you do not resort to additional methods of treatment, sputum disappears in about a month.

For children of primary school age, less time is needed to eliminate the symptoms of residual cough. If you do not apply any additional cure they cure within ten days on average. Treatment can shorten this time by half.

Residual cough in a child, how to treat?

For the treatment of residual cough, a child needs a series of preventive procedures to facilitate the process of treatment. Often this is enough to stop the remaining cough, especially if it is observed after bronchitis. Preventive measures include airing the room in which the child lives, preventing exposure to acute allergens, fencing the child from smoking in his presence, maintaining the temperature in the child's living quarters at a certain level, without changes.

In residential areas, wet cleaning is required to be carried out regularly and the general condition of the microclimate should be monitored. It is recommended to use an air humidifier, the principle of which is based on the use of ultrasound. This is more effective than hanging wet towels in the room and installing water tanks on the floor. The air humidifier is able not only to keep the air humidity index at a given level, but also to clean it from harmful impurities.

How to cure a residual dry cough in a child

Dry cough is one of the varieties of residual cough that occurs in a child after suffering various illnesses. Like any kind of cough, it requires the application of a certain method of treatment.

First of all, it is necessary to put the child in a comfortable and peaceful state. Most often, parents are well aware that dry cough is often caused by exposure to a child's noise or strong light.

For the treatment of dry cough by pediatricians the following remedies are recommended:

  • a teaspoon of fresh honey without adding anything else;
  • a glass of boiled milk with the addition of a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • the use of tea with raspberry jam to solder the child before going to bed.

To significantly ease the course of dry cough in a child can perform steam inhalations. To do this, drinking water with a concentration of drinking soda in a volume of four tablespoons per liter is used.

In the event that self-administered treatment does not give any desired results, you need to seek medical help from a doctor. He can correctly establish the cause of the appearance of a dry cough in a child and prescribe an adequate treatment.

How to cure a residual dry cough in a child

How to remove residual wet cough in a child

Residual coughing in a child is most often explained by accumulated in his lungs phlegm. In such cases, pediatricians generally advise primarily to ensure ventilation of the child's room. In addition, you can wash his nose with a saline solution, placed in a jar. Such a measure is more suitable for prevention, so that the sputum does not dry up in the nasopharynx of the child.

Be sure to give the child a drink in large quantities. The best for this is a decoction of the dog-rose, it contains a large number of vitamins and trace elements. For example, there is more vitamin C in it than in all mineral and vitamin complexes. When preparing the solution, the dosage of its use should be observed. The rose hips in the volume of one tablespoon are filled with a glass of water, after which the whole volume must be brought to a boil. After boiling for an hour all the liquid must be cooled for two hours. After that, about a tenth of the solution is diluted with water to a volume of 200 milliliters. Apply every other day. After about a week and a half, there is a weakening of dry cough, and by the end of the month it completely stops.

How to treat a residual cough by Komarovsky

The main recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky are the following: do not suppress the residual cough in the child through the use of various means to combat coughing. This is dangerous, because cough is nothing but the consequences of previous seasonal diseases. Thus, the children's organism is self-cleaning. If the cough stops, there will not be enough sputum from the lungs. This entails a violation of ventilation of the lungs and increases the risk of pneumonia and bronchitis.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that cough is necessary for a child's body. Certainly, it is necessary to treat it, but treatment should be built not on cough elimination, but on its relief. Effective impact on the lungs should be sufficiently effective. The use of medicines should primarily be aimed at eliminating sputum. Everyone knows that the denser the sputum, the harder it is to leave the baby's body.

Residual cough in a child, how to treat folk remedies?

Such folk remedies are recommended for the treatment of a child's residual cough.

Pine buds on water or milk give a good effect when used to treat residual cough in a child. Preparation of medicinal infusion involves adding half a liter of boiling milk a tablespoon of pine buds. The fire turns off and insists for an hour. To solder the child, a warm infusion is applied once every two hours in a volume of 50 milliliters. Milk can be replaced with water, and pine cones on spruce shoots.

Badger fat is considered a good means of traditional medicine to treat residual cough in a child. Preschool children are recommended only for external use. Fat rubbing the skin on the back of the child, on the stomach, shoulders, chest and legs. After this, the child should cover the heat and put him to bed. After he well sweats it is necessary to change his underwear.

For children over the age of seven, badger fat can be recommended for use by mouth on a teaspoon three times a day. You can dissolve it in warm milk and give the baby with honey, it will be useful and tasty. If a child is allergic to such drinking ingredients, you can buy him badger fat in the pharmacy.

In addition to badger fat, you can also use sheep, as well as goose. Admission of these fats is carried out on the same principle as the use of medicinal fat badger.


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