Effective treatment of diabetic foot in the home

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Diabetic foot syndrome is an extremely complex set of functional and anatomical changes, which in various forms occurs in 30-80% of diabetic patients.

Because of the long-term high content of glucose in the blood, there is a negative effect on the nerves that go to the feet, the large and small vessels responsible for feeding the legs.

As a result, the normal functioning and structure of all tissues in the distal parts of the legs is disrupted, so they become a favorable haven for infections.

Ulcers, phlegmon, necrosis may develop, possible destruction of underlying tissues. If treatment begins late, the consequences can be severe up to the amputation of the foot and the disability of the patient.

Article Content:
  • Possible Causes of
  • Symptoms of
  • General Recommendations of
  • How to treat folk remedies?
  • What is not recommended?
  • Prevention measures

Possible causes

Diabetic foot syndrome is a late complication of diabetes mellitus, in which increasing blood glucose adversely affects tissues and blood vessels. Thus, the mass of organs and systems suffers.

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Lower extremities, and the feet in particular, are blood supply worse because they are far from the heart. With a long-term elevated sugar level, there is a diabetic neuropathy.

It reduces pain sensitivity, and thus the patient can not feel any damage on the skin, although they heal very slowly. Rapid healing is also impeded by the large load that occurs when moving.

Symptoms of

Symptoms are determined by the form of the disease and other factors. Depending on the pathology of the foot, three forms of development of the syndrome are distinguished:

  • Neuropathic .The defeat of nervous tissues predominates. There is burning, tingling, a feeling of heat or cooling, numbness. The skin can be warm and dry. The pulse is noticeable, but the sensitivity and reflexes are reduced. Deformation of the joints is noticeable. Ulcers can form, from which a lot of liquid can later be released.
  • Ischemic .Suffer from her small or large vessels. It is manifested by pain in the foot, muscle weakness. The foot may stop moving adequately, there may be attacks of lameness. The skin is cold and pale, in certain areas its skin is stronger. It is difficult to determine the pulse in the arteries. Corns appear, wounds heal for a long time. A dangerous consequence may be dry gangrene of certain fingers or the entire foot.
  • Mixed .Combines the symptoms of the two above mentioned species.

The earliest symptoms of the are tingling in the foot, numbness in it, and so-called "goose bumps" running down the legs. At the initial stage, you can see such signs:

  • even minor injuries heal very long, there are suppuration;The corns of
  • appear between the fingers, on the thumb;
  • on the skin of the foot or nails appears fungal disease;
  • joints and toes are deformed;
  • can appear wetting ulcers, various cracks on the heels.

General recommendations

First of all, it is necessary to carry out the treatment under the supervision of the attending physician. As a rule, such measures are required:

  • Normalization of blood glucose level and control of this indicator in the future;
  • In the case of neuropathic form, it is necessary to provide a resting state to the foot. With ischemic, an orthopedic doctor may be attributed to wearing special shoes that will help relieve the foot.
  • Surgical treatment of the wound can be performed, if necessary - drainage. Further, operations that restore the permeability of the vessel may follow.
  • Antibacterial drugs are indicated. First, funds are used in a wide range of activities, and after the study, specialists review their purpose.
  • It is necessary to medically regulate blood pressure.
  • Saturation of tissues with additional oxygen, which is supplied under high pressure, can be shown;
  • A doctor can prescribe medications that normalize the blood levels of cholesterol and lipids.

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How to treat folk remedies?

Traditional medicine also has recipes for funds that help cope with the syndrome. But before using any of them, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

  • Blueberries. For the treatment and prevention of diabetic foot, berries and blueberry leaves are used. Berries are simply recommended to eat, moreover, in any quantity. On the basis of leaves, you need to prepare the infusion. To do this, pour the leaves of blueberries with boiling water, and then use an infusion of half a glass three times a day. The course of treatment is a month. In two weeks it can be repeated.
  • Honey .Honey is useful because it helps the wounds heal faster and improves blood circulation in the vessels. You need 50 grams of eucalyptus leaves, which you need to grind, pour half a cup of boiling water and boil for another 15 minutes. After the infusion has cooled, and you strain it, add two or three tablespoons of honey and stir well. This tool can also be used for lotions, applying them to the damaged area, as well as doing the basis of the infusion of the foot bath. .An ancient recipe, which is known in our time. You need to moisten a piece of cotton cloth in curdled milk and apply to the affected leg area. After the fabric has dried, repeat the procedure, again moistening the cloth. During the day, change the tissue as often as possible. Due to the acidic composition, curdled milk helps to reduce pain in the lower extremities.
  • Juniper .It is necessary to dry the dry leaves of the juniper to a powder, and sprinkle this powder on the damaged areas. It is better to apply after applying compresses and bandages. The powder disinfects well and dries the wound.
  • Carnation oil .To use, it is necessary to soak a clean piece of tissue in clove oil and apply a bandage to the affected area, changing it several times a day.
  • Rye bread .It is necessary to take freshly baked rye bread, sprinkle it with salt and chew it well, moistened with saliva. Mass, which was formed, you need to cover the damaged areas and bandage.
  • Treatment with cancers .An unconventional prescription that can be used when there are necrotic manifestations. You need fresh cancers( you can catch them or buy them).Crayfish should be thinned to a homogeneous mass, similar to dough. A little money is applied to the sore spot, closed with a cloth or gauze and fixed with a bandage. The bandage is best changed during the day, until you notice the lightening of the damaged area.

What is not recommended?

Do not wear open shoes in diabetic foot syndrome, try not to wear it "on bare feet".Walking barefoot is also not recommended. Do not attempt to remove corns yourself. Also, do not use sharp items or metal objects in the foot care, or do pedicures in salons.(Read in this article how to make a pedicure at home with your own hands)

Do not under any circumstances use alcohol-containing products such as iodine or zelenka to treat sores and scratches. It is better to use hydrogen peroxide or miramistin.

Prevention measures

To prevent the development of the syndrome, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Keep your feet clean. Every day, wash them with soap and warm water. Before washing your feet, check the water with your hand - it should not be too hot. Wipe your feet with a towel, but do not rub them.
  • Feeling dryness of feet, grease them with a fat cream.
  • Momentarily process any incipient wounds or scratches.
  • Wear extremely comfortable shoes that do not rub. Do not buy high-heeled products, with lintels between your fingers, with narrow noses. Before putting on shoes, check to see if there are any accidentally dropped objects, uneven edges and other defects that can damage the foot.
  • You can use gymnastics and foot massage, which reduce pain and restore sensitivity.
  • The risk of the disease increases with the presence of excess weight, due to which obese people are recommended to get rid of several kilograms.
  • It is necessary to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

The main preventive measure for diabetics is in the constant control of the disease .It is important to maintain the normal state of blood sugar and carbohydrate metabolism.

Be sure to visit the for prophylactic purposes of , which will tell you, if any problems are found, what measures to take to prevent complications.

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