Treatment of varicocele in men without surgery: drugs used, regimens and other methods

Varicocele is a complex disease that affects men under certain factors. The veins in the spermatic cord extend, painful sensations of a constant noisy character arise, which increase with the development of the disease.

In the later stages, it is impossible to cure varicocele without surgery, both with medicines and with folk methods of treatment. But if the disease has not yet reached a critical form, you can completely do without surgery.


  • 1 Basics of non-surgical therapy
  • 2 Medications for vein dilatation
  • 3 Therapeutic gymnastics
  • 4 The massage of the testicles and aromatherapy
  • 5 Folk remedies at home
  • 6 Preventative measures

Basics of non-surgical therapy

When choosing a treatment regimen for varicocele in men without surgery, many factors are considered, among which the most important placeoccupy the causes of the onset of the disease and the severity of the symptoms. If the patient does not experience the painful sensations of

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, it will be sufficient to take medication and wear a special bandage with a supporting effect.

If the symptomatology is severe, the patient complains of constant pain, adds other therapeutic methods to : therapeutic gymnastics, massage, aromatherapy, vitamin complexes, and certain preventive measures that prevent the progression of varicocele. In parallel, it is permitted to use folk remedies.

All these treatments together can have a very beneficial effect by suspending or completely eliminating the disease.

Medications for vein dilatation

Drugs for treatment of varicocele will be ineffective if the disease is in stage 3 or 4 of the development of .In these cases, only surgery can help. But taking medication can improve the effectiveness of treatment.

In the early stages, the following drugs are usually prescribed:

  • Venotonics and venoprotectors: Flebodia ointments, Venoton, Troxevasin, as well as Ginkor Forte or Detralex tablets. They improve capillary blood flow, strengthen the walls of venous vessels, relieve swelling and eliminate stagnation of blood.

    Ointments are applied twice a day to the affected testicle and groin area. Apply the ointment by rubbing it for about 2-3 minutes. Perform these procedures 1,5-2 months. If this period was not enough, the course of treatment is repeated.

    Tablets should be taken 2 times twice a day, during the meal. After a week, the dosage is lowered. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

  • Antioxidants : Triovit, Antiox, vitamins C, E, A, extract of grape berries. These drugs increase the oxygen saturation of the testes tissues, improving the overall condition of the venous vessels.

    The antioxidant regimen is determined by a doctor, but they are usually taken one tablet twice a day during meals, washed down with clean water.

  • Drugs that improve blood circulation : Trental, Agapurin, Pentoxifylline, Arbiflex. These drugs help to increase blood microcirculation, increase the tone of blood vessels, reduce the viscosity of the blood.

    Prescribe these drugs courses for several weeks. Take them 1-2 tablets three times a day, for several weeks, depending on the course of the disease.

Some drugs contribute to the normalization of sperm production , which is especially important in a disease such as varicocele, which often leads to male infertility.

To improve spermatogenesis, you can take various dietary supplements and vitamin complexes that contain selenium and zinc. In rare cases, a doctor can prescribe a course of hormonal drugs.

Therapeutic gymnastics

The implementation of special exercises with varicocele can have a positive effect on the suspension of the development of the disease. The following exercises are recommended:

  • Stand on your toes, stay in this state for 20 seconds, then sharply lower your heels to the floor. You need to perform 30 times, then relax for 10 seconds and then repeat again. This exercise should be performed 5-10 times a day.
  • Stand up straight, put your legs together. Then you should slowly bend over until the hands reach the floor. After that, you need to slowly return to the direct position, take a deep breath, stand on your heels and exhale. Repeat three times a day.

These exercises positively affect the tone of the venous vessels, especially in the inguinal region of the .Gymnastics will help improve blood circulation, give vessels elasticity, eliminate stagnant processes.

Egg and aromatherapy massage

Pretty an effective way to improve the condition with varicocele is the massage of the testicles .It is used for 2 or 3 stages of the disease. It is carried out this way: you need to lie on a hard surface and raise the pelvic area. This pose will improve the outflow of blood from the venous veins that come from the testes.

After accepting this position, it is necessary to massage the affected testicle and the inguinal zone around it gently. Strongly do not need pressure, but too light massage will not bring any effect.

If in the process of massage there are painful sensations, it is better to refuse it.

Aromatherapy in some cases can alleviate the condition with varicocele, improve the tone of the veins, have a beneficial effect on the entire cardiovascular system. It is recommended to use aromatic oils from such plants as: cypress, lemon, tea tree, lime, juniper, sandalwood, lemon balm. Oils are added to the aroma lamps or baths.

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Folk remedies at home

Many folk remedies can improve the condition of venous vessels, make them more elastic, thereby preventing the development of varicocele. The most effective folk recipes:

  • The leaves of strawberries and birch, dandelion roots, oat straw and grass of sweet clover are mixed in equal proportions, then three tables of boiling water are poured into a tablespoon of this mixture. Wait half an hour, drain. Take a quarter cup shortly before meals for a month.
  • A teaspoon of horse chestnut peel juice is diluted in a tablespoon of water and is taken twice a day. You can also buy a ready tincture of horse chestnut in the pharmacy and take it according to the instructions.
  • A tablespoon of finely chopped hazelnut leaves fall asleep in a glass of boiling water and allow to stand for 15 minutes, after which to drink. This tea is recommended to drink four times a day.
  • Squeeze juice from fresh St. John's wort , then mix 50 ml of juice with a glass of boiled milk( it should not be hot).Drink this mixture should be in the morning before eating for 2 months.
  • White acacia flowers are crushed to a mushy state, then salt is added, which must be 10 times less in weight than flowers. Ingredients are mixed and left for half an hour. After that, you need to take gauze, put the mixture there and put a testicle on the patient. Such a procedure should be performed once a day for a week, repeat the course in half a month.
Baths with the addition of decoction of wormwood, chamomile, chestnut, willow or oak branches also have a positive effect.

More on the topic - is it possible to cure varicocele without surgery and how effective is it - see the video:

Preventative measures

In order not to wonder how to treat varicocele without surgery, to stop the development of the disease and improve the condition, it is recommended that the following measures be taken:

  • More movements of .In some cases varicocele occurs with a sedentary lifestyle. Daily physical activity will help reduce the risk of complications of the disease.
  • The correct clothing is .When varicocele is strictly contraindicated wearing a swimming trunks and other underwear, which has a crushing effect on the testicles.
  • Regular sexual contacts .They improve blood circulation in the genital organs, contribute to the outflow of blood and the normalization of the state of venous vessels. When varicocele is extremely dangerous to practice interrupted sexual acts and other methods of delaying ejaculation.

Adherence to these preventive measures, a balanced diet, as well as quitting smoking and other bad habits will strengthen the body, reduce pathological processes in the testicles and accelerate recovery.