Acute intestinal infection in children: treatment and symptoms

All acute intestinal infections in children and adults can be called "diseases of dirty hands", emphasizing their close relationship with non-compliance with basic hygiene rules. Pathogenic microorganisms enter the child's gastrointestinal tract with malnourished food, dirty hands, infected nipples, spoons, and multiply rapidly in it, cause diseases called rotovirus, norovirus and other acute intestinal infections, the main symptoms of which are abdominal pain, diarrheaand vomiting.

There are no number of intestinal infections, as well as their clinical manifestations, which exist under different names: dyspepsia, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, gastroenterocolitis, etc.

In this article you will learn recommendations for the prevention and treatment of these diseases, which can beand you need to do the parents at home.than and how to treat a child.


Reasons and Waystransfer

Most of all troubles can be delivered to the child pathogenic intestinal bacillus, salmonella, dysenteric microbes, staphylococci and various viruses( most often entero-, rota- and adenoviruses).

Often adult members of the family have erased forms of the disease or carriage of pathogens, which contributes to the spread of infections.

Transmission routes are known for a long time: pathogens are excreted from the body with the patient's feces and get to the healthy through the mouth with food, water, household items( door handles, switches, dishes, linens, etc.).

A breastfish whose living space is confined to a crib, receives intestinal pathogens from the mother's hands with a pacifier, a bottle, a toy, a contaminated mixture. Often the mother who has fallen to the ground "disinfects" by licking her tongue, adding to her own microbes, raised from the floor, her own nasopharynx. And the lack of adult members of the family's habit of washing their hands after visiting the toilet threatens the baby with endless diarrhea.

Symptoms and signs

The main symptoms of acute intestinal infectious disease are known to everyone: abdominal pain, repeated vomiting, frequent loose stools, often accompanied by fever. Often sick children of early age( up to 3 years).

The high morbidity at this age is promoted by the reduced resistance of the organism and the child's behavioral characteristics: mobility and curiosity, the desire to get acquainted with the world, trying it on the tooth, neglecting the rules of personal hygiene.

The period from the moment of infection before the onset of the disease can be short( 30-40 minutes), then you can definitely name the cause of the disease, or long( up to 7 days), when the errors in nutrition and behavior have already erased in memory.

Often, the disease is so violently that in a few hours, dehydration can develop due to loss of fluid and salts with vomit and liquid stool.

The signs of dehydration are easy to detect: the child is sluggish, the skin is dry, its elasticity is reduced, little saliva is produced, the dryness of the tongue and lips is expressed, eyes are sunken, the voice becomes less sonorous, and urination is rare and meager.

This is a serious condition, indicating a violation of the work of all organs and systems of the body and requiring immediate medical care.

Treatment of acute intestinal infection in a child at home

In the first hours of the , it does not matter which causative agent caused digestive disorders: dysentery or E. coli, Salmonella or Staphylococcus, Yersinia or viruses - most importantly, prevent dehydration of the body ,to receive a sufficient amount of liquid to restore the lost.

With vomiting and diarrhea, not only liquid, but also trace elements such as potassium, sodium, chlorine are lost, acid-base balance is disturbed, which aggravates the condition even more, and often cramps occur against the background of dehydration. Therefore, the child should not receive simple water, but glucose-salt solutions.

In the pharmacy are freely available mixtures of salts with glucose: "Glucosolan", "Regidron", "Citroglyukosolan", "Oralit", etc. The contents of the package are dissolved in one liter of boiled and chilled water, and the medicine is ready.

Now you need patience and perseverance to suck a sick child. For the first hour, give him 2 teaspoons of solution every 2 minutes. Even if the child drinks greedily, do not increase the dose, because a large amount of fluid can provoke vomiting.

From the second hour the dose can be increased and give the child 2 tablespoons every 10-15 minutes. For a day the amount of liquid administered should be from 50 to 150 ml of solution for each kilogram of weight, depending on the frequency of vomiting and diarrhea and the severity of the condition.

Glucose-salt solution can not be boiled and after 12-24 hours a fresh serving should be prepared.

In addition to glucose-salt solutions, the child can be given simple drinking water, tea, rose hips, mineral water without gas.

If a child drinks a lot and is willing, do not limit it. Healthy kidneys will cope with the load and withdraw excess water from the body along with toxic substances.

Much worse, if the patient refuses to drink, then you have to resort to various tricks to give a drink to the stubborn. A baby can be digested with a solution in the mouth of the pipette or injected into the mouth with a syringe( without a needle) or a rubber pear. Two-three-year-old child suggest that you remember how he was small and sucked from a bottle. Nothing that he has long been drinking from a cup, give him a bottle with a medical solution, let him play "in a small one."

According to the law of villainy, the disease comes unexpectedly at the most inopportune time( at night) and at the most inappropriate place( in the country, in the village), when there are no medicines at hand, and as the saying goes, "seven versts to heaven and everythingforest ".

Help and ingenuity will come to the rescue. After all, what is, for example, "Glukosolan"?This is a mixture of salts, consisting of sodium chloride( salt) - 3.5 grams, sodium bicarbonate( baking soda) - 2.5 grams, potassium chloride - 1.5 g and glucose - 20 g.

In any house there is salt and soda, and potassium and glucose( fructose) we get by boiling a handful of raisins or dried apricots in one liter of water. For 1 liter of raisin broth, add 1 teaspoon of salt( without top), a teaspoonful of soda, here's a glucose-saline solution.

If there are no raisins or dried apricots, take as a source of potassium several large carrots, cut into pieces, pre-washed and cleaned, and boil in the same amount of water. Then add 1 teaspoon of salt, a teaspoonful of soda and 4 teaspoons of sugar.

If neither raisins nor carrots are at hand, the base of the solution will be simple boiled water, in one liter of which you will dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt, a half teaspoon of soda and 8 teaspoons of sugar.

Very often mothers complain that the baby does not want to drink "tasteless water."And in this situation it is possible, having shown ingenuity, to turn a medical solution into a pleasant drink. Just dilute a bag of "Regidron" not in ordinary water, but in a raisin broth. We have already noted that the raisin broth is rich in potassium and glucose, so after dissolving the "Regidron" sachet in it, you will get a glucose-brine solution enriched with an additional amount of mineral salts. And the kid will be grateful to you for a delicious medicine.

With all the seeming simplicity, suctioning is one of the main points of complex treatment of a child with intestinal infection. Remember this and do not neglect drinking, cherishing the hope for miracle antibiotics, which should immediately stop the disease.

Vomiting and diarrhea is a protective reaction to the ingestion of a foreign agent into the stomach. With their help the body is released from microbes and their toxins. It is necessary to help the body in this fight. This is designed to make adsorbents - substances that bind microbes, viruses, toxins and remove them from the body.

The most famous adsorbent is activated carbon. Before use, the coal pellet should be crushed to increase the adsorption surface, dilute with a small amount of boiled water and give the child a drink. A single dose of activated carbon is one tablet per 10 kg of the child's weight.

Polyphepan is a highly effective naturally occurring adsorbent, a brown powder. Single dose for a child under 3 years - 1 teaspoon of powder( without top), diluted in a small amount of boiled water, from 4 to 7 years - 2 teaspoons, from 8 to 14 years - 1-2 tablespoons per reception.

Smecta - one powder is diluted in 100 ml( half cup) of boiled water and give the child from 2-4 teaspoons to 2-4 tablespoons per reception, depending on the age.

Children are reluctant to take coal and polyphepan, apparently, they are deterred by a dark color and the presence of unpleasant grains in the aqueous suspension of the adsorbent, and prefer a smectoid lacking these drawbacks.

Enterodez - one packet is diluted in 100 ml of boiled water and give the child several sips at the reception. Enteredosis is especially effective in cases of frequent, fluid, heavy stools.

Recently, a shelf of adsorbents has arrived: new effective preparations have appeared - enterosgel and polysorb.

Take adsorbents 3-4 times a day. Do not be discouraged if the adsorbent, which was taken for the first time, soon vytttel back with vomiting. In the few minutes that he was in the stomach, a significant portion of the microbes had managed to settle on it and leave the body. In the next step, the adsorbent will stay in the stomach and, going into the intestine, continue to perform the function of the "cleaner" there.

It is not recommended to take inside a solution of potassium permanganate for the treatment of intestinal infections and food poisoning. After taking a pink solution of potassium permanganate for some time, vomiting stops. But this is an apparent and short-term improvement, after which the condition worsens and vomiting is resumed. Why is this happening? The mucous membrane of the stomach reacts sensitively to the inflow and multiplication of microbes, and upon reaching a certain concentration with the help of vomiting, removes the infectious agent from the body.

The solution of potassium permanganate has a tanning effect on the mucous membrane and reduces its sensitivity to microbes, which allows them to multiply and accumulate in the stomach in larger quantities and for a longer time. Consequently, more toxins will be absorbed into the bloodstream from the stomach, and more microbes will pass into the intestine.

The same negative effect has a solution of potassium permanganate, introduced in the enema. It causes the formation of a feces preventing the removal of liquid stool, which contains a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, and the rapid reproduction of the latter in the intestines contributes to the absorption of toxins into the blood and the development of severe inflammatory processes in the intestine.

No medications without doctor's prescription! Especially do not aspire to give a pill to a child with repeated vomiting. Your efforts will not be rewarded, as any attempt to swallow a medicine causes vomiting. Only glucose-salt solutions and adsorbents.

Give the child prescribed medicines, do not combine them in time with adsorbents. The medicine, deposited on the sorbent, exits the body without having any effect on it. Between receptions of adsorbents and medical preparations there should be a break not less than 2 hours.

Do not try to force a child who is disturbed by nausea and vomiting. This will not lead to anything good, but will only cause vomiting.

The first 4-6 hours from the moment of the disease, devote to the intake of glucose-salt solutions and other liquids, of which we have already spoken. But do not delay with starvation, then not to fight its consequences. If the child asks for food, then you must feed him, but often in small portions, so as not to provoke vomiting.

It was lucky for the baby who receives breast milk, because it is not only food, but also a medicine, thanks to the presence of antibodies, lysozyme and enzymes in it. Attachments to the chest after a water-tea break should be short( 3-5-7 minutes), but frequent - after 1.5-2 hours.

"Artificial" for the first meal offer baby kefir, acidophilic "Baby", "Bifidok" or any other fermented milk product. The lacto- and bifidobacteria contained in them have a beneficial effect on the inflamed intestine. Single dose should be reduced by half, and breaks between feedings are halved. Then you can make porridge, preferably oatmeal or rice, on diluted milk, a mashed slimy soup, vegetable puree, scrambled eggs, curd soufflé, steam cutlets or meatballs, boiled fish. For a few days, exclude from the diet fruit and vegetable juices, meat and fish broths, sweets.

It is desirable to accompany each meal with the intake of enzyme preparations that facilitate digestion of food and help the digestive tract cope with the disease.

If the disease is accompanied by an increase in temperature above 38 ° C, and the child continues to vomit, taking antipyretics through the mouth will be useless, since the medicine does not stay in the stomach and immediately exits( see page "The child has a fever of 38-39: what to do? ".

Begin with physical methods of cooling: strip the patient, wipe it with 1-2% vinegar solution or a mixture of equal parts of water, vodka and 9% vinegar, create a" breeze "near it with the help of a fanor a fan. Analgesic agents in the form of suppositories with analgin, paracetamol for administration to the rectum

If there is a threat of ( trembling of the hands and chin against the rising temperature) call a children's emergency room or an ambulance, because the child's condition requires immediate medical attention,especially as the continuing loss of salts with vomiting and diarrhea contributes to the development of convulsive syndrome.

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