Attack of pancreatitis - symptoms, treatment at home

The pancreas is responsible for the timely production of gastric enzymes and hormones. These substances effectively break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and also normalize the level of glucose in the blood. If the work of this organ is violated, then this disease is called pancreatitis. As a rule, this ailment appears because of the negligent attitude of a person towards one's health. The attack of pancreatitis and its symptoms proceed differently, the pain can be acute or chronic. If there are abnormalities in the pancreas, they necessarily appear, a rumbling appears in the abdomen, pain in the right upper quadrant is felt, and a stool (constipation, diarrhea) is observed. This article will talk about the symptoms and causes of the disease, as well as give advice on how to relieve pain and restore good health.

  • Symptoms of pancreatitis
  • Causes of an attack
  • Acute attack of pancreatitis, what to do
  • Home Treatment
  • Diet - a pledge of well-being
  • Diet in case of an attack of pancreatitis
  • Diet after an attack of pancreatitis
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Symptoms of pancreatitis

An acute attack of pancreatitis carries a serious threat not only to health, but in neglected cases and life. If you do not contact the doctor in a timely manner, all the symptoms will be fatal. The attack in children and adults is accompanied by such symptoms:

  • severe pain in the upper abdomen, which eventually becomes more intense (pain can trigger a loss of consciousness);
  • nausea, vomiting begins, immediately with food, and then with bile;
  • loss of appetite, bloating and flatulence;
  • diarrhea with a very unpleasant odor and the remains of unboiled food, constipation may occur for several days;
  • hiccough, dryness in the oral cavity, unpleasant eructation;
  • the person occupies a sitting position and bends forward;
  • the temperature rises, chills appear and shortness of breath;
  • a white coating forms on the tongue;
  • after a few days the elasticity of the skin is lost, the body weight decreases;
  • the level of arterial pressure decreases, there is weakness and general malaise.

Important!All these signs of an attack are similar to other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so an accurate diagnosis should be established only by a specialist.

Important!In this article, you can learn about reactive pancreatitis, its symptoms and treatment.

At the first symptoms it is important to consult a doctor, he will prescribe a course of laboratory and instrumental examinations. Based on the results, the doctor will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right therapy.

Causes of an attack

The pancreas does a lot of work in order for the digestive system to function properly. The main cause of pancreatitis is the use of harmful foods and beverages. At some point the body turns on a defensive reaction and gives a signal that it's time to establish a quality of life. It is at this point there is an attack of pancreatitis.

Important!Find out what pancreatitis is and how dangerous it is in our article.

There are quite a lot of causes of an attack of chronic and acute pancreatitis, among the most common physicians distinguish:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • violation of timely nutrition;
  • binge eating;
  • adverse reactions of some medical devices;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • problems with biliary tract;
  • various infections;
  • pregnancy.

Important!About the first signs and symptoms of pancreatitis, you can find out here.

Important!All causes of the disease can be controlled by everyone. It is important to eat right and not to drink alcohol in large quantities. Improving the quality of life, and monitoring your own health, you can protect the pancreas from pancreatitis.

Acute attack of pancreatitis, what to do

If a person feels a sharp attack of pancreatitis it is important to immediately call a health care team. How to remove an attack of pancreatitis in the home while the ambulance arrives? For this, it is important to take the right drugs that perform their functions qualitatively:

  • It is necessary to take only antispasmodic drugs (No-shpa, Spazmolgon, Papaverin, Drotaverin);
  • refuse to eat;
  • use a lot of purified water, every 30 minutes for 0.5 cup;
  • on the back, corresponding to the pancreas, apply a compress of ice;
  • It is forbidden to get out of bed, you need to adhere to a sparing regimen and less to move.

Important!More about the treatment of pancreatitis with medicines, we already wrote.

Often pancreatitis causes changes in the outflow of bile, so the pain will be removed by diuretic drugs. However, you can take them, if there are no stones or sand in the gallbladder, otherwise you can only harm your health.

Important!Pancreatitis is a serious disease, the treatment of which is carried out only in a hospital, under the supervision of doctors. Do not engage in self-medication, because the wrong drugs only harm the shaky health, which can lead to death.

Home Treatment

To remove aching pain and expand the ducts, it is necessary to take Pancreatin and Drotaverin. These drugs must be drunk three times a day before meals, they will not only relieve the pain syndrome, but will also improve the digestive system.

Important!About the treatment of pancreatitis with herbs, you can find out here.

There is a special mineral water, which is intended for patients with pancreatitis. During the exacerbation it must be drunk in large quantities. However, for prevention purposes, it is enough to drink 2 cups of medicinal water daily.

An irreplaceable therapy for pancreatitis is a diet. In the first days of exacerbation, fasting is generally recommended, it will allow to release the digestive system from food, so the pancreas will stop producing enzymes. In a few days, you can gradually introduce low-fat diet foods.

Important!Observing simple rules, you can not only reduce the discomfort in the body, but also avoid the appearance of such a disease.

Diet - a pledge of well-being

During the attack, the patient should have a diet menu. As a rule, the patient is recommended to diet No. 5. It allows the exhausted body to regain strength and be saturated with useful substances, vitamins and microorganisms. Proper nutrition reduces the burden on the pancreas, which normalizes the work of the body and relieves severe symptoms.

Diet №5 implies the rejection of fried, smoked and salted. All meals should be cooked in pairs or in the oven. In the diet it is important to introduce more herbs, as well as fruits and vegetables, to reduce the intake of salt and sugar. The diet is perfectly complemented by dishes from animal origin:

  • fresh cottage cheese;
  • the cheese is solid, low-fat;
  • eggs, but not more than one for a week;
  • milk with a low percentage of fat;
  • dietary rabbit meat, turkey, chicken and beef;
  • yoghurt and yogurt.

Diet in case of an attack of pancreatitis

The daily menu allows you to consume 200 g of gray bread and 30 g of granulated sugar, this dose should be evenly distributed. Sample menu for the day:


  • steam cutlets (150 g);
  • oatmeal cooked on milk (150 g);
  • tea.


  • boiled meat (150 g);
  • low-fat cottage cheese (100 g);
  • tea with milk.


  • a vegetarian potato soup (250 g);
  • meatballs steamed (100 g);
  • mashed carrots (120 g);
  • apple jelly (150 g).


  • scrambled eggs (2 eggs);
  • low-fat cottage cheese (150 g);
  • tea.

Second dinner:

  • fruit jelly.

Important!Need to learn how to eat properly when pancreatic pancreatitis? Read here.

Diet after an attack of pancreatitis

After an acute attack a person should continue to adhere to the diet number 5. This diet is aimed at the full restoration of the digestive system. After discharge from the hospital, the patient is obliged to monitor his diet, so he should adhere to simple rules:

  • introduce fresh, nutritious and non-fatty foods into the diet;
  • try to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fats, but at the same time increase the consumption of protein foods;
  • in the daily menu include an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as greens;
  • it is important to eat dietary meat;
  • all dishes must be cooked for a couple, or boiled, but you can bake.

Important!It's interesting to know if you can eat a watermelon in pancreatitis? Read here.

On a diet, a person should sit until he feels an improvement in health. However, this does not mean that you can immediately introduce into the diet prohibited products. It is important to monitor your diet and make efforts to make it right and balanced. In this case, a person will establish personal health and will avoid severe attacks of pancreatitis.

Pancreatitis is a serious disease that a person provokes. The excessive use of street food and alcohol, overeating, fried and finished food leads to the fact that the digestive organs are failing in their work. A person should try to eat right and then he will never know what pancreatitis is. Be healthy!

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