All symptoms and signs of a micro stroke in men

From this article you will learn: how the microinsult proceeds in men, its very first warning signs and reliable symptoms in the midst of the disease. Why the symptoms should be evaluated with regard to risk factors.

Contents of the article:

  • Symptoms of a micro stroke in men
  • The most frequent first symptoms of
  • Signs of the height of the disease
  • What are the manifestations of the disease
  • What men are more likely to get sick - at risk

Microinsult in men is a violation of blood circulation in microvessels of a small area of ​​the brain,loss( 1-2 minutes to 24 hours) of nerve cells. At the same time, they retain their structure and are able to fully recover.

In fact, the diagnosis of "microinsult" does not exist, since it is not foreseen by the international classification of diseases. The term was coined for a simpler and more understandable explanation of the true disease - transient ischemic attack( abbreviation TIA).

Disease often occurs in men over the age of 45-50 years.

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Its symptoms in women and men are the same, as they depend not on sex, but on the localization of lesions in the brain.

A neurologist or neurologist is engaged in diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms of a micro-stroke in men

All the symptoms that are characteristic of a micro-stroke in men are divided into two groups:

  1. Brainwave - nonspecific manifestations and disorders in the nervous system that appear in many brain diseases. These symptoms can be suspected pathology, but you can not judge the localization of the lesion.
  2. Focal - specific signs on which it is possible to determine in which part of the brain a man has a lesion.

The table describes the most typical signs of a micro-stroke, and indicates how often they occur in men.

1. Brainstrain symptoms

Brain symptoms Frequency of occurrence
Headache 92%
Dizziness 85%
Sensitivity when walking 78%
General and muscle weakness 75%
Flashing flies before the eyes 46%
Feeling of cotton feet,change in gait 44%
Flashing flies before the eyes 46%
Confusion of consciousness, fainting 36%
Hypersensitivity to loud sounds, bright light 30%
Drowsiness or excitement 20%
Com 13%
Nausea and vomiting 12%

2. Focal Symptoms

Focal Symptoms Frequency
Numbness of the limbs of the right or left half of the body 88%
Paresis or paralysis of the arms and legs in one half of the body( muscle weakness with a sharp 85%
Toughened, slurred speech or lack of it 70%
Skewed or numb half of face 66%
Impairment or loss of vision 27%
Memory loss or thinking 17%

The data in the table indicate that the microinsult in men can manifest themselves in different ways. There is no general template that could be used to determine the diagnosis with confidence. All individually and depends, first of all, on which arteries that bring blood to the brain, blood circulation is disturbed. After all, each vessel is responsible for the blood supply to a certain area of ​​the brain.

Specialists developed a simple algorithm for determining the signs of a stroke. It is also suitable for diagnosis of TIA in men. The difference between these diseases - only the time of the existence of symptoms and neurological disorders( with stroke more than a day, with a micro stroke less than a day).

According to the algorithm, if you have complaints about a headache, unsteady walking, dizziness, general weakness, you should ask the man to perform such actions:

  1. Smile or grin your teeth. If a man has a microstroke - one half of the face( corner of the mouth, upper eyelid, cheek) will be twisted - sagged or overly stressed, he can not show his teeth.
  2. Hold your arms outstretched( 10 seconds is enough).One hand( opposite to the affected hemisphere) will involuntarily descend faster, or the patient will not be able to lift it at all.
  3. Tell about something for the evaluation of speech( for example, brief information about yourself, state of health).Any speech disorders( prolonged, fuzzy, absence) is a symptom of a possible micro-stroke.
Algorithm for determining the signs of a micro stroke

In 20-30% of men the microstroke does not disturb the general condition. The disease is so short-lived( several minutes), and blood circulation disorders are minor, that the person carries them on their feet( doing the usual work).

About 30-35% of men briefly lose consciousness or become inhibited. This may be the only symptom.

In 25-30% of the disease is a precursor of a stroke, which happens throughout the year.

The most frequent first symptoms of

In 50-55% of men, the micro-insulin develops gradually. In this case, his first symptoms are as follows:

  • headache;
  • speech impairment;
  • dizziness and impaired coordination of movements;
  • numbness of face and limbs;
  • weakness and impairment of general condition.

Let's analyze them in more detail.


Constant headaches, which the man marks for several years, are not a criterion of micro-stroke. Anxiety should be pain, which appeared for the first time. They can have a different character( aching, constricting, strong, moderate), constantly or occasionally bothers a man, from 1-2 hours to 3-4 weeks, acting as the precursors of the disease.

At the time of the micro-stroke, more than 90% of men notice either a sudden appearance or an increase in the existing headache. The most frequent localization is the parietal-temporal region.

Speech disorder

If the microinsult affects the left hemisphere of the brain, symptoms of speech impairment( 60-70% of patients) come to the fore. It becomes fuzzy, indistinct, as if tightened, the words are pronounced with difficulty. At 15% of men at once there is a dumbness - within a few seconds to several hours the patient can not say anything. Perception of speech, hearing and thinking are more often not violated.

Gradually during the day speech is restored.

Vertigo and impaired coordination of movements

The precursor or first sign of a micro-stroke in men in 75-80% is sudden dizziness. Turns of the head, trunk, walking are accompanied by shakiness, instability. The patient can not exactly finish the performed movement, the gait becomes "drunk", in the eyes of darkens, in connection with which the man stops, looking for support to not fall, sit down, or fall.

Numbness in the face or extremities of the

In 60-70% of men, half of the face, arm, leg or entire body half, opposite to the affected hemisphere of the brain, is numb from the very beginning of the micro-stroke. The skin becomes, as it were, "wooden", its sensitivity decreases, there is a feeling of "creeping crawl."Disturbances can occur gradually only in one limb or on the face, or simultaneously on the entire body half.

Weakness and impairment of the general condition of

About 50% of men at the time of a micro stroke have such symptoms:

  • severe muscular and general weakness, malaise;
  • sweating;
  • increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • acceleration( more than 90 beats per minute) or slowing( less than 60 beats / min) of the pulse.

Symptoms of swelling of

disease In 45-50% of men, a microstroke is a one-time sudden disease with simultaneous maximum development of one or more symptoms. Therefore, you can not strictly separate the signs into early and late ones. But reliable criteria exist:

  • confusion of consciousness, short-term memory loss;
  • paresis, paralysis of upper or lower extremities;
  • speech disorders( described in the section most frequent first symptoms);
  • visual disorders;
  • skewed face.

Loss of consciousness and memory

About 30% of men with a micro stroke for a few seconds or even minutes lose consciousness, become inhibited, drowsy. Possible loss of memory for current events( a person does not remember only what happened to him at the time of illness).

Paresis and paralysis of the extremities

A characteristic symptom of a micro stroke is the weakness of the muscles, the inability to perform normally the movements of the right or left hand and foot( clenching the knuckle, bending from the knee, lifting the arm in front of him).When the left hemisphere is affected, the right extremities suffer, in the right - the left.

Spotting disorders

In more than 25% of men, the microstroke is manifested by decreased vision, dark circles in the field of vision( loss of half or part of the visual fields), visual hallucinations, blindness. This is possible with the defeat of the occipital lobe of the brain.

Facial contortion

Unbalanced position of the corners of the mouth( when one of them is pulled up or down), a parasitic, sagging cheek, a closed upper eyelid on one side), a deflection of the tongue to the side, an inability to show( grind) the teeth - signs of a micro stroke at the 60-70% of men.

What determines the manifestations of the disease

Manifestations depend on:

  • Zones of the brain with impaired blood circulation( motor, visual, coordinating, sensitive, speech).And in which hemisphere it is located( right or left) - focal features appear on the opposite microstroke half of the body( face, limbs).
  • Features of the structure of the cerebral vessels: have or do not have connections between each other. If so, neurologic symptoms are minimal, quickly pass.
  • The nature of the lesion of the arteries - how narrow they are( the stronger, the heavier the manifestation).
  • Caliber of the artery - the bigger it is, the more symptoms.

A micro-insult can manifest with just one focal symptom( for example, speech impairment or paralysis of the hand) or several neurological disorders at the same time( this may be facial skewness, memory impairment, lack of speech, hand and foot paralysis).

Which men are more likely to get sick - at risk

Alertness for microinsult is relevant for the following categories of men:

  1. Age over 45 years( more than 85% of patients).Young neurological abnormalities are more often caused by other brain diseases.
  2. Weighed heredity( 20-25%) is a stroke in close relatives( father, grandfather, brother).
  3. Obesity or hypertension( 30-35%).
  4. Tobacco smoking, alcohol abuse( 10-15%).
  5. Constant neuropsychic, physical stress or short temper( 10-15%).
  6. Diabetes mellitus, previous episodes of TIA, any form of coronary heart disease( 10%).

Microinsult in men is far from harmless pathology. Although its symptoms are temporary and completely passable, for all patients they are a "warning signal".If any suspicious symptoms appear, be sure to contact a specialist( neurologist) to prevent the recurrence of a micro stroke( TIA) or stroke.

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