Kifoscoliosis: what is it and how to treat it?


  • 1Kyphoscoliosis
    • 1.1The causes of kyphoscoliosis
    • 1.2Classification and degrees
    • 1.3Symptoms of kyphoscoliosis
    • 1.4Complications
    • 1.5Diagnostics
    • 1.6Treatment
    • 1.7Prevention
    • 1.8Forecast
  • 2Kyphoscoliosis
    • 2.1The causes of kyphoscoliosis
    • 2.2Symptoms of kyphoscoliosis
    • 2.3Diagnosis of kyphoscoliosis
    • 2.4Treatment of kyphoscoliosis
    • 2.5Prognosis for kyphoscoliosis
  • 3Kifoscoliosis: Symptoms and Treatment
    • 3.1Etiology
    • 3.2Classification
    • 3.3Symptomatology
    • 3.4Complications
    • 3.5Diagnostics
    • 3.6Treatment
  • 4Kyphoscoliosis


Kifoscoliosis is a disease of the thoracic spine, which combines the signs of scoliosis and kyphosis. At a scoliosis the backbone is curved in the right or left side, at a kyphosis - the bending increases backwards.

A prolonged sitting position adversely affects the posture. In children with an incorrect posture, scoliosis develops first, and then kyphosis is added to it. The disease is most common among young men than girls.

To compensate for the load in the spine, there are several curved sections, which, according to external features, are absent in humans.

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Due to unfavorable factors these areas are more warped, which can lead to violation not only of the entire spine, but also of individual intervertebral discs.

As a result, kyphoscoliosis may develop.

The causes of kyphoscoliosis

Scoliosis and kyphosis develops mainly in children during growth. If the muscles of the spine or the intervertebral discs are injured, then the development of kyphoscoliosis is possible. The main cause of the congenital form of the disease is the possible anomalies of intrauterine development.

The most common causes of kyphoscoliosis are:

  • Long sitting at the computer
  • Wrong way of life
  • Overweight
  • Various injuries of the back and spine
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Postoperative operations on the spine
  • Hereditary predisposition
  • Polio
  • Psychological stress

The appearance of this disease adversely affects the work of internal organs.

Kifoscoliosis strongly affects the reduction in pulmonary volume, due to reduced mobility of the diaphragm.

With a lack of oxygen, gas exchange in the lungs is disrupted, resulting in pulmonary insufficiency. This affects the activity of the heart and blood circulation.

Classification and degrees

Violation of posture can be congenital or acquired. The congenital form of kyphoscoliosis is a pathology of vertebra development. The cause of the disease can also be the formation of excess or fused ribs.

Already in the first years of life, a child can be diagnosed with a disease. Congenital disease can be accompanied by the appearance of neurological disorders. Already by 6-8 months, when the child begins to sit, noticeably curved.

If kyphoscoliosis is detected in the early stages of development, the disease is easily treatable.

Many factors influence the development of acquired kyphoscoliosis. The disease can occur as a result of a back injury and some vertebrae, an inflammatory process, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, underdevelopment of bone structures, etc.

There are 4 forms of kyphoscoliosis:

  1. Hereditary kyphoscoliosis
  2. Postoperative kyphoscoliosis
  3. Posttraumatic kyphoscoliosis
  4. Idiopathic kyphoscoliosis

Hereditary formthe disease can be manifested and transmitted through several generations.

Postoperative kyphoscoliosisdevelops after surgery on the spine. It usually occurs when the doctor's recommendations and treatment are not followed after the surgery.

Posttraumatic kyphoscoliosisoccurs after the injury. The disease can occur because of a fracture of the spine in the thoracic area.

If you can not determine the cause of the disease, then make a diagnosisidiopathic kyphoscoliosis.This is the diagnosis of adolescents.

The following degrees of kyphoscoliosis are distinguished:

  • 1 degree.Characterized by a slight lateral curvature, usually in the right side, and also by a slight twisting.
  • 2 degree.It differs by pronounced lateral deviation and noticeable twisting.
  • 3 degree.Characteristic of the development of the costal hump and deformation of the chest.
  • 4 degree.The backbone, thorax and pelvic bones are deformed. The anterior and posterior hump forms.

Treatment is prescribed by the orthopedist taking into account the form and degree of the disease.

Symptoms of kyphoscoliosis

The main signs indicating the development of kyphoscoliosis:

  • Pain in the area of ​​scapula
  • Slouch
  • Numbness and convulsions
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath after exercise
  • Weakness
  • Fast fatiguability
  • Heartburn
  • Constipation
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system

In most cases, the disease is accompanied by neurological failure.

At a congenital kyphoscoliosis at the half-year-old child it is possible to notice a hump.

The curvature of the spine is noticeable if the patient is in an upright position. The deformation of the spinal column disappears in the supine position.

If you do not treat the disease, then the curvature will be noticeable in any position of the child.

When the first symptoms appear, the orthopedist should be consulted immediately.


Depending on the physiological characteristics of the body, the shape of the spinal column may not correspond to the required parameters. For this reason, the muscles that are located near the vertebral column, as well as all parts of the spine, experience constant congestion.

Kifoscoliosis can lead to early osteochondrosis, the appearance of myositis. A protrusion of the intervertebral disc and arthrosis of the joints can also be observed.

The severe form of scoliosis is a prerequisite for disrupting the function of the cardiovascular system and lungs.

In addition, there is a failure in the digestive system: the functions of individual organs are reduced, their location is disrupted.

The patient has a higher risk of developing inflammation, motor dysfunction and gallbladder tone.


Treatment of kyphoscoliosis is performed by an orthopedist, however, for a precise diagnosis it is recommended to consult a neurologist. Qualified specialists will examine the patient, assess the degree of deformation of the spinal column in different positions, sensitivity and tendon reflexes.

In children, a direct and lateral radiograph of the spine is prescribed to determine kyphoscoliosis.

If necessary, it is possible to perform magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography.


Completely eliminate the disease can only be in childhood, because in children, the bone system is more flexible than in adults. However, the right treatment will help ease the patient's condition and reduce the manifestations of the disease.

Treatment of kyphoscoliosis will be effective and successful when you contact a doctor at the initial stage of the disease. Depending on the degree and form of kyphoscoliosis, the patient's age is prescribed conservative or surgical treatment.

Conservative treatment of kyphoscoliosis involves the implementation of special exercises and the use of a corset.


In the early stages of the disease (grades 1 and 2) it is necessary to perform exercises of physiotherapy using a corset.


Therapeutic exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the back, the press, and the shoulder girdle.

Corrective corset can be used as a medical device for fixing the spine.

It consists of a carcass that repeats the profile of a person and is located along the back.

The corset has a fastening system with an upper and lower belt that cover the human body horizontally. Corsets are made for each individually.

Use corset should be only on the advice of a doctor and fulfilling all of his requirements, otherwise the opposite result is possible.

To improve blood circulation, to increase the plasticity of muscles, to activate metabolic processes in tissues, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed: massage, acupuncture, kinesiotherapy, manual therapy, etc.

Patients are not contraindicated moderate exercise and swimming, except for volleyball, basketball.

In the late stages of the development of the disease, when the curvature of the spine is noticeable, then they resort to surgical intervention.

The main indications for the operation are:

  • A pronounced pain syndrome;
  • Rapid development of the pathological process;
  • Visible neurological disorders;
  • The angle of curvature is more than 45 degrees.

The operation consists in the installation of special hooks in the vertebrae. For alignment of the spine, use special rods, which are attached to the hooks.

This procedure corrects the curvature of the spinal column, improves the balance of the trunk, increases the volume of the thorax. All this contributes to an increase in the vital capacity of the lungs.


Patients with kyphoscoliosis should regularly practice therapeutic gymnastics, perform special exercises, eat right.

Treatment exercises should only be performed by those recommended by the doctor. It is important to monitor the correctness of their implementation. Exemplary exercises:

  1. In the prone position, lift the straight right leg upwards and lower down towards the left leg. At the same time, make sure that the inner surface of the right foot touches the floor. Run with the other leg.
  2. Lie on your stomach, slowly raise your legs, first one, and then the other. The loins can be slightly bent.
  3. Become your back to the wall and take a step forward. Next, put the feet on the width of the shoulders, knees slightly bend. It is necessary to bend back, while trying to touch the back of the head to the wall. Stay in this position for 10-20 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
  4. Standing, raise your hands and connect to the castle. To reach out with your hands and inhale slightly on your toes, then slowly exhale slowly. Do the exercise 5 times.
  5. The slopes of the body to the left and to the right with the slip of the arm on the leg. When tilted, the opposite hand rises.

With the beginning of deformity of the spine, it is recommended to perform exercises with a gymnastic stick. Technique of performance with the subject will be shown by the instructor of exercise therapy in the classes of physiotherapy exercises.

In addition, for preventive purposes it is recommended to change your lifestyle.

  1. Sleep should be on a hard bed and preferably on the back.
  2. It is necessary to move more.
  3. Standing on one foot is not recommended.
  4. Sitting should be exactly.
  5. Wearing bags on one shoulder is forbidden, load distribute evenly.
  6. Do not lift weights or jump.
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To prevent the progression of the disease, it is important to teach the child from childhood to play sports and observe the above recommendations.


Eliminate the disease and get rid of a cosmetic defect during the period of active growth of the child. Here, the degree of curvature is taken into account, and the rate of progression of the disease.

In many cases, kyphoscoliosis can be completely eliminated. If all the recommendations of the doctor are followed and the exercises are performed, the majority of the patients have a significant rectification of the spinal column.

The last stages of the development of the disease are less favorable for patients. Only adequate treatment can stop the progression of kyphoscoliosis and in some cases correct the posture.

Completely straighten the spine on the 4 stages of kyphoscoliosis is impossible.


Medical measures aimed at eliminating kyphoscoliosis should be carried out in a timely manner. It is necessary to draw attention to signs of curvature and stoop in the childhood, so as not to start the disease.


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Kyphoscoliosis- combined deformity of the spine, which is a combination of scoliosis (lateral bend) and kyphosis (stoop, excessive flexure in the anteroposterior direction). Can be congenital or acquired.

Depending on the direction of the lateral bend, left and right sided kyphoscoliosis is isolated.

The cause of the development of kyphoscoliosis can be congenital deformities of the vertebrae, myopathy, osteochondropathy, paresis and paralysis, rickets, rheumatism, disproportionate growth of muscular and bone tissue, abnormal posture, some other diseases and pathological state. Kifoscoliosis is manifested by visible deformity and pain in the back. Due to a secondary change in the shape of the chest and the disruption of the functions of the organs located in it, shortness of breath and cardiac dysfunction are possible. The diagnosis is made on the basis of external signs, radiographic data, MRI and CT. Treatment of kyphoscoliosis is usually conservative, with a pronounced curvature, there may be a need for surgery.

Kifoskolioz - simultaneous curvature of the spine in the lateral and anteroposterior direction. It is a fairly widespread pathology, in most cases occurs during adolescence. Boys suffer four times as often as girls.

In mild cases, kyphoscoliosis can lead to increased fatigue and back pain.

The pronounced pathology has a negative effect on the state of the whole organism, can cause neurological disorders, worsen the functioning of the lungs, heart and digestive system.

Normally, the human spine has several bends in the anteroposterior direction: one bending backward (thoracic kyphosis) and two bending forward (lumbar and cervical lordosis).

These bends play a compensatory role with vertical loads on the spinal column. If the spine bends back more than normal (at an angle of more than 45 degrees), they speak of abnormal kyphosis.

Usually abnormal kyphosis develops in the same place, where the physiological - in the thoracic department. Side bends of the human backbone does not normally have, therefore, at any degree of lateral curvature, a diagnosis of scoliosis is made.

As a rule, at the initial stage of kyphoscoliosis formation kyphosis is formed, and subsequently scoliosis joins it.

The causes of kyphoscoliosis

The cause of the development of congenital kyphoscoliosis is usually anomalies in the development of the vertebrae. In 20-30% of cases, deformation is combined with malformations of the genitourinary system.

In this case, the pathology is more often detected not immediately, but at the age of 6 months and older (when the child starts walking or standing).

At the same time, there were cases when kyphoscoliosis of the third degree was detected immediately upon the birth of the baby.


Among the factors that can lead to the formation of acquired kyphoscoliosis - congenital insufficiency connective tissue, rickets, some diseases of the spine (osteochondropathy, tumors, Sheyerman-Mau disease, etc.). In addition, the cause of the development of kyphoscoliosis is a violation of muscle tone and muscle function due to myopathy, myodystrophy and paralysis (for example, in poliomyelitis or cerebral palsy), rheumatism (due to the defeat of the cartilaginous tissue of the spine with antibodies), inconsistency in the rate of development of bone and muscle tissue in the period of active growth, e. Most often, the symptoms of acquired kyphoscoliosis appear in 13-15 years.


Predisposing factors that increase the likelihood of development of kyphoscoliosis are excessive load on the spine, caused by excess weight or heavy physical work, as well as a "sedentary" sedentary lifestyle and an incorrect position of the body when working at a computer, sitting at a desk, e.

Depending on the severity of the deformation, 4 degrees of kyphoscoliosis are distinguished:

  • 1 degreekyphoscoliosis - angle of curvature of the spine in anteroposterior direction 45-55 degrees. There is a slight lateral displacement and twisting (rotation) of the vertebrae.
  • 2 degreekyphoscoliosis - the angle of curvature of the spine in the anteroposterior direction 55-65 degrees. There is noticeable twisting and lateral displacement.
  • 3 degreekyphoscoliosis - angle of curvature of the spine in anteroposterior direction 65-75 degrees. A vertebral hump is formed, there is a visible deformation of the thorax.
  • 4 degreekyphoscoliosis - the angle of curvature of the spine in the anteroposterior direction is more than 75 degrees. As in the previous case, the curvature is accompanied by the formation of a vertebral humerus and deformation of the thorax.

Given the direction of lateral curvature in orthopedics and traumatology, left-sided and right-sided kyphoscoliosis is distinguished.

Symptoms of kyphoscoliosis

Congenital kyphoscoliosis, as a rule, becomes noticeable after reaching 6-12 months.

On the back of the child formed a barely noticeable hump, while, in contrast to "pure" scoliosis, with kyphoscoliosis, the non-muscular cushion, and the spinous processes of several vertebrae, are revealed.

In the early stages, the curvature of the spinal column is noticeable only when passing to the vertical position and disappears in the prone position. In the following, kyphoscoliosis becomes stable, independent of the position of the body.

Approximately 50% of cases of kyphoscoliosis is accompanied by progressive neurological insufficiency. At a younger age, sensitivity disorders are detected, in the case of adolescents with congenital kyphoscoliosis, development of rapidly progressing paresis is possible.

Early manifestations of teenage kyphoscoliosis are changes in posture, increased stoop and pain in the back.

Often the child begins to complain of pain or discomfort in the back even before the parents notice a violation of posture.

There may also be a mild dyspnea arising from the limitation of chest excursions.


Neurological disorders in adolescent kyphoscoliosis are less frequent and, as a rule, occur only with severe deformities. The rate of progression can vary significantly depending on the cause of the development of kyphoscoliosis, as well as the timeliness and adequacy of treatment.


When external examination reveals a strengthened stoop (round back), in severe cases - hump. The upper part of the trunk and shoulders of the patient with kyphoscoliosis are inclined forward and downward, there is a narrowing of the chest and weakness of the muscles of the abdominal press.

To identify scoliosis, the doctor performs an examination in the position with a straightened and bent back. In the presence of scoliotic deformity, a deviation of the spine from the median line is detected.

With an external examination of the chest, the expansion of the intercostal spaces on the side opposite to the lateral curvature is determined.

In kyphoscoliosis, complicated by neurological disorders, local sensitivity decrease, changes in tendon reflexes and asymmetry of muscle strength are revealed.

The inconsistency of the shape of the spinal column to the physiological needs of the organism causes a constant overload of all the structures of the spine and the near-vertebral muscles.

With kyphoscoliosis, early development of osteochondrosis, formation of disc protrusions and intervertebral hernias, the occurrence of myositis and arthrosis of the joints of the spine are possible.

Some of the listed pathological processes can cause compression of the spinal cord and its roots and lead to the appearance of neurological symptoms (sensitivity disorders, motor disorders, disruption of the function of the pelvic bodies).


Because of kyphoscoliosis, the mobility of the chest and diaphragm is limited. This leads to an increase in the load on the respiratory muscles, a decrease in the extensibility of the pulmonary parenchyma and a decrease in the functional residual capacity of the lungs.


As a result, the volume of the lungs decreases, gas exchange is disrupted: in the blood there is more carbon dioxide and less oxygen.

With pronounced kyphoscoliosis, there is a visible deformation of the chest, which leads to even more significant violations of lung and heart function.

In severe kyphoscoliosis, not only the heart and lungs suffer, but also the digestive tract: the disposition of organs is disrupted, their functioning worsens.

The likelihood of cholecystitis and dyskinesia of the bile ducts increases.

Because of kyphoscoliosis, the load is redistributed to the lower extremities, early coxarthrosis develops.

Diagnosis of kyphoscoliosis

The diagnosis of kyphoscoliosis is made on the basis of external signs and the data of the radiography of the spine.

If necessary, along with the two main projections, pictures can be assigned in special positions (lying, standing, stretching the spine).


To clarify the diagnosis, the patient can also be sent to MRI and CT of the spine. Examination of kyphoscoliosis requires mandatory consultation of a neurologist.


If there is a suspicion of a violation of the internal organs of the patient, kyphoscoliosis is referred for consultations to the appropriate specialists: cardiologist, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, urologist.

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Treatment of kyphoscoliosis

Treatment of kyphoscoliosis is performed by orthopedists with the participation of neuropathologists and other specialists (depending on the associated comorbidity).

The main methods of conservative correction of kyphoscoliosis are cortexing and therapeutic gymnastics. The complex of exercises is selected individually.

At 1 degree of kyphoscoliosis for rectification of the spine it is often enough to perform exercises regularly, at 2 degrees of exercise should be combined with wearing a corset.

Are used corrective corsets, made to order. In most cases, in the course of corsetting, along with the elimination of stoop, a dentition is performed (elimination of the rotation of the spine along the axis).

To improve blood circulation, increase the plasticity of muscles and activate metabolic processes in the muscle tissue, patients with kyphoscoliosis are prescribed a massage.

It is useful to swim and moderate exercise (taking into account existing contraindications).

Contraindicated exercises with weights and "jumping" sports (jumping in length and height, volleyball, basketball).


The indication for surgical treatment is the 4th degree of kyphoscoliosis, severe pain syndrome, progressive neurologic disorders, deterioration of heart and lung function.


Surgical correction in kyphoscoliosis involves the installation of special metal structures (hooks, screws) in vertebrae and alignment of the spinal column using special rods that attach to these metal structures. At the same time, the fixed part of the spine loses mobility.

Prognosis for kyphoscoliosis

Complete elimination of kyphoscoliosis is possible before the end of active growth of the child, that is, up to 14-15 years (some experts consider the age of 12-13 years critical), while the degree of curvature and speed progression of the disease. In most cases, it is possible to completely eliminate kifoskolioz 1 degree, in a significant part of patients it is possible to achieve straightening of the spine with kyphoscoliosis of the 2 nd degree. With kyphoscoliosis 3 and, especially, 4 degrees, the forecast is less favorable - adequate treatment, as rule, it makes it possible to stop the progression of deformation and in some cases to carry out a partial correction. Complete rectification of the spinal column in such cases is extremely unlikely.

In the treatment of kyphoscoliosis is very important timeliness of all ongoing treatment activities.

Since effective correction of kyphoscoliosis is possible only while the child continues to grow, it is very important to pay attention to signs in time kyphoscoliosis, immediately seek medical help and follow all the doctor's recommendations accurately, especially with regard to medical gymnastics and wearing corset. It is these methods that can eliminate kyphoscoliosis, while the other methods of treatment perform only a minor auxiliary function.

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Kifoscoliosis: Symptoms and Treatment

Category: Joints, bones, muscles 5661

Kifoskolioz - an ailment that affects the thoracic spine. Pathology simultaneously combines the symptoms of kyphosis and scoliosis.

When the scoliosis progresses in a person, a curvature of the spine to the left or to the right is observed. With kyphosis, the bend increases posteriorly. For kyphoscoliosis, both are characteristic.

More often it is diagnosed in adolescents in adolescence.


Kifoscoliosis usually begins to progress in the period of increased skeleton growth due to spinal column injuries. But clinicians are still the main cause that contributes to the emergence of pathology, called anomalies of intrauterine development.

Etiological factors of kyphoscoliosis of the thoracic spine:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • overweight;
  • sedentary work (usually at the computer);
  • previous surgical interventions on the spine;
  • severe stress;
  • heredity;
  • polio.

It is worth noting that the progression of the kyphoscoliosis of the thoracic spine adversely affects the functioning of vital organs.

The pathology provokes a decrease in the volume of the lungs. Since the body will receive insufficient amounts of oxygen, gas exchange is disrupted.

Against this background there is respiratory and heart failure.


This pathology can be both congenital and acquired. The reasons for the progression of the congenital form are the developmental disorders in the intrauterine period.

The ailment can be detected in the baby by the age of 6 months, when it begins to set. If you find a curvature of the spine at an early stage, then it is easy to treat.

Often enough even correctly composed exercise therapy.

Clinicians distinguish 4 forms of pathology:

  • hereditary;
  • idiopathic;
  • postoperative;
  • posttraumatic.

Degrees of progression of the disease:

The fourth degree of kyphoscoliosis

  • kyphoscoliosis of the 1st degree. At this stage, there is a slight curvature of the spine sideways (more often to the right), a slight twisting of the spine. Treatment for this degree usually reduces to the appointment of exercise therapy, massage;
  • kyphoscoliosis of the 2nd degree. Lateral deviation and twisting is more pronounced. Complex treatment, in addition to exercise therapy, includes physiotherapy, massage and wearing a corset;
  • kifoskolioz 3 degrees is characterized by deformation of the chest due to a strong displacement of the spine, the presence of a rib hump (a characteristic symptom of pathology);
  • kyphoscoliosis of the 4th degree. The most severe form of pathology. There is simultaneous deformation of the chest, spine and pelvic bones. In this case, conservative techniques (massage, exercise therapy) are not effective, and doctors resort to surgical treatment.

Classification depending on the direction of deformation:

  • right-sided kyphoscoliosis;
  • left-sided.


The main symptoms that indicate the progression of the pathology in humans:

  • weakness;
  • pain in the scapular region;
  • dizziness;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • slouch;
  • Shortness of breath, which is due to increased physical. loads;
  • heartburn;
  • convulsions;
  • numbness of limbs;
  • constipation.


  • myositis;
  • early osteochondrosis;
  • protrusion of intervertebral discs;
  • arthrosis of the joints;
  • disturbance of the functioning of the cardiovascular system.


Diagnosis of pathology is performed by an orthopedic physician, but in order to accurately confirm the diagnosis, the patient is referred for consultation to a neurologist.

The presence of curvature and its degree can already be detected through personal examination and palpation.

Also additionally assigned instrumental diagnostic techniques:

Kifoskolioz on the roentgenogram


Treatment of the disease directly depends on the degree of its development. Doctors resort to both conservative methods and surgical ones. The first and second stage of kyphoscoliosis is treated conservatively.

It is necessary to apply only an integrated approach in order to achieve the most positive results.

It is worth noting that the treatment of the pathology is quite long, and all the prescriptions of the doctor will need to be performed regularly.

Treatment is based on the use of such techniques:

  • Exercise therapy. Exercises for kyphoscoliosis is an effective method of getting rid of it. LFK is developed only together with the doctor, taking into account the type of curvature, as well as its degree. If you regularly perform exercises, it will help to strengthen the muscular structure of the back, and also relax some muscle groups;
  • physiotherapy. The main goal of the treatment is to remove spasm in muscle structures, normalize microcirculation, reduce pain syndrome;
  • massage;
  • Corsetting;
  • drug therapy.

Surgical methods of treatment are used in such cases:

  • 4 degree of deformation;
  • cosmetic indications;
  • severe pain syndrome;
  • neurological complications;
  • failure in the internal organs.

Diseases with similar symptoms:

Embolism (concurrent symptoms: 5 of 10)

Embolism - a pathological condition, as a result of the progression of which is overlapping the lumen of the blood vessel.

Because of this, the blood flow partially or completely overlaps. Substances that cover the vascular lumen are called emboli. They enter the arteries of a large or small circle of the circulatory system from other vascular sites.

In size, they are determined by the diameter of specific vessels.

... Atrophic gastritis (coinciding symptoms: 4 of 10)

Atrophic gastritis is a condition in which the stomach glands responsible for the gastric juice production process are damaged.

Atrophic gastritis, the symptoms of which are based on degenerative processes, as well as degeneration of glands in their replacement with a connective tissue is a fairly serious disease requiring an extremely serious approach to treatment.

... Hemangioma of the spine (coinciding symptoms: 4 of 10)

Hemangioma of the spine is a disease characterized by the presence of a slowly developing benign tumor.

Presented disease can occur with pain syndrome or painlessly. Its formation occurs in any bone tissue.

Hemangioma is one of the most frequently diagnosed primary tumors of the spine.

... Duodenitis (concurrent symptoms: 4 of 10)

Duodenitis is a pathological process that affects the duodenum and causes the inflammatory process of its mucous membrane. For diseases in the acute phase, the symptoms of acute inflammation are characteristic.


They disappear after effective therapy and leave no traces on the mucosa. Chronic duodenitis is a disease accompanied by relapses.


In the mucous membrane of the affected organ, foci of the inflammatory process are formed, thereby changing its structure. Chronic duodenitis is diagnosed more often in men.

... Alport Syndrome (hereditary nephritis) (concurrent symptoms: 4 of 10)

Alport Syndrome or hereditary nephritis is a kidney disease that is inherited. In other words, the ailment concerns only those who have a genetic predisposition.

The most susceptible to the disease of a man, but there is an ailment in women. The first symptoms are manifested in children from 3 to 8 years. The disease itself can be asymptomatic.

It is most often diagnosed during a preventive examination or when diagnosing another, background disease.

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Given the causes, kyphoscoliosis can occur:

  • congenital (appears as a result of violations of individual ribs and vertebrae at the stage of intrauterine development);
  • hereditary (observed in several generations in a similar form);
  • acquired (due to uneven distribution of physical activity, due to injuries, incorrect posture and other);
  • idiopathic (the true cause of the violations is not defined).

According to the severity of deformation changes, there are four degrees of disease:

  • kyphoscoliosis of 1 degree - minimal lateral displacement and twisting of the vertebrae (the angle of deformation in the anteroposterior direction is 45-55˚);
  • kifoskolioz 2 degrees - there are more pronounced violations of the spine (the angle of curvature is close to 55-65˚);
  • kifoskolioz 3 degrees - deformations of an irreversible nature start, which lead to visible changes in the chest (angle of curvature is 65-75˚);
  • kyphoscoliosis of the 4th degree - the vertebral column, pelvis, thoracic spine are strongly deformed, anterior and posterior hump is formed (angle of curvature is 75˚ and more).

In the direction of lateral displacement of the vertebrae, kyphoscoliosis is classified into right-sided and left-sided.

Child with kyphoscoliosis

When the child is 6-12 months old, the first signs of an innate disease are observed. It is at this time, as a rule, children begin to stand and walk.

In the vertical position of the body, a small hump becomes visible. It is still hard enough to discern, it disappears when the child assumes a prone position. As the child grows, the curvature becomes more noticeable.

Being in the early stages of formation, congenital kyphoscoliosis can still be cured.

In adolescents, the development of the disease can be determined by the presence of signs such as changes in posture, the occurrence of pain in the back and neck, stoop, fatigue, dizziness. As a rule, the chest changes its shape, resulting in shortness of breath, which is often observed during physical exertion.

At later stages, the kyphoscoliosis of the thoracic spine has a negative effect on the general state of the human body. There is a secondary deformation of the chest, which entails a violation of the functions of the organs that are located in it.

Limitation of mobility of the thoracic region leads to a decrease in the volume of the lungs, an increase in the load on the respiratory muscles, a decrease in the extensibility of the lung parenchyma. Ventilation of respiratory organs deteriorates, which affects the correct gas exchange.


As a result, there is an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood and a decrease in the level of oxygen. This can cause damage to the cardiovascular system and the development of pulmonary hypertension.


Thus, kyphoscoliosis of the thoracic spine can lead to heart failure, a pulmonary heart can develop.

As a result of pathological curvature of the spine, there is a constant overload of the paravertebral muscles and other structures.

This is what causes the development of herniated intervertebral discs, osteochondrosis, the appearance of protrusions.

In severe stages, kyphoscoliosis can lead to malfunctioning of the digestive system, impaired functioning of the reproductive system, as well as incontinence of urine and feces.

At the first signs of the development of the disease it is recommended to visit the orthopedist and undergo an examination.

To diagnose "kyphoscoliosis the specialist has enough external signs of the disease, as well as the results of instrumental research methods.

External signs of the disease include increased stoop, weakness of the abdominal muscles, narrowing of the chest. Shoulders and shoulder blades in the patient may be at different levels, asymmetry of the pelvis is observed.


The spine deviates from the middle line when the person makes a slope forward, which is determined visually. In the late stages of the development of the disease, a hump may appear.


To assess skin sensitivity, symmetrical strength of muscles, as well as reflexes of tendons, palpation of the limbs, neck and back is performed. If neurological failures are detected, a consultation with a neurologist is appointed.

Instrumental methods of research, which are used to detect kyphoscoliosis, include radiography of the spine. It makes it possible to set the deflection angle.

Pictures can be performed both in basic protections, and in standing, lying, and also by stretching the spinal column. To diagnose "kyphoscoliosis" was more accurate, methods of layer-by-layer examination are prescribed.

These include computer and magnetic resonance imaging.

If signs of a violation of the functioning of the internal organs are determined, the doctor may appoint a repeat research, as well as visits to a cardiologist, urologist, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist and other specialized specialists.

In the first stages, kyphoscoliosis is easily cured by using conservative therapy. If obvious deformations are observed, an operative method of treatment may be required.

The conservative methods of therapy include the following:

  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • orthotics;
  • acupuncture;
  • kinesitherapy;
  • manual therapy;
  • massotherapy;
  • treatment with medication.

Physical exercises with kyphoscoliosis act as the main method of correction and prevention in this type of disease.

The patient is assigned a set of exercises that will strengthen the muscle corset, stretch and relax individual muscle groups. In kyphoscoliosis, treatment with exercises is set individually by the doctor.

It is not recommended to develop a complex of exercises independently, as this can lead to negative consequences and worsening of the general condition.


The effectiveness of therapeutic physical education depends on the correct performance of the exercises. It is advisable to conduct classes under the supervision of the instructor of LUTS with kyphoscoliosis.


During the treatment period it is forbidden to exert excessive stresses on the spine. It is not recommended to lift weights and jumps.

If you do not follow these rules, you may experience a significant deterioration in your condition.

Physiotherapy also refers to one of the conservative methods of treating this disease.

It is used to reduce the pain syndrome, as well as improve lymph and blood circulation.

In addition, physiotherapy is used to get rid of muscular dystrophy, which leads to kyphoscoliosis.

Orthotomy is a mechanical correction of the spine when using corrective orthopedic corsets, belts and reklinators.

Such adaptations make it possible to develop a correct posture and fix the shape of the spine.

In kyphoscoliosis, treatment in this way is used in the early stages of the development of the disease.

Acupuncture points to acupuncture.


With a competent approach, this method of treatment allows you to eliminate pain, normalize blood circulation in the vertebral column, and save the patient from stagnant phenomena.


In kyphoscoliosis in adults, acupuncture treatment has recently been actively used.

Kinesitherapy includes unique exercises performed on special installations. They allow to strengthen corset muscles, and also contribute to the restoration of posture.

The essence of manual therapy is the effect on the muscles, joints, spine of the patient, which is carried out by the hands of a specialist. The purpose of this method of treatment is to eliminate displacement of the vertebrae, their blockages, as well as getting rid of deformities.

Therapeutic massage can be prescribed to patients who have kyphoscoliosis of the thoracic spine, as well as other varieties of the disease.

This method of treatment helps improve blood circulation, increase the plasticity of muscles, activate metabolic processes that occur in muscle tissue. Therapeutic massage is not prescribed as the main therapy.

It is used as an additional method of treatment.

Therapy of the disease by the medicamentous method provides for the use of drugs whose action is directed to the removal of pain and inflammation.

The surgical method of treatment of kyphoscoliosis is prescribed in severe cases of the disease, which lead to deformation of the spine with accompanied by a pronounced pain syndrome, progressive neurological disorders, worsening of the work of the thoracic organs department and pelvis. Operative intervention involves the use of special metal structures, which include hooks, rods, screws. They allow you to align the vertebral column, and also apply for the purpose of its local fixation. During the recovery from surgery, a patient who is diagnosed with kyphoscoliosis should wear a plaster corset for several months.


The favorable outcome of treatment depends on the rate of progression of the disease and its degree. As a rule, kifoskolioz 1 and 2 degrees can be cured completely. In such cases it is possible to get rid of the curvature of the spine.


It should be borne in mind that the treatment of kyphoscoliosis should be carried out until 13-15 years, when the period of active growth of a person is taking place. Therefore, the timely diagnosis, as well as the therapy of the disease is very important.

This allows you to achieve higher treatment efficacy and improve the chances of a full recovery.

At kyphoscoliosis of the last degrees the prognosis is less favorable. In this case, it is impossible to straighten the spine completely. However, it is possible to stop the progression of the deformity if adequate treatment is used. In most cases, partial correction is possible.

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