We treat cirrhosis of the liver with simple folk remedies

In the human body, the liver performs an important function. It produces enzymes, lipids, cholesterol and its ethers, and also removes from the body all poisons and toxins. With cirrhosis, the liver cells die, they form scars, and they cease to fulfill their function. As a result, the body begins to slowly poison with toxins and poisons and eventually can die if not taken in time.

  • Signs and symptoms of liver cirrhosis
  • Ascites with cirrhosis
  • Treatment of cirrhosis of the liver with folk remedies
  • Cleansing the liver
  • Folk recipes from cirrhosis
  • Honey and lemon
  • Juices
  • Potato juice
  • Treatment with jam
  • Corn
  • Black radish
  • Asparagus
  • Blue Onion Treatment
  • Pumpkin
  • Horseradish
  • Treatment of cirrhosis with herbs
  • Chicory
  • Repeshok
  • Kalgan
  • Willow bark
  • Plune
  • Harvesting herbs
Related articles:
  • Biliary cirrhosis: symptoms of the disease and folk remedies
  • Cirrhosis of the liver: diet and its characteristics
  • Cirrhosis of the liver at the last stage: treatment and photos of people
  • Signs and treatment of liver cirrhosis
  • Cirrhosis of the liver: can it be cured?
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Treatment of cirrhosis is usually done with medicines. But, with the help of herbs and other folk remedies, the process of recovery can be accelerated.

Important!Before using traditional medicines, consult your doctor. Do not self-medicate!

Signs and symptoms of liver cirrhosis

In most cases, to identify the disease of cirrhosis of the liver is quite simple, if you pay attention to some external manifestations and symptoms in humans. So, for example, the disease can be suspected, if a person began to lose weight rapidly, the skin color changed to yellow, the size of the abdomen increased. In addition, other signs of cirrhosis of the liver are revealed:

  • bleeding gums, nose;
  • the light of the urine becomes dark, and the feces turn white;
  • may cause cough with cirrhosis;
  • chronic fatigue is noted;
  • itching of the skin;
  • sleep disturbance, lack of appetite and sexual desire;
  • complaints of pain in the abdomen.

Ascites with cirrhosis

Ascites are a disease that occurs in the last stage of liver cirrhosis, when the liver cells die and accumulate fluid in the abdomen. Treatment of ascites in liver cirrhosis is primarily aimed at improving the condition of the liver itself. For this, both medicamental treatment and folk remedies can be used.

Doctors do not recommend delaying the beginning of treatment of cirrhosis of the liver, in order not to reach an extreme degree - ascites, since in this case the rate of the disease development is rather difficult and fraught with a fatal outcome.

Treatment of cirrhosis of the liver with folk remedies

Traditional medicine has a huge number of recipes that will help cope with the deadly disease.

Cleansing the liver

With cirrhosis of the liver, hard liver cleaning is prohibited, so a decoction based on oats is often used to purify this organ.

  1. For its preparation you need to take three tablespoons of oats. Well wash it in warm water.
  2. Send the oats to an enamel saucepan, 5 liters capacity. Add to it 2 tablespoons of lingon leaves, as well as 3 spoons of birch buds.
  3. Pour into a pan 4 liters of water and leave for a day.
  4. In a separate saucepan, put 1 liter of water on the fire.
  5. While the water boils, chop the spoon of rose hips.
  6. Add the dogrose to the boiling water and boil for 10 minutes.
  7. Also, leave for a day in a cold place.
  8. Broth the oats put on the fire and cook for 15 minutes.
  9. Add 2 spoons of corn stigmas, as well as 3 spoons of spore and continue to cook for another quarter of an hour.
  10. Let the hot broth cool and stand for 45 minutes. Then both strain and mix.

Oats must be cooked four times a day. For the effectiveness of the treatment, take the decoction 30 minutes before eating. Try not to drink home medicine late at night.

Important!Store the broth in the refrigerator or other cold place for no more than 5 days.

Folk recipes from cirrhosis

The use of folk remedies for liver cirrhosis can ease the difficult struggle with the disease. Most recipes are easily prepared at home.

Honey and lemon

To prepare a home medicine, take:

  • 1 kg of honey;
  • 1 cup olive oil;
  • 3 heads of garlic;
  • 4 lemons.

Start with lemons first. Rinse them and remove the bones. With two peel the peel, and leave the two. Rinse the garlic. Using a meat grinder or a blender, chop the prepared vegetables and fruits.

Mix them with honey and olive oil. Keep the preparation in the refrigerator. You need to consume 1 spoon three times a day for 30 minutes before a meal.


For the treatment of cirrhosis, carrot, tomato, cucumber, beetroot and sauerkraut juice are used. Drink the juice of sauerkraut in a day, alternating it with beetroot. You need a glass of juice a day. Beetroot must be allowed to settle for several hours. You can also alternate the juice of sauerkraut with carrots in the same way. If you change the scheme of reception, then take carrots and juice of sauerkraut 4 times a day for 0.25 cups, replacing one juice with another at each reception.

You can also make cocktails from juices, for example, mix in equal proportions carrot and tomato juice, sauerkraut and celery juice, beetroot and black radish juice. You need to drink them for a long period.

Important!Treatment with juices is usually not basic, but additional.

Potato juice

Every day on an empty stomach it is necessary to drink 0,5 cups of potato juice.

Treatment with jam

Prepare jam at home with healing properties. To do this, you need to collect 200 flowers of dandelions. To the flowers add the lemon, cut into small pieces. Fill with a liter of water and leave for 6 hours.

Pass the infusion through the layer of gauze. Add in it 1 kg of sugar and cook jam 1-2 hours on a small fire. Sweet delicacy is similar in taste and consistency to honey. Excellent helps to overcome liver cirrhosis.


If you are wondering how to cure the liver, then collect the corn hairs or the so-called stigma. It's about the fibers that are placed around the corn under the leaves. Brew a small amount of stigmas and eat instead of tea. For treatment to be effective, the course should be between 4 and 8 months, depending on the condition of the patient.

Important!Collect corn fibers only from ripe fruits.

  • corn stigmas (1 spoonful) place in a glass;
  • pour hot until the top, only boiling water;
  • after two hours strain.

The number of receptions of broth per day is 6 times one spoonful.

Black radish

Freshly squeezed juice from a black radish should be drunk on a spoon in the morning, afternoon and evening. Treatment of cirrhosis in this way lasts at least 3 weeks.


Two spoons of asparagus brew in two glasses of boiling water. When the broth cools and is infused, drink it 100 ml 4 times a day.

Blue Onion Treatment

Take 1 kg of blue onion, peel and grind. Add half a kilo of sugar and put in a preheated oven. The syrup will be ready when it reaches a golden color, take one st. l. three times a day for a month.


Such a folk method of cirrhosis treatment will not exactly cause harm to health. Daily it is necessary to eat 200 grams of raw or boiled pumpkin. If you boil a pumpkin, then the water in which it was cooked, do not pour out, but drink.

Important!The course of treatment of a pumpkin usually takes a very long time, but this way to allow the body to enrich with useful substances.


To treat cirrhosis folk remedies are often used horseradish. Traditional medicine offers more than one recipe.

  1. In the shade, dry 5 large horseradish leaves. Fold them in a glass container, for example, a jar and fill with 0.5 liters of vodka. Send it to a dark cool place for 5 days. Prepared tincture should be drunk on a spoon before each meal with three meals a day.
  2. Tear off three sprigs of flowering horseradish with leaves. Cut the cut plants with a bottle of vodka. Insist 2 weeks in a dark place. Every morning, take a tincture on an empty stomach for 1 tablespoon.
  3. Dried horseradish flowers (1 h. l.) brew in a glass of milk. You need to drink the medicine twice a day. Relief and recovery comes in a short time.

Treatment of cirrhosis with herbs

Medicinal herbs are widely used in the treatment of the liver. Prepare at home broths and tinctures of both individual herbs and collections. They can also be used to treat ascites with folk remedies at home.


Chicory root (1-2 tablespoons) boil with boiling water. Two hours is enough to insist. Before use, strain the broth. Drink in a warm form. In terms of dosage, you need to use half a cup before breakfast, lunch and dinner.


  • in boiling water (0.5 liters) add three spoons of herb crumb;
  • give 5 minutes to puff, then insist throughout the night, preferably placing in a thermos bottle;
  • in a strained broth add a spoonful of honey.

The daily prepared broth should be drunk 4 times in 100 ml. Before use in the broth, add 20 drops of alcohol tincture of hops.


To make the calgary tincture, take 30 grams of roots of this plant. Grind them, then pour 500 ml of vodka. Let it brew for 3 weeks, always in a dark place. 15 minutes before a meal in a glass of water, drip 30 drops of tincture. You need to drink three times a day.

Willow bark

For a liter of water, take 50 grams of willow bark. Cook the bark for about 15 minutes on low heat. Leave it overnight. Strain and drink a third of the glass before each meal.


A teaspoon of dried plum should be filled with a glass of boiling water. Let the broth brew. For a day, drink 400 ml of decoction, breaking the total number into several receptions.

Harvesting herbs

Recipe 1

You will need:

  • chicory bark;
  • St. John's wort;
  • yarrow;
  • field horsetail;
  • the wolf is curly;
  • fruits of cumin.

All herbs should be taken in the same volume, for example, on a spoon. Spoon the cooked herbal mixture into a glass of boiling water. A regular and strained broth should drink 1/3 cup before the morning, lunch and evening meals.

Recipe 2

To make a collection, prepare:

  • 2 teaspoons of St. John's wort;
  • 1 spoon of a three-sheeted watch;
  • 2 spoons of dandelion root;
  • 1 spoon of sandy immortelle.

Dry herbs mixed and pour boiling water (0.5 liters). Prepared broth drink in the morning and evening in a glass.

Important!Herbal medicines of herbs usually bring the best effect, due to the complex effects.

For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to adhere to a strict diet, abandon bad habits and listen to the recommendations of the treating doctor.

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