Squats: how to breathe correctly when squatting a newcomer

Squatting is a popular, effective and generally developmental exercise that can tone different muscle groups, help lose weight and build muscle. Therefore, professional athletes include this exercise in their training programs.

The technique of correct breathing with squats helps the exercise to make it safe, to develop endurance in humans. Exercises in squat work through all the major muscle groups, and the body spends a lot of energy. Therefore, it is important to learn the right breathing during squats, both for beginners and for the master.


Squats: correct breathing

When the body does not get enough oxygen, it can not cope with the load. Hence - the low efficiency of squats, and exercise will be much harder. To understand how to breathe properly when squats, consider these points:

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Physiologically, breathing is divided into two types: thoracic and abdominal. Breath of the chest type is typical of most of us in a calm state without physical exertion. When the chest breathes, the ribs rise, the chest widens. Abdominal breathing involves the direct participation of the diaphragm. The diaphragm on exhalation rises and becomes denser, changing the volume of the chest. This type of breathing is more complete and deep, it is developed through training. Breathing "belly" is considered more preferable for squats.

In severe exercises, breathing should be deep, but do not force it through force. It is necessary to breathe correctly - it is measured, not creating artificial pauses and delays in the rhythm of breathing, obeying the natural rhythm.

When squatting with a barbell, it is allowed to hold the breath, but not more than a second, holding it with the lungs, in which, after inhaling, there is a lot of air. On the contrary, it is impossible. Even a minimal delay can trigger an increase in pressure, which, under stress, can negatively affect your well-being.

Breathing during squats should be done through the nose. Mouth engage only in extreme cases and only for exhalation. In the nasal mucosa of the respiratory tract, receptors are located that transmit signals to the brain about the intake of oxygen and optimize the respiratory process. It is recommended to exhale slowly, through the nose or clenched teeth.

Before starting the exercise, take the first deep breath. Repeat it before each approach. Exhalation is done at the time of maximum effort during the exercise and completes each cycle.

The correct breathing for squats has this pattern: we inhale, climb to the upper point, and exhale at the lowest point, before stretching our legs and lifting the pelvis.

It is impossible to "stock up" with breath for the future before the start of the exercise by inhaling the maximum depth, and there is no need for it. The average volume of an adult's lungs is six liters. However, they are completely empty, and even at the deepest inhalation, no more than two liters of air enter the body. The same amount will come out on exhalation. If you try to artificially inhale more or emptying the lungs, it will provoke rapid breathing, failures in providing tissues with oxygen and even loss of consciousness.

Prepare the respiratory system to breathe properly when squatting. Carry out a warm-up before training. It activates the ventilation of the lungs, improves blood circulation, warms up and prepares muscles, and relieves spasms. Respiratory gymnastics improves endurance, tones up, strengthens the body. You can combine strength training and exercise with bodyflex - this will help you breathe properly when squats.

How to breathe properly, crouching with a barbell?

Squat with a barbell is a heavy exercise, more complicated with free weight. The correct breathing technique is important in any case, but the more weight is used, the higher its importance. In the question of how to breathe during squats with the bar, you need to understand the following:

  1. At first it is recommended to do some light sit-ups with your weight for the purpose of warm-up. This will help to activate breathing and adjust the body to the correct technique.
  2. You need to take the starting position by putting the bar on your shoulders, your back and legs straighten. Take a deep, natural breath.
  3. As long as there is air in your lungs, go down, pulling back the pelvis and bending your knees. The trunk needs to be tilted slightly forward, but do not round the back, keeping the deflection in the lower back. While in this phase, approximately in the middle of the squat you can hold your breath a little, but only for a split second.
  4. When you descend to the lowest point where the correct position of the body can still be maintained, you do not need to rush to exhale. Begin to rise to the starting position.
  5. The most energy-consuming stage of the exercise is upward movement, so it must be accompanied by an exhalation. But do not exhale right away, but somewhere in the middle of the ascent. You can exhale sharply, making it easier to move the bar up.
  6. Exhale ends when you return to the top, a new breath is taken. Thus, one squat is done.

In the question of how to breathe properly during squats, helps control breathing in thoughts and dividing exercises into stages. This will help not to lose the rhythm at first, and then you will get used to breathe that way. The rate of breathing corresponds to the position of the trunk. Straightening it, we fill the lungs with air, and when the muscles contract, and we make efforts, we automatically want to exhale.

Resting properly

The right breathing for squats involves a small rest between sets. It can last 1-6 minutes. In the process of rest, breathe only with your nose. Try to take deep breaths, filling the lungs with air completely. Exhale slowly until the chest is completely emptied.

Breathe is in a single rhythm. Return to the exercise, when the pulse is restored, and the body is already saturated with oxygen.

In the next exercise, take a deep breath to open the lungs completely. Repeats and approaches end with an exhalation. If it's hard for you to breathe after doing the exercise, it's worth reducing the load a little. The body in this way says that you are not ready for the number of repetitions or the amount of weight that you give him. It is better to start small and gradually raise the bar.

Correct breathing: recommendations

Squats, how to breathe correctly when we consider, will be more effective if you adhere to the recommendations:

With rapid squats, the breaths should be shallow and frequent. If the training is more smooth and slow, then make sure that breathing is measured, unhurried.

When we breathe in, the muscles relax to expand. On exhalation they become narrower and tense. If, when doing, you want to pump up your legs, try to maximally empty the lungs by performing lifts. If you want to improve your posture or pull up your stomach, breathe in the air when you return to the starting position.

If you have no problems with pressure, you can try to breathe as follows. In the initial position, inhale sharply. At the middle of the amplitude, before reaching the "dead point", hold the air. You can not exhale when you sink to balance. Climb to the middle again, then abruptly empty the lungs. Returning to the starting position, again hold your breath for a few seconds.

If you are a beginner, start with simple sit-ups. Watch your breath, but do not concentrate on it. Choose the pace of breathing correctly. This will help you improve your stamina and increase the effectiveness of your workout. It is better to immediately master the breathing technique, and then to breathe correctly on the vending machine, rather than trying to retrain after a while.

Proper breathing helps to ease squats, and at the same time, the correct technique of exercise helps to maintain proper breathing. Squatting is one system where everything is interconnected. If you dump the body forward, or too soon to exhale, you will notice that the balance of the body is shifted, and now it is more difficult for you to breathe.

Squats, how to breathe when you already know, suggest that you are tedious to stand in the rack, where the legs will be on the width of the shoulders with their heels together and outwards with socks. Doing them, imagine that you want to sit on a chair, keeping your chest and back straight. Going down is as low as you can. It is important to keep an eye on the balance, to keep the look straight. When lowering, breathing should be clear. Before you start the next approach, you need to rest a little, making at least two breaths and breaths full.

In principle, there is nothing complicated about how to squat properly and how to breathe. It is enough only to remember the basic scheme of correct breathing. First it will need to be controlled so that the body is accustomed to this rate, and eventually you will breathe properly, without making any effort and thereby increasing the effectiveness of your training.

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Source: Editorial from the website http: //www.fitnessera.ru/ pravilnoe-dyxanie-pri-prisedaniyax-zalog-uspexa.html