Backache hurts when walking


  • 1Why there is pain in the lower back when walking
    • 1.1Causes of back pain
    • 1.2Classification of pain syndrome
    • 1.3Diagnostics
    • 1.4First aid
    • 1.5Treatment of low back pain
    • 1.6Prevention of low back pain when walking
  • 2Causes of low back pain when walking
    • 2.1Causes
    • 2.2Osteochondrosis
    • 2.3Spondylosis
    • 2.4Spondylarthrosis
    • 2.5Protrusion, herniation of intervertebral discs
    • 2.6Violation of posture
    • 2.7Radiculitis
    • 2.8Stenosis of the spinal canal
    • 2.9Spasms of back muscles
    • 2.10Kidney Diseases
    • 2.11Tumor processes
    • 2.12Common causes of low back pain?
    • 2.13First aid
    • 2.14When is urgent medical help needed?
  • 3What should I do if I have a low back when walking?
    • 3.1What it is
    • 3.2Classification of pain
    • 3.3Causes
    • 3.4Intervertebral hernia
    • 3.5Osteochondrosis
    • 3.6How to get rid of the pain?
    • 3.7Waiting for the "miracle"
    • 3.8Diagnostics
    • 3.9Treatment
  • 4Back pain during and after walking: with what they are connected
    • 4.1Causes of lumbar pain
    • 4.2Actions with pain syndrome
    • 4.3Is there any benefit of walking
    • 4.4Denial of responsibility
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Backache hurts when walking
    • 5.1Causes of pain and its danger
    • 5.2Osteochondrosis
    • 5.3Intervertebral hernia
    • 5.4Pain Management

Why there is pain in the lower back when walking

The pain syndrome in the back is often explained by banal fatigue and previously taken uncomfortable position. But when the loin hurts when walking or after, this leads not only to inconveniences, but also a partial loss of previous activity.

The reasons for such manifestations are many, therefore independent treatment without the knowledge of a doctor is strictly prohibited. That a person does not have a fierce desire here and now get rid of an unpleasant syndrome, you need to study the prerequisites of pain.

They may include rather dangerous diseases of the spine. The absence of their timely treatment leads to partial or complete paralysis of the lower extremities.

Below is information on pain in the lumbar department: the classification of pain and possible development of diseases - this should prevent independent actions without due survey.

Causes of back pain

Pain in the lower back when walking or standing, even if it is caused by an incorrect long position, can result from the following reasons:

  1. Diseases of the spine. Among the most common include osteochondrosis, which, depending on the classification of development can cause pain after a long walk or while walking.
  2. Previous physical activity. Wearing weights or playing sports with exercises that are impossible at the moment also causes pain in the lumbar region. They are just manifested during walking, when the vertebrae are restored to their normal state.
  3. Injuries of the spine. Often a blow on the back, coming to the top, provokes pain in the lumbar region. This is explained by the greater burden on the lumbar region, rather than on others.
  4. Prolonged static position. Sitting or standing work leads to squeezing the roots with intervertebral discs. Such a defeat is manifested when the position is changed and the vertebra is restored.
  5. Overweight or pregnancy. These reasons are explained by causing an "extra" load on the spine.
  6. Neuralgic disorders. The characteristic pinched nerves in the development of osteochondrosis provoke pain in the lumbar region during walking and changing the position.

Among the less common causes of pain from walking include the development of osteoporosis, muscle spasm, kidney disease, inflammation in the lumbar region, the onset of menstruation in women and others. Without revealing the reasons, you can not start treatment.

Classification of pain syndrome

To explain to the doctor when examining how the lumbar region hurts when walking, it is necessary to study the classification of the pain syndrome, where only 2 types are distinguished:

  1. Primary pain - manifested periodically. Such a pain syndrome is associated with the beginning of pathological destruction of ligaments, nerve fibers or muscles in the lumbar region. It is inherent here to distinguish a well-known osteochondrosis, where the jamming of the nerve roots occurs due to a prolonged static position or physical exertion. Primary pain manifests itself periodically and passes after taking an anesthetic drug or changing the position of the body.
  2. Secondary pain - manifested constantly, characterized by a aching or throbbing manifestation. It is associated with a more serious pathology - a bruise with subsequent damage to the spine, a destroyed fibrous ring and the formation of a hernia, kidney disease and other dangers.

Secondary pain, unlike the primary, can not be eliminated by taking pain medications. If the painful syndrome manifests itself every time you walk for a long time, you can independently conduct a test to determine the primary or secondary pain.

When the pain appears during a long walk, it is enough to sit down or take off your shoes, especially if it is on high heels. Primary pain passes after a short rest, secondary - no.

This will help the doctor determine the nature of the pathology for further examination.


Determine why walking hurts the lower back, you can by going through a comprehensive survey, where the following are distinguished:

  • a primary examination by a doctor - will determine the localization of the pain syndrome and its cause;
  • X-ray - determines the presence of a hernia, cracks in the spine;
  • computer tomography - allows to determine changes in bone structures of the spine;
  • magnetic resonance imaging - will determine the condition and possible damage to soft tissues;
  • US of internal organs - will help to exclude irradiating pains in the lumbar region (for example, intestinal pathologies or uterine diseases in women).

Often, the doctor prescribes additional laboratory tests to determine the presence of inflammation in the lumbar region. Such tests are designed to exclude inflammation of the spinal cord (meningitis), the formation of a benign or malignant tumor of internal organs.

First aid

If the pain has appeared with a long walk, then you need to do the following:

  • sit down, and better lie down and relax;
  • if it does not get better, you can drink any anesthetic drug, spasmolytic - you need to read the instructions, take into account the presence of contraindications and dosage;
  • if the pain does not pass, but only intensifies - immediately call an ambulance.

Pain in the lower back with long or short walking may result from internal bleeding.

There is often a rupture of appendicitis or ovarian cysts in women.

If pain at rest is increased, the doctor is immediately consulted to reduce the risk of death.

Treatment of low back pain

After determining the cause of the pain after walking, they are taken for the treatment prescribed by the doctor. The following methods are distinguished here:

  1. Drug treatment. For the beginning relieve the pain syndrome, where in the case of pathologies of the spine can be appointed blockers. In the future, take analgesics, hormonal or anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors. Drug therapy can be taken by taking medications inside or in the form of injections - intramuscular and intravenous. The time of treatment and dosage directly depends on the disease and degree of injury.
  2. Physiotherapy treatment. Physiotherapy is used in the absence of the effect of taking medications or for a full recovery. Physiotherapeutic procedures include mognitotherapy, modulated currents and other types.
  3. Acupuncture or manual therapy. These procedures allow the restoration of partially or completely destroyed intervertebral discs, normalize blood circulation, improve the damping of the vertebrae.
  4. Exercise therapy, yoga, sports. These methods also apply to the treatment of the detected disease, but only in case of a spinal cord injury. In other cases, exercise and exercises of exercise therapy are prevention of relapse and are used only with full recovery.

Treatment can be reversed if surgical intervention is required. After the operation, the patient will have to undergo a long course of treatment and recovery, which may completely differ from the standard scheme.

Prevention of low back pain when walking

To preventive actions of a painful syndrome in the field of a loin carry:

  • regular exercise - simple morning exercises, held regularly, relieve such problems during walks;
  • proper nutrition and rejection of bad habits - this will prevent excess weight gain, as well as increase the amount of vitamins and microelements that have arrived;
  • refusal to lift weights - do not start lifting weights if there is no experience in this;
  • refusal from long static position - if there is no possibility, it is enough to stretch your back periodically during work;
  • refusal of heels - the recommended heel height on shoes is only 5 cm;
  • choosing the right shoes with orthopedic insoles - it is important to monitor the presence of a protrusion that repeats the bend of the foot;
  • taking multivitamin complexes - it is necessary to take additional vitamins to saturate the cells of the body in their subsequent recovery.

Pain in the lower back when walking or standing can appear spontaneously. Therefore, it is important to prevent pain syndrome, rather than to address the intake of expensive drugs in order to eliminate it.

Why there is pain in the lower back when walking Reference to the main publication

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Causes of low back pain when walking

Pain localized in the lower back, which occurs when walking, oftenis a signal about the development of various diseases in the body.

Sometimes such pain is a consequence of incorrect physical activity, obesity, prolonged wearing of heavy loads.

But, most often, back pain when walking indicates a disease, some of which are a threat to health and life.


Pain in the lower back can occur under the influence of both physiological and pathological factors.

For physiological reasons include:

  • Physical exercise. Heavy sports exercises, as well as raising and wearing heavy objects often cause the onset of pain in the spine, especially in the lumbar region of the spine. During walking, the vertebrae recover, and this leads to the fact that it is painful for a person to walk.
  • Long stay in a static position. When a person is in a state of standing or sitting for a long time, the intervertebral discs of the nerve roots are squeezed. Soreness in the lower back passes when you change your posture or when taking a horizontal position.
  • Excess weight and gestation period. Soreness in walking in the lumbar region, in this case, is associated with an increase in the load on the entire vertebral column.
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Pathological pains are divided into 2 types: primary and secondary.

Primary pain syndrome occurs due to diseases of the spinal column, such as:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • protrusion or herniation of the intervertebral disc;
  • spondylarthrosis;
  • spondylosis.

The occurrence of secondary painassociated with diseases of other organs and systems. The most common causes of secondary low back pain:

  • violation of posture;
  • radiculitis;
  • muscle spasm;
  • arthritis;
  • tumor processes;
  • spine trauma;
  • narrowing of the spinal canal;
  • various diseases of inflammatory, viral and infectious origin;
  • kidney pathology;
  • pathology of the pelvic organs.


Pathology of the spine, in which cartilage and intervertebral discs are affected.

The disease is the cause of metabolic and circulatory disorders in the spinal column. During the course of the disease, the discs lose their strength and elasticity.

Pain in the lower back during movement is usually caused by osteochondrosis of the lumbar region.

For the disease are characterized by strong, aching, dull pain in the lower back, which become more intense when walking, flexing-extension of the back.

Additional symptoms

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar manifests itself:

  • soreness in the lumbar region, giving to the legs;
  • the waist and thorax hurts when walking;
  • stiffness in the spine in the morning;
  • it is painful for a person to walk after a long stay in a fixed position;
  • muscular spasms in the back;
  • lumbar "shooting
  • violation of innervation of the lower limbs;
  • vascular cramps in the legs;
  • violation of perspiration;
  • dryness and peeling of the skin in the lumbar region.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis is carried out using the X-ray of the spine, electrocardiograms, clinical blood and urine tests, CT / MRI.

Treatment is medicamentous and physiotherapeutic.

The following medicinal products are used:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • analgesics and antispasmodics;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • steroids and biostimulants.

As physiotherapy, ionophoresis, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, UHF therapy are widely used.


Degenerative disease of the spine with subsequent formation along the edges of the vertebraebony growths.

In spondylosis, pain is mild, characterized as aching. It is localized, mainly, in the area of ​​the lesion and is strengthened during movements.

Additional symptoms

In addition, it is painful for a person to walk, with the development of spondylosis of the lumbar spine, the following symptoms are noted:

  • feeling that the lower limbs are "wadded" or, conversely, "wooden
  • intermittent claudication;
  • increased pain when walking, the back stops ache only when tilted forward.

Diagnosis and treatment

For diagnosis, use radiography, MRI and CT.

The treatment is medicated, physiotherapeutic and operative.

Drug treatment is performed using NSAIDs, novocain blockades.

Physiotherapy includes electrophoresis, acupuncture, UHF therapy, massage, etc.

Surgical treatment is shown in very rare cases, when conservative methods of therapy do not bring a positive result.


Degenerative-dystrophic process, leading to a change and destruction of the cartilaginous tissue of the joints. The defeat of the lumbar region is called lumbararthrosis.

The disease is characterized by frequent recurring back pain, which is given to the gluteal region and thighs.

Diagnosis and treatment

Confirm the diagnosis with CT and MRI.

The main treatment is performed by exercise therapy, massage and swimming.

As drugs, chondroprotectors, muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory "non-steroids" can be used.

Protrusion, herniation of intervertebral discs

Disease, which develops due to increased loads on the lumbar spine, in which there is a protrusion of the pulpous nucleus through a destroyed fibrous ring, which leads to compression of the nervous roots.

Pain in the intervertebral hernia (or protrusion), aching, squeezing.

It is localized in the lumbar region and is strengthened by sharp movements, walking.

Additional symptoms

The disease occurs with the following symptoms:

  • a feeling of numbness in the chest, back, abdomen;
  • pain in the heart;
  • feeling of having a stake in the back;
  • disorders of stool and urination.

Diagnosis and treatment

Detect protrusion and hernia can be radiographic examination, MRI and CT.

The treatment of protrusions is medicated, the treatment of hernia, most often, operative.

Violation of posture

Pain in the lower back often accompanies the curvature of the spine, namely, lumbar scoliosis.

Lumbar scoliosis is characterized by severe pain in the lower back with an anatomically correct position of the pelvic bones.

Additional symptoms

The curvature of the spine is characterized by:

  • Assimilation of pelvis, shoulders, scapula;
  • violation of gait;
  • fast fatigue of the back;
  • deformity of the sternum;
  • disruption of the location and functions of the pelvic area.

Diagnosis and treatment

To detect the curvature of the spine, the doctor can after examining the patient and on the basis of the results of radiography.

Most often, physiotherapy is prescribed.


Radiculitis of the lumbosacral department -pathology, in which compression and inflammation of the nerve roots is observedspinal canal.

It is characterized by acute pain in the lower back, thighs and buttocks, which is amplified by sharp movements, torso, coughing and sneezing.

It often hurts the loins when walking and standing.

Additional symptoms

Radiculitis has the following clinical signs:

  • sudden onset of low back pain;
  • increased back pain in the prone position when the straight leg is raised;
  • reflex leg bending;
  • worsening of the patient's condition at night;
  • sweating and pale skin of the face.

Diagnosis and treatment

Radiculitis can be diagnosed after an X-ray examination. In some cases, an MRI or CT scan is indicated.

Treatment is carried out by NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, analgesics. Drugs can be used either inward or outwardly and injectively.

Physiotherapy and massage are also used.

Stenosis of the spinal canal

Pathology, not infrequentlyleading to cervical myelopathy and cerebrospinal compression. Appears when squeezing the nerve of the spinal canal with a modified disc or osteophyte.

Patients can not determine the precise localization of the pain syndrome, describe the pain as spilled, pressing, aching.

Additional symptoms

Pathology is manifested:

  • hypertension of muscles;
  • weakness in the limbs;
  • dysfunction of the pelvic area.

Diagnosis and treatment

For diagnosis, use X-ray, CT and MRI.

With moderate manifestations of the disease, medications, methods of physiotherapy and massage are used for treatment.

Spasms of back muscles

Involuntary muscle contractions, which are accompanied by pain of varying intensity,giving away at any point.

With spasms of the dorsal muscles, acute pain is noted, irradiating in the limbs, chest, abdomen and lower back.

Additional symptoms

Muscle spasms are characterized by hardness of spasmodic muscle (group of muscles), increased pain when pressing on the area of ​​spasm. The aching back reacts sharply to the touch.

Diagnosis and treatment

In view of the fact that there are a lot of reasons why there may be a muscle spasm, a variety of methods are used for diagnosis. Treatment is also carried out depending on the causes of the spasm.

In addition to the treatment prescribed to a specialist, the use of analgesics, antispasmodics and muscle relaxants is recommended.

Kidney Diseases

One of the characteristic symptoms of kidney pathology is a pain in the lumbar region during walking, for example, during a walk. The condition is characterized by dull, aching pain in the lower back from the side of the diseased organ.

The main symptoms of kidney pathologies are:

  • soreness with urination;
  • violation of frequency, quantity and quality of urination;
  • fever.

Diagnosis is carried out by examining the patient's biological fluids, ultrasound of the urinary system.

Treatment can be both medicamental and operative.

Tumor processes

Oncological diseases of the kidneys, spine, pelvic organs, retroperitoneal spaceand GI tract can be the cause of pain in the lumbar region. The closer the neoplasm is located, the more intense will be the pain syndrome.

In addition to primary tumors, back pain often causes bone metastases.

If a patient has an oncological disease, the pain in the lumbar region is aching, dull. Sometimes, when the neural roots are squeezed by the neoplasm, the pain is characterized as acute, piercing.

Diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases should be handled only by a doctor.

In addition to the above reasons, soreness in the lower back when walking can be a consequence:

  • spinal trauma;
  • pathologies of pelvic organs;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • various inflammatory processes in the body;
  • infectious and viral diseases.

Common causes of low back pain?

  • severe pains are noted with osteochondrosis, radiculitis;
  • sharp pain is typical for stretching the muscles, prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, heavy weight, falling or injury, lumbalia;
  • acute pain is observed when the intervertebral disc is displaced;
  • aching pains occur in inflammatory processes in the dorsal muscles;
  • chronic pain syndrome is typical for Bechterew's disease and deforming spondylosis;
  • displaced lower back pains occur in diseases of the pelvic organs, kidneys, large intestine, pancreas and oncology.

First aid

If the patient is hurt walking, the following measures can be taken:

  • provide the patient complete peace and stillness;
  • use cold or heat for anesthesia;
  • take an available antispasmodic or analgesic (Timpalgin, Analgin, Spasmalgon).

When is urgent medical help needed?

Emergency specialists are needed if:

  • pain syndrome worried for longer than 3 days;
  • soreness does not pass after taking analgesics and antispasmodics;
  • back pain is combined with pain in the lower leg and feet;
  • when there is pain, there is numbness in the buttocks, thighs, inguinal region, lower limbs.

If, with long walking, the lower back aches, this is an alarm signal, which requires close attention.
Be sure to watch the video with a set of useful exercises that can help

Do not yourself seek out the causes of pain and, especially, engage in self-medication. Only an experienced specialist will help restore health and improve the patient's quality of life.

How to forget about joint and spinal pain?

  • Does pain limit your movements and full life?
  • Are you worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain?
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments?

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What should I do if I have a low back when walking?

A person lives, he feels good. It seems that everything is favorable. But suddenly there is a problem - it hurts the lower back when walking. It seems, where did this attack come from. He led a correct way of life, sometimes went in for sports, and here ...

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And it becomes scary. Almost everyone has bad thoughts. In order to dispel them a little, let's talk about this problem.

What it is

Let's start with statistics. Studies have shown that about ninety percent of the country's population suffers from discomfort in the back. Hence it follows that back pain when walking is a very common ailment.

Sometimes people even get used to this discomfort and do not react to it for a long time. But there always comes a time when painful sensations become intolerable. I have to go to the doctor without delay.

It happens that the disease has already acquired a chronic form, and it is almost impossible to cope with it.

Symptoms of this ailment can appear after a cold, sharp tilt, lifting heavy objects. Another reason that the back hurts when walking, is a long wrong sitting at the table (stooped back).

Why does the loin usually suffer? This part of the spine is most often subjected to large daily loads.

Now let's talk about this and many other things in more detail.

Classification of pain

By structure, the pain is sharp, shooting, pulsating, aching. By its manifestation, it is divided into two types:

  • Primary. The cause of the occurrence is a violation of the blood supply in the tissues that connect the intervertebral discs. This leads to a weakening of the spine. Periodically, pain begins to appear while walking. Few people pay attention to this symptom, as it is of a non-permanent nature. This attitude towards discomfort, in turn, leads to complications.
  • Secondary. The reason - mechanical damage to tissues or muscles, tumor development, malignant formations. In this case, the back hurts constantly. It's not worth the wait here. As soon as possible to pass the examination.

Secondary pain can still be caused by chronic prostatitis, endometrium, uterine myoma, dysmenorrhea, diseases of the ovaries and kidneys, nervous system and blood vessels.


Factors contributing to the emergence of back pain, a large number. Most often this problem is associated with muscle tension. This situation arises from excessive work. So all the same, why does the loin hurt when walking? The reasons for the appearance of this problem include:

  • Constant lifting of weights.
  • Finding a long time in one position (standing, sitting).
  • Intensive training or physical work.
  • Excess weight.

These reasons are the most common.

The following group of factors causing pain:

  • herniated intervertebral;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • stenosis of the spinal canal;
  • injuries;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • spondylolisthesis;
  • osteoporosis.

In addition to the aforementioned diseases that affect the axial skeleton, there are ailments associated with inflammatory processes occurring in soft tissues or internal organs.

In the second case, when walking for a long time, the lower back hurts, since pain reflects from the primary focus to the back.

Most often it happens with jade, stomach ulcer, colitis, cholecystitis.

In late pregnancy, the waist also bothers the expectant mother.

Now more in detail about some diseases.

Intervertebral hernia

Between the body of the vertebra is a disc, which consists of an amorphous mass and a fibrous ring. When it is destroyed, the amorphous mass is squeezed out, a bump is formed on the body of the disc. It damages the nerves surrounding it, and the spinal cord. All this leads to painful sensations.

Stronger backache in the lower back when walking, because under the weight of the hernia is squeezed even more. There are times when a person can not walk at all.


The disease begins with a slight discomfort, which appears during running and jumping.


Over time, inconvenience develops into unbearable pain, which can be avoided by contacting the doctor in a timely manner.

What is the treatment?

  • Massage.
  • Reception of medicines.
  • Wearing a corset.

Together, all this improves the spinal cord, its nutrition and the ability to generate strength. Difficulties in treating the disease can arise during pregnancy or changes in the activity of the nervous system.


With a strong growth of the cartilaginous tissue around the vertebra and disk, there is such a disease as osteochondrosis. The elasticity of the discs is lost, the spinal cord and its roots are damaged, which contributes to the appearance of painful sensations.

In addition, the flexibility of the vertebral department is reduced. Why in this case does the loin hurt when walking? The pathological process develops rather quickly. This is facilitated by malnutrition, low physical activity, obesity.

If the disease has covered a large "territory then the tissues begin to damage the nerve endings.

Depending on the area of ​​growth, painful sensations in the back may appear at different positions of the trunk.

If the cartilage increases forward, then the lumbar plexus will be hurt. Sometimes people can hear that when walking, they hurt the lower back and legs.

In this case, we can say that the cartilaginous tissue grows back.

How to get rid of the pain?

If the cause of painful sensations is osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia, then without the help of a doctor, it is impossible to do and it is not necessary. Self-medication is harmful and unsafe.

Only a specialist can correctly diagnose, having studied the position of the roots, and prescribe a treatment. As a rule, it is conservative. In one and the second disease, therapeutic exercise is prescribed, which contributes to improving the tone of the body and the condition of different muscle groups.

If the pain is severe, then a lidocaine blockade is performed. To improve blood circulation, massage is done. Simultaneous use of it and drugs increases the effectiveness of treatment.


If the loin hurts after walking, you can relieve the condition at home as follows:


· Lie down;

· Do not apply cold for more than ten minutes, or, on the contrary, warm the lower back by wrapping it.

· With severe pain, you can drink an analgesic;

· If the pain does not disappear within an hour, consult a doctor.

Waiting for the "miracle"

Another cause of discomfort in the back during movement is pregnancy. During this period, all the organs of the female body work with a load. The child grows in the womb of the mother, the center of gravity begins to shift.

Joints of the hip and sacrum relax, preparing for childbirth. The growing abdomen changes the position of the spine, the lumbar muscles become strained. That's why the loin hurts when walking during pregnancy.

Almost every woman is experiencing it.

Cope with pain during this period will help proper nutrition. The menu should contain a large amount of calcium. Do not give up dairy products, eat lean fish, meat. Do not forget about nuts and greens.

Do everything smoothly and calmly, avoid strong physical exertion. Find a set of exercises for pregnant women. It will help strengthen the abdominal muscles and back. A wonderful rest for the waist is water aerobics.


As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of painful sensations in the lower back. And which one causes discomfort, it is not known. That's why diagnostic activities are carried out. Only an additional examination will determine the factors that cause pain.

When visiting a medical institution, the doctor prescribes the following procedures to establish a diagnosis:

· A general analysis of blood and urine;

· Determination of biochemical composition of blood;

· Urine analysis according to Nichiporenko and Zemnitsky;

· Study of stool to determine its physical and chemical composition;

· Measuring the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract;

· X-ray of the spine;

· Gastroscopy;

· Ultrasound examination of internal organs.

Only after deciphering all the results obtained and consulting with specialists can we talk about the causes of pain in the lower back. If the factor of their appearance is a pathology, then the treatment begins immediately.


After an answer is found to the question of why the waist is hurting during prolonged walking, treatment begins.

The following methods are used:

  • Therapy with the use of medicines. Thanks to it, pain and inflammation decrease. Anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs are prescribed. Also used are ointments and gels. With chronic pain, blockades are used.
  • Physiotherapy (sinusoidal modulated currents and magnetotherapy). Used in the event that medicines did not help improve the patient's condition.
  • Additional. Acupuncture, yoga, exercise therapy, manual therapy - increase muscle tone.

It is also recommended to sleep on an orthopedic mattress, wear belts and corsets.

And still, if frequent back pains occur while walking, do not self-medicate, but visit a specialist. Only he can help you.

For the prevention of the disease, try to eat right, exercise, sit straight, do not lift the weight without a corset. Buy an orthopedic mattress and visit the doctors at least once a year.

A source: http://.ru/article/323016/chto-delat-esli-bolit-poyasnitsa-pri-hodbe

Back pain during and after walking: with what they are connected

With age, especially with an incorrect, sedentary way of life or, on the contrary, with excessive loads, the spine is traumatized more and more.

Sooner or later, there may be pain in the lower back when walking and standing. All this is associated with degenerative and dystrophic changes of the spinal column.

We will consider the possible causes of pain syndrome and decide what to do in order to get rid of it.

Causes of lumbar pain

The loin can make itself felt in different situations: it hurts when walking, after a long sitting without changing the pose, in the morning after sleeping. The nature of these sensations can also be different.

But they are caused, as a rule, by a jamming of the nerve roots, edema of ligaments, muscle tension of the lumbosacral section in the zones of its nervous sensitivity.

Primary pain syndrome is associated with the fact that the spinal cord develops a pathological process - dystrophic and functional changes in muscles, vertebral joints, intervertebral discs, tendons, bundles.

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The branched nerve system passing through the spine suffers from these changes, so the loin often hurts when walking.

Secondary pain syndrome can be caused by the following factors:

  • injuries of the spinal column;
  • infectious diseases;
  • tumor processes.

Most often, the loin hurts during or after a long walk due to osteochondrosis, in people aged 30 to 60 years. Soreness can pass, the back side of the legs.

It can be difficult to turn, bend. Perhaps a feeling of severe fatigue in the muscles of the back, their numbness or discomfort after sitting in one pose. If all this continues for at least a few days, you need to go to the doctor.

Actions with pain syndrome

If your waist is very sore, you can do the following:

  • if possible, do not move, you need complete peace - it's best to lie down;
  • Anesthetize your back by briefly applying cold (no more than 10 minutes) or, conversely, warmly wrapped in the lumbar region;
  • with intense pain, you can take the currently available analgesic, antispasmodic;
  • if symptoms do not disappear and / or intensify within an hour, call a physician.

Certainly, in order to distinguish spine diseases from others, also manifested by pain in the lower back when walking, it is necessary to check with the appropriate specialists.

It is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist, a nephrologist, a female gynecologist, and a male urologist-andrologist (especially if soreness is attached to the lower abdomen).

Hearing the complaint "I can not walk the doctor will examine the patient and prescribe tests. This allows you to exclude the pathology of the pelvic organs, the gastrointestinal tract.

When referring to a surgeon, a vertebrologist and a neurologist, a diagnosis involving magnetic resonance imaging or radiography, will determine whether there are any abnormalities in the spine changes.

Is there any benefit of walking

Physiological (natural) movement with moderate stress, of course, has a beneficial effect on the health of the spine. But walking is also necessary correctly, and in particular - to dose the load, if the pain in the lower back usually occurs with prolonged walking.

Such pain can be associated, for example, with the weakness of the back muscles, which are unable to adequately support the spine with a long stay on the legs. Well-tolerated physical exercises can strengthen the muscles.

If running is usually not recommended for patients with osteochondrosis (because of the impact on the spine), Nordic walking is useful in all senses.

It is also called Finnish, Norwegian or northern. It is distinguished by the use of sticks like the ski, and originally it was engaged in skiers who did not want to lose their athletic form. The advantages of this simple type of physical activity:

  • minimization of spinal strain - with simultaneous work of all the muscles of the body;
  • restoration of joint function;
  • reduction;
  • decreased blood sugar;
  • strengthening of bone tissue;
  • normalization of body weight;
  • increase immunity.

Scandinavian mode of movement is distinguished by a special technique that can be learned from an experienced instructor - this will allow to achieve the greatest effect from the lessons, besides, to walk under the guidance of the trainer is not painfully.

The emphasis on the sticks does not allow you to bend or stoop, so the muscles strengthen, the nutrition of the intervertebral discs improves.

Thus, with regular exercise (approximately two months three times a week), the lumbar hernia decreases and the intervertebral disc is destroyed.


So, after consulting with the doctor and determining the directions of medical and physiotherapy treatment, you need to pick up the physical load.


Very effective exercises that are initially performed under the guidance of a physician, then - independently at home.

The intensity and duration of training is adjusted to the extent of the patient's capabilities and in accordance with the improvement of his condition.

The loin will not hurt with long walking, if you wear special comfortable shoes - including orthopedic footwear.

In addition, the physician may recommend the use of or, or other supportive methods.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.


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Backache hurts when walking

Back pain in walking is considered a sure sign of spine diseases.

The lumbar region is the most important for the movement of a person, as it takes on a mass from the upper body - the chest and head, while connecting it with the lower limbs.

Low back pain when walking is often ignored by patients - the reluctance to go to a doctor may be due to the reluctance to waste your time or fear of detecting serious illness.

It is not necessary in any case to delay visits to arthrologists, osteopaths or orthopedists, because only timely help can help stop the disease.

For back pain, there is a special medical term - lumbulgia.

It refers not only to pain during walking, but also to painful sensations at the level of the lower back.

Often to the lumbar pain also include the sacrum, not quite correctly representing the location of parts of the spine in the body.

Causes of pain and its danger

The lumbar spine includes five massive vertebrae. Between them are intervertebral disks, which extinguish vibrations from the lower extremities, like a spring.

Also, a group of ligaments holds them together. Nerve endings of the spinal cord leave the lumbar spine.

These endings are the lumbar and sacral plexus, which are responsible for the work of the feet when walking, maintaining the vertical posture.

In addition, they combine a group of internal muscles responsible for the intestines, organs of the large and small pelvis. They perform in their urinary, emptying and sexual functions.

Pain in the lower back other than this can cause serious syndromes of internal organs.

The vegetative nervous system, which comes out at this level, regulates the functioning of the sphincters of the bladder and the rectum, is responsible for the intensity of the tubular nephrons in the kidney.

Nerve damage that causes pain can disrupt the normal functioning of the internal organs.Physicians are allocated a group of diseases, in which the back hurts when walking.

Diseases of internal nature and rarely associated with infections - except when the pain is a consequence of damage to the kidneys and bladder diseases transmitted sexually.


Osteochondrosis is a pathological proliferation of cartilage around the vertebra and the intervertebral disc.

At the same time, the elasticity of the discs and the flexibility of the spine as a whole are lost, and soreness appears due to damage to the spinal cord and its roots.

Osteochondrosis affects almost half of the adult population of the planet, which is a consequence of a wrong lifestyle for the lower back.


The main reasons for the development of the disease include obesity, low physical activity and malnutrition. All the causes are interrelated, which causes the rapid development of the pathological process.


With sufficient expansion of the area of ​​the disease, the tissues begin to damage the nerve roots.

Dependence on the area of ​​growth, back pain during movement can manifest itself at different positions of the trunk or legs.

When growing forward, in the trunk region, pain in the entire lumbar plexus can be observed. When growing back - pain can be given to the buttocks, to the back of the thighs.

Intervertebral hernia

The intervertebral disc is a small disc-shaped formation located between the vertebral bodies. It consists of a soft, plastic amorphous mass, or pulpous core, and a strong and elastic fibrous ring.

Fibrous ring keeps the pulpous nucleus in the desired form. The hernia occurs when the fibrous membrane is destroyed - the amorphous mass is squeezed out into the resulting tension, forming a small tubercle on the body of the disc.

The tubercle damages the surrounding nerves and spinal cord, causing severe pain.

Often a person with such pain becomes impossible to walk, but the disease can begin with a barely noticeable discomfort, manifested in running and jumping, but with the development of pain will increase and at one point will be almost unbearable. It is important to consult a doctor in time, because the rupture of the fibrous membrane is difficult to handle and causes many complications.

The treatment consists of massages, wearing corsets and taking medications that improve the spinal cord.

Incidentally developing diseases allow the use of combined therapy, which simultaneously eliminates both pathologies.

Treatment can be complicated by pregnancy or neurogenic diseases.

  • Be sure to read: why does the loin ache

Pain Management

Treatment is usually conservative. First, you need to establish the cause - carry out an X-ray, diagnose the position of the roots.

As for osteochondrosis, and for intervertebral hernia prescribed therapeutic exercise.

It improves the condition by developing different muscle groups and improving the tone of the body.

Massages help the human body better to circulate blood.

Simultaneous use of massage and medicinal blockade helps to significantly advance in treatment.

For a successful outcome, the main thing in time is to consult a doctor who is qualified to treat patients. Self-medication can cause significant harm.

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