Burns in children: what to do, treatment and first aid

Burns in children occur most often with boiling water, leaving the child unattended with easy access to household items for adults. No one is immune from thermal and chemical trauma, and at the same time, foresight, foresight and the ability to anticipate the occurrence of accidents are necessary for adults, especially with regard to their baby.

Here we give advice of pediatrician Anikeeva L. Sh. On how to provide first aid to a child in case of a burn in the home.


First aid for burns in children

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Because of the parents, all the accidents happen to the kids, when they, left to their own devices, explore the world around them. One moment is enough for the irreparable to happen, leaving a deep imprint on the memory, and sometimes on the body.

Causes of burns are always the same. You can only add cases of burns when carrying out inhalations in a barbaric way: above the pot with boiling water, covered with a blanket. There are numerous safe methods of inhalation in the home.

What is a burn?

Burn is a thermal injury that occurs when the skin contacts a heat source.

Degree burns

The severity of the condition and the forecast for the future burns are divided into 4 degrees.

The first degree of is characterized by only reddening of the skin. Many people have experienced this burn many times during prolonged exposure to the sun.

When second degree burns, bubbles are formed on the red surface, filled with clear contents, and a detachment of the upper layer of the skin.

Deeper lesions refer to third and fourth degrees of burns and require the qualified help of combobustologists. The so-called doctors dealing with the treatment of burn injury.

In a baby 1-2 years of age, even a first degree burn can cause the development of a burn disease, when not only the skin but also the internal organs and tissues of the body are involved in the pathological process, especially the liver and kidneys. For severe skin lesions, burn disease is almost constant companion.

If a misfortune occurs, parents should provide the suffering child with the first correct help.

What can not be done!

To the great regret of the doctors of the "First Aid" who are the first to meet with the injured child, in the overwhelming majority of cases the actions of the parents lead to an increase in pain in the place of injury and cause harm in terms of the further course of the disease.

Ointment for burns can not be!

Ask your friends how to help with a burn. And 8 people out of 10 will say: "You have to smear it with sea buckthorn oil."On the second place after the favorite sea buckthorn is the ointment "Rescuer", the remaining places are distributed equally between vegetable oil, raw potatoes, starch, baby urine, egg whites, etc.

Do not swish around the apartment in search of the treasured bottle with butter or tube with ointment.

What you need to do!

The first most effective tool: cooling the burn site with cold water

The best thing you can do is apply cold to the burn surface. If the hand or foot is burned, place it under a stream of cold water. Burn the burned areas on the body with a diaper soaked in cold water and change it as you warm it to a colder one. And do not pierce the bubbles that appear on the damaged skin, so as not to add suffering to the child and not to infect the infection. Cold water reduces pain and does not allow the burn to spread deep and wide.

It is necessary to cool the calcined surface for at least 15 minutes, then it prevents overheating of the underlying tissues.

If the cooling of the burnt surface begins immediately after the accident, then the temperature of the tissues at a depth of 1 cm comes to the initial one after 20 seconds, whereas without cooling - only after 15 minutes( !).

Cooling is the only effective method of first aid for burns. Further treatment will be carried out by the ambulance brigade and, if necessary, hospitalizes the victim.

"Why not use sea buckthorn oil? After all, everywhere it is written that it is used in the treatment of burns, "you ask.

Burning of any of the above substances, including sea buckthorn oil, causes to form on the burn surface of the heat-dissipating film, , and the elevated temperature, without having an outlet to the outside, spreads inwards and sideways, hence the area and depthThe burn will increase.

Sea buckthorn oil is really used to treat burns as a means of healing the wound, and in the future you will use it in its pure form or as part of the drug "Olazol".But at the time of the burn, you should not think about healing the wound, but about increasing the heat transfer from the burn surface and reducing pain, and for this purpose, sea buckthorn oil is not good.

Only cold water! It is always at hand in unlimited quantities and will help the affected child.

Lighters, matches, bonfires in the forest or in the suburban area have a very attractive appearance for the baby and pose a serious danger to his health. Do not leave the child unattended near an open fire.

In case of fire burn , immediately extinguish burning clothing, throwing on the affected blanket, jacket, coat. If burnt remains of clothes remain on the burn site, do not try to remove them yourself, the doctor will do it.

If burns with chemical substance ( acetic acid, ammonia, perhydrol, "Persol", etc.), rinse the affected area with running water abundantly, then apply a sterile bandage.

At the time of a burn, it is difficult to determine its degree. Often a second degree burn is a heavier lesion than it seemed at the first examination. Therefore, it is advisable, even with a small burn area, to consult a burn surgeon.

For severe burns, hospitalization is compulsory.

You may need an operation to transplant your own skin of the affected or "artificial" skin, grown by special technology.

If as a result of a burn injury scars are formed, then the efforts of specialists are aimed at their elimination. To do this, there are modern methods, including laser therapy and wearing special compression clothing, helping to reduce the cosmetic defect.

In summer, children can get burned by climbing into nettles or cow-grass. Everyone knows this plant of the umbellate family with a hollow stem, which the children use, playing "in the war", like shooting tubes. After such battles, lips and tongue are swelling, redness and blisters appear on the face and hands, in general, the picture of the real burn, in addition to the painful itching.

Strip the baby completely, rinse it with cool water and soap, give an anti-allergic tablet to reduce swelling and relieve itching. Wash clothing thoroughly to remove the particles of the plant.

Such burns have a benign course and quickly pass. The allergic child may experience complications in the form of toxic dermatitis, so you will need to consult a doctor.

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Source of

  1. Video on topic.
  2. «Pediatrics: A complete reference book for parents / L.Sh. Anikeeva ": Moscow: Publishing house" Exmo ".

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