We treat intercostal neuralgia in fast and simple ways

Intercostal neuralgia is the squeezing or irritation of the intercostal nerves. Causes of the disease can be various diseases: osteochondrosis, trauma of the spine or chest, even an ordinary cold. In addition, the push can serve as an incautious sudden movement, unusual physical load, being in a draft and any other situation that can cause muscle spasm, which leads to irritation of nerve endings.

  • Symptoms of intercostal neuralgia
  • Home Treatment
  • Medication at home
  • How to relieve pain at home
  • Several recipes of folk remedies
  • Glycerin and iodine
  • Tincture of birch buds
  • Radish or horseradish juice
  • Lilac kidney and internal pork fat
  • Camphor, mustard, egg white
  • Tincture of the body sponge
  • Burdock leaves
  • Leaves of geranium
  • Valerian tincture
  • Potatoes and onions
  • Soothing means
  • Decoction of mint leaves with honey
  • Infusion of lemon balm and orange crusts
  • Healing baths
  • Sage bath
  • Milk and honey bath with essential oil
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Symptoms of intercostal neuralgia

This disease is characterized by:

  • periodic bouts of pain at the time of inspiration. The pain can be acute or dull, burning or aching, but always interferes with normal breathing;
  • there may be muscle spasms, tingling in the chest;
  • the skin changes its habitual color - turns pale or turns red;
  • sharp movements (changes in the position of the body, coughing, sneezing) increase painful sensations;
  • pain can be localized in the heart, under the scapula, in the lumbar spine.

Important!Do not confuse intercostal neuralgia with the pathology of the heart muscle. Symptoms of the diseases are similar, but the treatment is completely different. Missed time with incorrect diagnosis can be decisive, so consultation with a specialist is mandatory!

In heart diseases, the pain does not depend on the position of the body or sudden movements and stops quite quickly after taking medications. In contrast to this disease, with intercostal neuralgia painful sensations are prolonged and intensified with active movement.

Symptoms of the disease can occur in adults and children, and in men the pain is usually localized on the left - in the left hypochondrium, and in women on the right - in the heart. In childhood, such problems are observed before puberty, when the skeleton of the child begins to grow actively.

Home Treatment

Medication at home

Medication for intercostal neuralgia, unfortunately, is aimed only at removing symptoms and general support of the body, that is, the patient is prescribed a course of vitamins, focusing on B group vitamins, painkillers and relaxants to relieve muscle spasm. Sometimes anti-inflammatory drugs are added to this list, but their effectiveness is increasingly in question. List of tablets used to relieve pain:

  • Analgin;
  • Tempalgin;
  • Ketorolac;
  • Orthofen et al.

Ointments that are used to treat intercostal neuralgia:

  • Voltaren;
  • Ketonal cream;
  • Apizarthron and others.

In addition, when treating a home, the patient is recommended bed rest for a period of one to three days with the maximum possible rectification of the spine, i.e., The body should be placed horizontally on a sufficiently hard surface. To achieve this effect, you can use a kind of shield (any solid solid object, suitable in size), placed under the mattress.

After the removal of the pain syndrome, a diagnosis is made to determine the true cause of the disease. If it is established that intercostal neuralgia is the consequences of one of the common diseases (cold, stress, infection, diabetes and so on), then they start treating this disease.

If the problem lies in the disease of the spine, then in parallel with the medicamental relief of pain in traditional medicine, various physiotherapeutic procedures are used: physical therapy and massage, acupuncture, laser therapy, manual therapy, ultrasound, and the like to relieve stress on nerve endings. In case of serious problems, a spinal traction procedure may be prescribed.

Important!Any physiotherapy specialist should appoint - there is a chance to worsen the situation by applying incorrectly selected procedures.

How to relieve pain at home

The very first step is to make sure that the pain is not caused by heart disease. If it is impossible to get to the doctor - call an ambulance.

Important!Confirm or eliminate heart problems only with ECG. Self-diagnosis in this issue is unacceptable.

If there is a certainty that the pain is caused by intercostal neuralgia, then it is necessary to warm the affected area - this will slightly reduce the muscular spasm. At home, the use of a warmer, a mustard, ointments with anti-inflammatory action, pepper patches, heated salt or sand will help. On top of the warming agents, a warm bandage (scarf, scarf) is applied or a sweater is put on.

Important!It is strictly forbidden to warm up the heart area!

As with medication, you must at least briefly withstand bed rest. In combination with warming up the affected area, rest will relieve spasm and reduce pain.

Several recipes of folk remedies

Pain relief is only the first stage in the treatment of intercostal neuralgia. To obtain a stable result and a guarantee against the return of seizures, a long course of treatment is needed. It can be done with folk remedies, but only if the doctor has confirmed the diagnosis.

If the patient is not sure of the origin of the pain, the use of any means can be harmful. In addition, the time will be wasted to begin proper treatment.

The main problem in the use of folk remedies is the length of the course. It is necessary to continue the procedure long enough, stopping halfway will not bring a result, or may worsen the condition.

Means of external use - rubbers and compresses:

Glycerin and iodine

  1. Glycerin is mixed with iodine in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. The mixture is poured into a container of dark glass (to protect from exposure to light) and thoroughly shaken - the ingredients should be well mixed.
  3. A cotton swab is applied to the painful back area, gently bypassing the area of ​​the spine. Lubricate the skin with light movements, without rubbing the mixture, as this can cause a burn. On top of the impose a non-wrapped bandage or simply put on linen made from natural fabrics (not synthetics).

Iodine warms up the muscles well and relieves pain, but you need to make sure that the patient does not fall under an accidental draft or make sudden movements - this can worsen the situation. It is recommended to perform the procedure before going to bed, to immediately go to bed and warmly take cover. The course of application - 12-15 sessions with an interval of one day.

Important!In any procedure, the area of ​​the spine can not be affected. Only a competent specialist can work with the spine.

Tincture of birch buds

Kidneys can be collected independently (if the window is spring) or purchased at the pharmacy.

  • a handful of kidneys filled with vodka (0.5 liters);
  • insist for ten days in a dark cool place.

To rub the affected area with a tincture of birch buds is better in the evening. During the day, you can use the remedy if the patient is not going to leave the house. The rubbed place must be wrapped or warmly dressed.

Radish or horseradish juice

Freshly squeezed juice is rubbed in the back in the direction from the spinal column (the spine itself is not affected). This remedy has a pronounced warming effect, but can cause irritation on the skin. Before using it is worth making a test for individual tolerance. If necessary, the burning juice can be replaced with seeds of flax or wormwood. The seeds are poured with boiling water or steam in a bag over the steam and applied to the affected area.

Advice!Olive or sea-buckthorn oil, ground with flax or wormwood seeds, will soften the skin and add efficiency to the procedure.

Lilac kidney and internal pork fat

An effective ointment can be prepared at home. Dried lilac buds are triturated with internal fat at the rate of 1 part of the kidneys for 4 parts of fat. The composition is rubbed into the sore spot as needed.

Camphor, mustard, egg white

Another version of the ointment is prepared from camphor (50 ml), dry mustard (50 g) and about 100 ml of raw egg white (one egg may not be enough). Combine the camphor oil with mustard powder and add a lightly whipped protein. Mix thoroughly. Store the ointment in a refrigerator, before applying a little heat the composition in the palms.

Tincture of the body sponge

This freshwater sponge insists on vodka, alcohol, moonshine for several weeks in a dark place. Finished tincture rub the affected area at night. Alcoholic infusion can be prepared in advance, it can withstand long-term storage.

Burdock leaves

The usual weed sometimes acts no worse than drugs. The only catch is that the leaves should be freshly cut. Alternatively, you can prepare a few leaves in advance and store them in the refrigerator, but the more time passes from the time of collection, the less benefit will remain in the mug. Use a simple - sheet rinse and apply the inner side to the affected area, heat wrap and leave overnight.

Leaves of geranium

Leaves of a houseplant (3 - 4 pcs.) Are applied to a sore spot and fixed with a bandage made of natural tissue. The compress is held for two hours, during this time it is necessary several times to replace the leaves of geranium with fresh ones. This remedy painfully relieves pain and can be used for every seizure.

Valerian tincture

The product is applied as a compress. A napkin made from natural fabric (linen, cotton) is moistened with tincture and put on a painful patch, covered with a film on top and wrapped up warmly. In this case, just warm clothing is not enough, you need a not too tight bandage, so that the compress is in the right position. However, the dressing should not interfere with movements or tightly squeeze the chest, interfering with normal breathing. Keep such a compress for several hours, leave it at night is not necessary - alcohol contained in the tincture, can cause a burn. Valerian relieves pain, relaxes and soothes.

Potatoes and onions

Another version of the compress made from grated on a large grater of raw potatoes and onions. The recommended proportion is 1: 1, but it is advisable to check individual tolerance in a small area of ​​the skin. If there are painful sensations, change the proportions of the compress in the direction of increasing the potato mass.

The resulting mixture is applied to the sore spot and the cake is kept until completely dry. The compress can be fixed with a bandage or simply lie down without moving until the mixture dries.

Soothing means

Decoction of mint leaves with honey

This remedy is taken internally as a sedative. The broth is prepared from fresh or dry leaves of peppermint, ordinary mint for salads will not work. It will take a handful of fresh leaves or 1 tbsp. l. dry. The grass is poured a glass of boiling water, close and insist for about half an hour. Then the infusion should be filtered, you can add a couple of teaspoons of honey. Take half a cup twice a day.

Infusion of lemon balm and orange crusts

This is also a sedative. Peel the orange peel and grind it (can be finely chopped before drying), mix with dry lemon balm leaves in a 1: 1 ratio. One tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water, wrap and insist 10 minutes, strain and add 1 hour. l. alcoholic valerian infusion. If desired, you can add a little honey to the mixture. Take the drug twice a day for a glass for a month.

Important!The morning reception of a sedative can reduce the reaction rate, which is especially dangerous for drivers, so it is recommended to reduce the dose or not to drive.

Healing baths

Decoction of the young bark of aspen is used for a healing bath.

  1. Young thin branches of aspen or poplar (0.5 kg) are flooded with water and boiled for half an hour.
  2. Then they insist the same time.
  3. The resulting broth is added to the bath water (water temperature approximately 40 degrees).
  4. Take a bath for 10 -15 minutes.

After the procedure, you can rub the sore spot with fir oil.

Sage bath

It is prepared from a glass of infusion and half a glass of sea salt. Sage infusion is done as follows: 4 tbsp. l. The herbs are poured hot water and insisted for an hour. Sage bath is taken no more than 10 minutes, the entire course - 10 procedures.

Milk and honey bath with essential oil

It is prepared with a quarter cup of milk with lavender or eucalyptus oil (5 drops). If desired, you can add a tablespoon of honey or replace it completely with milk. Milk-honey mixture is poured into a bath with warm (not hot) water, repeat the procedure every other day. After taking a bath, do not rinse with clean water, this will increase the healing effect and is just good for the skin.

Important!Elderly people and those who suffer from certain diseases (for example, heart problems), before using the baths, one should consult a doctor - these procedures give a big load to the body, and, instead of the expected benefit, can cause harm.

It is sad, but often the cause of intercostal neuralgia becomes age. Time can not be stopped or scrolled back, so take care of yourself and take care of your spine. Follow the well-known rules - a little bit of movement, a little self-control and eating restrictions, a positive attitude - and live happily ever after.