What causes bruises under the eyes of women

The skin around the eyes is very tender, the capillaries are located close to the surface. Any violations or changes in the work of bodies provoke the appearance of dark circles. If the women have bruises under the eyes, the causes should be sought inside the body.

  • Circles around the eyes - reasons
  • Consequences of a wrong way of life
  • Bad habits
  • Age features
  • Anatomical features
  • Skin Problems
  • Diseases of internal organs
  • Methods of treatment of bruises under the eyes
  • Home Treatment
  • Treatment at a cosmetologist
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Circles around the eyes - reasons

Dark circles are cosmetic defects that do not occur without a cause. It is necessary to pay attention to some factors that can easily provoke the formation of bruises:

  • wrong way of life;
  • bad habits;
  • age changes;
  • heredity;
  • skin problems;
  • disease.
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It is important to know! In some cases, it is enough to change the habitual way of behavior and life. In other situations, one can not do without the help of a specialist.

Consequences of a wrong way of life

Increased activity is not always beneficial for a person. Sometimes the appearance is affected by fatigue and a tense pace:

  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • stress, psychological overload;
  • lack of oxygen.

You can restore the healthy appearance of the skin quickly enough. It is only necessary to correct the regime of the day and spend more time outdoors.

Bad habits

People tend to live in pleasure. However, not all habits are useful:

  1. Nicotine narrows and thinens the walls of blood vessels, because of this, microcirculation is disturbed. From smoking, large circles appear in the eye area. Girls are more visible.
  2. Alcohol, getting into the body, destroys the liver and disrupts the functioning of the organs. Black circles on the face are supplemented with bags and swelling, which clearly indicates a person's poor health.
  3. Incorrect food. Quick snacks, as well as harmful food (spicy, fatty, salted, roasted) disrupt the water-salt balance in the body. Bruises under the eyes indicate that the metabolism is broken.

Age features

Changes occurring in the body can be slowed down. However, completely stop aging will not work. The delicate skin around the eyes becomes even more thin over time, wrinkles form. Capillaries and small vessels become noticeable, melanin is deposited on the lower part of the eyelids. Visually, it seems that dark circles appeared around the eyes.

Important! In addition to age-related changes, the provocateur may be other reasons. After all, not only the skin grows old, but internal organs are increasingly failing.

Anatomical features

Some people inherit a thin skin from their parents. This feature is the main reason for the appearance of circles in the eyelids. The blue around the eyes can accompany a person from birth.

An obvious cosmetic defect will be present even if a person has excellent health, a correct regime of the day and a balanced diet, no inclination to bad habits. In this situation, it remains only to reconcile with the individual characteristics or to seek help from a specialist.

Skin Problems

The most common cause of bruising can be called couperose. Pathology is the expanded capillaries forming a reticulum. A blue spot with red patches may appear under the right or left eye, on the wings of the nose, cheeks and cheekbones.

The vascular reticular resembles a bruise. It is formed as a result of microcirculation disturbance. Provocative circumstances are:

  • changes in ambient temperature;
  • weathering of the skin;
  • a change in the hormonal background;
  • age;
  • weakened immune system;
  • severe weight gain or weight loss;
  • use of harmful food and allergenic products.

To learn how to cure kuperoz, you need to contact a cosmetologist. Complex therapy will help to get rid of the disease. The list of necessary procedures includes physiotherapeutic procedures, medicines, medicinal oils and ointments.

Diseases of internal organs

Blue under the eyes can signal violations of internal organs. If all other factors are excluded, it is necessary to seek medical advice from a medical institution. The doctor will compile a complete history and will diagnose possible diseases:

  1. Kidney pathology. In the morning, swelling of the eyelids and limbs can be observed.
  2. Diseased heart. There is a stagnation of blood, which immediately reflects on the face.
  3. Unhealthy liver poisons the body. On the face appear dark circles with a yellow-brown color.
  4. Dysfunction of the gallbladder and pancreas. Traced pain in the left side, there is bitterness in the mouth, there are blue outlines under the eyes.
  5. Endocrine changes. The culprit can be diabetes insipidus, characterized by darkening under the lower eyelids, a constant thirst and an increase in the daily urine rate.
  6. Hormonal disorders. Strong circles under the eyes appear in women after childbirth. Over time, the metabolism stabilizes, the problem disappears without a trace.
  7. Violation of digestion can provoke parasites. Strong thinness, circles under the eyes, bloating signify the presence of helminths, which should be disposed of as soon as possible.
  8. Anemia. Disturbance of iron metabolism, lack of vitamins and trace elements, lack of oxygen quickly affect the condition of the skin of the face.

Once the cause is established, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment. After eliminating the disease, the dark outlines will disappear by themselves.

Methods of treatment of bruises under the eyes

People who have problems in the eyelid area are often interested in how to get rid of bruises under the eyes. There are several options for how to remove an embarrassing defect.

Home Treatment

There are many folk recipes that help get rid of bruises under the eyes, which are transmitted from generation to generation. Consider the most effective means.


Effective and affordable way to whiten the skin at home - compresses from a decoction of black tea. 3 tbsp. l. the tea leaves are poured with boiling water, insisted for about an hour, and then placed in a refrigerator. Every evening, moistened cotton wool discs should be applied to the eye area and hold for 40 minutes. After the procedure, the skin should be thoroughly rinsed and dried, and topped off with a favorite cream. Literally in a couple of weeks the problem will disappear.


An inexpensive option to get rid of bruises - lotions and compresses from the decoction of parsley. The greens are cut and boiled for 10 minutes. After cooling, the liquid is filtered and used for application.

Cottage cheese and honey

The mask for bleaching can be made from useful products. The same amount of cottage cheese and honey is mixed and applied thickly to problem areas. After 20 minutes, the mixture is rinsed off with warm water. Enough 10 sessions, held once a week, and bruises disappear. The face after this mask will freshen up, wrinkles will be smoothed out, darkening and edema will be eliminated.

If independent treatment does not bring a long-awaited result, bruises do not pass, it is worth to visit a medical center or beauty salon.

Treatment at a cosmetologist

Cosmetology has various technologies for the successful control of skin defects. At the initial consultation, the specialist will find out why the client came to the salon, whether he visited the doctor beforehand, whether there are any diseases and contraindications for performing the procedures.

In the absence of pathologies, the following procedures are performed:

  • Mesotherapy - tissue saturation with oxygen and nutrients;
  • biostimulation - normalization of blood circulation and enhancement of skin regeneration;
  • carboxytherapy - stimulation of the metabolic process in tissues;
  • biorevitalization - injections aimed at revitalization of wilted skin with hyaluronic acid.

The session of the facelift is performed quite quickly. But sometimes, in order to achieve the expected effect, a course consisting of several procedures is required.

Blue circles under the eyes can be disguised or removed. But first of all it is necessary to find the cause of the problem. After all, if the source is an internal pathology, sooner or later the dark outlines will appear again. If the matter is not in the disease, then it is possible to eliminate the defect by a revision of the regime and cosmetic procedures.