Blood test for appendicitis

  • Diagnosis of appendicitis in adults
  • Blood test for appendicitis in childhood
  • Blood leukocyte counts
  • Index of ESR
  • Other features of
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Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix of the cecum. One of the frequent complications of the disease is peritonitis - a serious condition that can cause death.

Suppuration of the appendix is ​​determined only by external signs is difficult, because the accompanying symptoms can accompany other conditions. Appendicitis can be determined by blood analysis with maximum reliability. In the transcription of the doctor's research, the level of leukocytes will be of interest.

The blood test for appendicitis is used to determine the total number of leukocytes. An increase in the total number of white blood cells indicates an appendix suppuration. The leukocyte formula for acute appendicitis shows how much the specific type of leukocytes exceeds the indices of other varieties.

When interpreting the obtained analysis, the age of the patient, the state of general health and temporary conditions, in particular, the period of bearing of the child, are necessarily taken into account. The blood test for leukocytosis when diagnosed is performed several times during the day, taking into account any, even the most minimal changes.

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Diagnosis of appendicitis in adults

In adults, at the beginning of an attack of appendicitis, the white blood cell count remains within the physiological norm. And only a few hours after the development of primary symptoms there is a gradual change in the number of white blood cells in the direction of increase.

In this case, in patients with advanced age, the shift of the leukocyte formula may be completely absent. Diagnosis of appendicitis in this case is based on an assessment of typical signs of the disease.

There is a list of tests that are administered irrespective of the disease

When the inflammation changes into severe form and the development of suppuration occurs in the inflammatory appendix, a blood test shows a 2-fold increase in the leukocyte count against the permissible norm. The level of white blood cells within 18-20 units indicates a high probability of rupture of appendicitis and development of peritonitis. The patient needs urgent surgery.

In some cases, the level of leukocytes may remain normal and even decrease. But this is not a contraindication for the surgical treatment of pathology, especially against the background of existing clinical symptoms of inflammation of the appendix.

Blood test for appendicitis in childhood

First signs of appendicitis

Is it possible to determine the attack of acute appendicitis in childhood using a blood test? Yes, the technique also gives a complete picture of the state. But inflammation of the abdominal organs in children is much more dangerous, since it is much more difficult to confirm appendicitis.

An inflamed appendix can take a non-standard position, which makes it difficult to diagnose. To confirm the disease, the level of leukocytes should rise to a level of 11-15 units. He also helps determine the severity of inflammation.

Norms of blood leukocytes

In a healthy adult person - regardless of gender - a general and advanced biochemical blood test shows no more than 4-9 white blood cells. In children, the rates depend on the age group:

  • from birth and three years old - the acceptable level of leukocytes is 6-17 units;
  • from three to six years is 5-12 units;
  • from six to ten years - the physiological norm is 6-11 units.
Since the age of 11, the white blood cell count is almost the same as that of an adult.

ASE Index

If we talk about which blood indicator can be used to determine appendicitis, then this is the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation( ESR).Initially, it remains stable and only with the deterioration of the state is determined the increase, considered as pathological. The jump in the rate of ESR towards acceleration, together with the increase in the level of leukocytes, indicates the development of an acute inflammatory process.

Diagnosis is carried out not only with the help of laboratory methods. Abdominal palpation and ultrasound

are also required. ESR rates will be as follows:

  • in children and adolescents - 3-12 mm / h;
  • in adult men - 8-15 mm / h;
  • in the female half - 2-15 mm / h. But the state of gestation can cause a disorder.

Other signs of

The C-reactive protein also responds to the presence of any pathological focus in the body. Provoke an increase in its index can even a slight inflammation, so consider it as an absolute confirmation of an attack of appendicitis can not. The standard rate is less than 1 mg / l. It indicates the absence of disease.

But against the background of an increase in other indicators - an increase in the number of leukocytes and the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation - we can talk about the development of appendicitis. Analyzing the composition of the blood can not only detect the inflammation of the appendix, but also determine its strength. In addition, the study helps physicians decide on the need for prompt intervention.

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