Panaritium finger on the arm, leg: treatment at home

Panaritium may occur in an adult and in a child. Finger finger fingerprints on the hand - acute purulent fusion of its tissues, much less often, but this disease occurs on the leg.

Causes of panarization on the hands - minor finger injuries( scrapes, abrasions, scratches, shots).The general deficit of the body's immune system, pathogenic microbial flora, chronic circulatory disorders, diabetes mellitus promotes the development of the disease.

Today, we will talk about the symptoms and treatment of panic at home in adults and children, how to treat finger fences with folk and medical aids and procedures. At the end of the article, you can replenish the erudition on this topic from the video.

code lympangitis with ( Medical Classification of Diseases of the Tenth Revision) is written as follows: L 03.0


Panaritium: photo

Symptoms Panaritium

WhyPanaritium occurs most often on the fingers of the hands than the legs? Because they are injured in everyday life more often by hands. On the inner - palm surface of the finger, the skin connects with the palmar aponeurosis with dense tendinous strands, and between them - the accumulation of adipose tissue.

In the wounds and inflammations of the skin, the inflammatory process quickly spreads along the connective tissue strands to deeper lying tissues: tendons, bones and joints. In addition, the accumulation of exudate in closed fascial cavities between connective tissue leads to a disturbance of blood circulation due to pressure on feeding vessels and tissue necrosis is rapidly developing.

In all types of panaritium patients complain of acute, throbbing pain in the area of ​​the affected finger. Pain can sometimes be intolerable and accompanied by fever. The disability and general condition of the patients are violated.

Panaritium: cutaneous, subcutaneous, tendon, articular, bony

There are panaritium cutaneous, subcutaneous, tendon, joint and bone. The first two forms are considered to be mild and can be treated with folk medicine. Others only require surgical intervention.

Very often one type of panarisation passes into another, and the process takes more severe forms.

Inflammation of the nail roller is called paronychia .Paronychia also develops when microorganisms penetrate the damaged skin through the barbs. The process is very painful and often results in the removal of the nail plate.

The symptoms of panaritium and paronychia are: sharp soreness, swelling, swelling, redness of the skin on one of the fingers and a violation of its functions.

Treatment of Panarization at Home

How to treat panaritium: baths, medicines

  1. Warm baths with a solution of manganese, Vishnevsky ointment on the affected area, treatment with iodine or diamond green, from drugs - sulfonamides and antibiotics.
  2. If the process does not stop, the panaritium is treated surgically in a hospital setting.
  3. With skin felon, the formed bubble is opened and the epidermis is removed throughout its extent. Then a bandage with furatsilinovoy or sintomitsinovoy ointment is applied to the wound.
  4. With subcutaneous, nail or bone felon, necessarily a deeper tissue opening under local anesthesia.

How to treat panaritium with folk remedies

With the beginning of the panic:

Chicory vulgaris .Twice a day, apply a gruel from fresh chicory leaves to the affected area, tightly banding.

In the initial stage, rip the finger in salt water( for 1 hour a spoonful of salt on the boiling water) for 20-25 minutes in the evening, then attach the cut aloe leaf, bandage overnight.

Lower your finger into boiling water for 1 second. Burns should not be afraid, since the effects of heat are instantaneous. Procedure do 3-4 times a day( be careful, note of the author of the site)

Apply rye to chewing wheat or rye, top cover with cabbage sheet and bind. Change the bandage twice a day. With the unblocked panaritization, the positive effect will manifest itself very quickly.

The first bath is hot furatsilin ( 1 tablet for 0.5 tbsp water), 2nd - hot alcohol. After this, fill the nail with dry penicillin.

Thorny bucket .It is used for panaric and abscess externally in the form of gruel from leaves. Change the dressing 2 times a day.

Rose oil , obtained from the petals of red roses, is used as an external remedy for the treatment of abscesses, boils, panariciums.

For the treatment of panaricium, all herbal remedies for abscesses and boils can be used.

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. Source: NGNogov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.