Hysterics in a child of 2-3 years: advice Komarovsky, child psychologist, what to do with constant nighttime hysterics

Hysterics in children - always a problem for parents! What to do if a child at 2, 3, 4 years, or even at 6-5 years does not listen, tired and rolls hysterics for any reason.

Most parents face childhood hysterics, at each age they manifest themselves in different ways and their causes are different. But in any case, all family members suffer, including the youngest.

Today we will consider what to do with hysterics in a child in 2-3 years and older, following the advice of Dr. EO Komarovsky and child psychologist Angela Babadjanova.

The fact is that by the age of 2-3 the baby learns to show his "I", becomes a person with his desires and needs. When the age crisis begins, the peak of which falls on 2.5 - 3 years, parents stop recognizing their child. Their favorite child becomes uncontrollable: arranges tantrums for anything, on the street and at home. Hysteria in a child: Why is this happening?

  • Actions of parents: what to do in case of hysterics in children
  • Advice from Dr. Komarovsky
    • Prevention of hysterics
    • How to calm a baby
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  • Parents' reviews
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  • Hysteria in a child: Why is this happening?

    First, a small child with amazing speed acquires new skills and skills, he knows the world around him with all his laws and paradoxes. The child's psyche does not have time to adapt to the many changes in life, and as a result, there are bouts of hysteria, for example, a girl or a boy begins to cry loudly.

    Secondly, children of this age already have their desires, but do not always know how to express them, and even more so to justify. Often there is a clash of interests of adults and children, while the child begins to cry or get angry, believing that he is infringed as a person. In this way, through the protest, Kroha shows the adults their autonomy.

    The causes of children's tantrums also depend on many factors:

    1. there is no possibility of another expression of feelings;
    2. attracting attention;
    3. a strong desire to get something;
    4. fatigue, hunger;
    5. the desire to be like adults;
    6. poor health, illness;
    7. excessive severity or vice versa, too strong guardianship of adults;
    8. break away from an interesting game;
    9. features of the nervous system.

    Actions of parents: what to do when hysterics in children

    From the reaction of an adult a lot depends in this period. First of all, it is important for parents to understand: this behavior is considered to be absolutely normal for a given age. The kid begins to realize that the world is not only spinning around him, and sometimes he does not want to put up with it. As a result, there are outbursts of anger, aggression, protest, anger, whims.

    Emotional situation in the family plays a very important role in the further development of a small person. Parents, consciously or not, take various measures to stop this. Someone leaves the baby alone in the room, someone tries to calm him with explanations. A popular way is to switch attention, but psychologists do not recommend to resort to it. Thus, the problem is not solved, but is postponed.

    Some recommendations to parents:

    1. It is impossible to suppress the manifestation of children's emotions, because this is necessary for further psychological development;
    2. Criticism can expose the child's actions, but not the person as a whole. The kid should be sure that the love of the parents remains, no matter what;
    3. You can not respond by aggression to childish anger and seizures. A crumb must understand that such behavior can not change the world;
    4. Prohibitions should be justified and permanent.

    Advice from Dr. Komarovsky

    Famous pediatrician, Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, whose advice is listened to by a large number of parents, both in Russia and abroad, advises him to learn to distinguish whims from hysteria.

    Whims of a child, this expression of desires "I want - I do not want," and hysteria is a manifestation of inadequate behavior. In the second case, the kid can not explain what he wants, since his speech may not yet be fully formed.

    Doctor Komarovsky says that the child arranges such scenes only before those people who are sensitive to them. Children quickly understand who is managing and who is not. For example, if a mother or grandmother runs to him at the first sign of indignation, and the father does not react or leaves, then this will be repeated only with mom or grandmother.

    The kid sees that his hysteria can change the behavior or decision of some family members, so he will repeat this way of achieving the desired over and over again. In such cases it is important to take care of the child's safety. In a hysterical state, he can involuntarily cripple.

    It is very important to exclude diseases that can provoke such a condition. Among the ailments leading to hysterics, anemia, dermatitis, a violation of calcium and magnesium metabolism. Therefore consultation of the pediatrician will not hurt.

    The method of ignoring is considered the most optimal in the fight against an uncontrolled seizure. But we must not ignore the child, but his behavior. You should continue to talk in a calm tone, not paying attention to screams. You can leave the child's field of vision, show your disinterest with such behavior. Dr. Komarovsky also comments positively on the "timeout" method( the angle method), which after a couple of years can be used a little.

    It must also be taken into account that family relationships are of great importance in overcoming the crisis. If a child has been accustomed to infancy since every member of the family rushes to him, making him the center of the universe, he will do the same at an older age. If mom and dad communicate in elevated tones, then for their child such a form of communication will be considered normal. Therefore, it is important to show by example, how it is possible to calmly resolve all conflicts.

    And most importantly, what should the parents remember such a baby: it's all temporary. You just need to try to understand your baby and love him. Any crisis ends with the next stage of growing up. A small person will learn to look at the world around him in a new way, and adults will gain invaluable experience in upbringing.

    Prevention of hysterics

    Parents first need to understand - it's impossible to completely defend against hysteria. But certain measures will reduce the risk of their occurrence. Komarovsky advises not to disregard the following advice.

    1. Provide adequate sleep. A sleepy baby comes to hysterics much less often.
    2. Form the correct mode of the day. Feeding, playing, walking, sleeping - in a certain order, the usual baby.
    3. A large number of annoying factors and a lot of bright impressions per day are unacceptable.
    4. Teach a child to express thoughts in words. If he is dissatisfied and not satisfied, he will tell, and he will not cry and shout.
    5. The growing discontent of the child is to try to nip in advance. Acting should be gentle. In non-principal issues, it is not shameful to yield.
    6. It is required to warn about changes in the normal mode of the day of the baby in advance. This will not come as a surprise.

    So simple recommendations the doctor considers the best. But emotional explosions can not be ruled out completely. At some point they appear. What to do then? Find useful tips.

    How to calm a child

    Hysterics to avoid was not possible? It is necessary to act gently, but persistently. It is wrong - to threaten the baby, to promise to punish. If the tantrum gets drowned out, not for long. Soon again will break out, and with more force. It is explained by the tendency of children to accumulate aggression and insults. New scandals can not be avoided.

    Komarovsky warns parents, do not constantly cajole the child, if only he stopped shouting, kicking, crying. Confinement will soon become the main goal. Hysteria will be more frequent and brighter. Crying and screaming? First, wait until the baby has finally calmed down. After finding out about what he was "wound up".

    Mom and Dad will have to learn how to deny a small heir to something. Otherwise, the habit of manipulating adults will develop. The search for a compromise is the most important action. If a child refuses to do something, it is important to bring the arguments that are available to him. And only if the child does not calm down for a long time, it is worth applying punishment. But not bodily!

    Komarovsky has a well-understood position. Parents need to remain moderately rigid and authoritarian. And yet their attitude to the baby should not grow into a dictatorship. Otherwise, it will not be possible to keep a warm and trusting relationship.

    Parents' reviews


    We had terrible vagaries in 2 years, the doctor says correctly, we tried to stick to everything.

    In 3 years, the second wave began when we went to a kindergarten - new people, there is no mother stress, the doctor advised preparing a child for a garden that we did for six months, also for prevention and strengthening of immunity we ate marmalade lunches based on herbs with vitamin C andMagnesium to strengthen the nervous system, relieve tension and fatigue.

    It is not expensive does not slow the child, most importantly does not paint the tongue and after taking the stomach does not hurt.


    Tatyana, I can not agree with you!

    We during the period of adaptation to the kindergarten made such whims, tears, that I wanted to quit my job and sit with him at home. On the advice of her friend, she served marmalade for a week and also began to visit a psychologist, she advised how to behave, what to say, and everything, the adaptation began to move into a harmonious state!

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    Source: redaction of articles from the sites:

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    • https: // zhenskij-sajt-katerina.ru/isteriki-u-rebenka-2-goda-komarovskij/