Treatment of urinary organs is considered a popular technique among the people, it concerns the kidneys.
Millet improves functionality, is able to remove stones and sand.
Displays salt. The treatment is simple, but before you start, you need to consult the doctor.
- Content of the article:
- Ingredients in
- Components in foil
- With pyelonephritis
- Popular recipes
- Dangerous properties
- Contraindications to use
- Conclusion
Value of cereals
People perceive millet only as a food, although it is capable of more than just saturating the stomach.
Groats have a curative property, due to which, it treats diseases related to the kidneys.
Wheat contains vitamins, which increase the body's defenses and normalize the necessary microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the renal system.
The work of the kidneys is adversely affected by diabetes mellitus, but the treatment with millet softens the impact and does not allow complications.
If you regularly eat millet, you can avoid heart disease, prevent kidney swelling, make up for the lack of vitamins and restore the nervous system to normal.
There are amino acids in the croup that are not produced by the body on their own, so millet, so to speak, is a vital product.
To remove slag from the kidneys, you can eat cereal porridge 3-4 times a week. In addition, it saves excess weight and prevents obesity.
For these reasons, treatment after surgery on the kidneys involves the inclusion in the diet of millet porridge.
And do you know about the medicinal properties of burdock? Read a useful article by clicking on the link.
The application of mistletoe white in folk medicine is written on this page.
Millet is suitable for those who "sit" on a diet and who have relapses of cystitis.
Ingredients in the
- . In the groin there is histidine and leucine.
These are amino acids that have a positive effect on hair and skin. - Phosphorus, as a unit of ingredients, heals and speeds up the fusion of bones.
- Potassium produces red corpuscles needed to support the body during vascular problems.
- Vitamins help normalize metabolic processes and eliminate swelling.
- Folic acid calms and normalizes the central nervous system.
- Millet is recommended for people with diabetes( about the benefits of flax seeds written here) and atherosclerosis.
Groats are included in the diet table for cleansing the body, reducing blood sugar( read in this article) and removing unnecessary elements.
With pyelonephritis
There are hundreds of recipes for the treatment of diseases with wheat. It is the same for the kidneys.
Pyelonephritis( leaves of orthosiphon stamen - kidney tea, contraindications), which has the property of moving into a chronic stage, is treated with this groat.
Germination of millet : pour the rump with water in a glass or ceramic container.
Cover with a gauze cloth and wait for the appearance of the shoots.
Then dry and consume.
Before making porridge, grind the groats in a pan.
After taking, normal blood pressure, which depends on the kidneys.
In the first dish, you can add a little cereal.
In addition, it is worth knowing that millet is an effective medicine if it is properly prepared.
With a treatment course against pyelonephritis. The croup is placed in a three-liter jar and poured over with boiling water. After that, it should be wrapped in a warm cloth, and left for 24 hours.
After the time has elapsed, drain the liquid and it is immediately ready for use. Drink the white liquid left after the millet in any quantities.
As soon as the water runs out, you can again put the infusion and drink again. To eat until the taste changes.
As soon as the taste, after another infusion, has changed, millet falls asleep.
This recipe cleanses the kidneys( about the benefits of dog rose written here), removes stones and sand, helps with inflammation of the bladder.
And what do you know about the benefits and harm of peppermint? The advice of traditional medicine is written in a useful article.
About medicinal properties and contraindications of herb shepherd's bag read here.
On the page: http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva /lekarstva/ gorchichnoe-maslo.html learn about the benefits of mustard oil for the body.
After such treatment, the stone in the kidneys dissolves and comes out in the form of sand with urine. The course of treatment is a week.
Popular recipes
- Pshenom treat kidneys in the inflammatory process.
Wash two tablespoons of cereals.
Pour 400 grams of boiling water, put on fire, stirring, wait for the boil.
Infuse 60 seconds, drain and ready.
In the first day take hourly, one spoonful.
In the second - every hour, three spoons.
From the third to the seventh day, use half the glass, three times a day, before eating. - 100 grams of millet to be processed, pour a liter of water and boil a few minutes on a low flame.
Cool, strain and consume 200 grams, three times a day.
Kidneys are cleaned for 30 days.
Together with this decoction drink herbs with a diuretic effect to enhance the effect. - The recipe for the treatment of inflammation in the urinary system involves the pickling of the millet and washing in cold water.
After that, put the groats in a jar, pour two glasses of water and shake it hard.
After a while there will be a white mixture, which is drunk without any restrictions on dosage. -
Suspension. To do this, cut half a cup of cereals and thoroughly rinse it under running water.
Then pour it with boiling water in an amount of 100 grams and grind until smooth, until the appearance of a white hue.
Get the resulting contents in one go.
Take four times a day for 14 days, until the signs of the disease disappear.
Dangerous properties of
Although millet is useful, it has drawbacks and contraindications.
It is recommended to eat and make healing infusions for pregnant women and men, but they should know that if there is a lot of millet, the potency may be weakened.
This cereal delays the absorption of iodine, which is necessary for the body.
To minimize the loss of iodine, you can take a certain preparation containing iodine after eating a portion of porridge.
It is forbidden, often there are millet to people suffering from:
- inflammatory process in the large intestine;
- gastritis;
- of an initial stage of an ulcer;
- reduced acidity.
From cereals, and those diagnosed with hypothyroidism should be discarded.
Wheat millet urine, so this croup can not be treated with phosphate stones and oxalates, since they are formed in an alkaline medium.
Millet in this case will have a negative impact.
Before curing, you need to take tests to determine the composition of the formations in the kidneys.
The reaction of urine in the norm should be at 6-6,4 in the morning and before 7 in the evening. If the figure is above 7.5, it signals a high alkaline index.
In the case of a low figure of 5, the acidic environment. In addition, when treating kidneys need a special diet, in which there is millet, but here it is important to calculate the nuances and know the composition of stones formed in the kidneys.
Contraindications to the use of
The treatment of pathology of the kidneys with wheat can have a sad result if contraindications are ignored.
This method of treatment is excluded if a person regularly suffers from stomach problems.
If cystitis occurs during gestation, millet is also contraindicated. This applies not only to inflammation in the bladder, but also all diseases associated with blood circulation.
Treatment of cereal does not imply a complete rejection of medications. It is important, during the course of croup, to monitor the intestines.
If constipation occurs( mild laxative rapid action), stop treatment with wheat, since the inability to empty the intestine greatly affects the functioning of the urinary system as a whole.
Wheatgrass is harmonious with plants and herbs. They can be alternated or taken together for a diuretic effect.
When adding cranberries( how to cure cystitis is written on this page) in the rump, the kidneys are cleared and all excess toxins that affect the work of the internal organs are released.
Millet porridge with cranberries is useful as a preventive measure against pyelonephritis or to increase the intervals between relapses.
Before you take a medicinal liquid from millet cereal, you should remember that the groats should be prepared the one that is not more than 12 months.
Otherwise, the use of such a decoction will not give a positive result, but will aggravate the inflammation.
Among other things, millet helps to normalize the pressure, normalizes the heart rate in people aged.
In the case of thrombophlebitis, millet ointment is used, which can be made at home.
Groats treat the eyes, eliminate warts and maintain a normal microflora in the intestine.
Fills the body with the necessary fiber and fights with tear.
Groats do not heal, but help the body in a complex with medicines. One-time use of millet will not give a result, you need to take it regularly, observe the regime.
The person himself chooses the treatment. Some get rid of the disease with the help of folk methods, others take medications prescribed by a doctor.
Any correct treatment brings a result, and what it will be depends on the chosen technique.
Look at the video about the treatment of the kidneys with millet.