Predictions for 2018 for Russia verbatim: what awaits us and Russia, the forecasts, according to Wanga and other soothsayers

In general, there is always an interest in predictions for every person. Even if someone says that he does not believe in the possibility of predicting the future, nevertheless, every person in the soul has a spark of hope that in the future everything will be all right.

And we, like small children, look forward to new forecasts for the future, but necessarily good ones. After all, everything that happens around us is connected with our life. Let's find out what awaits us and Russia in the near future. This article reflects the predictions for 2018 for Russia verbatim from the words of Vanga and other famous predictors and clairvoyants.


Vanga from Bulgaria: what did she say?

If to say verbatim, then Vanga stated that "Oil production will cease, the Earth will rest" in 2018.Russians can frighten such a forecast - after all, the Russian economy, for the most part, depends on the development of the oil and gas industry. But uttering this prophecy, Vanga spoke not only about our country, but also about the planet as a whole.

In Vanga's prediction for 2018, Russia had many positive moments, one of which is the economic recovery. Perhaps this means that the Russian economy will free itself from oil and gas dependence and will rise on the newest source of energy that Russian scientists will invent.

Vanga prophesied to our country the return of respect for other countries and the status of a great power. The Crimea, according to the prediction, will be under the rule of the Crimean Tatars, but a very short time. Russia and Ukraine will find a compromise and will understand that they are fraternal peoples and the conflict between the countries will be eliminated.

Who will become president in Russia according to the predictors?

One of the ancient predictors, Vasily Nemchin, several centuries ago claimed that the power in Russia in 2018 will come "Great Potter", possessing wisdom and knowledge in the field of magic.

It will be radically different from all previous rulers. In his opinion, some countries of the former USSR will return to Russia and several developed countries will join Russia. But the president will be exactly 55 years old.

Other predictors, Mikhail Levin and Maria Duvall confirm the words of Nemchin: the new president will lead the economy out of the crisis, make our country one of the richest in the world.

Also, psychics and predictors predicted more than once - the new head of state will come from the North of Russia. It is known that the new ruler will survive a terrible event and will survive by a miracle, thanks to his own magical abilities. Vanga predicted and his sign of the zodiac - Sagittarius.

That is, according to forecasts, the future president:

  1. Does not look like all the previous ones;
  2. Possesses knowledge in the field of magic;
  3. By the sign of the zodiac - Sagittarius;
  4. At the age of not less than 55 years

After reading the forecasts, we can draw a single conclusion - the next Russian president in 2018 will begin the "golden age", predictions about the election of psychics and astrologers converge.

Prophecies from astrologers

Predictions of astrologers for 2018 were that by 2019 the crisis cycle that began almost 40 years ago will do. And the new cycle promises development and prosperity from 2019-2020.

The prediction for 2018-2020 for Russia literally sounded like this: "Watch Russia - which way Russia will go, the rest of the world will go the same way after it".Occurring floods, volcanic eruptions, fires will have little impact on the Russian Federation and practically will not affect Siberia. The coming year is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. This peaceful animal does not like conflicts and quarrels and, according to astrology, enemies and enemies of the Russian Federation will reconsider their attitude towards Russia. It is written above that such a prediction was given by Wang regarding Ukraine.

Russia has a bright future, strengthening its authority and power in the world arena, according to Svetlana Dragan. Predictions for 2018 are not limited to this. Around Russia there will be many allies, countries with which Russia will maintain good relations. It is also possible to demonstrate its military power to other states. First of all, the USA.

Forecasts of psychics

Maria Duval

About what awaits us in 2018, many visionaries said a few decades ago. The prediction of Maria Duval promised the development of Russia economically, in contrast to the impoverishing Europe.

Russia will become a superpower and will dictate its laws to other states. In addition to economic and political development, the cultural revolution is predicted. Citizens of Russia will become more developed spiritually, their moral and moral qualities will be improved.


Prediction of Paracelsus was that a significant part of the population of Russia - hyperborea, or arias. These are representatives of the progenitors of all peoples who now exist. They were destined to go through trials through disasters and wars. However, this only strengthened their temper and their spiritual revival will begin, which will help Russia to begin its journey to the title of the supreme world power in 2018.

Matrona Moscow

Matrona Moscow, born blind in a long-suffering peasant family, knew the Bible well and believed in God. In 2018, unlike all the others, she prophesied a bad future. She said that all people would die without war. They will walk on the ground in the morning, and lie under the ground in the evening. Perhaps, she meant not the physical death of people, but their spiritual death.

Vera Lyon

Vera Lyon gave many good predictions. The latest predictions for 2018 say that there will be an attempt to overthrow Putin from the top of power. But he is under the protection of higher forces and will be re-elected for 3 terms.

NATO will try to introduce troops to Novorossia, but they will be prevented by a cliff. The very same Novorossia in the near future will move to the Russian ruble. Many world powers are in for a real collapse, and Russia is prosperous.


Predictions of Nostradamus are not so light for Russia. According to his predictions, in 2018, we are waiting for fires in Siberia, which will last 4 months, cataclysms in the Far East, which will result in the death of most of the population of the Far East. Sleeping volcanoes will wake up in Kamchatka.

Find out the predictions of other visionaries and astrologers on the Discovery Channel. Predictions for 2018 from clairvoyants, astrologers for Russia, Ukraine and countries around the world are gathered into one very interesting program.

Predictions for Ukraine for 2018

Astrologer Pavel Globa predicts Ukraine's entry into its changed borders into the Eastern European Union, led by Russia. Ross prophesied the cessation of military conflicts on the territory of the country. The Crimean peninsula will return to Ukraine at the request of the Crimeans themselves. But it will happen in 15 years. The war in the Donbass will not end this year.

Projections of the future on video

Vanga's shocking predictions for 2018 for Russia and the world

On the Vse Goroskopu video channel Vangi's major predictions for the year 2018 about the future of Russia, Ukraine, the EU and the world, about climate change in 2018, about science andTechnology 2018.

Predictions on Vladimir Putin for 2018

On the video channel "Horoscopes - VideoOrakul" predictions about Vladimir Putin for 2018.Presidential elections in 2018 in Russia. Forecasts of astrologers and clairvoyants about Putin in 2018.Opinions of experts on Vladimir Putin for 2018.

In the spring The Third World because of the Middle Bocca: Vanga's predictions for 2018

On the video channel "Palki Vkolesa".

Predictions of psychics do not have scientific justification, however, most of them come true. Believe it or not, it's up to each person. The coming year will make it clear who really gave the correct predictions, and who was wrong.

Source: http: // predskazaniya-na-201x-god-dlya-rossii-doslovno.html # i-3

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