Drunken alcoholism: symptoms and treatment

When a drunken alcoholic is in the family, the life of the household becomes a nightmare. A drinking binge patient lives for the sake of alcohol. He can go to a misdemeanor, a crime for the sake of a bottle. Alcoholics can drink for years, acquired good - exchanged for a song on an alcoholic dose. A patient with alcoholism does not know that he is sick. To convince him of this is very difficult. Therefore, the treatment of alcoholism, especially drunkenness - a hard and ungrateful occupation.

It is drunk and is the highest level of pathological alcohol dependence. The alcoholic can from a few days to several weeks is in a drunken state. From drinking, he no longer receives satisfaction, he drinks, because when an intoxicating dose of alcohol in the blood drops, he begins to feel very bad. Hangover syndrome manifests itself in physical, mental and neurological symptoms. And alcohol quickly removes the alarm and all the unpleasant that appears on a hangover. It turns out a vicious circle, the poison that causes the poisoning of the body, at the same time, is also a "medicine" that relieves the symptoms of drunken alcoholism.

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When preventive measures do not help

If the treatment of alcoholism is started in time, before the drunken state appears, there are chances of recovery, and considerable. But drunken alcoholism, a much worse form of the disease. Bleeding begins to occur in the second stage of alcoholism. During the drinking season, there are disorders from the central nervous system, disruptions in the work of internal organs, the body wears out intensively, grows old, grows old. Drunken alcoholism has characteristics: the specificity of the binge, the frequency of binges, their duration.

In domestic drunkenness, too, there is drinking( false drinking), but this is not drunken alcoholism. Then they drink for the company, for entertainment, for nothing to do, in a neighborly, friendly way. When they are sober, there are no classic hangover symptoms. When the vodka was over, it was over, and drinking drink from domestic drinkers. Although they are reluctant, they return to normal domestic problems and home affairs.

True drinking is observed in real alcoholics. Here, alcohol is extracted from all possible "suseks."Crouching and sinking things. It is taken out of the house and all the goods are sold for getting a bottle with any surrogate of alcohol, and also the sick alcoholic can drink cologne, brake fluid, glass cleaner, glue and so on.

Treatment of alcoholism in the binge phase

The main question: how to treat alcoholism, what to do to prevent drinking-up. In the binge phase it is hardly possible to treat alcoholic illness. Tactics during a drinking-bout can be this:

  1. alcoholic "surrenders" close to the narcological dispensary or clinic and he is treated by physicians;
  2. is called a narcological service at home.
  3. self-treatment with folk remedies and medications.

1 and 2 tactics - expensive, it is also necessary to fulfill all the conditions set by those who undertook to treat alcoholism. These narcological services may not be available in your region of residence.

3 tactics - certainly dangerous, because drugs for the treatment of alcoholism can have serious side effects and consequences.

Drunken alcoholism deeply upsets the work of internal organs, nervous system, brain and psyche. In patients with alcoholism, the higher nervous activity is disturbed, the state of memory, attention and thinking leave much to be desired. Bottles change the consciousness of the drinker and about the adequacy of his reaction, actions and behavior can be forgotten.

Alcoholism increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. The liver cells degenerate into adipose and connective tissue and cease to function. In the gastrointestinal tract, there may be erosions and ulcers. And insomnia in the alcoholic takes away the last strength.

How to treat the symptoms of drinking alcoholism?

All drugs and drugs for deducing alcohol from the drinking-binge phase and for the treatment of alcoholism are strictly applied with the appointment of a doctor. Before treating, the alcoholic needs to sober up, to stop drinking. Sleeping pills help in this. For example, pills "phenazepam", "donor" have a good soothing and hypnotic effect. After stopping the binge with a good eight-hour sleep, they start detoxification therapy, which will purify the body and blood from the products of alcohol splitting.

Detoxification adjusts the patient's body for further treatment. The patient's diet includes chicken broth, black bread, dairy and sour-milk products. At the same time, tablets "Essentiale Forte" are prescribed to restore and normalize liver function. Traditional medicine and the official recommend to withstand moderation, refrain from fatty foods.

Treatment of drinking alcoholism is accompanied by the restoration of the water-electrolyte balance. It is necessary to abstain completely from alcohol. In no case can you treat the symptoms of drinking alcoholism with the help of any, even the smallest alcohol doses. Drinking alcoholism is facilitated by all kinds of brines, fruit drinks, mineral water - that is, anti-smokers. If the patient can not not drink, do not eat, then the treatment of alcoholic binge is carried out by parenteral administration of therapeutic solutions of glucose, sodium chloride, polyglucin, etc. Any duration of alcohol binge causes a deficiency in the body of valuable trace elements and potassium. And the treatment of alcoholism is also aimed at their completion.

The fight against the consequences of alcoholism is the next stage of

Drunken alcoholism never goes without a trace. The treatment of true drinking bouts and domestic - false, is a fight against the consequences of alcohol. Symptomatic treatment should take place. Analgesic tablets "Analgin", "Spazmalgona", "Nurofen" will help relieve the headache."Droperidol" will reduce high blood pressure."Cerucal" is a good antiemetic.

"Atenologist" and "Verapamil" will remove the symptoms of a rapid and disturbed rhythm of the heartbeat. Sedatives will relieve the sensation of anxiety and pacify the trembling of the hands.

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