The face blushes and cheeks, why? The main causes of redness on the skin of the face and cheeks, ways to eliminate hyperemia on the face

It's a shame when suddenly, for no apparent reason, or for some reason, all the skin on your face turns red - your cheeks, nose, forehead, chin are turning purple. In some people, this phenomenon can even cause an inferiority complex. They all the time seem that the uncontrolled and sudden reddening of the face and cheeks skin somewhat spoil their appearance.

In fact, much is not as it might seem. Find out why the person blushes and how to deal with this independently at home.

By the way, in medical terminology, it is appropriate to say, describing this phenomenon, about skin hyperemia on the face.


Redness of the face - the reasons why it happens

Before trying to get rid of redness of the face and cheeks, you need to find out the reasons for thisproblems and determine what factor provokes the alleged defect(

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in fact, I believe that there is nothing shameful in that a person sometimes blushes, I consider this even more as a dignity, rather than as a defect of ).

If you find the answer to the questions, you will become clear what remedy will help against redness of the skin. Dermatologists and cosmetologists have several variants of the causes of redness on the face or on one cheeks. But all of them agree that the nature of the phenomenon is not only physiological, but also psychological. So, why does face blush most often?

See an interesting video about why a man blushes:

From psychological factors, we can distinguish:

  1. nerve overexertion;
  2. prolonged depression and stress;
  3. constant alarm;
  4. inferiority complex and psychological barriers;
  5. shyness( is the perfect spiritual quality and personal dignity of ).

Physiological causes may be:

No. Causes of skin hyperemia Comments
1 Diseases Vascular diseases that cause their enlargement and spasms, which causes reddening of the skin of the face. In this case, it is better to seek medical help from a qualified specialist.
2 Heredity Genetic predisposition. In this case, it is impossible to correct the situation, it remains to be reconciled with the fact that this is your highlight - a red face, the cause of which lies in the nature of the organism, inherent in nature itself. However, do not worry, because in the cosmetics stores a huge assortment of modern products is available, using which, women can make beautiful make-up and achieve the perfect complexion. Yes, there is cosmetics for masking the redness of the face.
3 Skin Care Wrong care is an extremely common reason that the skin of the face is red. Perhaps you use cosmetic products daily, which do not suit you. Go to a cosmetologist, he will help you find a product that is suitable for your skin type.
4 Allergies An allergic reaction that often occurs on food or medicine, not just cosmetic products. Analyze, perhaps you were recently in the hospital, and the doctor prescribed a new medicine, or you ate some unusual exotic fruit. If you do not eat new products and do not use new cosmetic products, then you should contact an allergist. The specialist will find out if you have an allergy, and because of what it appeared. It is important to identify the allergen as soon as possible and to exclude it from your life. Allergens that cause redness of the face
5 External negative factors The presence of irritation from solar radiation and constant temperature jumps. The latter also applies to reddening of the facial skin after washing.
6 Features of food Vessels can respond in this way to a large number of oily or spicy foods, hot, alcoholic beverages and stimulants( including coffee).You can in such a situation notice that the disease manifests itself after eating.
7 Side effect of some drugs Prolonged intake of antimicrobials( antibiotics).
8 Skin lesions Microtrauma on the skin surface or on the walls of the vessels.

Analyze your own lifestyle, nutrition. Pay attention not only to physical health, but also psychological background.

Try to determine if your conditions and symptoms match the above statements, and then you will be able to determine the reason why the skin becomes covered with red spots.

In a situation where there are no psychological problems, it is necessary to undergo a full medical examination that will show if you have hidden diseases. If you have determined that you served as a provocateur, then you need to try to eliminate the disease or adjust the way of life.

What should I do? Eliminate the cause of redness

If you constantly face the fact that your face is red, you can refer to several simple methods that will help you get rid of this phenomenon. For the beginning it is recommended to descend or go on reception to the cosmetician who will prompt, what there are procedures for elimination of an illness. This is galvanization, and skin cleaning with ultrasound. However, you can correct yourself, using simple recommendations or folk remedies:

  1. should not worry too much, avoid stressful situations and do not overexert yourself;
  2. if you suffer from complexes, try to get rid of them, for example, contact a psychologist;
  3. use special cosmetic products with a protective effect, choose products without alcohol and other aggressive substances;
  4. take care of nutrition, give preference to natural foods;
  5. should not take medicine too long;
  6. try to smoke less tobacco products;
  7. refuse regular use of alcohol;
  8. try to avoid unnecessary skin contact with irritants;
  9. check if you have an allergic reaction;
  10. drink vitamins useful for the skin and body.

There are many options in this list, choose the most acceptable way to get rid of the problem personally for you. The main thing is to find out what the cause of the ailment is, and the methods of struggle will logically follow from the provoking factor. Try to choose only those methods of combating redness that are relevant to your conditions. In addition, there is the opportunity to take home cosmetic products that help disguise the ailment.

In case the redness is caused by an allergic reaction, you should start taking antihistamines, for example, Suprastin or Tavegil , and the skin to be treated with a softening ointment with the antiallergic effect of .

In addition, you will have to follow a diet, until the redness does not pass. This is necessary in order to exclude the entry into the body of potential allergens and reduce the load on the organs of the digestive system.

One of the conditions of a strict diet is the daily use of porridge on the water. It excellently removes slag and cleanses the intestines.

Revise your diet, it should be balanced and diverse, avoid the lack of vitamins E and C, which contribute to the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent inflammation in the body.

Refuse to visit the sauna and sauna, try to avoid sudden changes in temperature, causing reddening of the skin.

Rejecting bad habits will also help reduce the problem of red spots. Smoking, spirits and spicy food stimulate a rush of blood to the skin, which makes the redness even more noticeable.

Folk remedies and recipes for face redness and cheeks

You can try to cope with the redness of the face and cheek area yourself. To help us come the national beauty recipes, which saved this problem from our grandmothers. The most effective of them are:

  1. Mask from the fermented milk product .When the face is red due to a long stay in direct sunlight, a mask from any sour-milk product will help. Apply to the face sour cream, kefir or yogurt, and after 15-20 minutes rinse with clean water. For best effect, it is recommended to finish the procedure with a compress made of chamomile, parsley juice or cucumber.
  2. Mask made of lemon and milk .Take the lemon juice, and add to it 100 grams of warmed milk and as much water. The resulting solution wipe the skin twice a day. The effectiveness of the tool will be noticeable in two days of its use.
  3. Facial and cheek massage with ice cube .Every morning, start by wiping the skin with an ice cube. In special forms for its preparation you can freeze not only water, but also broths of chamomile, calendula, birch buds or green tea.
  4. Aloe vera juice of the ( home ).It alleviates the redness of aloe juice. Apply it every evening to the cleansed face, and after it is completely absorbed, use a night cream suitable for your skin type.

Be attentive to the signals that the body gives you, because red face skin can be the first sign of a serious illness.

More home masks from face redness and cheeks

Treatment with home masks can not be called therapeutic therapy, however they can soothe irritation on the skin of the face and normalize the blood flow under the skin. After applying masks, the skin on the face will become more pale and will not so much blush as it was before.

To withstand the skin masks need 20-30 minutes, and repeat the procedure can be every 2 days. The course is three weeks, after which a break is required. Be careful and choose the remedy for your skin type:

No. Remedy Comment
1 Oatmeal Mix two tablespoons of crushed flakes with 6 tbsp.l.warm water and leave the mixture infused for 15 minutes.
2 Sour-milk products Mix two tablespoons of cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat with a small amount of yogurt.
3 Cucumber and zucchini Grate and mix fresh vegetables. The face is applied 2 tbsp.l.of the resulting mixture.
4 Fabric mask Prepare a piece of clean gauze in several layers. Dampen it in green tea or herbal infusion, then apply to the skin on the face.
5 Carrots Grate the carrot on a grater. Add two tablespoons of the product to the surface of the skin. Carrots
6 Potatoes Grate the potatoes raw. Then 2 tbsp.l. Grated vegetable mixed with 1 tsp.olive oil.
7 Banana Take 2 tbsp.l.fresh banana puree and mix with 1 tsp.natural cream. You can add 2 tbsp.l.grated cottage cheese.
8 Curd and carrots Take 2 tbsp.l.fatty cottage cheese and mix them with 4 tbsp.l.fresh carrot juice.
9 Cucumber Make from one cucumber without peeled puree, and then use the gruel as a mask. Cucumber
10 Yeast Dilute 20 g of yeast with warm milk until smooth. Apply the resulting mass to the pre-cleaned face for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Now you have the most up-to-date information on what can be done to combat redness on the skin. First, be sure to determine the cause of redness, then you can try to eliminate it from a cosmetologist, dermatologist or with the help of folk remedies.

For any adjust your lifestyle, adjust and normalize the nutrition and quality of the products used, discard bad habits.

If you follow the recommendations correctly after a few weeks, you will be happy with the positive result: the blood will not so flow too close to the surface of the skin, and the red spots and irritation will disappear.

Publication source: article /problemnaya/ pochemu-krasneet.html

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