We do an enema at home

The ability to do an enema at home can be useful in many cases. It is used both for cleansing the intestines, as a laxative, and for losing weight, with therapeutic starvation, and so on. In addition, there are many medications that involve the introduction into the body through an enema and in order not to visit the hospital each procedure, it is necessary to master this technique.

  • How to make an enema at home
  • Contraindications
  • Preparation
  • How to make an enema pear and a mug of Esmarch
  • The most frequent questions of readers
  • How to make a cleansing enema?
  • Can pregnant women do an enema with constipation?
  • How to make an enema with hemorrhoids?
  • How to make an enema a newborn?
  • What water to do an enema at home?
  • How to make an enema pregnant?
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How to make an enema at home

To make an enema at home, you need to prepare a mug of Esmarch, oilcloth, petroleum jelly for tip lubrication, soap. Next, you need to prepare a solution: use a clean boiled water, the temperature of which is not more than 40 degrees. The location of the procedure is covered with oilcloth. Its ends drop into the pelvis. The mug and hose should be washed with boiling water. Then you need to proceed to the phased implementation of the procedure.

Important!There are a number of contraindications, when self-administration of the enema is highly undesirable, make sure that these symptoms are not present in yourself, and if not, consult a qualified doctor.


The main contraindications for self-administration of enema and administration in general:

Categorically prohibited this procedure in the presence of a polyp in the human intestine. This is a small, mainly benign tumor that grows on the intestinal wall from its own tissue. The tumor grows into the lumen of the intestine, so the use of the enema can damage it, causing bleeding and unpredictable consequences.

The next contraindication is hemorrhoids. It is a significant increase and, as a result, loss of venous nodes located in the area of ​​the rectum plexus. With the stimulus, the hemorrhoidal veins change shape and form nodes around the rectum. The use of enemas can also damage them, which will cause various, adverse effects.

Extremely painful sensations will cause the use of enema in the presence of cracks in the anus. Advantageously, the cracks are formed due to a defect in the mucosa located in the lower part of the anal canal caused by a number of colon diseases - such as hemorrhoids, colitis, proctitis and cryptite, enterocolitis, and so on. The use of an enema in addition to strong pain can infect an infection, which will develop into a new problem requiring a separate, long treatment.

The last, categorical contraindication in the application of this remedy is the prolapse of the rectum. With this ailment, there is a systematic loss of some or all layers of the rectum to the outside through the anus.

The disease appears for various reasons - due to chronic or acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with the transfer of the genus or abdominal injuries, in the presence of frequent, heavy physical exertion. The use of an enema in most percent of cases will damage the receding gut, the consequences of which can go up to a lethal outcome.


Regardless of the need, whether cleaning the bowels due to constipation or for weight loss, the procedure is the same. Consider the preparation process, make sure that you have all the necessary components:

  • You will need from one to two liters of water, preheat it to room temperature;
  • the temperature can vary, depending on the goals of the enema - for example, with constipation of the intestine, which has impaired motor skills, the water should be a little colder, and with pain and spasms, on the contrary warmer;
  • for greater convenience of hitting the tip of the enema in the anus without causing additional pain, lubricate it with a small amount of petroleum jelly;
  • to increase the effect of the effect of the enema itself, it is recommended to dissolve in a prepared water a tablespoon of ordinary baby soap, or two to three tablespoons of glycerin, or two spoons of any vegetable oil - it also perfectly relaxes the intestines in the presence of pains with spasmodic character;
  • much more effective enemas based on chamomile - for this, in the prepared water, pour a couple of spoons of a dry flower, then strain;
  • the volume of the enema itself depends on its purpose.

Important!In the presence of any bleeding wounds and cracks, refuse to conduct an independent procedure and visit a doctor.

Further, if you have all the necessary materials, you can proceed to the procedure itself.

How to make an enema pear and a mug of Esmarch

In Eschmarch's cup, pour a solution prepared beforehand, a decoction or water, fill the rubber tube located there. Be sure to make sure that all excess air is out, opening the tap for a while.

Put the patient on the bed, turning to the left side, he must bend his legs and press them to the stomach. Place an oilcloth under the person, with a free end dropping it into a basin or a bucket that has been previously placed on the bed. This is a necessary measure in case the patient can not retain water or solution. In the case where the enema should be used in the position of the person on the back, a special bedboard is used.

Lubricated pre-vaseline tip carefully insert into the anal passage and rectum. Carry out the action with rotational movements - inserting towards the navel, after three to four centimeters you will feel an obstacle, then point the tip towards the location of the spine and continue to enter deep into 10-12 centimeters.

Open the enema cage very slowly lift the Esmarch cup to a height of no more than one meter.

If the patient feels any pain or strong urge to defecate, immediately turn off the tap, take out the tip, while strongly restraining and squeezing his buttocks, with each other. Ask the patient to try to keep water as much as possible.

After removing the tip and tube, the patient should lie in this position and keep water inside himself for at least five minutes, and preferably ten. Then, it is necessary to empty the intestine.

Important!Before using a new, recently purchased enema, it is necessary to carefully sterilize and boil all parts of the device in order to eliminate the risk of getting into the body of various bacteria and infections that live on the street and protect themselves from new diseases. The same procedure, and every time after the end of the enema.

In the absence of a third-party assistant, you may well try to put the enema on your own:

  1. It is necessary to lie down in the bathroom, for more convenience in case of incontinence of water. Put your feet to the wall, about not the width of the shoulders and at an angle of 90 degrees.
  2. Raise the pelvis upward by inserting the tip inward into the anus by four to five centimeters in the above way.
  3. Slowly open the tap of the cup.
  4. If this position is observed, water or solution will fall into all hard-to-reach parts of the intestine without any problems.
  5. At occurrence of any painful or cutting sensations, close the cock, for some time, stopping the flow of liquid.
  6. Breathe as deeply as possible, it is desirable to make the stomach up and down movements, this will dull the pain that has arisen.

If the intestine is heavily loaded with dry, calcified formations, you will likely need much more time to clean it. Be prepared for the fact that the intestine simply can not sustain so much water, so it will start pouring out. In this case, continue the procedure as long as you can.

At the end of the procedure, close the cup. Lie down for a while, at least five minutes, until natural urges become intolerable. Lay down on your right side, lifting your knees bent at the knees, so that the stomach will sag a little and the necessary water will pass. After that, go to the toilet.

If you can not hold fluid in the intestine in any way, try defecation after 20-30 minutes.

At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly clean all the instruments, washing it in soapy water and boiling. This will give a safe opportunity to use the enema again. To perform the procedure for children, instead of Esmarch's cup, an ordinary, rubber pear will suffice. Remember that the enema is not a permanent remedy for constipation. With systematic application, your intestines simply "slip" and cease to function normally on your own.

This procedure should be resorted only in extreme cases, or according to the prescription of your doctor. Especially, it concerns small children, the intestines of which are just learning to cope with digestion of a different kind of food density.

Use an enema for children, only at the instruction of the pediatrician and only after being convinced of the ineffectiveness of other funds intended for toddlers.

Similarly, do not regularly use an enema, supposedly to cleanse the body. This is a fairly common misconception, since our body has a sufficiently strong self-cleaning function, by using the built-in excretory system. Thanks to the intestines, kidneys and sweat, all unnecessary toxins leave the human body as soon as possible, and the enema is absolutely not an essential device to assist him in this.

The most frequent questions of readers

Our doctors ask many questions on this topic so that they will not be duplicated. We brought in the most popular questions and answers in the article:

How to make a cleansing enema?

Answer:To put a cleansing enema you need the following:

  • posture of the patient - lying on the left side, legs clamped to the chest;
  • the tip is smeared with vaseline, injected 3 cm towards the navel, further 10 cm parallel to the spine;
  • The Escharha mug valve opens, which then rises by 1-2 meters;
  • When the patient feels full bowel and desire to defecate, the cock closes, the tip stretches out from the anus;
  • buttocks better hold, so that the liquid does not flow out prematurely;
  • A quarter of an hour you can empty the intestines.

Can pregnant women do an enema with constipation?

Answer:Enema during pregnancy is not a completely harmless procedure. Enema improves intestinal motility. And since the uterus is very near, so you can cause her hypertonia. The result is a threat of termination of pregnancy. In addition, the problem of constipation enema does not solve, and can even exacerbate. Therefore, before putting an enema, you need to consult with your doctor.

How to make an enema with hemorrhoids?

Answer:When hemorrhoids the patient can make several types of enemas:

  • purifying - is put in the standard way, lying on its side or by the method of Hegard - independently in a pose "on all fours";
  • oil - up to 100 ml of pre-heated oil is injected with an ordinary syringe;
  • hypertensive - to strengthen intestinal motility;
  • medicinal - solutions of therapeutic action.

How to make an enema a newborn?

Answer:If the child is about a month, you can enter up to 30 ml of liquid with a temperature of not more than 28 degrees. The syringe should be rinsed with boiling water. The correct position of the newborn is on the back with the legs raised upwards. Lubricate the anal hole with petroleum jelly, insert a pear on 4 cm, and slowly squeeze it. Buttocks of the child to squeeze, that the liquid did not flow for several minutes.

What water to do an enema at home?

Answer:For enema use pure boiled water. It is heated to 25-35 degrees. Above 40 degrees water can not be used, so that there is no bowel burn. Too cold water will cause unpleasant sensations.

How to make an enema pregnant?

Answer:Usually the volume of enema for pregnant women is 0.5 liters. The tip of the syringe should be lubricated with petroleum jelly. The position of the pregnant - lying on the left side, relaxed. The liquid must be introduced slowly. Lie down about 10 minutes, after which you can visit the toilet. It is important to remember that an enema for pregnant women can be done no more than once for ten days after consulting a doctor.

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