The conclusion from a drinking-bout: how quickly to leave a drinking-bout and without damage to health

To help a loved one, many people are looking for an answer to how quickly to get out of the drinking-bout. At the same time, they forget that the responsibility and initiative of getting out of the binge is in the drinking person himself. In any case, it should become an initiative of the patient. Here, not everything is just like that. Alcohol breaks the consciousness of the patient, it adequately can not reflect the real state of affairs. The situation is aggravated by the drunken debauch of a drinking person, the deterioration of his health parameters and the exhaustion of the nervous system and the patience of people close to him.

In life it happens that outwardly successful people can go into a week's drinking-up. Motivate it with fatigue, overstrain, desire to distract. Self-control is very difficult for the drinker, and more often it is impossible. Everything plays here: intellect, education, self-awareness, the will to win. If a person vaguely sees his future - it's hard not to drink.

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Some of the drug experts believe that alcoholism is not cure, and women even more so. Annually alcohol is the cause of the disintegration of thousands of families. Alcoholism is akin to drug addiction, only the latter is several times worse. Entered into the ritual binges should be given a fight! After all, the drunken form of alcoholism is the worst. It is treated only under round-the-clock supervision of doctors in drug treatment clinics. Drinking people, think about whether it is worth cultivating the pathological dependence on alcohol, then to spend the mad money for treatment.


What are the most effective means, and how to quickly get out of the binge?

The initial stage in the treatment of alcoholism is the withdrawal of alcohol from the blood of the human body. The drinking person must decide for himself whether he will actually deter the desire to drink alcoholic beverages. We need to find the meaning of our existence, gather the intention in our hands and have the determination to act in the direction of sobriety. You can not put a cross on your fate, your family.

Methods of removing alcohol can apply their - at home, in hospital or at the psychiatrist - a medical. There are recipes for getting rid of drunkenness, which can be used at home. If desired, with the help of home remedies, you can make a quick conclusion from the binge.

Technique "Wedge - wedge knock»

  1. popular method for dispensing small reception( 30.0 ml.) Alcohol doses at intervals of an hour. Three receptions will allow to remove the general discomfort. However, you can not condone and turn the treatment into a new drinking-bout!
  2. Eat more often, but in small portions: chicken broth and black bread.
  3. The next day, take the pill "Fenibuta".
  4. The diet is the same, try not to eat anything greasy. Eat fruits, vegetables, sour-milk products. Good kvass will help to remove hangover syndromes.

Exit at home from a binge

It is treated by a binge so:

  1. Drink a glass of cool water with seven activated carbon tablets diluted.
  2. Take something soothing and hypnotic. Have a rest.
  3. Take a contrast shower, starting - "warm - cool", then "hot - cold".Cold shower, in time, should be 2 times shorter than the tolerably hot. We finish the procedure with cool water.
  4. Do not treat a hangover with alcohol. It aggravates it.
  5. Drink more fluids: therapeutic teas, kvass, mineral water, compotes, pickle, kefir.
  6. Try not to drink coffee.
  7. Eat light foods, low-fat and not roasted.
  8. It is good to drink chicken broth with black bread.
  9. Take the drug Essentiale Forte for 2 capsules - 2 times a day - 3 days in a row. This is for your liver.
  10. If necessary, with lack of air, pressure in the chest area - take "Valocordin" 20 drops per reception. It's for the heart.
  11. To improve the state of the stomach and digestion, take the tablets "Festal", "Mezim forte."
  12. Tea with brewed mint or chamomile will help to calm down.
  13. Distract from bad thoughts and negative mood by watching comedy movies, reading books.
  14. In the evening, go to bed.
  15. In the morning you will feel good.

The exit from the binge should not be replaced by a new binge. Tell yourself - I want a sober, bright and joyful life.

Differences between independent and professional treatment

When you go to a medical institution with a doctor-narcologist, the way out of the binge is carried out through intravenous infusions of medical solutions - droppers. They are very effective and effective. Allow you to keep your health by quickly removing toxic substances from the body. The patient is always under supervision.

Self-treatment is accompanied by a huge temptation to drink alcohol. In the event of a breakdown, the patient may not be able to stand, break and drink. And in the hospital - they will introduce soothing, purify blood and desire to drink, will not arise any more. But home treatment is cheaper with the help of folk remedies for the treatment of alcoholism. Need will, perseverance, aspiration to a sober goal.