Pain in the stomach after eating

  • Variations of pain
  • How can I estimate the pain radiography?
  • What depends on the food?
  • What are the reasons for eating time?
  • How to distinguish pain by species?
  • Is the subjective assessment of pain important?
  • Characteristics of the main diseases that cause pain after eating
  • What to do with pain?
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Nutrition problems play a major role in the occurrence of gastric pathology. Because of what we eat and how regularly, the functional state of gastric secretion depends.

If the stomach hurts after eating, then the food ingredients are too much of an irritant. This explains why correct treatment is not without a diet correction. Recall that the mechanism of pain does not involve the mucous membrane( it does not have pain receptors), and the deeper layers of the organ wall, stretched smooth muscles.

Options for the location of pain

First of all, it is worth to agree on what we call "stomach pain".The organ is projected onto the human body in front of the junction of the right and left lower costal arch( epigastric region) and occupies a central position, descending almost to the level of the navel( in some to the pelvic ridges).

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The uppermost part contacts the esophagus, receives incoming food. Moving downwards, the lump is moistened with gastric juice, it is mixed at the expense of motor muscle of the muscle layer, processed with pepsin. After that, the content passes through the pyloric zone into the duodenum.

The stomach pain after eating is felt by patients in the epigastric region, in the hypochondria, radiating to the back, scapula, upper half of the abdomen. The characteristic of gastric pain is necessarily the indication of precise localization and distribution. This sign helps in differential diagnosis, allows to assume the place of defeat, the connection with neighboring organs.

The pathology of the body of the stomach is manifested by pains in the left part of the epigastrium and in the hypodermis of

. The most common symptom is a sign of an ulcer or cancer, it is in this area that the lining cells lie superficially, so patients note that the "stomach noises" at an early stage of the disease.

The cardiac department is characterized by intense pain behind the sternum. They are very similar to angina pectoris. A common cause is cancer. This explains the advisability of ECG research when the patient has a stomach ache during eating.

The borderline with the intestine pyloroduodenal zone gives pain on the right in the epigastrium, above the navel. Symptom is typical for biliary gastritis, bulbitis, gastroduodenitis.

How can I estimate the pain irradiation?

Irradiating pain is also called "reflected."They significantly confuse diagnosis, because they mask the pathology of the stomach and, conversely, point to the stomach in other diseases. Here are some typical examples.

The defeat in the body, the bottom, the cardiac part of the stomach causes the spread of soreness to the left, to the chest. Therefore, they can be taken for a heart attack. It is important to consider if an elderly person is sick. The focal point in the antrum section gives an irradiation of the pain sensations to the right. Such a description of pain is typical for peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum.

The location in the posterior wall causes spreading into the back, spine, lower back, resulting in a shingling nature. More often due to the involvement of the pancreas. With severe pain, it is necessary to exclude the penetration( perforation) of the ulcer into the pancreatic tissue.

An example of the "reverse" characteristic of reflected pain is the classic course of an appendicitis attack. It begins with pain in the epigastrium, nausea. Only after a few hours, the localization changes to the ileum, so it is first perceived as a pathology of the stomach.

What depends on the food?

A disturbed diet can lead to first functional changes, manifested in unstable pains, difficulties with digestion of fatty and fried meat foods.

To breakdowns leads to both prolonged fasting( breaks in food) and frequent overeating

In a stretched stomach, the pressure rises sharply, which provokes a reverse cast into the esophagus( gastroesophageal reflux), heartburn and eructation. Each person encounters such signs, if, having dined supper late at night, immediately gets into bed. He is prevented from falling asleep feeling of heaviness, raspiraniya, dull pain in epigastrium.

Causes of wandering abdominal pain

When excessive employment during working hours, the decisive factor is food "dry", sandwiches, carbonated water, frequent coffee, fast food. Such a regime disrupts the synthesis of gastric juice. The increased concentration of hydrochloric acid irritates the mucous membrane and leads to inflammation( gastritis).

Restless people of a nervous character warehouse can not organize their working day, ignore the rest, forget to eat in the break. Stressful state is one of the reasons why the stomach hurts after eating young emotional women, students, workaholics. For them, a combination with a belching of the air, a tendency to break the chair, spastic pain in the stomach and intestines.

Passion for shish kebabs, hot sauces and spices, acidic and marinated products gradually "kills" the working cells of the epithelial layer, increases the risk of ulcer disease. These factors depend on the will of man, established habits. If a plentiful snack follows the reception of alcohol, then the pain in the stomach after eating will not keep you waiting.

Less often people suffer from congenital lactose intolerance( this is a kind of sugars that is a part of dairy products).The patient immediately after eating, there are strong pain, bloating, further pain along the bowel is possible.

These factors are eliminated preventive measures, awareness of harm to their health and the danger of consequences.

What are the reasons for eating time?

To deal with the consequences, it is necessary to find out why the pain intensifies and calms down when it occurs. Analyzing the relationship with the time of the onset of pain with food intake, we can roughly assume the level of damage to the digestive system. The doctor should carefully examine each patient about the symptoms. The features of the pain syndrome are divided into early and late manifestations.

Early are the pains that have occurred:

  • is "super early", during ingestion, swallowing is accompanied by a reduction in the esophageal tube and pushing the contents through the lower sphincter into the cardiac area of ​​the stomach, if the pain disturbs the patient when swallowing or after 2-3 minutes,about the defeat of the esophagus - esophagitis, hernia of the esophagus of the diaphragm, tumor in the region of the cardia;
  • after 30-60 minutes the appearance of pain indicates the presence of gastric pathology in the middle and lower parts - gastritis, peptic ulcer, swelling, gradually decrease after the passage of food into the intestine.

Hungry pains occur at night or a few hours after ingestion of

Late( hungry pains) - sensations are considered 1,5-2 hours after eating, at night, on an empty stomach. They are typical for the state of increased acidity, duodenitis, duodenal ulcers, pancreatic inflammation, cholecystitis. These diseases are perceived by a person as pain in the stomach, manifest after eating, although each has its own characteristics.

If pains occur after 3-4 hours, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, severe weakness, dizziness, fever, then you should think about acute gastritis or gastroenteritis caused by food poisoning, infection.

How to distinguish pain by species?

The mechanism and clinical manifestations distinguish 3 types of stomach pain. Spastic - formed due to spasms of the muscular layer of the organ. Caused by increased acidity of gastric juice. Associated with excess hormone - gastrin, the task of which is to stimulate the lining cells to synthesize hydrochloric acid.

This scheme causes pain in the stomach during meals with diseases localized in the antral part, pre-and pyloric area of ​​the stomach, in the upper parts of the duodenum. The location is most typical for gastritis, peptic ulcer caused by Helicobacter pylori.

Clinically, the pain is manifested by sudden attacks, felt like cutting, intense. Give irradiation in the back.

Distension - caused by stretching the muscle layer. Are provoked:

  • narrowing( stenosis) of the pyloric section due to cicatrical deformation;
  • mechanical obstacle, hindering the output from the stomach with tumors of the stomach, pancreas, metastasis to the lymph nodes;
  • is a delayed peristalsis due to low acidity.

Are manifested by a feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium, aching and bursting with character. Usually follow overeating, drinking alcohol, accompanied by nausea, eructation.

Signs of stretching begin one hour after eating.

Peritoneal - are caused by irritation of the peritoneal receptor apparatus. They are divided:

  • on acute - accompanied by signs of destruction of the stomach wall by a perforated ulcer, disintegrating tumor, manifest unexpectedly, are of high intensity, patients call them "dagger";
  • and chronic - are caused by a prolonged process of germination of the stomach wall by a tumor, depending on the strength of the stage of the disease( from moderate to painful), are associated not only with food intake, but also with physical activity, jogging and jumping.

Is the subjective assessment of pain important?

Any signs of pain described by the patient are important in diagnosis. People try even unconsciously to help themselves overcome pain, take a forced position to reduce the intensity.

When pregnant, there is a feeling of heaviness, overflow after eating. It is caused by a slowing down of the food passage through the pyloric sphincter, a hyperextension of the stomach. The condition passes after childbirth, because it is caused by the rise of the diaphragm and the effect of the hormonal background on the health of the woman.

If there is pain when trying to lie on your back after eating, you can assume changes in the back wall of the stomach.

Strengthening of pain when tilted forward can cause a hernia of the esophagus of the diaphragm

With a clear connection with the use of sour-milk products, it is suggested an increased acidity with a violation of motility.

Characteristics of the main diseases that cause pain after eating

Pain sensations after meals are caused not only by the pathology of the stomach, but also by other digestive organs. Gastritis - characterized by early pain of varying intensity. Often accompanied by dyspeptic symptoms( heartburn, nausea, eructation, diarrhea).

The clinic is affected by the state of acidity:

  • with hypersecretion - cramping pain, removed by applying a warm warmer, the condition improves after inducing vomiting;
  • low secretion accompanied by prolonged aching exhausting pain, constipation, bloating.

Biliary gastritis, associated with the transfer of bile to the lower parts of the stomach, is manifested by a constant sense of bitterness in the mouth. Often accompanied by overeating and drinking alcohol. Irritable stomach syndrome is a common defeat among the population. Occurs in response to the reception of rough food( fried, spicy, salty, fatty, alcohol).Pain of a spastic character begins immediately after a meal, accompanied by nausea, eructation, and heartburn.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease - manifested by soreness immediately after eating. It is caused by a violation of the lower esophageal sphincter. Part of the eaten food is thrown in the opposite direction and irritates the esophagus. A man complains of a persistent heartburn, an eructation of sourness. Pain provoked by lying position.

Peptic ulcer - early pain causes the location of ulcers in the stomach, late - in the duodenum. The pain begins with aching, gradually intensifies. In the "hungry" version it is removed by an extraordinary meal. Often accompanied by heartburn. A very intense attack can cause shock, indicates the possibility of perforation in the abdominal cavity and the development of peritonitis.

Pancreatitis - pain syndrome refers to late manifestation, is more often associated with drinking alcohol, fatty and fried foods. Irradiation of the surrounding form is observed. The attack is very intense. The patient has profuse diarrhea. Over time, weight is lost.

See also:
Symptoms of stomach diseases
Signs of pancreatic diseases

Malignant tumors of the stomach, pancreas - for a long time appear unstable discomfort after eating( aching pain, nausea, bloating).In a pronounced stage, the connection with food intake is lost. The pains become very intense and persistent, they radiate throughout the abdomen, accompanied by a violation of the stool, weight loss of the patient.

The narrowing of the esophagus due to the trauma, the tumor, is accompanied, in addition to the pain behind the sternum, by the eructation of freshly eaten food, vomiting, heartburn, swallowing. Less pronounced clinical manifestations of cardiopathy of a functional nature.

Hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm - typical for patients with excess weight, coughing smokers, persons associated with lifting the gravity. Infringement of the upper part of the stomach and pain are associated with slopes forward, the use of products that cause fermentation and gas formation, overeating.

Pylorostenosis is caused by a congenital structural defect or acquired as a result of scarring of the ulcer, surgical intervention

Stenosis of the pylorus is a serious organic damage to the transport of the food lump from the stomach and the intestines. A mechanical obstruction occurs with tumor growth. The pain lasts until the food leaves the stomach.

Gallstone disease simulates attacks of pain in the stomach. They appear in the epigastrium on the right and radiate into the right hypochondrium, scapula, shoulder, down the abdomen. Vomiting of bitterness suggests the involvement of pathological bile ducts.

Every year, during an epidemic rise in the incidence of influenza, infectious diseases draw the attention of the population to the gastrointestinal variant of the course of the disease with severe pain and bleeding.

The disease manifests itself sharply a few hours after infection. In addition to pain in the stomach, initially associated with food, characterized by severe intoxication( high fever, headache, nausea, general weakness).

Solaris - inflammation of the nerve nodes( ganglia) of the solar plexus - manifests burning pain over the navel and in the epigastrium, often mimics peptic ulcer. But when examining the patient does not reveal the pathology of the stomach and duodenum. The attack lasts for several hours. The reason for the inflammatory response to surgery, trauma, intestinal tuberculosis.

Celiac disease( gluten enteropathy) is an autoimmune disease caused by a violation of the assimilation of protein from wheat, barley, and rye. Causes pain after eating in the stomach with a transition to inflammation of the small intestine. At the same time, patients complain of pain in the joints, signs of anemia, weight loss.

Endocrinologists draw the attention of patients with thyroid disease to the possibility of pain after eating. Hormonal imbalance contributes to the disruption of motility of the digestive tract, spastic contraction or stagnation in the stomach and intestines.

It is impossible to exclude the influence of medications taken before the meal on the occurrence of pain. Side effects are drugs of salicylic acid, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones, antibacterial drugs. The appearance of pain causes the need for their cancellation and correction of prescriptions.

On the background of therapy with NSAIDs, the doctor prescribes drugs that protect the gastric mucosa

What should I do for pain?

It is impossible to treat pain alone. We have resulted in a number of diseases that can be masked for gastric symptoms. People who are in pain should not tolerate. It is necessary to apply to the local therapist and undergo a prescribed examination to determine the cause.

This will reveal:

  • type of acidity;
  • signs of general intoxication, anemia;
  • association with Helicobacter pylori;
  • is a kind of gastric pathology.

Full treatment of pain in the stomach is possible only with all the symptoms. Until an accurate diagnosis of the appointment is based on symptoms and can be applied temporarily.

Without fail the doctor will suggest switching to a restrictive diet. The patient is recommended to stop smoking, taking all kinds of alcohol and tinctures to alcohol. Categorically prohibited the use of fried, smoked meat dishes, spicy foods, salines, cabbage, beans, radish, onions and garlic, spices.

You may need a half-starved diet for 1-2 days, when only drinking mineral water without gas, liquid porridge on the water( oatmeal, buckwheat), mucous soups is allowed. Dairy products should be specially stipulated with the doctor because of possible intolerance.

Then the food is connected to meat cooked and twisted dishes, casseroles, stewed vegetables, mashed potatoes. Low-fat soups. The final choice of the diet is refined after a complete examination. Effective analgesic effect is provided by Almagel A.

The preparation is a suspension with anesthesin, therefore it helps for several hours

You can brew flax seeds. The broth envelops the mucous membrane and soothes irritation. At painful sensations of a grasping character it is possible to accept preparations krasavki( Bellastezin, Besalol).With severe acid reflux and a suspicion of increased acidity, Gastal helps.

Doctors pay attention to the harm of drugs of central action( Analgin and its analogs).They themselves irritate the stomach. The changes so erase the signs of the disease that it is impossible to look for the source of the pain.

Measures to eliminate stomach pain after eating are mixed to eliminate pathology. Strong pains are the cause of calling the ambulance. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of acute pathology and not to try to relieve the condition by a warming-up or vomiting. The decision is made only after the examination of the doctor. You may have to wash the stomach, but first you need to see a specialist.

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