On what side of the appendicitis is the person: how do you know?

Appendicitis is a dangerous inflammatory disease of the appendix, a small appendage of the caecum. Without timely treatment, this condition can lead to serious complications, which can even lead to death. It is worth knowing, from which side of appendicitis is in a person, by what other signs can you determine this disease.

  • Where is appendicitis located?
  • How to determine appendicitis?
  • Which side of the child does appendicitis have?
  • Diagnostics
  • Complications
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Appendicitis is one of the most common diseases requiring surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity. Most of the inflammation of the appendix occurs in men and women aged 20 to 40 years, in older people it becomes quite rare. In children, the incidence rate is 10 to 12 years. To date, specialists find it difficult to identify the exact cause of the inflammatory process, and it has been proved that the appendix is ​​not important for the functioning of the organ and can be removed if the inflammation has arisen.

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Where is appendicitis located?

The appendix, the appendix of the cecum, which is inflamed with appendicitis, is closer to the bottom of the peritoneum, on the right. This is his normal anatomical position, so it is believed that with appendicitis pains occur just below the abdomen on the right.

In part, this statement is correct, but do not forget that many of the torso pains irradiate to other parts of the body. Therefore, the pain in the lower abdominal area on the right can talk about a completely different disease, and with appendicitis, pain may occur elsewhere. The percentage of mistakenly diagnosed diagnoses with these symptoms is high enough.

Important!With signs of appendicitis, a full-fledged diagnosis is always required, since these symptoms can speak quite about other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pelvic organs.

How to determine appendicitis?

With the diagnosis of this disease, there may be certain problems, without a full examination from a doctor it is difficult to immediately diagnose. Therefore, often surgical intervention begins before the diagnosis, hence the high percentage of erroneous diagnoses.

Symptoms that occur with appendicitis can talk about completely different diseases of the digestive tract, pelvic organs. If you suspect an inflammation of the appendix, you should first of all pay attention to the appearance of the following signs of appendicitis:

  1. Stomach ache. Which side of the stomach hurts? Most often, pain begins to develop from the area of ​​the solar plexus, then descend closer to the navel. The focus of pain is most often found on the right side, with the progression of the disease, pain usually spreads over the abdomen, acquires a character surrounding it.
  2. Nausea, in most cases vomiting. With vomiting leaves food, used before the onset of the inflammatory process, with a small amount of bile. If bile is absent in vomiting, this is a bad indicator, which speaks of disorders in the pancreas. Nausea is a reaction to pain.
  3. Temperature, chills. In most cases, body temperature rises to 37 - 38 degrees Celsius, there is a chill, a cold sweat appears, there are other symptoms of intoxication. If the temperature rises above 39 or falls sharply below normal levels, these are extremely bad signs.
  4. Diarrhea or constipation, stool disorders. Both conditions occur equally often, with an increased urinary excretion usually present. Allocations usually acquire a darker shade relative to the usual. If there is blood in the stool, this is an extremely bad sign.

With the development of the disease symptoms usually increase. If they suddenly disappear, while no medical assistance has been provided, this can indicate the occurrence of serious complications.

Important!If the abdominal pain abruptly disappears, this may indicate a rupture of the appendix, which can lead to the spread of infection in the abdominal cavity. Independently appendicitis does not pass, with complete disappearance of the painful syndrome you still need to see the doctor.

In men with appendicitis, necrosis and ruptures are more common than in women. One of the additional symptoms is pain in the right testicle when moving. When diagnosing it is important to exclude inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

It is important for women to exclude diseases of the reproductive system. Pain that occurs only on one side of the abdomen, may appear with various inflammatory lesions of the urogenital system. Also, in some women, menstrual pain is very similar to pain in appendicitis.

Which side of the child does appendicitis have?

In children, the entire abdomen often begins to ache, it is difficult to determine from which side the pain sensations are localized. The child can perform a fairly simple test: you need to try to bend the right leg in the knee and try to pull up to the stomach. With appendicitis, it is difficult to make this movement, as the pain syndrome increases dramatically.

Also, children often have a high fever, all the symptoms are generally expressed more actively. Both children and adults with signs of appendicitis are advised to immediately call an ambulance, do not hesitate.


When diagnosing a disease, the patient's condition is generally assessed as a whole, several diagnostic tests are performed, trying to determine the level and spread of the pain syndrome. If there is a possibility, they take blood for analysis, conduct ultrasound and X-rays.

In some cases, the operation begins without confirmation of the diagnosis, if there is a threat of peritonitis and other serious complications. In general, surgical intervention is easily tolerated, the diagnosis is made afterwards, after removal of the inflamed appendix.


With appendicitis, there is a possibility of a number of complications, some of them are quite dangerous for humans. The triggered disease can lead to rupture of the process, perforation, necrosis of the cecum, and other serious disorders of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Many of the complications of appendicitis increase the likelihood of infection in the bloodstream, which can lead to serious consequences.

However, with timely surgery, the likelihood of complications is minimal. While waiting for an ambulance, you should not move, you can not warm the abdomen, you can use only cold compresses, you can not take any medications, pain medications, laxatives.

To complications did not arise after the operation, it is necessary to comply with bed rest for a while, a special light diet, allowing the gastrointestinal tract to recover. In some cases, a small course of antibacterial drugs is required.