The Pose of the Lotus - Padmasana

The Lotus Pose

The Lotus Pose ( it means " Lotus Seat " - " padmasana " from Sanskrit: " padma " - lotus, and " asana " - seat, posture) is the most well-known classical posture in Yoga formeditation, which brings immense benefit.

And how quickly and correctly learn to sit in it?


This looks like this asana

Benefit from executionLotus pose

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  • Closes leg energy channels and prevents energy losses.
  • Apana-vayu, or the energy of decomposition always flows down and leads a person to illness and death. This type of prana regulates the excretory and reproductive functions. And excessive outflow of it externally drains the human body. Therefore, the goal of yogic practice is to raise the prana - apana-vayu upwards.
  • According to the theory in yoga, our internal disturbances( mental blocks, energy dirt, etc.) are stored in thin energy bodies from the bottom up. Therefore, the feet are the most polluted in terms of energy waste. Because the padmasana unfolds the current of the apana upwards, it cleanses the mental blocks. But, nevertheless, the practice of the Lotus pose must be carried out without violence and pain.
  • Activates the central channel Sushumna and moves energy from the coccyx up to the crown. The energy of Kundalini awakens and leads a person to grace, wisdom, awareness and peace.
  • Strengthens the circulation in the organs of the small pelvis, tones back muscles, promotes the development of proper posture.

Photos and images of sitting in Padmasan

Man and Buddha



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For beginners how to sit properly in the pose of the Lotus

Is it possible to harm?

Harmful effects can manifest from all that we force ourselves to do the exercise forcefully and hastily! Especially for beginners to do this asana need to gradually and carefully!

The main obstacle and difficulty in sitting is lack of flexibility and pain syndrome. Pain syndrome occurs in the hip joints, knees and ankle. With the gradual mastery of the pose, the feet will feel themselves more and more comfortable. There will be a stretching in the muscles of the legs that brings lightness to the whole body.

On this page, you will find out whether a woman can sit in the Lotus pose during pregnancy.

What can help to sit in Padmasana

  1. Sitting on the floor with legs outstretched, reaching for the toes of the feet( keep your back straight).
  2. The starting position is the same, but only one leg is straightened, and the other, bent at the knee, is adjacent to the inside of the thigh of the opposite leg.
  3. The same thing, but one of the legs is trying to put the back side of the foot on top of the hip of the opposite leg.
  4. I.P. the same, both feet are put together with soles to each other and pull the closed feet with heels to the genitals - this is the pose of happiness.
  5. The same thing. We arrange straight legs to the sides and alternately bend forward( we try to touch the knee with the chest).Flexion should be done only in the hip joints.

For stretching exercises, observe the safety precautions of

  • . Do not allow severe pain! Work out with comfort. Pain is our helper-signaling device. Remember that the pain binds the muscles and prevents the development of stretch marks!
  • Do exercises in a state of harmony - pacification and relaxation. So, any pose, or asana, is mastered when a practitioner can stay in it for three hours( although this is not necessary) without compromising comfort.


  • While sitting in the Lotus pose, periodically tilt back, forward, to the sides, and turn left and right( be careful and moderation).
  • If you have pain in the possible amplitude, move the pelvis, hips, feet.
  • If pain intensifies, exit Padmasana. Relax. Try it again.

Remember that the pose of the Lotus is a tool, not a goal. You do not need it for three hours. Enough 30 minutes, in order for the blood to make a turn around the body.

Padmasana is a seat for meditation, and half an hour of meditation is enough to continue to live with enthusiasm and with renewed energy to do your daily business, doing good and peace on this beautiful Earth.

Technique of execution

  1. To sit on the floor with elongated and slightly apart legs.
  2. Bend the right leg in the knee by pulling the heel to the genitals and placing it on the back of the foot on the opposite thigh( left), closer to the inguinal hip fold upward.
  3. Put similarly to the foot of the left foot.

It is desirable to learn the lotus position on both the left and the right side.

Technique of Semi-toothed

1 and 2 are the same as below:

  1. Place the left foot not on top of the right, but under it so that both knees are positioned symmetrically.

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Rhythm of breathing and position of hands, fingers

When performing this pose, your breathing should be deep, measured, although this will depend on the tasks in meditation or just breathing exercises. The respiratory rhythm may be just automatic.

The position of the hands, usually on their knees - either just lie, or fingers are woven and hands at the base of the trunk. Still you can see all this in the photos at the beginning of the article and on the videos.

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