We treat the dislocation of the foot without much difficulty

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Everyone can get injured, regardless of age, gender and weight category. Common, is a dislocation of the foot. Before the arrival of an ambulance, it is necessary, as soon as possible, to give the injured person an anesthetic. It is also recommended to apply cold to the affected area if possible.

  • Dislocation of foot symptoms
  • What to do
  • First aid with dislocation of foot
  • Dislocation or stretching of the foot - how to determine
  • Home Treatment
  • Applying a wet compress
  • Tinctures and herbal teas
  • Oil Treatment
  • Ointment from dislocation of foot
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Attention!You should never stop your foot without the help of doctors. This can lead to rupture of soft tissues, bleeding and subsequently surgical intervention.

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Dislocation of foot symptoms

Dislocations are divided into several species. But despite this, the main signs are similar. Characteristic symptoms of dislocation are such factors: acute pain, swelling of the ankle and foot, deformation of the foot (obvious changes, the leg becomes wider and visually - shorter), the color of the skin of the sore spot changes, and bruises appear.

What to do

If the foot is dislocated, it is necessary to confirm the diagnosis by making an X-ray. Your trauma should be handled by a specialist: traumatologist or surgeon. The doctor will definitely fix the foot. Then he will prescribe a treatment that will depend directly on the type of dislocation. In many cases, you can not do without gypsum. If the foot does not need a cast, then they will prescribe treatment with ointments, it may be necessary to drink anesthetizing puffiness.
Do not rule out the treatment of folk remedies. You can remove the pain with lavender oil. For effective healing, make compresses of sugar with a rubbed onion.

First aid with dislocation of foot

If you got injured and formed edema, the foot swelled, a little darkened and there is a sharp pain, it is most likely a dislocation. If the foot is dislocated, it is necessary to stop moving the limb, do not try to develop it, fix it in one position. For fixation, an elastic bandage is used, if there is no such possibility, use improvised materials: things, linen, bags. Try to find a cold that can be applied to the leg. You can buy any frozen product in the store, use a bottle from the refrigerator and go to the doctor's office, not on foot. Take a taxi, ask someone to take me to the hospital, call an ambulance.

Dislocation or stretching of the foot - how to determine

  1. If we talk about the extension of the first degree, then the obvious differences from dislocation are the drawing pain without the formation of hematomas and tumors. When dislocation, such symptoms do not make you wait long.
  2. With the extension of the second degree, these signs become characteristic, but it is worth paying attention to the appearance of the leg. The foot does not deform, as it happens during dislocation. It does not expand and does not become shorter (visually), which is peculiar to dislocations.
  3. Stretching of the third degree differs by strong pain sensations, from which dizziness is possible. With each movement, the pain is exacerbated. If you still have a small click when you are moving, call an ambulance, perhaps this is a gap. When the dislocation is felt numbness, and not an increase in pain symptoms.

Home Treatment

The inability to purchase expensive drugs leads to the fact that people are trying to recover themselves, but even in this case, you should know how to do it correctly.

For a long time, healers, for lack of pharmacies with ready-made medicines, prepared their own herbal preparations for the treatment of diseases. Many of them were very effective, and were useful in our time.

Before the arrival of doctors, pain can be alleviated by attaching to the affected area a dough made of flour and vinegar. So that it would hold, to bind it to the leg with a bandage.

Applying a wet compress

Compress is a bandage that is applied with a therapeutic purpose. It can be dry and wet. It is superimposed on some time, on a place of defeat. For the treatment of dislocation, the following recipes can be used:

  1. Poplar is black. Pour five tablespoons of dried buds with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 25 minutes, drain with gauze. Apply to the affected area in the form of a compress.
  2. Elecampane. The root of the plant is ground and poured into 250 ml of boiling water. You need to insist for 20 minutes. Helps not only with dislocations, but also with sprains.
  3. Collect the cake, in an amount of 60 g, pour 400 ml of boiling water into a water bath for 20 minutes. Infuse the infusion, add the boiled water to the original volume.
  4. Tansy is ordinary. Flowers are filled with boiling water at a rate of 60 g. for 250 ml of water. Insist one hour. After, you need to strain and cool.
  5. Cow's milk. This is an old Siberian recipe. Wet gauze with warm milk, put it on the place of the dislocation and wrap it with compress paper. Top with a warm scarf.
  6. Cuff. The ground plant is filled with water in a proportion of 1: 5 and boiled over a slow fire for 25 minutes. After that, the broth should be decanted and used for compressing

Important!Compresses are applied for 8-12 hours. After each, you need to take a break for 2 hours, lubricating the place for it with 70% alcohol to avoid irritation.

Tinctures and herbal teas

These dosage forms are taken either inside or for grinding and speed up the treatment process:

  1. Cornflower twisted. The flowers are poured with boiling water at the rate of 60 g per 550 ml of water. Leave for an hour. After, cool and filter. Drink up to three times a day.
  2. Root and bark of barberry. Ingredients finely chop, you can on a coffee grinder. In a cup of cow's milk, add 5 grams of ready-made food and boil. Drink in the morning, at lunch and in the evening for one teaspoon.
  3. Arnica. The plant is crushed and mixed with medical alcohol in a 1: 1 ratio. Insist means need 14 days, the best place for this will be the lower shelf of the refrigerator. Use as a fryer!

Caution!On some herbs, people may develop an allergic reaction.

Oil Treatment

Bryony. The root of the plant must be crushed. Pour a teaspoon of the root with oil, enough half a cup. The resulting mixture is triturated, after it has been adjusted.

Lavender oil. You can buy at the pharmacy or cook yourself:

  • 50 g of flowers and leaves are poured with a liter of olive or sunflower oil;
  • put the mixture in a dark place and insist for two months;
  • oil has an analgesic effect for any bruises, including dislocations.

Ointment from dislocation of foot

The first few days with a dislocation of the foot is better to use anesthetic ointments. Then you can use anti-inflammatory. Most often appointed:

  • Lidocaine (relieves pain);
  • Venoturon-gel (relieves and pain);
  • oil Wessim (anesthetizes, relieves swelling and inflammation);
  • Voltaren-gel, Ketonal, Fastum-gel, Naise-gel (used throughout the period, after getting injured).

You can treat diseases at home without special skills. It is enough to carry out a strict sequence in the preparation of the dosage form, so that it benefits.