How kidneys hurt men - symptoms and treatment

Kidneys are in the human body a kind of filter that passes through itself all the products of decay and toxic substances. When the load is excessive, the urinary system may fail. Kidneys do not have the same regenerating properties as the liver, although they filter a lot of harmful substances. When the self-healing reserve approaches a critical value, a person begins to feel unpleasant pains in the lumbar region. In most cases, this sign signals a violation of the kidneys. However, the symptom can also indicate problems in other areas of the body. A person should know and be able to distinguish between back pain from how the kidneys ache, symptoms in men require urgent medical attention.

  • Diseases that cause pain
  • How to distinguish from back pain
  • Who can help
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Medicines
  • Folk remedies
  • Prevention
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Diseases that cause pain

Before taking measures to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to find out the cause that provoked back pain. In fact, a lot of pathologies are known which lead to such sensations. According to the ICD of the tenth revision, they have codes from N00 to N99.

The main signs of diseases of the genitourinary system are similar. However, each individual disease has its own peculiarities:

  1. Urolithiasis disease. Perhaps, this is the most common disease among men, which directly affects the work of the kidneys. And to understand that there are concrements, it is possible only in the advanced stage. Only with large stones or during the release of sand, a person notices symptoms and begins to think about a visit to the doctor. Painful sensations by that time become unbearable, body temperature can significantly increase. If the stone has blocked the urinary tract, intoxication begins in the patient's body (temperature rises, the head starts to spin, urination stops). This situation requires immediate hospitalization.
  2. Glomerulonephritis. The disease develops with great speed. From the very beginning, there is inflammation of the renal tubules and glomeruli. About a week later, the first signs appear in a person - bilateral pain in the lumbar region, urine with blood impurities, excessive swelling of the face, increased blood pressure. Most often the disease occurs after a cold, as well as streptococcal infection.
  3. Pyelonephritis. Interstitial tissues, calyx and renal pelvis are affected. Pathology begins acutely or gradually. This sometimes leads to untimely examination, inadequate treatment. The disease is caused by pathogenic microorganisms. It often develops against the background of urolithiasis, seizures can suddenly arise, and then abruptly abate. With pyelonephritis, the aching, pulling pain is traced. Unpleasant sensations arise from one or both sides. In addition, patients often complain of fever, swelling on the face, loss of appetite.
  4. Thrombosis of the renal arteries. Arises unexpectedly. A person has a sharp pain of shingles. Sometimes there are such forces that the patient can lose consciousness. In addition, vomiting, increased pressure, and lack of urination may occur. With pathology, you should immediately go to a medical institution, otherwise the consequences can be the most sad.
  5. Cyst. The capsule, in the cavity of which the liquid is contained, can not manifest itself for a long time - if its dimensions are only a few mm. However, with a significant increase in the cyst, it can disrupt the activity of the kidneys, which immediately affects the patient's sensations. In addition, cystic education can fill with blood or pus, an infection can easily join it. Bilateral defeat is rare. Formations on the one hand are more often traced. Drawing pains of a periodic nature should alert a person.
  6. Hydronephrosis. Persistent and rapidly progressive increase in the renal pelvis, as well as calyx. Formed as a result of existing problems with the outflow of urine. Renal membranes with time atrophy. It is manifested by pain in the lumbar region, frequent painful urination, increased blood pressure.
  7. Congenital anomalies in the structure of the organ in children. Any pathology can lead to unpleasant sensations before and after urination. Inadequate anatomical location of the kidneys provokes ureteral circulation, there are problems with emptying the bladder.
  8. Damage to the urinary tract or kidney. In the case of an organ injury, the pain appears for a short time and carries, more likely, aching character. When the rupture arises an acute unbearable pain, which gives in the leg. Significantly reduced pressure, the urine is added to the blood, on the surface of the skin of the body in the area of ​​the injury formed a hematoma. If the injuries are severe, bleeding may well open inside. Then there is a great pain, from which the victim loses consciousness.
  9. Tuberculosis of the kidneys. Pathology is accompanied by constant stitching pain in the lumbar region. In the urine, blood contaminants are added, and in severe stages - pus.
  10. Benign neoplasm. Often the pathology does not betray itself and does not manifest itself in any way. Feel the pain in the lumbar region when the tumor grows rapidly and grows large. Then she begins to press on the neighboring organs and squeeze the blood vessels. The only and most reliable symptom is a violation of outflow or a small amount of urine.
  11. Kidney cancer. The pain accompanies only the last stages of pathology. Sensations arise not because of the presence of a cancerous tumor in the body, but because of the deterioration of the general well-being of the patient - against anemia, prolonged hyperthermia, a sense of fatigue, apathy.

Know! The reasons that the kidneys can hurt are more than enough. In addition to various diseases, unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region can be caused by harmful factors.

So, often kidneys hurt after alcohol. After getting into the body, ethyl alcohol passes through the liver and is excreted by the urinary system. When the lower abdomen hurts, it is worth thinking about food or chemical poisoning. The location of the localization can not be determined exactly. Basically, abdominal pain giving to the kidneys indicates an intestinal infection.

Problems with the kidneys can be confused with other pathologies that are not related to this organ:

  • appendicitis is accompanied by high fever, acute pain in the right side, nausea;
  • pain from inflammation of the genitals (for example, prostate adenoma) often gives back;
  • osteochondrosis, as well as other diseases of the spine, provokes pain in the back. Often patients confuse sensations with symptoms of kidney pathologies;
  • diseases of the abdominal cavity, in addition to back pain, are characterized by signs of intoxication (nausea, vomiting, stools).

However, there are a number of features on which it is possible to determine the etiology of pain from the kidneys.

How to distinguish from back pain

There are a lot of specific features, by which you can understand that the pain comes from the paired organ - the kidneys:

  1. Problems with emptying the bladder. The excretion of urine becomes rare or, on the contrary, rapid. Frequent urges occur at night. Difficulty urinating, unpleasant sensations during intercourse are the first sign of urological diseases.
  2. Blood in the urine on the background of pain in the lumbar region - the correct symptoms of the disease of the genitourinary system. Often the patient feels renal colic during the emptying of the bladder.
  3. The increased pressure on the background of permanent swelling of the body indicates a malfunction in the urinary department.

In the place of localization of pain, one can judge from which side the organ is affected. If the pathology is on the left, then the pain sensations will be traced in the left side. The same happens if the right kidney is damaged.

Attention! Depending on the accompanying signs, conclusions are drawn about the appropriateness of carrying out certain diagnostic procedures.

Who can help

To quickly get rid of the problem, you should make an appointment with a specialist. Not everyone knows what kind of doctor should go for back pain. If the patient is sure that the case is in the kidneys - he is a direct road to the nephrologist. If signs of renal colic, inflammation or urolithiasis are found, urologist consultation is required.

Important! When a problem with the kidneys occurs in women, it is superfluous to undergo an examination with a gynecologist. Sometimes the kidneys get hurt because of an infection that has penetrated through the genitals.

In many situations, a nutritionist can help. For the treatment of any type of pathology, a special diet should be made. After all, a damaged organ should not be loaded in the form of harmful or unsuitable products.

Recovering a person directly depends on the right menu. Purpose of the diet:

  • reduction of toxins and purines;
  • restoration of acid-base balance in the released urine;
  • elimination of the consequences of kidney disease.

Properly selected food contributes to the rapid removal from the body of harmful substances (creatinine, uric acid and urea).


Depending on the symptoms and the patient's history, the doctor recommends a comprehensive examination. Diagnosis will help to identify hidden problems of the body and establish a correct diagnosis.

For complaints and discomfort, adults are prescribed:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • biochemical examination of serum;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, kidneys.

Know! The received analyzes will tell the doctor what part of the body is affected.

Not the least role in establishing a real clinical picture is played by the method of palpation of the affected department. It is quite possible to determine if one kidney is larger than the other, and also part of the organ where the neoplasm is located.


After finding out the etiology of pain syndrome, the doctor will tell the patient what to do next and what to treat the disease. The main thing is to eliminate the cause, and the symptoms will abate.

Attention! If you get rid of the discomfort first, then the disease itself will continue to progress, rebuilding into a more serious pathology. Therefore, doctors say that the most favorable predictions are for patients who have turned in a timely manner to a medical institution.


Drawing up a therapy scheme directly depends on the disease that provoked the pain. Virtually any approach involves several stages:

  1. Assign spasmolytic and diuretic phytopreparations (Urolesan, Kanefron). Anesthetic pills help to alleviate the condition of patients.
  2. To eliminate puffiness, take the appropriate means for this - Furosemide, Trifas.
  3. Write out the formulations that dissolve kidney stones (Urodan, Allopurinol).
  4. To eliminate the inflammatory process, it is advised to take antibacterial drugs (Levobax, Ciprofloxacin).
  5. In addition, vitamin complexes are recommended, as well as means for restoring and maintaining the immune system.

With pathology of mild or moderate severity, the patient can be treated at home. The doctor prescribes all the necessary drugs, and the patient complies with the dosage and duration of therapy.

Important! If a tumor or cyst was detected, surgeons together with oncologists decide how to perform the operation. In such a situation, the hospital is the only way out. Surgical intervention can be performed in several different ways - depending on the location, type, shape and size of the lesion.

Folk remedies

At home, traditional medicine can be supplemented with folk medicine. However, before you start taking self-made funds, it is recommended to get a doctor's approval.

Home treatment involves the use of plant components that have diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties:

  • celery juice;
  • tansy flowers;
  • infused horsetail;
  • bean pods.

At pharmacy points, they are already buying ready-made infusions of herbs. But you can prepare a medicine and at home: 1 tbsp. l. a mixture of dry herbs (horsetail, mint, parsley, chamomile, St. John's wort and dandelion) pour a glass of steep boiling water. To insist one third of an hour, and then strained infusion to drink in the morning in small sips before eating for 15 days.

Know! Get rid of kidney stones with watermelons. It's simple - they need to be consumed in large quantities with black bread.

A couple of days a week you can spend unloading days - cucumber diet. For this purpose it is necessary to eat 1,5-2 kg of fresh cucumbers per day, and also to observe the drinking regime.


The surest way to avoid serious problems with the kidneys is to prevent the development of pathology. To do this, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, abandon bad habits and try to eat only useful food. For the prevention of kidney diseases it is useful to perform various physical exercises. Quite even the most uncomplicated classes are perfect: leaning left-right, forward-backward, rotation with hips, legs with legs.

In addition, it is worth noting and so well-known fact: the kidneys love the warmth. If health allows, you should visit the sauna or sauna more often. It is necessary to take good care of your health in the cold season of the year - do not let the loin be opened.