Polyarthritis: treatment - ways and medicines


  • 1Treatment of polyarthritis at home
    • 1.1Symptoms and causes leading to the development of polyarthritis
    • 1.2Compresses made of black radish
    • 1.3Wrapping leaves of burdock, cabbage, mother-and-stepmother
    • 1.4Bath from dry straw
    • 1.5Herbal bath of sage
    • 1.6Appliques from clay
    • 1.7Alcoholic honey compresses and aloe
    • 1.8Compression of acorns
    • 1.9Fresh celandine juice
    • 1.10Essential oils washing
    • 1.11Sabelnik swamp
    • 1.12Currant and dog rose tea
    • 1.13Getting rid of salt deposits in the joints
    • 1.14Gymnastics
    • 1.15Massage
    • 1.16General Tips
  • 2Polyarthritis - treatment
    • 2.1Treatment of polyarthritis at home
    • 2.2Folk treatment of polyarthritis
    • 2.3New in the treatment of rheumatoid polyarthritis
  • 3How to treat polyarthritis at home using folk remedies?
    • 3.1Recipes of herbs in the fight against the disease
    • 3.2Baths and applications for therapy of the disease
    • 3.3Local therapy with ointments and rubbers
    • 3.4Folk Compresses
  • 4Modern trends in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis simultaneously all joints
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Medicamentous treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
    • 4.2Basic anti-inflammatory drugs
    • 4.3Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
    • 4.4Hormonal preparations
    • 4.5Lifestyle and rational nutrition
    • 4.6Physiotherapy and alternative therapies
    • 4.7When an operation is needed
  • 5Polyarthritis, symptoms and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
    • 5.1What is polyarthritis?
    • 5.2Rheumatoid arthritis
    • 5.3Infectious
    • 5.4Jet
    • 5.5Psoriatic
    • 5.6Exchange Office
    • 5.7Treatment of polyarthritis
    • 5.8Folk remedies and food
    • 5.9Medicines
    • 5.10Homeopathy
    • 5.11Prevention of disease

Treatment of polyarthritis at home

Treatment of polyarthritis can be carried out at home. Methods of traditional medicine are very effective, especially with an integrated approach.

What is polyarthritis? It is an inflammatory process in the joints, taking a long form and often turning into a "chronicle". That is, we are not talking about a one-time event - the ailment develops over the years, spreads to different parts of the body and, as a rule, requires an integrated approach.

Treatment of polyarthritis at home

Symptoms and causes leading to the development of polyarthritis

The cause of occurrence can be:

  • immune changes in the cartilage around the affected joint;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • injuries;
  • supercooling;
  • excessive load on the joints;
  • transferred infectious diseases.

The disease manifests itself in the form of inflammation, aching pain, tenderness when moving, swelling of the joints and edema around them, joint deformities.


Orthodoxy and the people often act together, echo and complement each other, pursuing common goals: to remove inflammation, eliminate everyday discomfort, anesthetize, strengthen bones, restore cartilaginous the cloth.

It is recommended to pay more attention to physiotherapy - a good effect is achieved by low electrical currents, magnetic radiation, paraffin-ozocerite wraps, mud baths. Also great is the role of massage, acupuncture, SPA-procedures, physiotherapy and gymnastics. It is necessary to balance nutrition, to give up alcohol and tobacco.

Systematic thoughtful efforts lead to a very tangible relief of the patient's condition, and in unopened cases one can count on recovery. Methods of traditional medicine are available. You can treat polyarthritis yourself at home.

Compresses made of black radish

Compresses made of black radish

Peel a couple of large tubers from the skin, finely chop, make a gruel. Apply on a clean cloth and apply to sore spots. Top with a film. It is advisable to perform this procedure at night. After 3-4 times there will be noticeable improvements. The pain will go away, swelling and swelling will subside.

Wrapping leaves of burdock, cabbage, mother-and-stepmother

Burdock leaves wrapping

During severe pain, apply to the problem site the leaves of burdock or coltsfoot (in summer) and cabbage (in winter). You can make wraps for the night. The problem is that the compress worked several hours in a row.

Bath from dry straw

For 5 liters of boiling water you need to take 200 g of dry straw. Soak, bring to a boil, cook for 30 minutes on a moderate fire.

Wait until the liquid has cooled to a temperature of about 37 degrees and lowered the affected parts of the body for 20-25 minutes, then wrap it with a woolen shawl, shawl, etc.

It is advisable to conduct a 10-day course of such procedures, making them every other day.

Herbal bath of sage

At 5 liters of boiling water you need 20 tbsp. l. dry pharmacy sage (the plant is fully usable, along with flowers, leaves and stems).

Brew the herb, let it brew for 2 hours. At a temperature of infusion of ~ 37 degrees, lower the noxious parts of the body for 15 minutes.

Course - 7 days in a row.

Appliques from clay

Appliques from clay

Dilute the dry peeled clay to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to sick and swollen places in the form of flat breads, -2 cm thick. Top with a piece of cellophane, further tighten with a woolen cloth or a piece of natural sheepskin. Hold for 3 hours.

Alcoholic honey compresses and aloe

It is necessary to take 3 parts of medical alcohol, 2 parts of natural honey, 1 part of mush from the juicy leaves of aloe. Apply the mixture on a dense flannel cloth and wrap the swollen areas. Compress well relieves pain syndrome. It is recommended to do the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Compression of acorns

If oaks grow in your area, you can easily get natural acorns. They need to be dried, ground into a fine powder. For 250 grams of raw materials add about ½ h. l. black ground pepper.

Mix all this with pork fat until smooth.

Apply ointment on swelling joints, carefully rub, hold for 20 minutes, then rinse and warm with a woolen cloth (legs - into stockings or socks, hands, shoulders, elbows - handkerchief or scarf).

Fresh celandine juice

In summer, you can easily find a lot of quality celandine. Of these, you need to squeeze the juice (for this, pass through the meat grinder the most juicy parts of the plant).

Freshly squeezed juice should be mixed with pharmacy vaseline in the proportion apply this mixture to the joints several times a day.

Attention! Vaseline must be neutral, without perfume additives and flavors.

Essential oils washing

Perfectly help with polyarthritis essential oils of rosemary, eucalyptus, pine and fir. 2 times a day rub any of these oils. Quantity - at your discretion.

Sabelnik swamp

Pharmaceutical tincture for internal use. Find the pharmacy alcoholic tincture of saber and take within 1 month. You need to drink to, art. l. at one time, always on an empty stomach and half an hour before a meal - so will be a rapid absorption in the blood.

Spirituous tincture home. It is necessary to assemble the plant on its own, dry it in a well-ventilated place (not under direct sunlight). Finely chop, place on the bottom of a glass bottle or jug, fill the container halfway.

High-quality 70% alcohol fill the rest of the space. Densely cover, put in the dark for 3 weeks. Eat 25-30 ml daily 3 times a day for severe forms of polyarthritis, for 1 hour. l. with mild forms.

From the same tincture make compresses and rubbing from pain.

Currant and dog rose tea

Currant and dog rose tea

Dried leaves brew like tea in approximately the same proportions. Fortress of tea at your discretion. Drink courses.

Let's say two weeks, then change to another herbal tea or broth for internal use.

These plants contain a large amount of vitamin C, strengthen immunity, have a beneficial effect on the regeneration of tissues, suppress the inflammatory factor.

Getting rid of salt deposits in the joints

You will need dried plants:

  • chamomile;
  • succession;
  • cranberry leaf;
  • juniper;
  • leaves of plantain;
  • bumblebee flowers.

Stir in equal parts, brew for about 1 hour. l. for 300 ml of water. Consume, -2 weeks as a regular tea. The bigger, the better. The result will be a weakening of pain and an increase in the mobility of the joints. Salt deposits will gradually begin to leave your body.


Use every free minute to pay attention to the mobility of your joints.

A prolonged immovable state, physical inactivity and physical lethargy multiply the ailment many times, since blood circulation slows down in the muscle tissue around the joints.

And the regeneration of tissues becomes even more rapid, because Joints and cartilages are not receiving sufficient nutrition at the cellular level.

All exercises should be performed through minimal pain, but without acute pain and stress. Act on the principle of increasing the load, be patient.

The task of gymnastics is to preserve the mobility of the joint, to develop an atrophied joint, and to strengthen the adjacent muscles.

Preference for stretching and plastic exercises, but not for power and not sharp techniques.


Do an independent massage on the principle of "from the center to the outskirts".

That is: approximately 50% of the impact should fall directly on the joint itself, 25% of the effort - very close and at a distance.

Massage with any techniques (point-finger tapping, kneading method, using artificial massage machines). The main thing is that in one session there are 3-4 calls.

General Tips

Regardless of the reasons, polyarthritis often flows from one form to another, so you need to carefully monitor the results of treatment. Experiment, watch, act.

And remember that you have to change the whole way of life. Eat a healthy meal, minimize salt intake, refuse pickled, spicy, smoked.

Drink for a day at least 2 liters of clean water.

A source: http://NarodnimiSredstvami.ru/lechenie-ruk-narodnyimi-sredstvami/lechenie-poliartrita-v-domashnih-usloviyah.html

Polyarthritis - treatment

Treatment of joint polyarthritis should be, as with a number of other complex diseases, complex. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the cause that caused the disease, and then to remove the local symptoms.

For example, in reactive polyarthritis, which is caused by various infections - genitourinary, intestinal or nasopharyngeal, antibiotics should be used to prevent To provoke the disease to a more widespread spread and to acquire acute forms, while arthritis caused by autoimmune processes does not need treatment antibiotics.

Treatment of polyarthritis at home

So, with reactive polyarthritis in the treatment of antibiotics in the first place.

Here they are of paramount importance especially with chlamydia infection, which is hard to cure.

If the body has chlamydia, then antibacterial treatment has a long time - up to a month.

With reactive polyarthritis of the legs or other parts of the body, treatment can be selected in the direction of one of three antibacterial groups: macrolides, tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones.

In case of mild infection with bacteria, treatment can be carried out at home, but necessarily under the guidance of a doctor who will set the dosage and choose the most suitable medication, among which may be:

  1. Spiramycin;
  2. Clarithromycin;
  3. Azithromycin;
  4. Doxycycline;
  5. Ofloxacin;
  6. Ciprofloxacin;
  7. Lomefloxacin.
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The last three medicines are optional, if the patient for any reason can not use any of the first four medicines. With chlamydial infection, these drugs are used for 30 days, and with other bacterial lesions, the treatment time is reduced to two weeks.

The next group of drugs for the treatment of polyarthritis of any form and etiology - anti-inflammatory non-steroidal agents:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Naproxen;
  • Meloksikam;
  • Ibuprofen.

These drugs can be used either externally - as an ointment or cream, or inside - in the form of tablets, soluble powders, or injections. These drugs for the treatment of polyarthritis primarily have an anti-inflammatory effect, and then an analgesic and decongestant.

In severe exacerbation, NSAID injections are prescribed, but they have a very negative effect on the gastric mucosa and are not intended for long-term use. People with a peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach are contraindicated.

To remove acute inflammation, glucocorticosteroids are also used - for example, prednisolone. This medication is prescribed for intraarticular administration. It is also forbidden to use for a long time because of the risk of addiction.

To improve the condition of the cartilaginous tissue, chondroprotectors are also used. These drugs stimulate regeneration in the cartilaginous tissue, and therefore favorably affect the condition of the patients. This is a kind of preventive support. Among the known chondroprotectors:

  1. Don;
  2. Elbon;
  3. Structum;
  4. Chondroxide
  5. Chondrolon.

Folk treatment of polyarthritis

In the treatment of polyarthritis, herbal baths based on nettle, sponge, Jerusalem artichoke and burdock help. These herbs should be brewed (each of 50 grams) and then poured into a bath filled with warm water.

Also, turpentine camphor ointment can help in alleviating the symptoms: you need to take 150 ml of medical alcohol, olive oil and turpentine. Ingredients should be mixed, and then rub this mixture into painful areas 1-2 times a day.

New in the treatment of rheumatoid polyarthritis

Effective treatment of polyarthritis caused solely by autoimmune reaction, without the intervention of infection, today is the use of immunosuppressants. They are used only in severe, protracted cases, when the patient is very difficult to cope with the disease with more "simple" drugs.

The goal of an immunosuppressant is to suppress immunity in order to suppress the immune response of antibodies.

Among these medicines:

  • Azathioprine;
  • Methotrexate;
  • Sulfasalazine.

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A source: http://WomanAdvice.ru/poliartrit-lechenie

How to treat polyarthritis at home using folk remedies?

If you have polyarthritis, treatment with folk remedies is indispensable for complex therapy. There are many ancient methods and recipes to get rid of the disease.

Recipes of herbs in the fight against the disease

How to treat polyarthritis with herbs? To do this, there is a large number of funds.

To prepare an effective medicine, you need to take thorn flowers, black elder and birch leaves. To the components add the grass of the dioecious nettle, and then everything is ground and thoroughly mixed.

After that you need to take 1 tbsp. l. of the mixture, pour it with water (250 - 300 ml) and boil for 10 - 12 minutes. Then the medicine needs to be filtered and taken on an empty stomach 2 - 3 times a day.

An effective recipe for a healing drink consists of burdock roots, tri-colored violets, wheatgrass roots, herbs of medicinal veronica (: ). All components are required to grind, mix, and then strain the drug and drink 2 times a day for 1 glass.

An effective remedy for polyarthritis is the tincture of the saber. It is necessary to take the stems of such a plant (length 1 - 2 cm), grind them, add the resulting mass in a bottle to half, and then pour alcohol or vodka.

After this, the drug must be put in a dark room for 21 days. When this time expires, the medicine will be ready for use. It is recommended to take 1 h. l. 3 times a day, previously diluted with water.

In addition, tincture is used for rubbing into the affected joints.

An effective preparation is prepared from birch and nettle leaves, to which add the root of parsley and the violet grass. All the ingredients are recommended to be taken in equal proportions. Then you need to take 2 hours. l.

mixture, pour it with hot water and put on a thermal bath (maximum for 10 minutes). Then the remedy is left for half an hour and filtered.

You need to take the medicine while it's warm, up to a glass, up to 4-5 times a day.

You can cure polyarthritis, if you regularly take a decoction of flowers of lime, elderberry and horse chestnut. All components must be mixed ( 1), and pour 1 tbsp. l.

mix 250 ml of water and cook over a small fire for 20 - 25 minutes. After this, leave the drink to be infused.

When the medicine is ready, it is filtered and consumed 2 times a day.

There are other effective drugs:

  1. You will need to take dried watermelon peel and 250 ml of water. Then 1 tbsp. l. Crushed raw material is poured with liquid and leave a remedy for it to infuse. The medicine must be taken before meals 3 times a day. The course of use lasts for 30 days, then it is recommended to take a break and repeat the therapy.
  2. It is necessary to take fresh or dried fruits of Sophora and pour them with alcohol (70%). In the first case, the ratio should be and in the second. For tinctures apply a bottle with a dark glass. For the preparation to be ready for use, it must be insisted for 3 weeks. After this, the medicine needs to be filtered, squeezed and put in the refrigerator. Reception of the drug is carried out on 40 drops for 2 hours. l. water. Multiplicity - 3 times a day, and the course of treatment of polyarthritis - 30 days.
  3. It is necessary to mix 2 parts of the herb of St. John's wort and veronica, the root of burdock and the root of wheat grass. To this collection add a tri-colored violet and pour 35 g of the substance with 250 ml of water. The medicine should be boiled for 15 to 17 minutes, then strain it and use 1 cup 3 times a day.

In addition, tea from raspberry and currant leaves is very useful in polyarthritis. For its preparation you need to take these ingredients, pour them with boiling water and drink up to 5 - 7 times a day.

Baths and applications for therapy of the disease

Polyarthritis can be treated at home with the help of trays and applying special masks to the places where the joints are affected.

A good result is shown by herbal baths, which need to be taken for a whole week without breaks, and then stop the procedure for 5 days and again repeat the course. To cook them, you need to take 20 tbsp. l. sage (dried) and pour it 5 liters of boiled water.

Grass should be infused for 3 hours, and after this time, add 1 liter to the solution, prepared for bathing.

Make a bath that has a positive effect, you can from straw (dry), which will take 250 grams. The substance is poured into 5 liters of boiled water and kept on medium heat for 30 minutes.

After that, hands and feet are immersed in the broth (wait until the product has cooled to 37 ° C). To conduct such treatment is required within 10-12 days.

In the bath add 5 to 10 drops of fir oil, and then drop the places affected by the disease.

How to treat polyarthritis with appliques? To do this, you need to take the blue clay, dilute it with water and put on your hands. The thickness of one flat cake should be 2 cm.

When the funds are sufficient, the sore spot is wound around the food film and wrapped with a woolen shawl. Keep this application is required for 2 - 3 hours.

In the absence of blue clay, it is permitted to replace it with green or any other.

When you have pain in your hands, you can take the usual unnecessary mittens, soak them in a salt solution, and then hold on the palms for 2 hours. This method of treatment is often done at night.

To do this, wrap the food wrap on top of the mittens or put on plastic bags. Saline is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. substance and 250 ml of water.

In addition, it is useful to receive coniferous baths, which are made from twigs and pine cones.

Local therapy with ointments and rubbers

Treatment of polyarthritis with folk remedies is carried out with the help of own prepared ointments. It's very easy to do at home. It is necessary to take a yolk of 1 egg, 15 g of turpentine, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, and then whisk all the ingredients and rub into the skin.

To treat the affected areas, you need to take 20 g of birch buds, pour them 100 ml of alcohol, insist 2 - 3 days and apply to patients with joints.

A good effect is the oil of pumpkin, colicote and mustard. An effective agent for the treatment of polyarthritis is prepared according to the following principle:

  • take the severed acorns (35 g);
  • mixed with black pepper (ground) and pork fat;
  • rub once a day.

You can also treat sick joints with a mixture of fresh radish juice (500 ml), to which add a glass of alcohol, h. l. salt and 500 ml of honey. The obtained ointment is used to warm the patients joints, after which they are tightly wrapped.

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To treat polyarthritis, fir oil (20 ml) is used, to which are added 200 g fresh pork fat and 30 grams of coarse salt. To rub such ointment is recommended for the night.

In solving problems with the musculoskeletal system propolis is used, which rubs the sore spots.

Folk Compresses

Treatment at home with polyarthritis is difficult to imagine without the use of compresses. The most common method is to apply a leaf of burdock or cabbage to the affected joints. These parts of the plant need to be kneaded, and then wrap their limbs and fasten them with a warm cloth.

An effective compress is done on the basis of honey, alcohol and aloe. The components are taken in the proportion 1 and placed on the diseased parts of the skin. Use lotion is allowed 1 time in 7 days.

You can also prepare a remedy of glycerin, iodine, ammonia, a product of beekeeping and medical bile. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and placed on the affected area for 12 hours.

In addition, make and other effective compresses:

  • It is necessary to take raw potatoes, grate it on a large grater and place the mass in a sieve. After that, the container needs to be lowered into warm water for 2 - 3 seconds. Then the substance must be transferred to a cotton bag and put overnight in places affected by the disease. Be sure to cover the bandage with a bandage. The course of therapy - 7 days without interruption.
  • Take 1 cup of red wine (warmed) and add the mustard powder there until uniform. The resulting mass is plentifully applied to the tissue and applied to the place where the joints are affected, for 15-20 minutes. The procedure is carried out 3 - 4 days without interruption.
  • It is necessary to take ordinary chalk and crush it. Then you need to add kefir to it to get a homogeneous mass. After this, the agent needs to treat the dermis in the affected area, wrap it with cellophane and a warm cloth.

A good compress is prepared from sulfuric acid and olive oil (:). The components are closed and insisted for 24 hours, and there is no need to mix them.

The received mass is greased with joints, and then covered with gauze and fixed. Apply such lotions every day for 15 minutes.

The course of treatment lasts until the pain and swelling in the area of ​​the affected joints completely disappears.

There are many methods of folk therapy with which you can get rid of polyarthritis. Before applying this or that remedy, it is necessary to consult with an experienced specialist.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/kosti-i-sustavy/artrit/poliartrit-lechenie-narodnymi-sredstvami.html

Modern trends in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis simultaneously all joints

The main goal of therapy is to enhance and preserve the quality of human life. In the course of treatment, doctors try to achieve remission - persistent remission of the inflammatory processes in the joints.

This, in turn, avoids their destruction and deformation. In the remission phase, painful sensations decrease, redness and swelling of the affected joints disappear.

Thanks to this, a person feels more healthy and satisfied with life.

To achieve remission, a full-fledged drug treatment, including various anti-inflammatory drugs, is needed.

Together with this, the patient needs to follow his lifestyle, avoid overdischarges and heavy physical exertion, exclude from the diet harmful foods.

To medicamental therapy it is desirable to add physiotherapy and physical therapy.

Medicamentous treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

The basis for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is the use of basic anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs affect the very cause of the disease, and not only eliminate its symptoms.

They regulate the activity of the immune system, causing it to behave less aggressively. Due to this, antibodies stop attacking the tissues of the joints, which leads to the abating of the inflammatory processes.

Together with the basic drugs for the treatment of polyarthritis, non-steroidal or steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used.

Drugs of these groups quickly relieve pain, redness, swelling and discomfort in the joints.

They are ideal for dealing with a sharp exacerbation of arthritis.

Basic anti-inflammatory drugs

Rheumatoid arthritis develops as a result of the hyperactivity of the human immune system. Because of this, substances that cause inflammation are produced in his body.

Basic anti-inflammatory drugs affect directly these processes. Thus, they block the development of inflammatory reactions and protect the joints from destruction.

The use of this group is most effective in arthritis.

Table 1: Preparations for basic therapy of rheumatoid polyarthritis.

Methotrexate Available and effective drug from the group of antimetabolites. The drug affects the immune system, due to which suppresses inflammatory processes. The use of methotrexate is considered the gold standard for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. The drug is well tolerated by patients, and the side effects from its administration are well known and easily eliminated. Methotrexate is often prescribed together with biological agents (infliximab, arthroophone).
Sulfasalazine Combined drug, which has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Usually it is prescribed together with methotrexate if the latter is ineffective. In severe arthritis, the use of three basic drugs (sulfasalazine + methotrexate + biological agent) is allowed.
Leflunomide An effective antirheumatic agent, which has anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative and immunosuppressive effects. The medication shows high efficacy when used concomitantly with methotrexate. However, combined therapy causes more side effects than treatment with a single drug.
Infliximab Not cheap means from the group of biological agents. It is a mouse intibody to TNF-alpha, a substance that stimulates inflammatory processes in rheumatoid arthritis. Infliximab acts at the molecular level. The drug quickly removes inflammation and prevents the destruction of joints. According to the results of clinical studies, infliximab is as effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis, as is methotrexate. But the combination of these two drugs has a more pronounced therapeutic effect. Infliximab can also be combined with cyclosporin A, sulfasalazine, leflunomide.
Arthroofon Comparatively inexpensive and effective domestic drug. Suppresses the activity of inflammatory mediators, thereby eliminating pain, swelling and redness in the joints. Arthroofon also belongs to a group of biological agents and inhibits TNF-alpha. The course treatment with arthrophone allows to significantly reduce the clinical manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis. Prolonged use of the drug depresses the activity of inflammatory processes, which is confirmed by the analysis of patients' blood. Against the background of treatment, morning stiffness, swelling and painful sensations in the affected joints decrease.

Scientists continue to develop more and more progressive drugs to combat rheumatoid arthritis.

In the market you can already find highly effective, but expensive (adalinumab, etanercept, abatacept, rituximab and others).

The cost of treatment for them is tens of thousands of rubles, which not everyone can afford.

Therefore, to combat rheumatoid polyarthritis, it is preferable to use a combination of basic anti-inflammatory drugs with corticosteroids and / or NSAIDs.

For example, as a basic therapy a person can take methotrexate with leflunomide, and to stop unexpected joint pains use an ointment based on diclofenac, prednisolone, etc.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Many people make a terrible stupidity, trying to cure rheumatoid arthritis drugs from the NSAID group.

They mistakenly believe that an ointment with diclofenac will save them from a serious joint disease.

Unfortunately, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can only temporarily calm down unpleasant symptoms.

NSAIDs that are used to control polyarthritis:

  • ibuprofen;
  • movalis;
  • diclofenac;
  • nimesulide;
  • indomethacin;
  • celecoxib;
  • ressulid.

Drugs can be used as an ointment or taken internally. Using tablets, you need to remember that some NSAIDs have ulcerogenic effects.

They are able to cause the development of gastritis and provoke an aggravation of ulcers.

Therefore, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should take medicine very carefully.

Hormonal preparations

Glucocorticosteroids have not only anti-inflammatory, but also immunosuppressive effect. Hormones are more effective than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is proved that long-term use of steroids slows the destruction of joints, but does not allow to fully control the course of the disease.

Therefore, it is preferable to use corticosteroids together with basic preparations.

In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, the following hormones are used:

  1. prednisolone;
  2. betamethasone;
  3. methylprednisolone;
  4. hydrocortisone;
  5. triamsinolone.

Corticosteroids can be prescribed by a doctor in the form of tablets or intra-articular injections.

The effectiveness of pulse therapy (the intake of high doses of hormones for several days) in the treatment of degenerative joint lesions is now being questioned.

Therefore, experts recommend taking drugs in small doses strictly according to the prescribed scheme.

Lifestyle and rational nutrition

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis need to be less nervous, as frequent stresses aggravate the course of the disease.

If possible, you should give up hard physical work and carefully avoid hypothermia.

People who are overweight should lose weight to reduce the burden on the joints.

In rheumatoid arthritis, proper nutrition is important. Patients should be excluded from the diet of salty and spicy food, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes. These products can cause an exacerbation of the disease, so they should not be abused.

Instead, you need to eat more ginger, turmeric, Chinese parsley, cilantro, cherry. Very useful are green tea, fish oil and molasses.

Scientific research has proved that these products facilitate the course of rheumatoid polyarthritis and improve the well-being of patients.

Physiotherapy and alternative therapies

In addition to drugs for the control of rheumatoid polyarthritis, physiotherapy procedures, therapeutic exercises, sanatorium treatment and other methods should be used.

Complex therapy can reduce the activity of inflammatory processes, relieve pain and slow the destruction of joints.

Patients should undergo rehabilitation courses at least once or twice a year, without stopping the taking of basic drugs.

Table 2: Physiotherapy methods that are used to treat rheumatoid polyarthritis.

Medicinal electrophoresis In the field of joints with the help of electric current, drugs (lidase, ronidase, hyaluronidase) are administered. The drugs have an anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect, and the current itself stimulates tissue repair. Electrophoresis is prescribed at the I-II stage of the disease.
Treatment by ultrasound (phonophoresis) Ultrasound relieves painful sensations, reduces swelling of tissues and stimulates regenerative processes. After the course of the procedures, joint mobility improves, and the person feels much better. With the help of ultrasound, medications (steroids, NSAIDs) are often administered. The technique is used only at the I-II stage of the disease.
Radon, iodide-bromine, hydrogen sulphide baths Mineral water, which is used for baths, contains useful minerals that have a beneficial effect on the joints. It is recommended to perform balneotherapy during the period of remission in the first stage of rheumatoid arthritis.
Mud applications They have anti-inflammatory and resorptive effect. For applications usually use peat mud, which relieve muscle spasms, stimulate regeneration and inhibit autoimmune processes. The technique is used only at the initial stages of the disease. For more details, see Medical mud for the treatment of joints
Physiotherapy It is indicated at all stages of arthritis after the stifling of active inflammation. LFK helps to avoid joint deformation and preserve their functional activity. Gymnastics is used together with pharmaceuticals, physiotherapy and massage.
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When an operation is needed

Operative treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is indicated in severe disease, when anti-inflammatory drugs do not have the desired effect. One of the most modern and effective surgical methods of treatment is endoprosthetics - replacement of the affected joint.

Indications for endoprosthetics:

  1. Pain that is not amenable to conservative treatment.
  2. Degenerative deformity of the joint.
  3. Ineffectiveness of previous sparing operations.
  4. Dislocations or subluxations.
  5. Curvature of the joint, unnatural movements in it.
  6. Desire to correct a cosmetic defect.

The question of the appropriateness of surgical intervention is always solved individually. First, the patient is fully examined, then he and the doctor agree on further therapeutic tactics. As a rule, operations are performed on stages III - IV of the disease.

A source: https://artroz-artrit.com/artrit/lechenie-revmatoidnogo-poliartrita-odnovremenno-vsekh-sustavov.html

Polyarthritis, symptoms and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Different factors can affect the development of the disease: metabolic abnormalities, various infections, allergies, joint injuries.

This disease often plays the role of secondary, so the classification of its forms is based on the method penetration into the human body and the form of a primary ailment, which served as the main reason for her development.

Polyarthritis, the symptoms and treatment of which is determined by a rheumatologist, can occur in adults and children. Modern medicine is able to cure the disease, but this process is difficult and slow.

What is polyarthritis?

This is an ailment, which is caused by many factors. For polyarthritis is characterized by the gradual development of an acute inflammatory process in the joints of the body or the simultaneous defeat of several of them at once.

The disease is common in the elderly (50+), less often in children and young women. Polyarthritis of the joints can appear for various reasons, but the symptoms of the disease are always similar - increasing pain, stiffness of movements.

If these signs occur, it is important to begin treatment immediately, otherwise the disease will lead to irreversible deformation of the joints.

In addition to classifying the disease as a primary pathogen, polyarthritis is divided by the type of joints that it affects. So, the shoulder breaks the mobility of the hands, which causes aching pain in the joints.

As a rule, it occurs as a result of injuries sustained. Polyarthritis of the knee joint is characterized by increased sensitivity of the affected area, with climate change, these pains may disappear and appear.

The rheumatic form of the disease is chronic and begins with the fingers of the hands, feet, wrists.

A feature of the disease is the similarity of symptoms with a variety of reasons for its development. Regardless of the factors of the occurrence of polyarthritis, there are common signs for all forms of the disease.

This swelling of the joints, tenderness during movement, swelling, visual changes in the skin in the joint area, local temperature increase, stiffness.

The same manifestations of different types of disease can have a cause that is absolutely not related to the bone system.

Is this disease treated? Diagnosis of polyarthritis is carried out by an experienced rheumatologist, since it is very difficult to determine which type of disease the patient has.

This must be done as quickly as possible, because in order to cure the disease, it is important to determine in due time its etiology (source).

There are several common types of polyarthritis, each of which has individual symptoms.

The cause of the disease is not precisely established. The defeat of joints with rheumatoid arthritis is slow, the process is characterized by moderate, localized pain. Polyarthritis of this species develops on the phalanges of the fingers and wrists.

If you start the disease, rheumatologists give a disappointing prognosis: the inflammatory process will shift to large joints (humeral, hip, knee). A common symptom of rheumatoid polyarthritis is the deformation of the bones and the gradual atrophy of certain muscles.

Treatment and diagnosis of the disease are complicated.

Rheumatoid arthritis

The cause of the disease is rheumatism after a complicated sore throat or flu. Progresses rheumatic polyarthritis quickly, its symptoms are high fever, symmetrical joint damage with characteristic pain when pressed.

And the pain can appear and disappear. As a rule, rheumatic polyarthritis beats the small joints of the extremities. In the absence of proper treatment, the disease affects the heart valve, and this entails the development of organ defects.

For surgical treatment, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.


Infections of the joints occur after the transferred tuberculosis, gonorrhea, brucellosis, syphilis, scarlet fever, influenza and other diseases.

Infectious polyarthritis, the symptoms and treatment of which have characteristic differences, can be recognized by swelling and tenderness of the joints, their lack of mobility. The correct method of treatment quickly suppresses the infection.

Chronic infectious-allergic polyarthritis, which develops against the background of a tertiary form of syphilis or pulmonary tuberculosis, often carries deforming joints, a wandering nature.


Disease of the joints is an inflammatory process, the cause of which is a transmitted infectious, viral or fungal disease.

As a rule, reactive polyarthritis appears after bacterial infections in the organs of the digestive tract or after their transportation by respiratory, genito-urinary tracts. Inflammatory process begins because of lowering of immunity.

Often young men suffer from the disease. The development of polyarthritis begins 2-3 weeks after infection.

Reactive arthritis is acute, the disease is accompanied by high fever and chills, a general weakness.

Polyarthritis affects mainly the legs, but occasionally it forms in the upper limbs. An active inflammatory process in rare cases affects the myocardium of the heart without developing organ malformations.

Treatment of the disease lasts from 7 days to several months, depending on the severity.


The form of polyarthritis causes swelling of the joints with characteristic aching pain. The root cause of the disease is psoriasis. The inflammatory process begins with the joint synovium.

Difference of the psoriatic form of the disease is its spread not only to the joints, but also other parts of the body (ligaments, tendons). Treatment of complicated polyarthritis involves surgical intervention.

Exchange Office

The form of polyarthritis is characterized by the deposition of salts in the joints, which damage their structure, forming cracks and ulcers. The disease occurs with excessive use of alcohol, meat, fatty, smoked food. Such a diet provokes the deposition of salts in the joints.

Exchange polyarthritis, the symptoms and methods of treatment which differ from other forms of the disease, the first is struck by the big toe (it reddens and swells). The initial process is not perceptible, but when the salts crystallize, the patient feels severe pain.

If polyarthritis affects the joints, gouty nodules are formed on the skin.

Treatment of polyarthritis

Therapy should include not only the intake of medications, but also be supplemented by therapeutic physical therapy, physiotherapy, treatment in sanatoria, massage. How to treat the disease, can only tell an experienced doctor.

Which doctor treats polyarthritis? Arthroses and arthritis can have different root causes: from traumas to pathologies that occur in the body. Depending on the pathogen, the patient is referred to a rheumatologist, orthopedist, surgeon or traumatologist.

Various methods of treatment are described below, which are best used in a comprehensive manner.

Folk remedies and food

The frequent cause of polyarthritis is the abuse of harmful foods, including fatty foods, sweets, seasonings, starchy foods (baked goods, bread, potatoes).

In combination with stress and physical overload, an unhealthy menu contributes to the accumulation of toxins by the body, which stimulate inflammatory processes.

Cleansing of toxic substances that have accumulated over the years is possible through fasting, which should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. Duration of the diet is determined depending on individual factors.

Folk treatment of polyarthritis provides such means:

  • Egg ointment. Whisk the yolk with 1 tbsp. vinegar and 1 tsp. turpentine. For the treatment of polyarthritis rub the ointment in the skin over the joints 1-2 times a day.
  • Mummy. To heal joints, daily make lotions from 3% solution of mummies and bischofite in equal proportions.
  • Baths with needles. Brew pine cones and branches, add a decoction to the bath and take it for 30-40 minutes several times a week.


Any disease has its symptoms and treatment. Polyarthritis, the symptoms and professional treatment of which is individual, is no exception. Therefore, it is impossible to name universal preparations.

The main direction of drug therapy is the elimination of the root cause of the disease, the elimination of the inflammatory process and anesthesia.

Depending on the diagnosis, treatment involves the use of such groups of pharmaceuticals:

  • Antibiotics (destroy the infection that caused the disease).
  • Corticosteroids (suppress inflammatory processes).
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (except for the main function, eliminate pain in the affected joints).
  • Antirheumatic drugs.


  1. Ointment for the treatment of polyarthritis. Mix the juice of celandine with petroleum jelly (:). Apply to sick joints 2-3 times a day.
  2. Tincture of the swamp saber. Diseases of the joints of the hands and feet are treated by taking 1 tbsp of herbal tea daily before each meal. Cut 100 grams of dry stems of a saber, place in a bottle and fill with a liter of alcohol (70%). Leave for 21 days in a dark place, then strain and begin treatment.
  3. Collection of herbs. Pour boiling water mixture of herbs: sage leaves, St. John's wort, bearberry, roots of marsh aura (in equal quantities). Boil for 10-15 minutes, drain liquid. Take the broth daily for 250 ml.

Prevention of disease

To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to maintain a normal weight, as excessive kilograms affect the wear rate of the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, you should monitor your posture, move more often with sedentary work, give up the habit of putting foot on foot, provide a comfortable workplace, avoid the possibility of injury and not raise weights.

For prevention of polyarthritis it is necessary to supplement the diet with amino acids, fresh vegetables and fruits, reducing the amount of sweet, animal fat and alcohol.

According to medical statistics, in the modern world, joint diseases suffer from 70 to 85% of the world's population.

Deformation of the joints of the fingers is not only an aesthetically ugly, but painful phenomenon. To prevent it, it is necessary to start treatment of polyarthritis in a timely manner.

A source: http://sovets.net/4015-poliartrit-simptomy-i-lechenie.html

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