How to protect yourself from flu and colds

Tip 1: How to protect yourself from colds and flu

How to protect yourself from colds and flu

Annual flu epidemics, colds, from which many suffer with the onset of the cold period, can be prevented or slightly eased. Preventive measures include strengthening the body and carrying out preventive measures.


  1. Get vaccinated againstinfluenzaIs the main measure of prevention, which will help to protect yourself in the midst of an epidemic. It does not protect against the disease completely, but in case of infection, the flu in a vaccinated person is much easier and without complications. To vaccinate should be before the onset of the epidemic and against a background of complete health.
  2. More be on fresh air - walks on a cold strengthen vessels, strengthen immune protection. It is most useful to walk in the forest and park zone, and physical exercises in the fresh air enrich the body with oxygen and bring a double benefit.
  3. Set the optimal mode of sleep and wakefulness - sleep at least 8 hours a day, lie down no later than 22 hours, try to do all business in the daytime and leave a time for rest in the evenings. Try to avoid stress, which undermine immunity, and do not overdo it.
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  4. From a full-fledged diet depends on the degree of resistance of the organism - eat fresh fruits and vegetables, drink juices, bran bread, sour-milk products. Try not to allow stagnation in the intestines, clean it regularly and watch for the preservation of the balance of microflora. Drink tea with lemon, raspberry jam, kalina - the vitamin C contained in such drinks stimulates immunity.
  5. The intake of multivitamin complexes in winter and early spring is indispensable from the point of view of maintaining the body in tone. Choose a balanced composition that meets your needs, depending on lifestyle, type of activity, age, etc.
  6. Use popular methods of prevention - eat onions and garlic, add them fresh in the first dishes, salads, etc.
  7. Watch for the condition of the nasal mucosa - in dry conditions pathogenic microorganisms multiply rapidly. Moisturize the air, drink more liquid, after visiting crowded places, irrigate the nasal mucosa with saline solution. Lubricate the nasal passages with antiviral ointments before leaving home. Wash your hands often.
  8. If possible, try to avoid places of congestion during the epidemic. Wear a tight gauze bandage if visits to such places can not be avoided.

How to protect yourself from colds and flu?


Personal Cabinet Removed

more vitamins of garlic)))

Personal Cabinet Removed



To drink Imunal, and it helps not only as a preventive remedy, but helps to recover more quickly in case of illness.
Or get vaccinated.

Dmitry Golubev

Preved!! !
Tempering !!!


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Darinka Shimanskaya

not being where there are people who suffer from a cold, dress warmer!


Have you ever noticed that outbreaks of the flu epidemic most often occur after Christmas?
Fasting is purification. Who does not want to be cleansed by fasting, is cleansed of the disease.. . but what about "dirty" walk? The Lord will not allow ...


From colds - there are always fresh fruits and vegetables, walking in the open air, airing the room at work, less often in crowded places, dressing in the weather... .
From a flu - to make in the beginning of autumn an ​​inoculation!


Prevention - homeopathic remedy VITANAM.


What can I say ...

Resistance to colds in every person is different. There are types with an extremely powerful hereditary immunity. Well, they were born this way. They especially do and do not need anything. These winter they walk barefoot, run in jogging pants, dive into the hole, wipe off snow, etc. If it is reasonable to use this gift, one can live a long, fruitful life.

Most people have very average immunity, which has both seasonal and age-related fluctuations. To maintain it, you need some very little effort. Well, type periodically to use complex vitamins, dietary supplements (iodine, for example) the average physical load in the gym and not much izgolyatsya over the body (alcohol, tobacco). Under these conditions, people of this type rarely get sick and without special complications.

Finally, there is a category of unfortunate sufferers who make incredible efforts to stay more or less efficient and relatively healthy. Such creations catch cold at the slightest drafts, just frozen feet, etc. They live from colds to colds. If they are ill, it is difficult, with various complications and they are restored for a long time.

Cold and flu are by the way not the same thing at all. Colds are more often called acute respiratory disease, which develops after exposure to the body of any unfavorable environmental factors.

Influenza is an acute viral disease with high contagiousness, which is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one. Depending on the type of virus, there is a very variable clinic.
From the flu, by the way, you can nestle. I do this every year.

How to protect yourself from a cold or flu during pregnancy?


We jump without a parachute

Husband let drip his nose Derinatom, you can smear oxolin, when he comes home (and if there is an opportunity and at work), let him wash his face first and blow it out first. Actually, you do the same. Air. You can in the apartment and her husband at work to drip lavender. Of course, the probability is always, but at least a little secure.

tiger is just a tiger

influferon helps you

Vladimir Kramnik

The mask is worn, there are medicines for prevention and protection against influenza, drink them. Stay away from your husband.


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Interferon, oxolin ointment, mask, garlic, onion, vitamin C, honey and proper nutrition. And also a regular airing of the room.

Tatiana Ronina

I also have 1 trimester, is pregnant with twins, bronchitis, tonsillitis... It was not saved (It is necessary to be treated, I will hope that without consequences for babies!

alina suvorova

Often rinse nose with sea water, influferon, you can candle wiferon, mask, tea with cranberries.

That's right

I like once fell ill, and drank tea with the root of Imberia, the norms were cured and, of course, the mask


yes in any way. hike.... immunity is weakened

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