Effective ointments from sweating and foot odor

Most people of different age groups regularly face the problem of foot odor. Such a nuisance can spoil even the most positive impressions of others. In medicine, the phenomenon of excessive sweating with a specific perfume has its name - hyperhidrosis. To get rid of this disease, you should use medical products - cream or ointment from the smell and sweating of the feet.

  • Causes of increased sweating
  • Review of popular ointments
  • How to apply
  • Contraindications
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Causes of increased sweating

The main causes of an unpleasant odor are specific bacteria. They multiply in a humid environment and create a strong specific "flavor". However, the appearance and spread of stench can be a consequence not only of these, but also of other factors:

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  1. Physiological features of the human body. Excessive slagging of the body stains the odor produced during the sweating period in unpleasant shades. Skin diseases and fungal diseases of the legs also provoke the formation of bromidrosis. The cause is often heredity, for example a congenital increased amount of sweat glands on the skin of the legs.
  2. Pathology of internal organs. Diseases of the liver or kidney failure have a direct effect on the smell of the feet. Also severely affect the intensity of hyperhidrosis of the disease, accompanied by a prolonged fever.
  3. Unsuitable shoes. Close shoes or shoes are unnecessarily pressed on the toes. Because of this stop begins to sweat intensely. Modern synthetic footwear materials do not allow the skin of the body to breathe and evaporate moisture, so sweat droplets gather between the fingers. Synthetics does not let fresh air pass to the extremities, as a result of which the circulation is disturbed. Around the bacteria a favorable environment is created, the microorganisms begin to multiply actively.
  4. Incorrect wearing of shoes. Overheating of the legs leads to increased sweating. If you wear several layers of sock or pantyhose, the legs will produce a strong unpleasant odor.
  5. Infringement of rules of operation of footwear. Not completely dried shoes promote the reproduction of existing bacteria. In addition, closed wet shoes have a similarity to a thermae - the feet begin to sweat faster than the prescribed one, which results in the stench being formed. Before use, shoes simply need to be dried well.
  6. Physical activities. Abundant sweating during training is natural. Sweats not only the upper part of the body, but also limbs in the area of ​​the feet and palms. For sports activities should be selected only quality shoes, which allows the skin to breathe. At the end of training, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the body, to process shoes.
  7. Lack of hygiene. The feet of a man always touch the floor. No matter how cleanly the room looked, on the surface of the floor microbes still appear. If you do not take a shower every day, microorganisms can easily adapt to the human body and begin their reproduction. Their development forms a stench.

Children have sweaty feet for various reasons:

  1. Newborns do not yet have a perfect system of heat exchange and thermoregulation. Excessive wrapping can provoke severe perspiration.
  2. The lack of microelements and vitamins in the body disrupts the body as a whole. It is known that calcium deficiency has a direct bearing on abundant dewatering.
  3. Various invasions can cause activation of the body's defenses, resulting in a slight increase in body temperature, the body overheats, sweat begins to emerge.
  4. Tuberculosis of the lungs, rheumatism, kidney pathologies also cause increased sweating.

Children and adolescents often notice a smelly smell from the feet. But not always the reasons are in poor hygiene.

Attention! During puberty in the body, jumps in blood pressure, the restructuring of the nervous system, hence - the excessive allocation of sweat.

Sing out sweat droplets can not only the areas of the armpits and feet, but even the palms and fingers. In adults and adolescents, increased sweating can arise from an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system or because of a strong overheating of the body.

Review of popular ointments

To eliminate the unpleasant odor from sweating feet, it is necessary, first of all, to exclude the cause that provoked this factor. Among the population, often suffering from diaper rash and stench of the lower extremities, the following medicinal preparations are popular. Effective medications can be easily purchased at the pharmacy.

So, people's recognition deserved:

  1. Salicylic ointment. Saves the skin and nails of a person from fungus. The agent improves the condition of the body's epithelial cover, namely, leads to the proper appearance of the affected areas. The composition prevents reproduction and activity of pathogenic organisms. The sweating of the feet decreases. The cost of 20 rubles.
  2. Zinc ointment. Helps to get rid of foot fungus and nail plates. The agent eliminates pathogenic fungal spores, promotes rapid healing of damaged epithelium. The drug has a drying, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and emollient action. The price at various points varies from 20 to 70 rubles. for the tube.
  3. Pasta Teymurova. This is an effective antiseptic, which has antiseptic, drying and deodorizing properties. The medicinal composition is used as the main assistant in the fight against skin problems in many areas - against acne, with excessive sweating, diaper rash, various dermatological diseases. It is cheap - about 100 rubles.
  4. Remedy Clotrimazole. This is an excellent tool that helps against the fungus of feet and nails. The gel has a wide spectrum of action, is effective against trichomonads, Gram-positive microorganisms, amoeba. Ointment is cheaper than other forms of release - only 25-70 rubles. The gel tube will cost 100 rubles, and the cream will cost 200 rubles and more.

It is clear that if sweating of the feet is associated with skin diseases, then you should use special ointments and creams. Compositions can be purchased at pharmaceutical stations at a very low cost. But what if it's a matter of internal diseases? The answer is one - to treat pathology. If the cause of sweat is incorrectly picked up shoes or the wardrobe is made of poor quality materials, you can only advise you to change your shoes.

Important! Before buying the product, you should pay attention not only to the price and brand of the manufacturer, but also to the interior finish, as well as the quality of the material from the outside.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of shoes for babies. Their body is just forming, so shoes should be light, comfortable, breathable.

As a deodorizing remedy for sweat, you can use special sprayers in cylinders. They are sold in many shoe stores. The price of deodorants from 100 to 1500 rubles.

How to apply

The method of application is practically the same for all medicinal compositions. The funds must be applied in a thin layer to the problem area. However, the period of therapy may be slightly different for different drugs:

  1. Salicylic ointment for feet should be applied before bedtime - after taking a shower. Usually, that the feet do not smell, it is enough 3-5 days of application. In case of severe lesions, the term of therapy should be specified by the attending physician.
  2. Zinc ointment is the most gentle remedy, it can be used even with diaper rash in babies. Consistency is applied up to 2 times a day on the problem area of ​​the body. It is important that the site that requires medicinal action is pre-washed and dried.
  3. Pasta Teymurova should be smeared on the affected skin twice a day. The treatment period should not exceed 5 days. Otherwise, the place of the fungus may develop excessive dryness of the skin.
  4. Clotrimazole is applied to the affected areas for 7 days. In severe cases, therapy can be extended to 14 days.

When using drugs, smelly sweating of the feet gradually disappears.

Know! If the disease is started, the doctor can recommend other, more radical, methods of treatment - antibiotics. In severe cases, in addition to ointments and creams, tablets are given inside, injections.


Like all medicines, ointments and creams from excessive sweating have contraindications:

  • Salicylic ointment has a whole list of contraindications. For example, it can not be used for renal and hepatic insufficiency, for children up to a year, for allergy sufferers;
  • among the contraindications to the use of Zinc ointment, only individual intolerance of certain components of the composition - menthol, salicylic acid, lanolin, was noted;
  • Paste Teymurova has a number of contraindications, one of them - a child up to 14 years old, the rest - allergies, skin inflammations, pregnancy and lactation, kidney pathologies. It is not recommended to apply the composition to the scalp and hairy areas of the body;
  • Clotrimazole is not used throughout the entire pregnancy, during breastfeeding and in the presence of allergic reactions of the body to certain constituents of the drug.

If reactions occur due to individual intolerance to the components, the application area should be thoroughly rinsed. Then the patient should be given an antihistamine. When visiting a medical institution, you should inform a dermatologist about the situation. It will help to choose another effective tool.

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