Hernia under the eyes: how to get rid without surgery?

Women always want to be attractive. Many even go to great sacrifices in order to look good. However, what kind of beauty, if suddenly found bags under the eyes? But it's not so bad.The problem of some of the fair sex are the disfiguring face of a hernia under the eyes. Can they be removed without surgery?The answer to this question will be found later in the article.


  • 1Description of the disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Methods of conservative treatment
    • 3.1Fractional photothermolysis
    • 3.2Injection methods
    • 3.3Plasmolifting
    • 3.4Cosmetical tools
    • 3.5Folk remedies
    • 3.6Charging
  • 4Prevention
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the disease

With age, the skin around the eyes stretches, sags, loses its tone and elasticity. The empty cavities appear filled with fatty tissue. Outflow of lymph from these sites worsens, as a result there are edemas around the eyes, which do not color any women.Hernias under the eyes are not as dangerous as vertebrates, but they greatly damage the appearance and upset the person.

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Fat tissues, formed over the upper and lower eyelids, are called hernias of the eyes.

There are several types of hernias:

  • Hernias of the upper eyelids, which are formed by the skin excess reserves of internal corners of the eyes. They can be detected by pressing on the eyeball.
  • Hernias of the lower eyelids, the so-called "bags located under the eyelashes.The presence or absence of a hernia is determined in the same way as in the case of the upper eyelid.
Herniated eyelids and zygomatic hernia

Symptoms of an eye hernia:

  • Lachrymation with a strong increase (as the hernia compresses the lacrimal ducts);
  • Externally, you can see bags under the eyes (swelling, swelling, dark circles);
  • With a slight pressure on the eyeball, the skin in the corners of the eyes or on the eyelids itself swells;
  • Overhanging the upper eyelid.

If you find these symptoms and suspect the presence of a hernia, you should contact a medical professional.


The appearance of hernias under the eyes can be associated with such external or internal factors as:

  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • The influence of ultraviolet rays, therefore it is recommended to use sunglasses when visiting the solarium or under the scorching sun rays;
  • Nerve stress and stress;
  • Insomnia;
  • Smoking and alcohol;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Constant eye strain;
  • Anatomical features of the structure of the orbital bones;
  • Circulatory disturbances;
  • Diseases of the eyes (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, demodecosis, keratitis, dacryocystitis and others).

Most often, hernia under the eyes occur in people older than 35 due to age-related changes and muscle weakness.

Methods of conservative treatment

At the initial stage of a hernia, you can try conservative therapy without resorting to surgery.To do this, apply multiple methods, which we will consider further:

  • Special cosmetic programs.These methods involve the use of a massage of the infraorbital area, peeling (removal, exfoliation of the upper stratum corneum), as well as the use of special creams.
  • Electrostimulation. The use of low frequency currents returns tone to the facial musculature and the muscles of the eyelids, thereby preventing the tension of the membrane holding the periglacious fat.
  • Lymphatic drainage. This procedure is aimed at improving the outflow of lymph from bags under the eyes. Thus, the water component of the hernia is removed.
  • Mesotherapy. This technique is a microinjection administration of drugs that restore skin tone.
  • RF-lifting and thermage. These are similar but not identical methods that involve a radiofrequency tightening of the skin and subcutaneous tissues.
  • Monopolar and bipolar devices. Monopolar devices have a high impact power and give a pronounced result even after the first session. Bipolar devices have a soft effect, so you need to go through a whole course to achieve a certain effect.

Fractional photothermolysis

This method should be singled out separately.This procedure corrects wrinkles in the eyes and forehead.Its essence lies in the pointwise removal (evaporation by the laser) of a small amount of old skin, and the collagen acquires density and elasticity. After several procedures, the skin around the eyes is completely renewed.

The advantages of the procedure:

  • There is no need for rehabilitation;
  • The skin under the eyes is pulled up;
  • Removing wrinkles, "bags dark circles.

Disadvantage: This method will remove only the visual visibility of these hernias, but they will still remain and after a while will again become noticeable.

Injection methods

Such methods include contour plasty, plasmolifting, and carboxytherapy.All these procedures normalize blood circulation, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, tightening the skin from the inside, but in the same way as in previous cases, significant changes do not give. Doctors injected with wrinkles hyaluronic acid, which allows you to maintain and straighten the old skin.Thanks to such procedures, humidity is normalized; the effect of them lasts six months or slightly more.


This method involves internal rejuvenation. Plasma, saturated with platelets, which is released from the patient's blood, is injected under the skin. As a result, a regeneration process is started, which accelerates the production of collagen and elastin. The result lasts about a year.

Cosmetical tools

There is a large number of various products: cream, lotions, milk, peeling agents, etc.Before choosing any of the means, it is worth to carefully study the instructions for use, determine type of skin (combined, dry or fatty), and also to choose the necessary composition (vitamin or vegetable).

Do not select the product yourself to avoid deplorable results. It is recommended to get approval of dermatologists and ophthalmologists beforehand.

The advantages of these procedures are that they are safer than surgery, they are gentle, painless, do not require a recovery period, as after surgical treatment.However, all these techniques can only remove visible signs of a hernia, but they will not relieve a woman from fatty tissue. The duration of these procedures varies from six months to 3-4 years.

Folk remedies

Recipes of traditional medicine, like the cosmetic procedures described above, allow you to work on external symptoms, can improve blood circulation and muscle tone, which can prevent the appearance of a hernia or slow down its further development.

When using traditional medicine, it is necessary to consult a physician in order to identify allergic reactions to the products used.

The most popular folk remedies:

  • Decoction of parsley.Grind fresh parsley (30 gr.), Pour 1 glass of water and cook for 5 minutes. Decoction strain and apply moistened in it wadded disks to the area of ​​the eyelids for 15-20 minutes.
  • White clay.Apply to the ages a mixture of white clay and rose oil (1 h. spoon). After a few minutes, rinse with warm infusion of pink petals and oil with a nutritious cream.
  • Pumpkin.Boil the pumpkin and apply the pulp as compresses.
  • Tea bags.Apply the used chilled tea bags to the eyelids.
  • Infusion of birch leaves.Leave the birch leaves with boiling water and let it brew. Apply the soaked cotton pads to the eyelids for several minutes.
  • Compresses from grated potatoes.Raw potato mass wrap in a napkin and apply to the area of ​​the eyelids for 5 minutes. Then lubricate the eyelids with a nutritious cream, and after 5 minutes rinse with infusion of chamomile.
  • Herbal lotions.Lotions from chemist's chamomile, lime-colored, rosemary, eyebrows will also have a good cosmetic effect. To prepare a decoction of 1 tbsp. spoon any herbs (or collection of herbs) pour a glass of steep boiling water and let it brew. In the warm decoction obtained, moisten the compress and apply it on the eye area.
  • Mask of potatoes.Boil the potatoes in a uniform, stir them and attach them to the face in a warm form, after laying it on the layer of gauze.
  • Cucumber mask.Grind the fresh cucumber on a fine grater, place on gauze and attach to the eyes. Cover the gruel with cotton swabs moistened with milk. Simplified version - attach to each eye a slice of cucumber.
  • Mask of sour cream.Chopped parsley greens add to sour cream (:) and attach to the eye areas.
  • Egg mask.Egg white is an excellent astringent and tightening agent for the skin around the eyes. In addition, proteins are rich in vitamin B2, which has a beneficial effect on the eyes. Whisk the egg white, brush it on the eye area and let it dry until it feels tight. Hold for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


To remove the hernia can help and special charging for the eye and facial muscles. We offer several simple exercises that can be performed even in the workplace:

  1. Clench your eyes tight, and then open your eyes wide(5-6 times).
  2. Skew the look to the side, counting to five, while keeping your head straight.At the expense of five look straight ahead. Then do the same, looking the other way (3-5 times).
  3. Often and quickly blink, counting to ten.At the expense of 10 eyelids, squeeze tightly, but the face while not wrinkle. After 5 seconds, lift the eyelids and fix the sight on any distant object, but do not strain your eyesight (3-5 times).
  4. Quickly change the position of the view from right to left and up and down, then rotate your eyes in a circle.


Headache weighs on the eyes

What to do if the eyes of a newborn fester, this article will tell.

Gnoyatsya eyes in an adult - than to treat http://eyesdocs.ru/simptomy/vydeleniya-iz-glaz/pochemu-mogut-gnoitsya-glaza-u-vzroslyx-i-kak-eto-lechit.html



Measures for the prevention of ocular hernia arise from the causes of this phenomenon:

  • Do not drink a lot of liquids at night;
  • Eliminate salty foods before going to bed;
  • Exclude from the diet fried foods and alcohol;
  • Periodically wipe your face with ice cubes from water with lemon or a decoction of parsley;
  • After 30 years once a year, go through special cosmetic procedures: RF-lifting, contouring, karboksiterapiyu, etc.

Preventive measures can effectively prevent the development of eye hernias in the event that there are no genetic prerequisites for the disease.



Get rid of at least part or temporarily of a hernia under the eyes without surgery - this is real. At the same time, it is necessary to combat them in the early stages, and even better to prevent these phenomena with the help of the measures described above.

In order to achieve a positive effect, use any of the above methods, but beforehand, always consult a doctor.

Eye drops with hyaluronic acid are described in this article. Also, you can see the list of eye drops from cataracts.