Quickly raise the pulse of the house - simple recommendations

The pulse rate varies between 60-100 beats per minute. In medicine, the concept of tachycardia, the increased pulse, is most often encountered. But what if the pulse is lowered? What should I do in this situation? We'll talk about this in our article.

  • Causes of a decreased heart rate
  • How to increase the pulse, if there was a bradycardia
  • How to raise the pulse
  • At high pressure
  • Without pressure increase
  • Coffee Tea
  • Toning means
  • Sweets
  • Exercise physically
  • Baths
  • Mustard packs
  • Medication
  • Massage
  • Tincture of a walnut
  • Spicy food
  • How to help with herbs
  • How to increase the heart rate in an elderly person
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Causes of a decreased heart rate

The heart is the most important organ in our body. Our life and health depend on its longevity and normal functioning. That is why it is very important to resort to treatment immediately after the appearance of any deviations. But first you need to understand the causes of a decreased heart rate (bradycardia).

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The reasons for the reduction in heart rate are many. The most common are low blood pressure, diseases of the endocrine system, pathologies of the nervous system, intoxication of the body, the presence of infectious ailments, increased intracranial pressure, physiological features, malfunctions in the conduction system of the heart, overdose with medicines.

How to increase the pulse, if there was a bradycardia

The first thing that needs to be done is to check the heart rate, to determine the correct indication. Then measure the blood pressure, as with a sharp drop in the pulse, the pressure can also fall. If this situation, then recommend ascophene, caffeine (medical products must be taken as prescribed by the doctor). You can eat a piece of chocolate, drink a mug of tea or coffee.

Of folk remedies will help to increase the pulse of ginseng root.

  1. To make the tincture you need to take 25 g of dry crushed root, pour 1 liter of vodka and let it brew for 20 days.
  2. The course of treatment is 2 months. Take 15 drops before meals for 20 minutes.

How to raise the pulse

At high pressure

The occurrence of low pulse and high pressure - it is not necessary to bind each other. Perhaps this was influenced by completely different reasons. Hypertension with a low pulse is prescribed by inhibitors and diuretics. Do not raise your pulse with coffee and exercise.

If high pressure, then give up caffeine-containing products. Do not self-medicate, the best option is to consult a doctor for advice.

Without pressure increase

You need to protect yourself from stressful situations, less nervous and learn to stay calm. Do not drink coffee and limit physical activity, which increases the pressure with the pulse. Eliminate preparations such as bisoprosol and propranol. You can drink a diuretic and take drugs from a series of ACE inhibitors, which should appoint a doctor.

There are many methods to increase the heart rate at home. About them talk further.

Coffee Tea

If the pulse rate drops to 40-50 beats per minute, then in this case you can use energy drinks, which are: black and green teas, strong coffee in a hot form. These drugs have caffeine in their composition, which can increase the contraction of the heart muscle.

If this problem often worries, then every day, after a dream, drink a cup of a fragrant hot drink to feel cheerful and burst of energy throughout the day.

Toning means

To increase the pulse rate, you can use preparations of Eleutherococcus, Ginseng, Radiola rosea, Schizandra and belladonna. These funds are sold in any pharmacy at affordable prices. They are taken 3 times a day for 20 minutes before meals. It is enough 20-30 drops for one reception to increase pressure and pulse rate in a few seconds.

Remember:people suffering from congenital heart disease, hypertension, Raynaud's disease, coronary heart disease and other chronic heart diseases, these drugs are contraindicated.


Chocolate increases pressure and is able to quickly solve this problem.

Remember:Use in food at a lower heart rate is more appropriate only black natural chocolate. It is he who is able to increase blood pressure and increase the heart rate.

Exercise physically

How to raise a low pulse? Yes, it's very simple. If the heart rate has dropped to the limits of 50-55 beats per minute, then you can try to do several physical exercises. The most optimal option in this case is running. As is known, under the influence of physical activity the heart rate sharply increases.

If you can not run, try to do some simple physical exercises.

  1. Raise your hands up, hold them in this position for a few seconds and sharply lower down.
  2. Accept the position of lying. Carry out the exercise "bike", "scissors" with legs 20 times one way and the same - in the other.
  3. In the same position, bend your knees and grasp them with your hands. Try your best to open hands with pressure knees.
  4. Do the unclenching and compressive movements of the left hand palm. This will not only increase the heart rate, but also mute the pain.
  5. Perform smooth movements of the head left and right.


Increase the frequency of the heart will allow a hot bath. It will not be bad if you add a few drops of essential oil. For these purposes, magnolia vine, ginseng, celandine are used.

Mustard packs

The use of mustard compresses on the occipital part of the head will allow for a reflex and warming effect, while increasing the flow of blood to the heart muscles. To do this, apply the yellow card to the collar zone several times a day. 10-15 minutes will be enough.


What medicines can be used to raise the pressure? Among the main drugs for increasing the pulse, caffeine and ascofen are used.

Remember:these funds are not used by people who suffer from high blood pressure.

Take them 1-2 times a day on a pill.

Know:It is forbidden to drink caffeine and ascofen after 18-00, so as not to provoke insomnia.

No less effective in bradycardia are drops of Zelenin. They should be taken 2 times a day for 15 minutes before eating 15 drops.

Drugs that raise the pulse: Alupent, Coguitum, Doppelherz, Belloid, Cordarone and Eufillin are also used at a reduced heart rate.

Remember:It is forbidden to take pills that raise the pulse, without the appointment of a doctor, because of the large number of side effects.


Performing a massage, you can also achieve an increase in heart rate. This procedure is performed with pain in the heart. So, massage the earlobe for a few minutes.

Tincture of a walnut

What will raise the pulse quickly? Tincture of walnut. To prepare this effective remedy, we will need sesame oil - 250 ml, walnuts - 500 g, sugar - 20 g, lemon - 4 pcs, water - 1 l. In a separate bowl, place 4 finely chopped lemon and fill them with one liter of boiling water. Enter the resulting mixture into the mixed walnuts, sugar powder and sesame oil. Take the drug 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l.

Spicy food

Spicy food contributes to the increase in heart rate. For example, all known red pepper can improve blood flow, eat it, if you need to urgently increase your pulse.

Remember:taking spicy food is not a treatment for bradycardia, but only contributes to heart stimulation. People with stomach problems can not use this remedy.

How to help with herbs

If the pulse has dropped, then buy at the pharmacy St. John's wort (1 part), hawthorn fruit (1.5 parts), rose hips (2 parts), pink radish root (2 parts). Put everything in enamel or glassware and pour 400 ml of boiling water. Insist 1 hour. Drink half a glass 3 times a day.

Remember:if the pulse rate has decreased to 30 beats per minute, it is better to see a doctor to exclude serious heart disease.

How to increase the heart rate in an elderly person

In the case of a decreased heart rate, an elderly person should put a mustard plaster for 5 minutes, slightly to the right of the heart. You can drink drinks and teas on the basis of ginseng. Do not sit in one place, try to walk in the yard, around the house, do not deprive yourself of fresh air. You can drink hot tea or coffee.