Overview of 7 analogues of Venarus, their pros and cons

From this article you will learn: what analogues of Venarus choose, what is the difference between them? Comparative characteristics of analogues, pluses and minuses in comparison with Venarus. What to guide when choosing?

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Contents of the article:

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Contents of the article:

1. Detralex
2. Flebodea
3. Phlebofa
4. Vasoket
5. Venolek
6. Diosmin
7. Venozole
A few more words about Venarus and its analogues

One of the bestpreparations for the treatment of varicose veins, Venarus, it is characterized by a pronounced venotonic effect and after a long period of use greatly facilitates the main symptoms of vascular pathology - pain and heaviness.

How can I replace Venarus? All drugs containing diosmin and hesperidin( natural bioflavonoids, Venarus active substances) - sources, can be used as analogues of a drug. The list of these medicines is in the content of the article.

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The difference between Venarus and its analogues( and also between analogues):

  • in the amount of active substance( its content in one tablet may be less or more);
  • in the origin and bioavailability of the main components( in Venarus they are natural, and in analogues they can be chemical);
  • in additional ingredients or lack thereof;
  • in price;
  • in the pharmaceutical company that produces the drug.

Positive qualities of domestic analogues can be considered a low price, negative - less pronounced effect and a long course of treatment. Imported drugs are distinguished by high prices, from advantageous qualities - the cumulative effect lasts longer, breaks between courses can be longer.

The strengths and weaknesses of each drug should be considered on an individual basis.

Choose medicines for the treatment of varicose veins only after consultation and appointment of a phlebologist or angio-surgeon( a specialist who operates the affected vessels).It will help to choose the optimal dosage( how many tablets a day you need to take) and the duration of the course, depending on the degree of vascular pathology.

Short description Venarus

The product is manufactured in the form of tablets of 30( from 576 rubles) and 60( from 880 rubles) pieces in a package. It is usually necessary to take the medicine for a long period of up to 3 months. Sometimes more, depending on the degree of expression of varicose veins. Breaks between courses with a pronounced degree of insufficiency - up to 4 months.

The drug contains two active ingredients: the main one is diosmin( 450 mg) and the auxiliary one - hesperidin( 50 mg), plant bioflavonoids, enhancing the effect of each other. Their unique combination helps:

  • eliminate the symptoms of varicose veins;
  • strengthen vascular walls;
  • reduce their permeability;
  • to relieve inflammation;
  • improve the tone of the vascular system;
  • stimulate blood circulation and lymphatic drainage;
  • quickly restore damaged vessels;
  • to suspend the development of the disease.

All similarities of Venarus have similar indications( elimination of symptoms of varicose veins) and act approximately the same, there are only small nuances due to the difference in composition and form of the main active substance( its bioavailability). Because of this, the life of the drug increases or decreases, the effectiveness of the drug varies.

1. Detralex

Manufacturer - French pharmaceutical company "Laboratory Servier Industries".

The imported preparation is the patented prototype of Venarus. According to the composition and content of active substances, these are two absolutely identical means.

Tablets of 500 and 1000 mg are produced.

Advantages compared to Venarus Cons
Components are contained as a micronized fraction, which ensures its full maximum bioavailability( faster and more fully absorbed by the gastrointestinal mucosa)

The drug has a pronounced accumulative effect, so the effect of the course lasts longer than that of Venarus and others(up to 5-6 months)

A large dosage( 1000 mg) allows to reduce the number of receptions to once a day

The price of the drug:
  • For 30 tablets of 500 mg - from 643 rBley, 60 - by 1200.
  • For 30 tablets of 1000 mg - from 1245 rubles more expensive than Venarus.

2. Flebodia 600

Manufacturer - French pharmaceutical company "Laboratory Innoterra"

Import monopreparation, digital prefix in the name - 600 - means the amount of active substance( diosmin) in one tablet.

Advantages compared to Venarus Cons
In addition to the common properties for venotonic drugs, Flebodia 600 improves gas exchange in tissues and is used to prevent bleeding, regulates blood clotting and vascular tone at the hormone level( inhibits the production of thromboxane and enhances the action of vasoconstrictors). varicose veins( thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers) course can last from 4 to 6 months

The price for 30 tablets of 600 mg - from 763 rubles, for 50 tablets - from 1395 rubles. It is more expensive than Venarus

3. The phlebofa

Flebofa, the manufacturer is the Russian company "Ozone".

Domestic analogue of Flebodia 600, a mono drug, the tablet contains 600 mg of diosmin.

Pros compared to Venarus Cons
Compared to Detralex and Flebodia 600, the drug is cheaper, well absorbed and has a good cumulative effect, breaks between courses for severe varicose insufficiency - from 4 to 6 months The price of the medicine starts at 635 rubles per30 tablets, from 800 rubles for 60 tablets, on average, Flebofa costs more than Venarus

4. Vasoket

Manufacturer - Swiss pharmaceutical company "Stagen".

Monopreparation, one tablet contains 600 mg of diosmin. In the package 2 blisters of 15 tablets.

Pros Cons
Improves gas exchange in tissues, regulates blood clotting and vascular tone at the hormonal level( inhibits thromboxane production and enhances the action of vasoconstrictors), is used to prevent bleeding In the treatment of thrombophlebitis and trophic ulcers, the course can last up to 6 months.

The price for 30 tablets starts from 610 rubles, more expensive than Venusr

5. Venolek

Venolek, the manufacturer is the Russian pharmaceutical company "Canonfarma Production".

The active ingredient is diosmin, 600 mg in one tablet.

Pros Cons
The price of the drug for 30 tablets of 500 mg - from 488 rubles. Has a good bioavailability, cheaper than Venarus Cumulative effect is not pronounced, the course should be repeated after 2-3 months

6. Diosmin

Diosmin, producer - Russian company "Ozone".

The active ingredient is diosmin, 500 mg per tablet.

Pros Cons
The price of the drug for 30 tablets of 500 mg - from 424 rubles, cheaper than Venarus The positive effect is in direct proportion to the properly selected dose of the drug. The accumulative effect is not pronounced, in the treatment of advanced forms of varicose veins, the course of treatment should be repeated after 2-3 months.

7. Venozol

Manufacturer - domestic pharmaceutical companies VIS and EliteMed.

The capsules contain diosmin, hesperidin, horse chestnut extracts, hazelnuts, dihydroquercetin.

The drug is released as a gel and ointment based on natural plant extracts, without the presence of diosmin and hesperidin.

Pros Cons
The price of the drug for 60 capsules of 500 mg - from 417 rubles, for 36 - from 200 rubles. A good composition of encapsulated Venozol, almost analogous to Venarusu The active ingredient( diosmin, 300 mg) is not sufficiently absorbed into the gastrointestinal mucosa, as it has low bioavailability.

The content of naringin( 30 mg) and quercetin( 3 mg) is lower than that of effective analogues.

For a pronounced effect, the drug should be taken longer than others( up to 6 months and more).

A few words about Venarus and its analogues

Preparations with diosmin are well tolerated and almost do not cause side effects. There is no official data that the analogues of Venarus can adversely affect pregnancy or fetal formation. Therefore, with a pronounced degree of varicose insufficiency and the threat of complications, funds are prescribed for pregnant women, but only in the second or third trimester.

Venarus and its analogues are combined without problems with the administration of other medications, but it is better to consult a doctor beforehand.

Absolute contraindication to use can only be individual intolerance of components, which is manifested by mild dyspepsia( digestive disorder), minor disorders of the central nervous system( dizziness and headaches) or allergic reactions( urticaria, itching, swelling).All symptoms go away after the withdrawal of the remedy.

How to make a choice between Venarus and its analogues? The determining role is played by the opinion of the attending physician. If he is not against replacement, remember:

  1. Imported drugs are more expensive than domestic counterparts, but they are produced on the basis of micronized fractions, which increase the availability of substances. The accumulative effect is longer, so the rate should be repeated less often - from 1 to 2 times a year.
  2. Domestic analogues are cheaper, when choosing, pay attention to the content of active substances( diosmina should be at least 450 mg per tablet).One of the drawbacks of many domestic drugs is the lack of a significant accumulative effect, which is why the treatment is repeated 2-3 times a year.