Drink female: how to get a woman out of a binge

Now alcoholism has become even more urgent and especially among women. The number of women who drink sex is increasing and, despite the fact that the body is much more enduring than a man, the organism develops an addiction to alcohol more quickly. Curing women from alcoholism is incredibly difficult and has long accumulated a lot of questions about how how to get the woman out of a binge.


The stages of alcoholism in women

For the first stage, memory dips are characteristic - palimpsests, symptomFormed with regular intake of alcohol into the blood. The next day, after drinking, is relatively not in very bad health and discomfort, since the signs of hangover syndrome are not yet sufficiently formed. The gag reflex begins to become dull even with increasing intake of alcohol. Vomiting becomes less and less frequent.

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The first stage of alcoholism increases resistance to alcohol - tolerance. Alcohol is absorbed by a beginner alcoholic in large quantities, because the usual alcohol doses now do not bring satisfaction. It is natural, the psychic dependence on alcohol is formed, undermining the moral and spiritual health of a woman.

The second stage is a daily drink. Without alcoholic drinks, one can not fall asleep, it is not comfortable and it is not interesting for a drinking woman. Palimpsests are becoming more frequent. Control is lost over the amount of alcohol, then over its quality. The woman drinks everything that can be found. Although he prefers stronger drinks to get the most cheap way of a state of pronounced alcoholic intoxication.

External signs of female alcoholism are rapidly beginning to appear on her face, figure, clothes, manner of dressing, painting, talking and behaving among people. Under the eyes there are bruises, the hair becomes groomed, the teeth become impaired, the cheeks become purple and in general, the appearance is untidy.

The final third stage of alcoholism in women ends:

  • with alcoholic encephalopathy with pronounced degenerative processes in the brain and peripheral nervous system;
  • pathology of internal organs, with pancreatitis, hepatitis, fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, cardiovascular insufficiency and others;
  • increase in symptoms of the clinical picture of white fever, alcoholic hallucinosis, Korsakov's polyneuric alcoholic psychosis;
  • total dementia, complete degradation of the personality of a sick woman and her death.

How to get out of the booze

We have already said that girls and women, in the treatment of alcohol dependence, succumb to more difficult than men, although they are hardier and stronger than representatives of the "strong" sex. The main problem here lies in the fact that women more skilfully disguise their inner troubles from others. They are not so common form of drunken drunkenness, as in men, but in the end both girls and women still go into drinking. But this happens when the alcohol dependence is finally formed, the moral-personal sphere is distorted.

How to get out of the binge without a doctor-narcologist? No way! It is necessary to decide on the consultation of doctors of narcologists and psychiatrists! Hiding trouble is always impossible, and it is impossible! Hiding, we do not solve the problem, but strengthen it!

Only a doctor can choose the correct and thoughtful treatment of drinking-bout, alcoholism. After all, treatment must be COMPLEX!Need psychological support from loved ones, drug treatment: cleansing the body of acetaldehyde and other alcoholic products of decay;general restorative treatment and stabilizing nervous system, normalizing the work of internal organs.

Medication treatment

How to get out of drinking-bout with drugs? Now there are various tablets and powders incompatible with alcohol with simultaneous reception. They block the natural processing of alcohol in the body, and the accumulation of special substances worsens the well-being of the still drinking woman, ceases to give her a sense of satisfaction from alcohol, develops an aversion to alcohol in any form.

Practicing subcutaneous suturing to patients a special capsule with an active antialcoholic substance, the capsule gradually, absorbing under the skin, allows the substance to enter the blood constantly. If you violate the sober regime of a drinking woman, it becomes bad and she does not drink.

We heard about the method of Torpedoing, or the coding of "Torpedo".After the injection with the medicine, the patient is given, inward, a small amount of alcohol and becomes very ill. Coding is combined with psychotherapeutic suggestion for aversion to alcohol. The technique is very effective and dangerous. It is dangerous when the regime of abstinence from alcohol is violated. Since injected medication with the introduction of alcohol into the blood generates a mass of acute side effects, where a spasm of respiratory muscles and death is possible. So, under pain of death, sick women can be cured of alcoholism and get out of the drunken state.

The described procedure of coding by pricking and sewing will only benefit and lead the woman out of the binge. But sin with drinking after treatment is strictly not possible!

Psychotherapy is the obligatory method, direction and method of treatment.

Narcologists always use an integrated approach, along with drug treatment of binge, they use psychotherapy. How to get out with the help of psychologists from the binge? At the first stage of alcoholism, you can recover without medication. Doctors use in the deducing from the binge of women several areas of science and a variety of methods. The basis of the psychological impact on a woman is the development of a vomitive reflex to the presentation, smell, appearance and taste of ethyl alcohol, or alcohol at the level of the conditioned reflex arc of Pavlov-Sechenov.

After understanding the causes of alcoholism in women, having discussed with her and her family and friends the problem situations leading to drunken drunkenness, experts will help a woman to find a new healthy way of life. A very good effect is given by group sessions in psychological support groups. Having discussed her problems with the same people as herself, the woman ceases to be lonely. She starts herself how to prevent drinking and get out of it. He draws a conclusion from a negative stranger and his experience.

Having started to abuse alcohol, the woman does not notice how the door of the trap-cells closes. It's good when relatives can help her and have a huge amount of patience. To get the woman out of the binge, she must be persuaded to turn to the narcological office. The specialist will find the cause of the illness, prescribe the treatment. A woman will not be alone with her misfortune.

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