Growth and weight in adolescents: a table of growth and weight in adolescence in girls and boys

In medicine, certain norms of growth and weight are established, both for young children and adolescents. These norms in the form of tables you can meet on the walls of children's consultations and in the offices of pediatricians. Thus, it is possible to track the development of children according to the parameters of the ratio of height and weight.

Nevertheless, the data of the growth and weight tables are relative, especially in adolescence. The fact is that the physical parameters of the human body are affected by many factors, not just its age.

Influence on growth and weight parameters have a heredity, a way of life of the teenager. Along with this, adolescents vary greatly in their physique, weight of bones, features of growth and weight gain. Therefore, one must take into account the relative nature of the ratio of height and weight of adolescents in all the proposed tables. After all, this is a set of statistical data for several previous periods.


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Explanations to the tables of growth and weight of adolescents

Since all the data are statistical, most fully reflect the picture yet the tables compiled no later than 10 years ago and in the country in which you were bornand live. After all, one should not lose sight of the fact that in addition to the personal data of a person, the genotype of a particular nationality influences the statistics. It would be foolish to seek the correspondence of the growth and weight of a modern teenager with a teenager of African descent, and even in the early twentieth century.

In the presented anthropometric tables of growth and weight of the adolescent, the proportions of children with one or another growth( weight) are found.

The data of the three middle columns( "Below average", "Medium", "Above average") characterize the physical data of the majority of adolescents at this age.

The data for the second and penultimate columns( "Low" and "High") characterize a smaller proportion of the total population of adolescents at a given age. Although you do not need to attach too much importance to this. Probably, such a leap or vice versa lag is caused by the individual characteristics of the organism of a particular teenager, and there is likely no reason for experiencing.

As for getting the measurements of a teenager in one of the extreme columns( "Very Low" and "Very High"), then it is better to seek medical advice from a doctor. The doctor in turn will send the adolescent to the test for hormones, and confirm or deny the presence of diseases in the adolescent endocrine system.

Differentiation of the growth rate and weight of adolescents is analyzed in seven categories( "Very Low", "Low", "Below average", "Medium", "Above average" "High", Growth of the adolescent table "Very high") due to large differences inphysical characteristics of the body for people of the same age.

Estimating the adolescent according to separate growth and separate weight is incorrect. All comparisons must be made in aggregate. If, according to the growth data, the adolescent falls into the category "High", and according to the weight data in the "Very Low" category, it is likely that such a big difference is caused by a sharp jump in growth and a lag in weight. Much worse, if at once in two parameters a teenager falls into the category "High" or "Low".Then you can not say that there was a jump in growth, and weight just did not have time for it. In this case, it is better to take hormone tests to be sure of your child's health.

If your child at a particular point in time does not fall into the average growth rates and weight of adolescents of his age, then there is no particular need to worry. You can measure it in a month, and see any trends to change. In this case, based on these trends, and it is worth making conclusions about whether you need to see a doctor.

Table: "Boys' growth rates from 7 to 17 years"

Age Indicator in see
Very low Low Below average Average Above average High Very high
7 years <111.0 111.0-113.6 113.6-116.8 116.8-125.0 125.0-128.0 128.0-130.6 & gt; 130.6
8 years <116.3 116.3-119.0 119,0-122.1 122.1-130.8 130.8-134.5 134.5-137.0 > 137.0
9 years & lt; 121.5 121.5-124, 7 124.7-125.6 125.6-136.3 136.3-140.3 140.3-143.0 > 143.0
10 years <126.3 126.3-129.4 129.4-133.0 133.0-142.0 142.0-146.7 146.7-149.2 & gt; 149.2
11 years & lt; 131.3 131.3-134.5 134.5-138.5 138.5-148.3 148,3-152.9 152.9-156.2 & gt; 156.2
12 years 136.2 136.2-140.0 140.0-143.6 143.6-154.5 154.5-159.5 159.5-163.5 & gt; 163.5
13 years & lt; 141.8 141.8-145.7 145.7-149.8 149,8-160.6 160.6-166.0 166.0-170.7 > 170.7
14 years & lt; 148.3 148.3-152.3 152.3-156, 2 156.2-167.7 167.7-172.0 172.0-176.7 & gt; 176.7
15 years & lt; 154.6 154.6-158.6 158.6-162.5 162.5-173.5 173.5-177.6 177.6-181.6 > 181.6
16 years & lt; 158.8 158.8-163.2 163.2-166.8 166.8-177.8 177.8-182.0 182.0-186.3 & gt; 186, 3
17 years & lt; 162.8 162.8-166.6 166.6-171.6 171.6-181.6 181.6-186.0 186.0-188,5 & gt; 188.5

Table: "Weights of boys from 7 to 17 years"

Age Indicator in see
Very low Low Below average Average Above average High Very high
7 years & lt; 18.0 18.0-19.5 19.5-21.0 21.0-25.4 25.4-28.0 28.0-30.8 & gt; 30.8
8 years & lt; 20.0 20.0-21.5 21,5-23.3 23.3-28.3 28.3-31.4 31.4-35.5 > 35.5
9 years <21.9 21.9-23, 5 23.5-25.6 25.6-31.5 31.5-35.1 35.1-39.1 > 39.1
10 years <23.9 23.9-25.6 25.6-28.2 28.2-35.1 35.1-39.7 39.7-44.7 & gt; 44.7
11 years & lt; 26.0 26.0-28.0 28.0-31.0 31.0-39.9 39.9-44.9 44.9-51.5 & gt; 51.5
12 years & lt; 28.2 28.2-30.7 30.7-34.4 34.4-45.1 45.1-50.6 50.6-58.7 & gt; 58.7
13 years & lt; 30.9 30.9-33.8 33.8-38.0 38.0-50.6 50.6-56,8 56.8-66.0 & gt; 66.0
14 years <34.3 34.3-38.0 38.0-42.8 42.8-56.6 56, 6-63.4 63.4-73.2 & gt; 73.2
15 years & lt; 38.7 38.7-43.0 43.0-48.3 48.3-62.8 62.8-70.0 70.0-80.1 & gt; 80.1
16 years & lt; 44.0 44.0-48.3 48.3-54.0 54.0-69.6 69.6-76.5 76.5-84.7 & gt; 84.7
17 years & lt; 49.3 49.3-54.6 54.6-59.8 59.8-74.0 74,0-80.1 80.1-87.8 & gt; 87.8

Table: "Girls' growth rates from 7 to 17 years"

Age of Indicator in see
Very low Low Below average Average Above average High Very high
7 years & lt; 111.1 111.1-113.6 113.6-116.9 116.9-124.8 124.8-128.0 128.0-131.3 & gt; 131.3
8 years & lt; 116.5 116.5-119.3 119,3-123.0 123.0-131.0 131.0-134.3 134.3-137.7 > 137.7
9 years & lt; 122.0 122.0-124, 8 124.8-128.4 128.4-137.0 137.0-140.5 140.5-144.8 & gt; 144.8
10 years & lt; 127.0 127.0-130.5 130.5-134.3 134.3-142.9 142.9-146.7 146.7-151.0 & gt; 151.0
11 years & lt; 131.8 131.8-136, 136.2-140.2 140.2-148.8 148.8-153.2 153.2-157.7 & gt; 157.7
12 years & lt; 137.6 137.6-142.2 142.2-145.9 145.9-154,2 154.2-159.2 159.2-163.2 & gt; 163.2
13 years & lt; 143.0 143.0-148.3 148.3-151.8 151, 8-159.8 159.8-163.7 163.7-168.0 & gt; 168.0
14 years <147.8 147.8-152.6 152.6-155.4 155.4-163.6 163.6-167.2 167.2-171.2 > 171.2
15 years <150.7 150.7-154.4 154.4-157.2 157.2-166.0 166.0-169.2 169.2-173.4 > 173.4
16 years <151.6 151.6-155.2 155.2-158.0 158.0-166.8 166.8-170.2 170.2-173.8 & gt; 173, 8
17 years & lt; 152.2 152.2-155.8 155.8-158.6 158.6-169.2 169.2-170.4 170.4-174,2 & gt; 174.2

Table: "Weights of girls from 7 to 17 years"

Age of Indicator in see
Very low Low Below average Average Above average High Very high
7 years & lt; 17.9 17.9-19.4 19.4-20.6 20.6-25.3 25.3-28.3 28.3-31.6 & gt; 31.6
8 years & lt; 20.0 20.0-21.4 21,4-23.0 23.0-28.5 28.5-32.1 32.1-36.3 > 36.3
9 years <21.9 21.9-23, 4 23.4-25.5 25.5-32.0 32.0-36.3 36.3-41.0 > 41.0
10 years & lt; 22.7 22.7-25.0 25.0-27.7 27.7-34.9 34.9-39.8 39.8-47.4 > 47.4
11 years & lt; 24.9 24.9-27.8 27.8-30.7 30.7-38.9 38.9-44.6 44.6-55.2 & gt; 55.2
12 years & lt; 27.8 27.8-31.8 31.8-36.0 36.0-45.4 45.4-51.8 51.8-63.4 & gt; 63.4
13 years & lt; 32.0 32.0-38.7 38.7-43.0 43.0-52.5 52.5-59,0 59.0-69.0 & gt; 69.0
14 years & lt; 37.6 37.6-43.8 43.8-48.2 48.2-58.0 58, 0-64.0 64.0-72.2 & gt; 72.2
15 years & lt; 42.0 42.0-46.8 46.8-50.6 50.6-60.4 60.4-66.5 66.5-74.9 & gt; 74.9
16 years & lt; 45.2 45.2-48.4 48.4-51.8 51.8-61.3 61.3-67.6 67.6-75.6 & gt; 75.6
17 years & lt; 46.2 46.2-49.2 49.2-52.9 52.9-61.9 61,9-68,0 68,0-76,0 & gt; 76,0

Well, that's all, dear readers, we looked at you weight and height indicators for girls and boys, teenagers from seven to seventeen years of age. I hope you use these tables.

Source of publication: editorial of the site http: // tablica-rosta-i-vesa-podrostkov

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