Drowning: first aid if a man drowns, what to do

The topic of drowning and first aid, if a man is drowned in the water, is especially relevant in the hot summer time, when everyone - adults and children, those who can swim and can not - ponds attract to themselves like a magnet.

And choke accidentally, you can and can swim well a person, many cases when professional swimmers in front of everyone after a fatal dive - do not come up. Then it is found that the heart suddenly stops at the person, when a sudden transition from overheating to the sun in a cool( or cold) water environment.


Rescue in water drowning: first aid what to do

  • Emergency help with true drowning
  • First aid while maintaining emetic and cough reflexes
  • First aid for the victim without signs of life
  • Assisting after recovery
    • Complex of medical measures in the first hours after rescue
    • Rendering assistance with pulmonary edema
    • Hospitalization rules
  • "Pale" drowning
    • Features of first aid for "dull" drowning
    • First aid
  • instagram viewer
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  • Rescue on drowning in water: first aid what to do

    When saving a drowning person, you have to be careful - grabbing for everything, a drowning person can prevent you from acting, but not only, he can drag you along underwater.

    Swim to him from behind, grab the hair or under the mouse and, turning upside down, swim with him to the shore.

    It is best to have an inflated rubber camera from the car, an inflatable mattress, maybe even a lying board on the ground.

    Emergency help with true drowning

    After cleansing the oral cavity, sharpen the root of the tongue to provoke a vomiting reflex and stimulate breathing. The presence or absence of this reflex will determine your further actions.

    First aid while maintaining the emetic and cough reflexes of

    If, after pressing down on the root of the tongue, you heard the characteristic "e" sound and followed by vomiting;if you saw in the outflowing water from the mouth of the leftovers of food eaten, then, in front of you is a living person with a preserved vomiting reflex. Proof of this will be the reduction of intercostal spaces and the appearance of a cough.

    In the case of a vomiting reflex and cough, the main task is to remove water from the lungs and stomach as soon as possible and thoroughly. This will avoid many formidable complications. To do this, for 5-10 minutes periodically press down firmly on the root of the tongue until the water of the stops from the mouth and upper respiratory tract( DO NOT FORGET THAT THIS PROCEDURE IS CONDUCTED IN THE POSITION OF THE FACE-DOWN DOWN).

    For a better separation of water from the lungs, you can spank your palms on the back, and also during exhalation with intense movements several times squeeze the chest from the sides. After removing water from the upper respiratory tract, lungs and stomach, lay the victim on his side and try to call an ambulance.

    We should not forget that even with a satisfactory state of health of the injured , it must be carried on stretchers. . No matter how happy his condition may seem, no matter how his relatives try to persuade him to go home, you must insist on calling the ambulance and hospitalization teams. Only after 3-5 days you can be sure that nothing more threatens his life.

    Do not leave the drowned person out for a second before the doctors arrive: every minute, a sudden cardiac arrest may occur.

    Anyone who helps with drowning, should know that the correctly conducted first stage of urgent measures will prevent the development of many formidable complications.

    First aid for the victim without signs of life

    If, with pressure on the root of the tongue, the gag reflex did not appear, and in the fluid that escaped from the mouth you did not see the remains of the eaten food;if there is no coughing or breathing movements, then in no case should we waste time on further extracting water from the drowned person, and immediately turn it on its back, look at the pupils' reaction to light and check the pulsation on the carotid artery. If they are not available, immediately begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


    But since carrying out resuscitation manipulations during drowning is impossible without periodic removal of water, foam formations and mucus from the upper respiratory tract, every 3-4 minutes you will have to interrupt artificial ventilation and indirect heart massage, quickly turn the victim to the stomach and with a napkinremove the contents of the oral cavity and nose. This will help you with a rubber can, with which you can quickly suck the discharge from the upper respiratory tract.

    When drowning resuscitation is carried out for 30-40 minutes, even in the absence of signs of its effectiveness.

    Assisting after the revitalization of the

    Even when the drowned person had a heartbeat and independent breathing, consciousness returned to him, do not fall into the euphoria that so quickly engulfs others. It was only the first step in the whole complex of measures necessary to preserve his life. To prevent most of the complications, immediately after restoring self-breathing and palpitation, turn the rescued person back onto the stomach and try to remove the water more carefully.

    All that will be discussed below, refers to the actions of medical professionals and may seem optional for the layman. But if you have a desire to have even the slightest idea of ​​the further problems of saving the drowned, understand the reasons for the failures of medical teams and get rid of the illusions of the uninitiated, and most importantly - to take the initiative in saving and not make unforgivable mistakes, I recommend that you carefully read the subsequent set of measures.

    Complex of medical measures in the first hours after rescue

    To eliminate hypoxia, oxygenotherapy should be started as soon as possible - inhaling oxygen or its mixture with air with portable oxygen devices( their function will be successfully replaced by an oxygen pillow at the scene).

    To reduce the likelihood of developing cerebral edema, intramuscularly inject 10 ml of 25% sulfuric acid magnesia.

    To reduce the increased volume of circulating blood, produce dehydration - removing fluid from the body.

    Intravenous intravenously injected large doses of potent diuretics( lasix, urea, mannitol or glucose).

    To stimulate the respiratory center and quickly normalize the blood pressure level, subcutaneous administration of solutions of cordiamine and caffeine is prescribed.

    If the victim has suffered a clinical death, then to this therapy, it is necessary to add intravenous drip injection of alkaline solutions: a solution of soda or Trisamine.

    Assisting with pulmonary edema

    If signs of pulmonary edema develop, it is necessary to immediately seat or give his body a position with an elevated head end, put strands on the hips, and then adjust oxygen inhalation from the oxygen pillow through alcohol vapors.

    These quite accessible manipulations can have an effect in stopping pulmonary edema. By giving an elevated position to the head end or sitting the patient, you will achieve that most of the blood will be deposited in the lower limbs, intestines, small pelvis. Only this simple exercise can not only alleviate its condition, but also completely eliminate pulmonary edema.

    The first thing you need to do with bubbling breath and foamy secretions from the airways - as soon as possible to sit the patient or raise his head end.

    Harnesses on the hips will allow to perform the so-called "bloodless bloodletting".For greater efficiency of this method, it is advisable to apply a warm heating pad to the feet or lower them into warm water and only after that put strands on the upper third of the thighs. Under the influence of hot water, blood will rush into the lower limbs, and the superimposed harnesses will prevent it from returning.(The harnesses on the hips will not be able to squeeze the arteries, but they will obstruct the venous outflow: the blood will be trapped.)

    But we must remember that the strands are superimposed for no more than 40 minutes and are removed from the right and left legs alternately with an interval of 15-20 minutes.

    Inhalation of oxygen through alcohol vapors( it is enough to enclose a piece of cotton wool with alcohol in the mask at the level of the lower lip) - one of the most effective means of combating foaming during pulmonary edema. The alcohol vapor significantly reduces the surface tension of the shell of microscopic vesicles, of which the foam forming in the alveoli is composed.

    In this case, the entire volume of foaming mass will turn into a small amount of sputum, which can easily be removed with a cough, rubber balloon or special device for sucking fluid from the respiratory tract - vacuum extractor.

    However, it should not be forgotten that defoaming is by no means the only and the main way in the fight against pulmonary edema. Although it is very effective, it essentially eliminates consequences, not the cause of a life-threatening condition.

    Hospitalization rules

    At hospitalization it is impossible to momentarily lower the patient's eye: at any moment there may be a repeated stop of heart and respiration, develop pulmonary edema or brain.

    Therefore, if there is the slightest opportunity to call an ambulance, do not attempt to transport the victim yourself.

    Only in those situations where an accident occurred far from populated areas and busy highways, you will have to transport the drowned on accidentally tucked-in transport. In this case, preference should be given to a bus or a covered truck in which you can place the rescued on the floor, and take with you two or three escorts, whose help may be required at any time.

    "Pale" drowning

    This type of drowning occurs in cases where water does not enter the lungs and stomach. This happens when drowning in very cold or chlorinated water. In these cases, the irritating effect of ice water in the ice-hole or strongly chlorinated in the basin causes reflex spasm of the glottis, which prevents its penetration into the lungs.

    In addition, unexpected contact with cold water often leads to reflex heart failure.

    In each of these cases, the state of clinical death develops. The integuments acquire a pale gray color, without pronounced cyanosis( blueing).

    Hence the name of this type of drowning.

    The nature of the foamy secretions from the respiratory tract will also be noticeably different from the abundant foaming with true "blue" drowning."Pale" drowning is very rarely accompanied by the release of foam. If a small amount of "fluffy" foam appears, then after its removal on the skin or napkin there is no wet trace. This foam is called "dry".

    The appearance of such a foam is explained by the fact that the small amount of water that enters the mouth and larynx to the level of the glottis, when it comes into contact with the mucin of saliva, forms a fluffy air mass. These secretions are easily removed with a napkin and do not interfere with the passage of air. Therefore, there is no need to take care of their complete removal.

    Features of first aid in the "pale" drowning

    With "pale" drowning, there is no need to remove water from the respiratory tract and stomach. Moreover, it is unacceptable to spend time on this.

    Immediately after removing the body from the water and establishing signs of clinical death, proceed with cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The decisive factor of salvation in the cold season is not so much the time spent underwater, how many are late with the beginning of rendering assistance on the shore.

    The paradox of recovery after drowning in cold water is explained by the fact that a person in a state of clinical death is in such deep hypothermia( lowering of temperature), which only fantasy writers in the novels about "frozen" can dream of. In the brain, as, indeed, in the whole body, immersed in ice water, almost completely stop the metabolic processes. The low temperature of the environment significantly pushes back the time of biological death. If you read in the newspaper that it was possible to save the boy who fell into an ice hole and was under the ice for more than an hour, this is not a fiction of the journalist.

    It is important to know that when drowning in cold water, there is every reason to expect to save even in the event of a prolonged stay under water.

    Moreover, with successful resuscitation, one can hope for a favorable course of the postresuscitation period, which, as a rule, is not accompanied by such formidable complications as pulmonary and cerebral edema, renal failure and repeated cardiac arrest, characteristic of true drowning.

    AFTER REMOVING THE UTONE FROM THE PIPE, IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO LOSE THE TIME TO TRANSFER IT TO A HEARING SPACE, , to start emergency assistance there. The absurdity of such an act is more than obvious: after all it is first necessary to revive a person, and only then to take care of the prevention of colds.

    When you need to release the chest to carry out an indirect heart massage, do not let even severe frost and glaciation of clothes stop you. This is especially true of children: their sternum, which has a cartilaginous base, is easily injured by ordinary buttons during resuscitation.

    Only after the appearance of signs of life of the victim must be transferred to heat and there already there is general warming and rubbing. Then it should be changed into dry clothes or wrapped in a warm blanket. The rescued will need abundant warm drink and drip the introduction of heated plasma-replacing liquids.

    First aid

    It turns out that the victim is immediately removed from the water. The victim is put on the stomach, on the bent knee so that the head is down. A finger or a handkerchief cleans the mouth of algae, foreign bodies and vomit. Then, several times, the chest is squeezed tightly so that the water spills out of the trachea and bronchi.

    Usually when drowning paralysis of the respiratory center comes in 3-5 minutes, and the heart stops working after 15 minutes. In the event that there is no breathing, and the heart continues to work, it is necessary, without sacrificing, to do artificial respiration in any way known to you, at a rate of 15-18 breaths per minute. If there is no cardiac activity, you need to do a closed heart massage at the same time.

    Inspect the oral cavity and nose, and quickly clean them with a finger, handkerchief, gauze swab from saliva, mucus, vomit, silt, sand, earth.

    When performing artificial respiration, the patient's head should be thrown back. When holding the breath "mouth to mouth" the rescuer with one hand holds the head in an inverted state, the other clamps the nose and, slightly opening the mouth to the victim, presses his lips to his lips and exhales.(12-18 expirations in one minute).

    For artificial respiration, first of all, it is necessary to make sure that the airways are passable and to eliminate mechanical causes that prevent breathing.

    Before starting the resuscitation, the patient is released from the restraining clothes( skirts, dresses, costume, tie, etc.).

    Resuscitation measures should usually be performed before the ambulance arrives or for several hours before signs of biological death appear( rigor mortis, cadaveric blemishes).

    If it is possible to deliver the victim to a medical institution, this should be done immediately, and resuscitation measures should continue to be done on the way.

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    Rules of behavior on the water - how to understand that a person needs help - TSV News.

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    The sinking person: signs

    1. does not swing his arms out of the water;
    2. does not shout for help;
    3. only thinks about breathing and instinctively takes a characteristic posture with the arms spread and the vertical position of the body;
    4. spits convulsively and buzzes in the water;
    5. periodically goes under the water and returns to the surface( for a while, there is no time to call for help);
    6. body vertically, head thrown back, hair on forehead, eyes closed or half-closed;
    7. the mouth is wide open;
    8. does not use legs;
    9. hands are widely divorced.

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    Source: Iligov GN Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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