Why cholesterol rises in the blood

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance and is a part of most living organisms. Most of it is produced by the body itself, and about 20% comes with food. This substance is necessary for the stable functioning of the body. With excess cholesterol, there are disruptions in the work of many vital systems. Causes of which cholesterol rises a lot. Let's try to figure out what this means, what is dangerous is high cholesterol and what are the ways to lower it.

  • Cholesterol elevated - what does it mean
  • The role of cholesterol
  • Symptoms of hypercholesterolemia
  • Causes of increased
  • Than dangerous
  • Methods of reducing
  • Conservative treatment
  • Physical exercise
  • Traditional methods of treatment
  • Dietotherapy
  • Prevention
Related articles:
  • Which cholesterol statins are the safest and most effective
  • Useful products - cleansing vessels and lowering cholesterol
  • Rapid reduction of cholesterol by folk remedies
  • How to lower high cholesterol at home
  • What is the norm of cholesterol in women - the table by age
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Cholesterol elevated - what does it mean

This question interests many. But before answering it, we'll figure out what cholesterol is, and also what it means to increase it. Cholesterol or cholesterol is fat-soluble alcohol. This organic substance is a part of cell membranes and is a source of bile acid synthesis.

Fatty alcohol is of the following types:

  1. High density lipoproteins (HDL). This useful cholesterol is involved in the transport of substances to cells, the exchange of fat-soluble vitamins, as well as the synthesis of sex hormones. In addition, these substances perform a protective function and are considered auxiliary components of bile products.
  2. Lipoproteins of low density (LDL). They are antagonists of HDL. Their accumulation in the body increases the risk of atherosclerosis. Oxidizing, these substances activate the immune cells, thus presenting a danger to the body. There is an active synthesis of antibodies capable of attacking both enemy and healthy cells.

Important! Cholesterol is needed by the human body for the proper functioning of internal organs and systems!

The role of cholesterol

Consider what cholesterol is for the human body. This substance plays an important role in its correct operation, performs the following functions:

  • prevents crystallization of hydrocarbon in the cell membrane;
  • It determines which molecules to pass into the cell;
  • takes part in the production of sex hormones;
  • It is necessary for the synthesis of hormones produced by the adrenal glands;
  • is considered an auxiliary substance in the formation of bile products;
  • helps transform sunlight into vitamin D.

In addition, cholesterol is involved in the metabolism of vitamins.

In the body of a healthy person, the level of cholesterol in the norm should not exceed 5 mmol / l. However, the danger does not increase all fat-like substances, but only bad cholesterol - low-density lipoproteins. They are able to accumulate on the walls of the vessels and after a while to form plaques of atherosclerosis. After a certain period, a thrombus is formed inside the vessels. The latter consists mainly of platelets and proteins. In this case, the lumen of the veins, as well as the arteries, is narrowed.

In some situations, a small piece of a blood clot can come off. On the bloodstream, he moves to the site of the constriction of the vessel, getting stuck there, disrupts the blood circulation. As a result of blockage, internal organs suffer. This condition is called a heart attack. For example, with blockage of blood vessels that feed the heart, there is a myocardial infarction - a dangerous disease for human life.

Symptoms of hypercholesterolemia

The disease proceeds slowly and imperceptibly. The first symptom of impaired blood supply to organs can be seen by a person when the artery is more than half blocked and atherosclerosis progresses.

The manifestations of the disease depend on the localization of the accumulation of cholesterol. When the aorta is blocked, a person has signs of hypertension. In the absence of timely treatment, this condition is dangerous with the development of an aortic aneurysm and subsequent death.

  1. At a thrombosis of an arch of an aorta the blood supply of a brain is broken. A person has fainting and frequent dizziness. Over time, a stroke develops.
  2. As a result of coronary artery occlusion, ischemia of the heart is formed.
  3. When thrombosis of arteries feeding the intestine, the tissue of the intestine or mesentery may die. The patient suffers from an abdominal toad, accompanied by colic, as well as vomiting.
  4. When the arteries of the kidneys are affected, arterial hypertension develops.
  5. Thrombosis of the vessels of the penis provokes erectile dysfunction.
  6. The occlusion of the vessels of the lower extremities proceeds with painful sensations and lameness.

Attention! Usually elevated cholesterol is diagnosed in men, older than 35 years, and in women - with menopause!

Causes of increased

It is believed that the main cause of increased cholesterol is the abuse of fatty and harmful food. Understand what diseases this situation occurs.

There are following reasons for increasing cholesterol:

  • sedentary way of life, lack of physical exertion, excess weight, diabetes mellitus;
  • regular use of alcohol, smoking, hereditary pathologies;
  • increased pressure, kidney disease, Werner's syndrome, ischemic heart disease, hypothyroidism, liver disease, gout;
  • pancreas diseases, analbuminemia, prostate cancer, megaloblastic anemia, rheumatoid arthritis;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, thyroid disorders;
  • cholelithiasis, taking certain medications.

Why is hypothyroidism increased cholesterol? For proper metabolism of fats, active thyroid function is necessary. The latter synthesizes thyroid hormones, which are responsible for the breakdown of fats. With pathologies of the thyroid gland, fat metabolism is impaired and cholesterol rises.

Important! In some situations, cholesterol may increase during pregnancy, during lactation or on nervous nerves! In addition, the accumulation of cholesterol is promoted by age-related changes as a result of aging.

Than dangerous

In order to determine whether the level of cholesterol rises, the doctor prescribes the delivery of a biochemical blood test. In addition, to determine the level of cholesterol at home, the glucometer will help.

Steady increase in cholesterol is a threat to health. Do not ignore the manifestations of the disease, because this ailment can provoke the development of cardiovascular pathologies, which can result in a heart attack or stroke.

High cholesterol is dangerous following consequences:

  1. Increased risk of atherosclerosis.
  2. The possibility of developing coronary heart disease, accompanied by damage to the arteries, through which oxygen and blood are delivered to the heart.
  3. Risk of myocardial infarction. In this state, as a result of the presence of thrombus, oxygen and blood cease to flow to the heart muscles.
  4. The development of angina pectoris.
  5. The formation of various cardiovascular ailments: stroke, ischemia.

Important! It is necessary to identify in a timely manner when cholesterol rises, in order to take timely measures to lower it!

Having determined, because of what increased cholesterol in the blood, the doctor will be able to prescribe effective treatment.

Methods of reducing

To reduce cholesterol in adults, doctors prescribe drug therapy, diet therapy, exercise and folk methods of treatment. To select a treatment regimen, the doctor determines why cholesterol has increased.

Conservative treatment

For the treatment of hypercholesterolemia, the following groups of medications are usually used:

  1. Statins: Krestor, Akorta, Ovenkor, Tevastor, Simvastatin, Rosukard. Treatment is prescribed in small doses, when the level of cholesterol is significantly overestimated. These drugs inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol by the liver and will reduce the number of low density lipoproteins by half. In addition, these funds reduce the risk of heart ischemia, angina, as well as myocardial infarction. Drugs in this group have a large number of side effects, so they should be taken only as directed by the doctor.
  2. Fenofibrates: Lipanor, Gemfibrozil. Interacting with bile acid, these drugs stop the secretion of cholesterol. They significantly reduce the concentration in the blood of LDL and triglycerides. In this case, the funds will raise the level of useful cholesterol.

To treat hypercholesterolemia, insulin-dependent patients are recommended using Trakor or Lipantil. These drugs are not prescribed for people with bladder pathologies.

When bad cholesterol has risen sharply, the following medicines will help:

  • vitamins;
  • Omega-3;
  • nicotinic or alpha-lipoic acid;
  • bile acid sequestrants: Questran or Cholestan.

Duration of admission and dosage will be individually selected by the attending physician.

Physical exercise

Sharply elevated cholesterol can be reduced by:

  • regular exercise;
  • dances and gymnastics.

And also the human body needs regular walks.

Traditional methods of treatment

To remove harmful cholesterol will help and folk remedies:

  1. Sokoterapiya. The essence of the treatment is to take fresh fruit or vegetable juices for 5 days.
  2. The use of broths and infusions or curative herbs. For the preparation of medicinal drinks use blackberry leaves, dill, alfalfa, valerian, calendula, linden.

In addition, during treatment it is important to adhere to a certain diet.


The list of allowed and prohibited products is listed in the table.

What you need to include in the diet What products should I reject?
Vegetable oils From sweet and from coffee
Cereals: corn, oats, brown rice, wheat germs From fizzy drinks
Berries and fruit: apples, avocados, cranberries, grapefruit, raspberries, bananas, blueberries, pomegranate From fat, eggs, seeds
Vegetables: garlic, broccoli, cabbage, aubergines, beets, tomatoes, carrots From margarine and refined oil
Grains and nuts Exclude semi-finished products
Beans From fatty varieties of meat, as well as seafood
Low fat skim milk products Prohibited snacks (chips or crackers)
Meat and fish: rabbit, turkey or chicken fillet, veal, salmon, trout, tuna Exclude ketchup, pickles, smoked products, sausages
Compotes and natural juices From whole milk, hard cheese and butter
Green tea or herbal decoctions Exclude offal

The food should be a fraction. Food is better to eat, cooked steamed, boiled or stewed.

Important! With increased cholesterol, you should reduce salt intake to 5 grams per day!

In addition, you need to give up smoking. Tobacco negatively affects all the internal organs of a person, and also increases the risk of forming atherosclerosis. Should be discarded and the use of beer and any alcohol.


What should I do to avoid increasing cholesterol? The main preventive measures include:

  • maintaining the right way of life;
  • elimination of stress;
  • balanced diet;
  • do regular exercise;
  • refusal from smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • regular medical examinations and the delivery of tests;
  • weight control.

Most doctors believe that the increase in cholesterol is due to a person's inattention to his health. It must be remembered that any disease is easier to prevent than cure.

Elevated blood cholesterol indicates serious pathologies in the body requiring medical attention. Lack of timely treatment can end badly for the patient.