Bananas from cough recipe reviews

How to use a banana from cough: recipes

The use of this wonderful and unusually delicious fruit has long been not limited to gastronomic delights. Bananas are widely used for the preparation of cosmetic masks and nutritional compositions. With the help of a banana, you can easily return the hair lost shine and strength. One of the most amazing abilities of a sun fruit will be a good effect in treating a cough. Prepare a tasty and useful medicine, as well as learn the features of "banana" treatment and little tricks will help the information of this article.

In an adult, a dry cough does not clear away, what to do about it, you can learn from the article.


A real storehouse of vitamins, minerals and micronutrients - the banana is famous for its ability to quickly restore energy and energy to a depleted body.The main trump card of this fruit is potassium, which is involved in most human life processes.Its lack leads to undesirable consequences, among which: rapid fatigue, worsening condition of the skin, nails and hair, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, liver function and kidney. The lack of potassium is expressed in periodic muscle pains, seizures and disruption of the water - salt balance, as well as the long healing of wounds and cuts.

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For what reason the child has a cough without signs of a cold, you can learn from the article.

On the video - a recipe for cooking a banana from a cough:

How a tracheal cough is treated in a child, you can learn from this article.

In bananas, a fairly significant content of potassium, so regular use of this useful fruit can reduce the likelihood of such health problems. Such tasty therapy also helps with a variety of ailments, from chronic depression to kidney problems. A banana is also used to treat a cough. This is helped by other components, which will be discussed in our article a little later.

What treatment for a whistling cough in a child is best suited, you can learn from the article.

Basic methods

For treatment, fully ripe, but not friable fruits are selected. The rind and white veins do not participate in the preparation, moreover, they can give the drug an undesirable tart taste.For any of the proposed recipes, the banana is kneaded with a fork or crushed in any manner suitable for you.

The prepared mixture is not stored for a long time, so it is necessary to calculate a single or daily portion. Do not use the mixture the next day, unless it is prescribed in the recipe.

Banana "medicines" give a very good effect, but if in a couple of days there is no visible improvement, it is worthwhile to see a doctor. Such methods can not completely replace medical treatment, especially if bronchitis or pneumonia is diagnosed. It is best in these cases to use banana mixture as an additional expectorant. Do not use this remedy with a moist and productive cough, it is intended for dry cough.

The article shows how to treat dry cough bronchitis.


One ripe banana chop into a slurry, add half a glass of water and a little sugar (to thicken the syrup). Mix everything well and put it on a water bath. The total cooking time is not more than 7-10 minutes, after the mass darkens, remove from heat and cool a little. Take in hot form, you can use it in small amounts even for small children.

What to do, when a child has a dry cough at night, you can read this article, because it has all the information.

With honey


One ripe banana grind to a mushy condition, add a tablespoon of honey and put it on a water bath. As soon as the mass darkens (usually after 7-10 minutes), remove the container from the heat and cool it. Take one spoonful of the mixture, you need to eat the entire portion for the day.


Shred the banana with one tablespoon of natural honey. The prepared mixture should be taken thrice a day by a teaspoon to children and the dining room - for adults. The agent can be stored in the refrigerator. Consume several days until complete recovery.

What to do when a child without a temperature cough coryza has a sore throat, indicated in the article.

On the video - a banana recipe with honey from a cough:

Than to treat a dry cough at the adult, it is possible to learn having read through clause or article.


In chopped banana puree (take one fruit) add three tablespoons of ordinary cocoa powder (which is not a quick preparation, but for cooking), mix everything until smooth.One glass of milk to boil (if the milk is checked and homemade can simply be heated), then add to the mixture.If desired, you can still throw a spoonful of honey. Everything is mixed and you can drink. This banana cocktail not only very effectively cures cough, but also has an incredibly pleasant taste, for this child, this treatment is sure to like.


The pulp of a large ripe banana is chopped and mixed with a tablespoon of sugar. In a separate container, boil a glass of water and pour the resulting mixture with steep boiling water.After that, insist for at least half an hour and then the kissel can be taken. Use of this jelly is recommended for half a glass every two hours.Usually treatment does not take more than five days, and significant improvements are noticeable much earlier.

Urebanka 6 months of dry cough, what to do about it, is indicated in the description in the article.

Treatment with banana helps with dry cough, and also a protracted cold. A little unconventional way, however, is characterized by high efficiency. Additional ingredients of the proposed formulations can cause allergic reactions, so you can use banana mixtures in pure form. A great advantage is the absolute safety of the method. This means can be treated pregnant and lactating women, as well as young children.

What cough with teething in children appears most often, is indicated in the article.


  • Pavel, 34 years old:"This means that our wife uses to treat the initial stage of colds and coughing. I like everything very little, everything is delicious. I am a little skeptical about the methods I have, although I highly respect traditional medicine. Maybe it's because I do not think bananas are "our" product and I still remember the time when they were in the house on big holidays. In general, as a preventive remedy such recipes are suitable, but really serious bronchitis or pneumonia is unlikely to be cured. "
  • Olga, 29 years old: "A little unusual and intriguing recipe, but I already checked it in action and now I advise everyone. I do not know what the dirty trick is, but they really work! Being pregnant, I managed to get sick with bronchitis, and even in a sanatorium, literally on the first week of rest. Probably did not dry her hair after the pool or took a walk in the fresh air. In general, the reason is unimportant, the main thing is that when I turned to the on-call therapist, I was offered a choice of two options. First it will go home and continue treatment at the place of residence, and the second option was just these banana - honey mixes without cooking. To say that I was surprised to hear this from a doctor is not true. I was shocked! I did not want to return home, of course (when there is still a chance to pobazdelnichat four weeks in a row). Thinking that there would be no harm, and I did not want to drink medicine, I decided to experiment with myself. In addition, the therapist prescribed mukaltin, rubbing and procedures at the local polyclinic. Maybe the complex approach worked, maybe this desire was a huge recovery soon, but we won bronchitis and even relatively quickly. Most of all I liked the pleasant taste and safety of the mixture. As is characteristic, I used to have bronchitis before, but I always had a cough still about a week after the final recovery. At that time, he went through five days without a trace. An unusual but very effective tool. "
  • Valentina, 36 years old:"A similar recipe was used to treat a daughter when she was 10 years old. Previously, I was just afraid to try, although my husband and I periodically try this remedy. I will not say that everything turned out to be cured, but with the initial stages of the disease, almost always the cough receded. Daughter also helped, now even sometimes I use as a prophylaxis. If there is an epidemic in the school or I notice a periodic cough in the mornings and at night, I immediately cook with honey and give at least a week. In bananas, a lot of potassium is contained and vitamin C, although it is not sour. Maybe it's all about this, but as a preventive remedy such recipes are very popular. I also want to try a recipe with cocoa. I know that cocoa butter works very well when coughing, probably the principle of action is the same. "

How to make milk with a banana from a cough

At the initial stage of the common cold, it is very important to start treatment on time so that complications such as angina or bronchitis do not occur. Many people know about the amazing properties of milk with honey, but this drink can be supplemented with one more component - a banana., It turns out an excellent remedy milk with banana from cough. He is very tasty, and most importantly, madly like babies. Use of bananas is allowed to treat a cough of any origin.

For what reason the child has a bad cough at night, you can learn from this article.

The effect

Milk with honey and banana has amazing healing properties. There are a lot of mineral microelements in honey:

  • potassium;
  • vitamins;
  • amino acids.

Thanks to this, it is possible to improve the functioning of the heart, balance the nervous system, and quickly evacuate radionuclides from the body.In addition, the bee product has a bactericidal, wound-healing effect.

What to do when a cough has arisen in the throat without fever is indicated in this article.

The second ingredient - milk - boasts components such as calcium, phosphorus, vitamins. It is they that allow to neutralize the effect of pathogenic microelements, to increase the protective forces of the organism. Milk is a unique product with great biological strength. He normalizes the work of the nervous system, because of the malfunctions of which various pathological processes are formed. Milk allows you to fill the body with energy, eliminate the feeling of excitement and anxiety, improve the work of the brain.

With the use of milk in hot form, you can neutralize the irritation of the larynx, facilitate the output of phlegm and soften the effect on the throat.

For what reason there is a cough without a runny nose and temperature, you can learn from this article.

The therapeutic qualities of a banana are known to many a long time ago. In its composition there are:

  • carbohydrates, which are very easily absorbed by the body;
  • potassium- normalizes the functioning of internal organs, destroys all bacteria and microbes in the body.

This tropical fruit charges the body with a lot of positive energy, improves the functioning of the heart and soothes the nervous system. But the banana is still actively involved in the treatment of cough and infection, concentrated in the upper respiratory tract, neutralize the perspiration in the throat.

From this article you can find out what medicines to take when dry coughing to an adult.

Banana can be considered as a product that does not cause an allergic reaction, increases protective functions and has a beneficial effect on the body. Drugs prepared on the basis of it are enjoyed by little children, thanks to which parents do not have to spend much time and persuade their patients to take this or that medicine.

For what reasons there is a nocturnal dry cough in an adult, you can learn from this article.

Popular Recipes

Before considering the recipes for fighting cough, it is worthwhile to understand what this symptom is.

Coughing is an exhalation that occurs through the mouth, as the muscles in the airways contract. In turn, the muscles contract because of an infection or other irritant of the mucous throat.

Cough can flow in wet and dry form, sometimes with it mucus is released. It leads to the fact that the patient develops vomiting, and the mucous throat gets injured.

For what reason there is a strong cough with teething, you can find out by reading this article.

The underlying factors in the formation of such a symptom may be a large number. It occurs against the background of a cold, pneumonia or heart disease.Therapy can take a protracted character, but it can be prevented if, in combination with traditional methods, use such a folk remedy as milk with a banana.

The recipe for coughing bananas comes from Brazil, which has been improved by folk healers over time. It was they who achieved the combining properties of such products as milk, honey and banana. Traditional medicine has a large number of such recipes, which allows each person to stick out the right one for himself:

  1. To get the medicine, you need to put 2 bananas in a blender and bring them to the state of mashed potatoes. Add a glass of hot milk to a banana. All the well stir and allow to cool. After sending a spoonful of honey.To combat cough in small patients, the intake is taken in the amount of 20 ml every 3 hours.The dosage of adults is increased to 2 tablespoons at a time.
  2. Take one banana and use a blender to get a consistency similar to cereal. Pour the banana puree with a glass of milk and set the container on fire, wait until the dessert spoon of the bee is boiled and live.All the good stir and use the prepared product during the day in small sips.To improve the "medicine" taste, you can add to it 3 dessert spoons of cocoa. Such a drug is consumed in a hot state before going to sleep at night. Traditional healers prescribe to use a boiled drink, since this only strengthens the therapeutic effect.
  3. Using a fork, grind the banana and add to it 50 g of honey, tincture of mint - 10 ml and milk in a hot form - a glass. Mix everything, wait 30 minutes and use 3 times 20 ml each day.
  4. Already overdone banana grate, send him a glass of boiled milk and a spoonful of bee products. All mix and put a small slice of butter. Take the product in a warm form.If you regularly use the medicine, you can not only forget about the cough, but also cure the sore throat.
  5. Overeat the banana knead with a mixer, pour ½ cup of milk, add 20 g of honey and 15 g of tincture of plantain. All stir and take during the day for 20 ml. Thanks to the present plantain it is possible to strengthen the evacuation process of accumulated mucus.
  6. Ripe banana to a mushy consistency with a blender, add a small spoonful of honey. All bring to a boil and leave on the stove on a low heat.When the color of the composition darkens, turn off the fire and pour a mixture of ½ cup of boiled milk.All mix and eat in small portions throughout the day.
  7. Send in a glass of milk 2 dessert spoons of the bee product, at the tip of the knife, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg powder.Place the container on the stove, bring to a boil, and after a lapse of 30 minutes, steam off the grounded banana.Drink a prepared drink of 20 ml. For the day you need to consume the entire mixture. You can use the prescription for cough treatment for older children who are 12 years old.

For what reason there is a wheezing cough, you can learn from this article.

The medicine on the basis of a banana very much to like to the small children who appear to use chemist's preparations.

How to take

The resulting mixture based on milk, banana and honey should be consumed by both adults and children throughout the week. The number of such medications is 4 times. With a strong cough, the dosage can be increased. If you follow this scheme of therapy, then you can forget about coughing for several days.

Breasts are not recommended for giving honey, since it can cause allergies.For these patients, you can prepare a cocktail only from banana and milk. Babies under 3 years at a time give ½ dessert spoon cooked mixture, older children take the medicine for 1 spoonful.

Preparing a therapeutic drink is necessary every day, otherwise the cooked portion may deteriorate. For children, the daily portion will involve the use of one banana, for adults it is 2 fruits. Use a therapeutic cocktail before eating.

From this article you can learn how to treat asthmatic cough.

Although bananas do not have contraindications, they should be used carefully for patients who already had a stroke or a heart attack. Also, people with thrombophlebitis and veins need to consult a doctor.

The addition of milk will be justified if the patient is not allergic to it. Otherwise, you need to prepare a remedy only from banana and honey. Very carefully use the drink should people suffering from diseases of the stomach, as a tropical fruit increases the acidity of gastric juice.

Use the medicine only in a warm form.Only warm milk has the necessary effect and eliminates cough. Such a medicine does not carry any harm in itself, unlike the use of chemical medications.

From this article you can find out what to do when you have tortured cough with phlegm.

It is necessary to administer cocktail therapy as soon as the first signs of the disease appear to prevent its development. If the treatment was not done in time, then it would be unlikely to cure a cough without antibiotics.


  • Vitaliy, 37 years old:"Once, during a cold, I began to attend severe attacks of cough. My wife made me a delicious drink made of milk, banana and honey. I took it during the day, and also drank before going to bed. Since that moment I slept perfectly at night, because I did not suffer from coughing. I had a course of therapy for 10 days, after which the symptoms of a catarrhal disease simply disappeared. "
  • Antonina, 48 years old:"I treated cough with my granddaughter in such a way. The doctor prescribed a bunch of different medications, but why poison the child's body when there is such an amazing remedy. I was preparing a medicine from milk, honey, banana and plantain tincture. Since the cough of the granddaughter was dry, the plantain exerted an expectorant effect. I gave her medicine ½ teaspoon 5 times a day. Within 3 days the child's condition improved, and the cough became productive, which indicates the process of recovery. "
  • Sveta, 34 years old:"A milkshake with honey and a banana just saved me when I suffered from a debilitating cough that arose on the background of bronchitis. I took prescribed medications and a medical drink. I managed to achieve a positive effect after 4 days, but I continued the course of therapy for a week. Now I'm absolutely healthy, so I'm happy with this recipe for folk medicine. "

From this article you can find out what can cure a cough during pregnancy.

Banana is an amazing fruit that helps to solve a lot of health problems. If it is combined with milk and honey, you can quickly defeat the cough and all the unpleasant symptoms associated with it. In addition, the drink is still very tasty, unlike many drugstores.

Banana with milk from cough: prescription medication

Bananas are not only delicious fruits, but also an effective remedy for coughing. Banana pulp contains vitamins of group B, PP, E, A and C.

Also in large quantities, sucrose, fiber, organic acids, enzymes, carotene, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium and other biologically active substances.

Due to such a rich composition bananas improve the immune system, so they can be used in ARVI and other colds.

Banana mixtures successfully cure dry cough, prolonged cold, this is confirmed by various reviews of people who could quickly get rid of cough.

Since the additional ingredients that are added to the recipe can sometimes cause an allergic reaction in the patient, the fruit can be consumed separately, washed down with hot tea or warm milk.

Such a remedy completely safely and quickly eliminates the symptoms of colds. It can be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as young children.

Bananas from a cough are used to write 1-2 fruits a day. It is important to consider that such treatment is contraindicated for adults or children with diabetes mellitus, a stroke, a heart attack.

Treatment with bananas

Cough bananas are recommended if the patient has a strong throat. To prepare the medicinal mixture you need one banana, three tablespoons of cocoa powder, one glass of milk. In addition, you can consume milk with burgers from a cough.

  • Ripe bananas are thoroughly washed, peeled.
  • Softness is ground with a blender, a mixer or a conventional fork until a mushy mass is obtained.
  • Cocoa is added to the banana, and the mixture is mixed as thoroughly as possible.
  • A glass of milk is boiled and added to a banana mixture.
  • To give a taste and enhance the healing effect in the banana mass, you can add honey in the amount of one teaspoon.

The medicine received has a very pleasant taste, so not only adults, but also children will like it. The cocktail should be drunk every day before going to bed.

After the first dose, the patient's condition will improve noticeably. Banana with milk from cough is recommended to use for therapy for a minimum of five days.

It must be remembered that every day, treatment should be done by preparing a new milkshake. Banana medicine can not be left for tomorrow, as it very quickly sour.

Treating bananas with honey

To prepare this medicine you will need one banana and natural honey in the amount of one dessert spoon.

  1. Fruits need to be washed, peeled, white "threads" removed.
  2. The pulp of the banana is crushed until a mushy condition is obtained with a blender, grater or a fork.
  3. In a soft consistency is added honey, the drug is heated in a water bath for ten minutes.
  4. After the drug darkens, the mixture is removed and cooled.
Coughing bananas with honey is taken one teaspoon throughout the day. Since the next day the banana mixture can not be left, it needs to be eaten a day.

Despite the fact that the reviews of doctors indicate that honey during heating loses its healing properties, The above-described banana from a cough recipe will help get rid of the unpleasant cold symptoms just a couple days.

Including you can use another recipe for making medicines with honey. One banana is ground, add honey in the amount of one tablespoon. The resulting mixture of banana with honey is taken three times throughout the day, adults are given one tablespoon, and children - one teaspoon of medication. This mixture can safely be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Use honey with a banana until there is an improvement and the cough does not disappear.

Natural medicinal syrup

To prepare a cough medicine, you need two ripe banana, one glass of drinking water, sugar.

  • Fruit washed, peeled, then the flesh is wiped through a sieve.
  • Banana mass is transferred to a metal pan, drinking water and a small amount of sugar is added to it.
  • The drug is brewed with a water bath for five minutes.
Drink from a banana in a hot form. At the same time, such a natural and tasty medicine can be used to treat even young children. Such folk recipes are quite effective for cough and colds, so they have numerous positive responses from doctors and patients.

However, it is not necessary to abuse people's methods if improvement is not observed for two days. As you know, no prescription can replace drugs for bronchitis, pneumonia and other serious diseases, that is, a banana is actually included in the treatment of bronchitis at home in adults with folk means. In this case, you need to see a doctor to start a special treatment with stronger medications.

It is most effective to use recipes from a banana as an additional expectorant.

It is also important to consider that such a folk remedy is used exclusively with a dry cough, it does not cure a wet cough.

Preparation of banana jelly

Banana jelly is often used to treat a cough.

  1. For its preparation, the ripe banana is crushed, a tablespoon of sugar is poured.
  2. In a small saucepan, one glass of water is boiled and a steep boiling water is poured into the resulting mass.
  3. Banana mixture is insisted for thirty minutes, only after this kissel can be used for treatment.

Take jelly for medicinal purposes in half a cup every two hours. The course of treatment is about a week, but improvements will be visible after a few days of drinking jelly. In the video in this article, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the main advantages of a banana.

Banana jelly from cough ...


Katya Volkova

to be honest, the first time I've heard. most interestingly

••• Tatyana ♦ ••

Well, my kind of how to cough less. I have already tried a lot of money, I did not know what to do, we have a cough all the time, any cold immediately falls into the lungs. could be residual after a cold, can be coughing already out of habit, can therefore attract attention to yourself. in general, she did not like this jelly. Now if I see that it starts to cough out from myself, I say that I will give a banana drink to the water, so she immediately stops coughing)))


Try to give the baby 2 tbsp. spoons of syrup from sugar and boiled water.
How to do: 1 st spoonful of sah. sand poured into a frying pan, heat on low heat until caramelized sugar (will become medium brown),
let the frying pan cool down to 40-50 *, add 4 tbsp. spoons of boiling water.
My grandmother treated my children so much - it helped!

Evgenia Grigoryeva

My child also somehow had such a cough that can not be cured. Has helped badger fat - 1 h. l. for a glass of warm milk, 3 times a day. Simply superfood.

Oksana wareList

Delirium this banana jelly, my friend gave me a little daughter of this miracle remedy, it did not help. and then they went to the pulmonologist to give the samples and it turned out that they had a golden staphilococcus in the nose - this was the reason for the cough (for 3 months their pediatrician was treating them for coughing)

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